Then, thousands of vines, like drooping willows, covered Jiang Lin and the others, and at the same time stabbed towards them.

The ends of these vines are like arrows. As long as they are pierced, they don't know how much Yin evil energy will be injected.

You can directly internalize the target.

"Uncle, think of a way to prevent those thick walls of earth and stone from being closed together, otherwise, once they are closed, the yin and evil spirits will spew out, and we will have nothing to do with this ghost wood old demon."

Jiang Lin's hands were sealed together, causing a huge three-legged golden crow to appear behind him. At the same time, he also dissipated the yin fire in his body, protecting An Ge and others, so as to protect them from being attacked by the three-legged golden crow. Fire wounds, protecting them from the thorns of the vines.

But this alone is not enough, the old ghost wood attacked them wildly, just to connect the surrounding thick earth and stone walls completely, and completely seal this area.

At that time, these people will really have to be stewed as rice.

Therefore, someone must solve this problem, and Jiang Lin himself needs to protect An Ge and others, and he can't walk away at all. The more capable one is the Green Bamboo Demon.

"pass it to me."

After the Green Bamboo Demon responded, he summoned his own instrument, the jade bamboo flute, and quickly enlarged it. The diameter of the mouth of the flute alone was three or four meters long.

The green bamboo demon controlled the jade bamboo flute to pass directly through the lush branches and leaves in the sky, standing in mid-air, stuck there, making the closed thick wall unable to continue to seal.

"Dying, you are all dying!"

The old ghost wood demon saw that thousands of vines could not reach the river forest at all, and their bodies were burned, and screamed hysterically again.

After that, the green light that bloomed in the cracks on the ground became even more dazzling, and a huge amount of Yin Sha Qi spewed out again. In addition to the Yin Sha Qi, there were also a large amount of marsh gas and miasma.

As soon as these methane and miasma came into contact with the high temperature, they made a loud noise. Jiang Lin cast a spell to disperse the three-legged golden crow behind him. Now if the explosion was caused by this large amount of methane and miasma, then even himself would be the same. To be affected by the explosion, let alone Ange and the others.

"You wait to die, wait to be eroded and die!"

A smug smile appeared on the ugly face of the old ghost wood. He doesn't need to do anything now. He just needs to stop Jiang Lin and the others, so that these guys who are bad for him will not leave. etch to death.

Even if the thick wall outside was stuck with a gap, it would have no effect.

Jiang Lin's face was a little dignified. Now their position is affected by the power of the magic circle, and the sky is blocked by the canopy and thick walls of the ghost wood old demon tree. It is not easy to temporarily escape from the battle circle.

And now there is a lot of methane and miasma around him, and his flame method cannot be used easily.

Under such circumstances, it would be quite difficult to kill the old ghost wood demon.

Unless it is the real power of the formation, it can ignore the powerful vitality and defense of the ghost wood old demon tree, and directly kill it or make it crippled.

However, given the current conditions and situation, Jiang Lin believes that there is no effective means.

"Although I can't take care of you, it's not necessarily that God can't take you away."

After a while, Jiang Lin smiled softly, he had already thought of a way to deal with the ghost wood old demon.

If the old ghost wood demon is in the form of an ordinary person or a humanoid tree person like before, his method may not be implemented yet.

But it's different now. The ghost wood old demon and the body shadow locust tree are one. Although the size has shrunk a lot, it is still a big tree.

The tree is big, it can attract wind, and it can also avoid lightning.

"Xianggong, what should we do? Even if we use spiritual power to protect ourselves, I'm afraid we won't be able to withstand the invasion of such a huge and rich yin evil spirit. Although my moon blade has a certain transformation power, but with my As far as cultivation is concerned, there is also an upper limit.”

An Ge walked to Jiang Lin's side, also frowning.

Now the situation on their side is quite unfavorable. The ghost wood old demon is united with its body, the yin locust flower. Today's tree body is not what they want to destroy. There is methane and miasma. Jiang Lin's means are quite restricted, even if he wants to leave now If they plan again, I am afraid that the old ghost wood may not be as they intended.

What's more, what is imminent now is these evil spirits. If they continue to stand still, they won't be able to hold on to it without the ghost wood old demon.

"Leave it to me."

Jiang Lin made the spiritual power in his body dormant, liberating the corpse poison in his bones. This ghost wood old demon wanted to use the yin evil energy to deal with him, but he didn't know that what he lacked was this thing.

Chapter [*] People are big trees to attract wind, I will let you attract thunder (Part [*])


There was a low growl from Jiang Lin's throat, and then his face showed the appearance of a corpse, and corpse hairs grew on the exposed skin of his limbs.

"Aunt, uncle, you all come behind me, An Ge, bring the moon knife over here."

After Jiang Lin turned around and explained to Yu Qingping and the others, he took a few steps forward. The corpse all over his body erupted, and the suffocating aura around him gathered towards him as if he had been attracted.

"It's you!"

"It's him!"

After Jiang Lin showed the corpse and showed his fangs, the old ghost wood demon and Liu Yi screamed out.

Whether it was the old ghost wood demon or Liu Yi and Madam Gu, none of them knew that Jiang Lin was the demon corpse they had seen.

No wonder, no wonder, he wants to let the yin and evil spirits in the ground leak out.

After the shock, the ghost wood old demon understood everything. No wonder this young man, Jiang Lin, understood much more than he expected.

Before that, the monster corpse on the opposite side had come to the general's mansion long ago, and he even stabbed his body to make it clear. I am afraid that this guy has found a lot of things at that time, otherwise, he would not know the underground evil spirit. Qi needs a lot of popularity to suppress.

"I was beaten by a blind man and yelled at me."

Liu Yi's eyelids twitched wildly. At this moment, he also understood what kind of immortal he had offended and was chased and beaten all the time, and he almost lost his life several times.

I'm afraid this Jiang Lin had already tried to make him cry when he "find the wrong person" at the beginning, otherwise, he wouldn't have eaten a big stick on the same day.

And Jiang Lin is An Ge's husband, and An Ge has the Moon Wheel Knife he wants to get back. With such a stroke, everything is clear.

The demon corpse in the back didn't kill him, it was estimated that it was a waste, and let him and Mrs. Gu come here to explore the bottom of the ghost wood old demon.

"It's useless to call your father. You don't have to use your strength and means to suckle for a while, you still have to hang up."

Jiang Lin grinned at Liu Yi with a corpse mouth. What he said was the truth. If Liu Yi didn't play his due role, he wouldn't let him die.

However, from the current point of view, it is estimated that this owed goods are more diligent than anyone else.

In this case, he can also let Liu Yi go as he sees fit.

In fact, the main reason was that he wanted Liu Yi to be a news reporter and to report false letters.

Let this guy go to the Yu family to confuse the public.

This is also the main reason why Jiang Lin intends to keep Liu Yi alive.

"Hahaha, I still wanted to find you, but you brought it here yourself."

After the ghost wood old demon completely understood what was going on, he continued to laugh.

Now that he is one with the main body, he can't stay away from the general's mansion at all, and can only stay here. For him, this result is basically the worst.

The crises that may be encountered later are wave after wave.

It was also because of this that the place turned into ruins, and the thick walls around it were the worst plan he had made long ago, and it was his life-saving backhand.

Under these conditions, what he thought of immortality in the past was a daydream, and if he didn't say anything else, he said that he wanted to find the monster corpse, and there was no way.

Can't even move, does he take the canopy to find it?

But Guimu Lao Yao never imagined that the opposite Jiang Lin would be the demon corpse who kept scolding him for being uncivilized.

As long as he gets the immortal body of this monster corpse, no matter how many disasters there are, he will still be able to survive.

As long as he is alive, there is still a slim hope. Even if it is thousands of years, he may not be able to think of other ways to escape from the shackles.

"You can only laugh at this time. For a while, I hope you don't cry."

Jiang Lin smiled coldly. Now, it seems that this old ghost wood demon still cares about his corpse.

"I cry? You really can't shed tears without seeing the coffin. Although you have the body of a demon corpse and are not afraid of these evil spirits, what about them who are with you? You are absorbing the evil spirits here. How much do you suck? You don't take me for a meal, do you?"

The old ghost wood was amused by Jiang Lin's words, and the two who could threaten him were Liu Yi and Jiang Lin, who possessed masculine spiritual power.

There are high concentrations of methane and miasma around them now. If these two use their means at will, they will just wait to be bombed, and the more violent the explosion, the faster the yin evil energy will invade.

Not only the yin evil energy, but also the power generated by the explosion, that is quite terrifying, but he is not afraid, his current vitality is not formidable.

As for An Ge or some green bamboo demon beside Jiang Lin, he doesn't care at all now.

"Breathe, then breathe, let me see how much you can breathe, don't you want these yin and evil spirits? It's enough, if you're not satisfied, hey, it's because my ghost wood is not good at greeting."

The countless branches of the old ghost wood slapped on the ground, and the Yin evil energy accumulated in the ground was like a flood bursting the dike. was brought out.

At this time, An Ge and the others raised their hearts. After Jiang Lin's corpse transformation, he could indeed absorb the yin evil spirit, but it was impossible to absorb it indefinitely.

If Jiang Lin's corpse is stored to the limit, then there is nothing they can do about these rich Yin evil spirits.

"Your kindness, I understand it, it's almost there."

After a while, Jiang Lin smiled lightly. In just a few moments, he cooperated with An Ge's Moon Wheel Sabre, and he had absorbed a lot of yin and evil energy, and most of them were transformed by the Moon Wheel Saber and entered him directly. in the bone.

Although there was not much time, these suffocating qi gushed out from the ground in the core area of ​​the Millennium Burial Mound, and the concentration was much higher than the yin suffocating qi he had absorbed a few days ago.

Jiang Lin didn't delay any longer, and now he has done the ghost wood old demon first, and he can deal with these evil spirits by himself.

After that, Jiang Lin's corpse claw went into his arms and shouted, "Suck it for me, give me a breakthrough!"

In an instant, a group of enchanting spirits flew out from the ancient mirror in Jiang Lin's arms, and then Jiang Lin took some cold marrow and forbidden medicinal materials into the bodies of these enchanting spirits.

In an instant, the aura of these Charming Spirits began to rise steadily, and they absorbed the surrounding Yin Sha Qi, and there were no signs of a breakthrough in the blink of an eye.

And Jiang Lin put the little golden figurine that Zhan sensitized on his neck into his mouth, swallowed it with a red rope, and made it lean against his own corpse pill.

These enchanting spirits Jianglin had planned to stay to protect An Ge, but their level is only the peak of the ghost general, which is still a bit low. It happened that the ghost wood old demon sent so much yin and evil energy, he can make these enchanting spirits. Ling broke through to the level of the ghost king in one fell swoop, and even directly reached the height of the peak ghost king.

And the calamity caused by the breakthrough of these charming spirits should be given directly to the old ghost wood demon.

Anyway, the ghost wood old demon treated him very well, and he had to come and go.

"Go, hurry up, slip away, go to the big tree to hide from the thunder and avoid the catastrophe."

After Jiang Lin gave the order to the enchanting spirits, he turned around and said to the green bamboo demon: "Uncle, adjust the angle of your huge jade flute and aim it at the old ghost wood demon. Let the thunder strike him."

Looking at the dazed old ghost wood demon, a smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Lin's mouth, and he said to this guy, "They are also big trees, they are big trees that attract wind, you can't attract wind here, this is not good, I will let you do it. Thunder."

Chapter [*] Digging Your Own Grave


Green Bamboo Demon clapped his palms and immediately did as Jiang Lin said, forcibly controlling the huge Yuzhu flute stuck in the sky and blocking the thick curved wall, causing it to change the angle so that the hollow part of the flute was aimed at the ghost wood. old demon.

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