At this moment, the expression on Guimu Lao Yao's face was the same as when he had found his long-lost relative - ecstasy.

He finally found the reason why the popularity of the tens of thousands of people in this area is not obvious, which is also the root cause of the underground evil spirit gushing out.

"Where did this food come from, tell me!"

After the ecstasy of the old ghost wood demon, a strong killing intent appeared on his face.

If he hadn't happened to see the lotus leaf bag thrown on the ground, and a flash of light flashed in his mind, he might not have been able to find the reason for the change in Yin Sha Qi.

Seeing the expression of the ghost wood old demon, Youtou's valet almost made his legs go weak with fright, and immediately informed the past where Jiang Lin was.

Chapter [-] The ghost wood old demon came to the door (middle)

After the old ghost wood got his position, he immediately flew up and flew to where Jiang Lin was now.

"I'm here to see who you are! Who!"

As he galloped, the whole face of the ghost wood old demon became extremely hideous.

Ever since he discovered the abnormality of the Yin Sha Qi underground in this area, he really didn't want to burst into anger all the time.

He was so angry that he cursed at the sky more than once.

No matter how he checked, he couldn't find any clues, and he even asked him to lick his white hair in a hurry.

It was only at this moment that he knew that it wasn't that God deliberately made things difficult for him, but that he was secretly placed by others.

He didn't even know what was going on, he was like a headless fly.

The ghost wood old demon can't wait to fly over immediately, peel off the cramps of the initiator of all this, and use his soul to light the sky lantern.

However, the old ghost wood quickly calmed down, and he couldn't kill him immediately.

The only way to solve the problem now is to make the popularity of the tens of thousands of people in this area show again.

The ghost wood old demon can't do this at all. To stimulate the popularity of the oil head follower like just now, it has to consume a lot of his demon power. This method can't be promoted at all, it can directly drain him. .

If he didn't use this method, he was completely helpless, so if he wanted to solve the problem now, he had to untie the bell and tie the bell.

Since people who do bad things can hide so many people's popularity, there must be a way to make their popularity reappear.

Enduring the anger in his heart, the old ghost wood demon forced himself to calm down.

He really wanted to kill the bad guy, and then eat his flesh and sleep, but now for the sake of the overall situation, he had to endure it.

In addition, the ghost wood old demon also needs to keep himself rational, even if he wants to take revenge and vent his fire, he must have the ability.

Now, he still doesn't know who the capable person who ruined his own affairs is, nor does he know the strength of the other party.

With his current state of recovery, he can't show much strength.

What's more, now he is struggling to get away from the main body, and if he really fights, if the opponent is a capable person with strength comparable to the Nascent Soul cultivator, he is still not sure.

Therefore, the ghost wood old demon planned to explore the situation first. If he could eat the other party steadily, then it would be simple. Otherwise, he still needed to make plans.

At this moment, the old ghost wood demon realized that he had come to the sky above Tianxiang Tower.

"I've kept you for so long, and it's time for me to enjoy it."

With an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, the ghost wood old demon landed in the backyard of Tianxianglou.

Before, he had always known that this was a passage of evil spirits, and he also knew that there were some good-looking fox demons here, but he just opened one eye and closed the other.

Now that he has found the cause of the problem, the next step is to solve this problem. In addition, he needs to recover as soon as possible.

Therefore, it is time for these fox demons to play their role.

The old ghost wood demon used a demon technique to guide the corpses underground to gather, and finally formed a group of corpse soldiers. These corpse soldiers captured all the fox demons, including Yun Duoer, submerged them underground, and sent them to the general's mansion.

After delaying this time, the ghost wood old demon continued to fly in the original direction.

And An Ge's residence is also in this direction.

"This kid, it's really hidden!"

At this time, An Ge and Yu Qingping were both in the yard of their residence. After Yu Qingping heard An Ge talking about Jiang Lin, the expression on her face was stiff and stiff.

Her shock was no less than that of An Ge last night.

This kind of thing, let anyone think about it, no matter what.

Jiang Lin is actually a very capable cultivator, and his target is the Moon Wheel Saber.

If it wasn't for An Ge Haosheng's explanation, and she brought out some treasures and fairy treasures, she would not have recognized her as an aunt no matter what.

Under her nose, she kidnapped her niece, and the second uncle made her a good pusher, urging An Ge several times to warm the bed for Jiang Lin.

Is there something so outrageous?

"Auntie, this is the end. Although Xianggong wanted to get the Moon Lun Knife, he never hurt us. He is also really good to me and loves me. I don't know what I look like, he I don't mind the marriage you arranged, it's considered that he wants to make up for himself. And, most importantly, my heart has been kidnapped by him, and I have to recognize it if I don't recognize it."

An Ge shook Yu Qingping's arm. They were already a family. She didn't want to see her aunt embarrassing her husband.

"You, your heart is covered with lard, why don't you think that he even accepts the treasure."

Yu Qingping glared at An Ge angrily, then reached out and tapped An Ge's bright forehead.

Although she said so, Yu Qingping didn't plan to ask Jiang Lin to reason with her, as long as her niece could be happy.

"I didn't expect that he still has the body of a monster. I said that our aunt and nephew are really gone. I found a monster, and you found a monster. It's really a sin!"

With a sigh, Yu Qingping said to An Ge again: "Now that you have settled with him, Auntie is equivalent to an outsider, but Auntie can remind you, don't wrong yourself, don't let him do everything, you should If you are angry, you will be angry, otherwise you will be bullied by him in the future, and your aunt will not be able to help you."

What's next, you can't help now.

When Yu Qingping talked about being angry, An Ge remembered last night when Jiang Lin told her that there were a large group of wives at home, and she was angry at that time, but she was loved by her husband without pity and cherishing jade. She doesn't want any more temper.

Otherwise, she wouldn't get up until almost noon today.

"Auntie, I don't have to go and give my uncle money in exchange for the treasures for recuperating the injury. You should hurry up and give these treasures to my uncle. It's a little bit of Jiang Lin's heart."

An Ge asked Yu Qingping to use these elixir first. She married Jiang Lin, and her aunt's connection was indispensable. The green bamboo demon had always been a problem with her aunt. Now she is happy. I don't want Yu Qingping's heart disease to be resolved for a long time.

"Let me tell you, if that kid hadn't given such a treasure, I really wouldn't want to drink the tea he handed me."

"Huh, aunt, co-authoring my niece, in your eyes, can't compare to these babies?"

"Go, the water splashed by the married niece, now, you are someone's precious wife, not my precious niece."

Yu Qingping pinched An Ge's face, and returned to the room. After setting up a magic circle to block out the breath, she began to give medicine to the green bamboo demon.

At this moment, the ghost wood old demon is already a mile away.

The ghost wood old demon was going to find the main owner Jiang Lin, but he never thought that Jiang Lin's family was in front of him.

"Huh? It seems that the corpse was lost here last time. Could it be that there was a trace of the corpse here?"

After flying for a while, the old ghost wood happened to think that when he wanted to find a person with a special physique suitable for his recuperation, Zeng Condensed Corpse Sha temporarily replaced him to search, but a corpse Sha suddenly disconnected from him.

At that time, the old ghost wood thought that he was a cultivator who was not weak, but later he learned that there was a monster corpse in Anyang City, and he guessed that the corpse should be collected by him.

After all, even monks are very afraid of corpses, but if it is a demon corpse, it seems more reasonable.

And the place where the corpse disappeared without a trace should be the area in front.

Chapter [-] The ghost wood old demon came to the door (Part [-])

As a result, the old ghost wood gave some attention. During this period of time, he had never seen a trace of the monster corpse. If he could find something, it would be very good.

After a while, the brows of the old ghost wood moved slightly. He sensed that there were two special breaths not far in front of him, one was mysterious yin, which was relatively thin, and the other was similar to the former, but not very pure.

Of course, what the ghost wood old demon sensed was An Ge and Yu Qingping. These people mainly cultivated with Yin evil energy, and their ability to sense such aura was naturally quite good.

As for the mysterious yin aura on An Ge's body that was sensed by the ghost wood old demon, it was because An Ge heard Jiang Lin said last night about wearing a fairy skirt, and condensed his spiritual power to wipe it on it, erasing part of the texture, causing There is a problem with the stealth effect.

Even Jiang Lin had not noticed this.

The old ghost wood demon immediately flew towards An Ge's residence.

An Ge didn't know that the danger was approaching, so he went to Jiang Lin's room and planned to wash some of the clothes Jiang Lin had changed.

From now on, she decided to be Jiang Lin's virtuous helper.

Even though her own cultivation is not weak, compared to Jiang Lin, it is not enough to see.

An Ge already knew a lot about Jiang Lin. Although Jiang Lin didn't say much last night, he sent many memories into her mind.

It was also because of this that she learned about Jiang Lin's past achievements, which could be described as terrifying, and she also understood how good a husband she had found.

With such a master, even if the Yu family finds it again in the future, she will not be worried at all.

The down-to-earth life that I longed for in the past is still unaffected.

At this moment, An Ge suddenly looked up, and the old ghost wood demon had already arrived.

"Oh, it's really a stunner, and it's also a mysterious body."

When the ghost wood old demon saw An Ge, his long and narrow eyes widened.

However, after looking at it for a while, he could not help but feel some regrets in his heart. The woman below has lost her Yuan Yin, and he can only get the benefits of her physique.

"Who are you? Are you looking for death?"

Hearing the judgmental words of the old ghost wood demon, An Ge's face suddenly showed a lot of evil spirits.

Although she knew that there was a Mr. Onizuka in the General's Mansion in Anyang City, she had never met the ghost wood old demon before, so she didn't know who it was.

"Ange, what's wrong?"

Yu Qingping heard An Ge's stern shout and walked out of the main room.

When the ghost wood old demon saw Yu Qingping, his eyes lit up: "Although he is a little older, he is also full of charm."

"you wanna die!"

Yu Qingping was scrutinized by the presumptuous gaze of the old ghost wood, and immediately became furious. She threw a blue light whip in her hand and stabbed the old ghost wood in the air.

Now that her niece has found a capable husband, Yu Qingping is not worried that they will be exposed by any means.

Since Jiang Lin can kidnap her niece under her nose, she must be at least one level higher in strength.

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