Even if she encounters any trouble, with Jiang Lin, her niece-in-law, she is not afraid at all.

"Auntie, kill him together!"

An Ge gathered the spiritual power in her body and formed a half-meter-long hand knife in her palm. Like Yu Qingping, she and Jiang Lin became a family, and she no longer planned to worry about anything.

It's just that her crescent knife was not in her body for the time being and was taken away by Jiang Lin. Jiang Lin needed the crescent knife more than she did, so she didn't want it back.

That's why she can only use spiritual power condensation as a means of attack.

"So spicy, it turns out to be a pair of aunts and nephews, I like it."

The ghost wood old demon twisted the orchid finger, stroked his white hair, and then immediately cast a spell to condense the underground corpse, forming twenty or thirty corpse soldiers, all of which attacked An Ge.

As for himself, he launched an attack on Yu Qingping with a thunderous momentum.

Under normal circumstances, he should retain the demon power in his body, after all, there is still a bad person ahead.

But the physique of the pair of aunts and nephews he met now is of great use to him. If he enjoys it together with the fox demons he captured, the injuries he suffered some time ago can be quickly recovered.

Therefore, the ghost wood old demon had no reservations as soon as he came up, and wanted to take down Yu Qingping and An Ge as soon as possible.

Yu Qingping saw from the beginning that this disgusting feminine man was a monster, and his cultivation should be at the level of the demon ancestor, but the breath of this guy was unstable, and he was obviously injured. She originally thought that she added An Ge, with all his strength, it is possible to injure or even kill him.

But she didn't expect that this monster could congeal the corpse into a soldier, and directly separated her from An Ge, and An Ge had gradually fallen into the disadvantage without the moon wheel knife, and her own methods were also Can't have any impact on the opponent.

With a "bang", Yu Qingping was hit on the shoulder by the aggressive ghost wood old demon, and a strong yin and evil aura infiltrated the surface of her body, causing her to spit out a mouthful of blood and fly upside down.

While the old ghost wood was chasing, one arm turned into a locust branch, threw it out, and slapped An Ge on the shoulder.

Twenty or thirty corpse soldiers took the opportunity to swarm up, turned into a piece of corpse, wrapped in An Ge and submerged into the ground.

But at this moment, a sapphire bamboo pole with the thickness of a bowl flew out from the main room and hit the old ghost wood demon directly.

"Any help?"

The old ghost wood squinted his eyes slightly, the demon power that burst out in the hall just now is not weak at all, if he joins forces with this aunt, he may not be able to win it.

After a little weighing, the old ghost wood flies away. Anyway, he has already caught a very useful woman, and he has not succeeded for the time being. It will not be too late to make up his mind when he recovers some of his injuries.

"Brother Cong, how are you using your demon power?"

Although Yu Qingping was worried about An Ge, she had no choice at all, so she rushed back to the main room and asked about the green bamboo demon.

Green Bamboo Demon waved his hand and said, "You should have given me a good elixir. I have nothing to do. Hurry up and find a way to save An Ge."

"I'm going right now."

After confirming that Qingzhu Yao's injury did not worsen, Yu Qingping did not dare to delay and rushed out. Now, she can only go to Jiang Lin as quickly as possible and inform the past of the situation.

She was hit by a poisonous hand from the old ghost wood, and the yin and evil spirits that entered her body made the spiritual power in her body chaotic, so that she could not even do Yukong.

Just when Yu Qingping went to find Jiang Lin, the old ghost wood demon had already taken the lead to the commercial street where Jiang Lin was located.

Jiang Lin, who was busy with his work, was also slightly taken aback when he sensed the breath of the ghost wood old demon.

How could the old ghost wood come here, and he also felt that the eyes of the old ghost wood had been locked on him.

In this situation, could it be that the ghost wood old demon came over?come to you?

what on earth is it?

The [-]th chapter is hunting wild geese every year, today was pecked by the wild geese!

Jiang Lin wasn't sure what happened that led to the old ghost wood looking for him, so he took back the spiritual sense he had placed around him.

He has adapted to a dark life, and can use his other senses first without the need for spiritual sense.

If the ghost wood old demon is here to fight, then he is not worried, the big deal is to open his eyes and kill the demon.

"Doing business, selling tofu?"

The old ghost wood squinted his eyes and walked to the door, staring at Jiang Lin inside.

Jiang Lin has always had a good way to hide, and now his own corpse poison and spiritual power are dormant, even if the old ghost wood is not far from Jiang Lin, he has not found anything wrong. .

It is precisely because of this that the old ghost wood demon is somewhat unsure whether to advance or retreat.

In his eyes, Jiang Lin was perfectly normal, however, he didn't believe what he saw in front of him.

This is because the blind young man on the opposite side can't see through at all.

Guimu Lao Yao was quite sure that this was not a mistake in his judgment, because after he approached Jiang Lin, he felt a faint danger.

Jiang Lin smiled and responded, "Yes, do a little business."

"I heard on the street that your blind chef's craftsmanship is extraordinary and very popular. In fact, I am the staff of the Imperial General. In three days, the General's House needs to hold a banquet. I would like to invite your shop to show some craftsmanship. ."

Because the ghost wood old demon was not sure that he would start a war with Jiang Lin now, he found a reason to let the blind man go to the general's mansion.

In the General's Mansion, his grasp was much greater.

In the past three days, if he harvested the captured fox demon and the woman with the mysterious yin physique, he should be able to recover all his injuries.

Until then, he will be able to keep the bad guy back and forth.

Guimu Lao Yao guessed that even if Jiang Lin ruined his affairs and let the yin and evil spirits in Anyang City leak out, he probably still doesn't know his roots.

In other words, the bad guy probably didn't know that he had murderous intentions for him.

"It turns out that General Yu wants to hold a banquet, so it must be there. We are so prepared these days, we can't lose the general's face."

Jiang Lin nodded again and again, in fact, he felt like a mirror in his heart.

The ghost wood old demon asked him to go to the general's mansion, which is definitely asking you to enter the urn.

Although as of now, he still doesn't know how the ghost wood old demon came to the door, but as long as the other party finds it, he must know that the problems in this area were fixed by him.

How can the ghost wood old demon just let it go?

"It's so good, if the General Yu is satisfied, there will be a big reward."

When the old ghost wood demon heard Jiang Lin's agreement, a successful smile appeared on his face.

After that, he didn't stay any longer, walked to the end of the street, caught a lot of fox demons and a stunner, and then he could enjoy it.


Let a dead man reward me, you are a liar.

After Guimu Lao Yao left, Jiang Lin smiled coldly. He didn't believe that Guimu Lao Yao had such a fate with him. Driven by fate, he happened to come here by chance, and on a whim let him go to a banquet. 's chef.

When this locust tree demon pouted, he could know what fart this guy wanted.


Before even half an hour had passed, Yu Qingping staggered to the door.

"Aunt? What's the matter? Why are you injured?"

Jiang Lin Lingjue swept away, and was immediately shocked. Yu Qingping was now bleeding from the corners of her mouth.

"An Ge... An Ge was taken away by a tree demon, and I... I was also injured by it, so please think of a way."

"An Ge was taken away? What happened?"

Jiang Lin's voice suddenly raised an octave, but despite his urgency, he still put a palm on Yu Qingping's shoulder to investigate the injury in her body.

Yin evil spirit?

To Jiang Lin's surprise, there was a lot of evil spirits raging in Yu Qingping's body.

It was also Jiang Lin who was worried about An Ge, so he didn't think much about it. Under normal circumstances, Yu Qingping just said that An Ge was taken away by a tree demon, and Yu Qingping's body suffered a lot of evil spirits. Qi attacked, as long as he thought about it a little, he could guess that it should be the ghost wood old demon.

Without hesitation, Jiang Lin directly used the Moon Blade in his body to extract the yin and evil spirits from Yu Qingping's body.

Yu Qingping endured the severe pain, and at the same time told the ghost wood old demon who appeared at their residence and held ill will to An Ge and Yu Qingping.

In addition, she also described the appearance of the tree demon.

"That's the old ghost wood demon!"

Hearing this information, Jiang Lin immediately judged that An Ge was captured by the old ghost wood demon.

Immediately, his killing intent burst out.

"Auntie, this is the cold marrow. You take it to heal your wounds, and then go to the black forest in the east of the city to find a demon hunter Liu Yi and a female evil bone repair lady, and take them to the General's Mansion!"

After saying these words, Jiang Lin didn't care about anything at all, teleported one after another, and rushed to the General's Mansion with extreme speed.

"Fuck! Every year I hunt geese, but today I was pecked in the eye by a geese!"

Jiang Lin was so angry that he was about to explode. He didn't expect that he had left his residence and was actually stolen by the ghost wood old demon!

In the past, it was him who stole other people's home or lair, and even the underground world where the ghost wood old demon's body was not long ago was visited by him.

But today, Guimu Lao Yao, this darn thing, actually stole his home.

Chapter [-] You are really in a hurry to die (Part [-])

Jiang Lin's mentality really exploded. It didn't matter if his home was stolen, he was just upset, and he would just go bankrupt and eliminate disasters.

But this time, his motherfucker, the ghost wood old demon stole his home and actually took his wife away.

In addition to being mad at himself, Jiang Lin is also mad at himself. Anyway, An Ge was his wife when he was blind, or when he didn't reveal his identity. What a good wife, he was All kinds of care should be given, but now he not only failed to take care of An Ge, but also put An Ge in danger.

Just two nights as husband and wife, he let An Ge have an accident, and there is his reason for this.

Jiang Lin took An Ge's weapon, the Moon Wheel Knife, on his body, which caused An Ge to have no effective means of attacking those corpses.

Secondly, from the very beginning, there have been Zombies targeting An Ge. He knew this, and after learning that the Ghost Wood Old Demon could control Zombies, he already knew that the Ghost Wood Old Demon might threaten. to Ange.

He thought that An Ge had a fairy dress on his body, so he should be fine.

But there was still an accident.

Fortunately, according to Yu Qingping's remarks, the ghost wood old demon should have only discovered that An Ge's physique was special, and did not know that An Ge was his wife.

Otherwise, the ghost wood old demon just needs to let him cast the mouse, and there is no need to come here to see him again.

If the old ghost wood demon knew about his relationship with An Ge, then he would have nothing to fear, and there was no need to pretend to invite him to the general's mansion.

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