As long as there is a catastrophe, it can directly pass through the middle part of the huge jade bamboo flute and land on the tree of the ghost wood old demon.

Although this might damage his magic weapon, this loss is nothing compared to killing the ghost wood old demon to get rid of the current predicament.

After that, the Green Bamboo Demon looked at Jiang Lin for a while. Before, Jiang Lin's transformation from a monk into a monster corpse had already shocked him. Now, the method Jiang Lin thought of made him look at Jiang Lin with admiration.

Today's ghost wood old demon's vitality is very strong, and its defense is even more amazing. With their means, coupled with the limited environment, it is estimated that it is difficult to play any role at all.

But Jiang Lin actually thought of using the thunder of the catastrophe to deal with the ghost wood old demon.

This is simply an excellent countermeasure.

Although the target of the catastrophe is those Rakshasa ghosts, if the catastrophe wants to come to them, it will definitely attack the tree body of the ghost wood old demon.

The old ghost wood has now turned into a lush yin locust tree, which can just provide shelter for those Rakshasa ghosts, and the old ghost wood can hardly move now, and it is simply a target struck by lightning.

Even if the ghost wood old demon wanted to use his own rattan to expel those Rakshasa ghosts, that would be impossible.

These phantom rakshasas can hide as long as they encounter shadows. Unless the old ghost wood is abusing himself, he will use those vines to tie himself.

In short, no matter what, the old ghost wood demon will honestly recruit thunder and be struck by thunder.

"Get out, get out of it all for me!"

At this time, the ghost wood old demon already felt that things were extremely bad. His tree body's vitality was strong, his defense was terrifying, and he had a huge amount of yin and evil spirits. Even if it was the cultivator's true samadhi fire, he might not be afraid.

But that doesn't mean he can defy the sky.

Damn, that monster corpse actually asked him to recruit thunder.

Or the thunder of catastrophe.

Therefore, he used the vines of the tree to attack those spirits who had climbed the tree.

But it is a pity that the old ghost wood demon is now lush with branches and leaves, and it is impossible to find where those charming spirits have gone.

Even if it is found, because the charm itself is a ghost, it is very flexible, and it runs away directly with the help of the surrounding shadows.

They don't need to attack at all, they just need to devote most of their energy to triggering mines.

"Laugh again, why don't you laugh?"

Jiang Lin couldn't help laughing when he saw the funny look of the ghost wood old demon like catching lice.

He just made the ghost wood old demon unable to laugh, and now the black clouds have condensed in the air, and there is a rumbling thunder.

Next, it is estimated that the ghost wood old demon will be able to see what it is to destroy.

And this move can not only make the ghost wood old demon crippled or even be directly hacked to death, but also bear the calamity for those charming spirits, killing two birds with one stone.

"An Ge, Auntie, quickly look for a bunker. After a while, the thunder will fall, and it is estimated that the methane and miasma here will be detonated."

Jiang Lin did not continue to read the jokes of the old ghost wood, and the method he thought of was not without any risks.

Flames can ignite the biogas here, as can arcs and lightning.

In addition, Zhan Min, who turned into a small golden man on his neck, also needs to be protected by him to prevent him from being locked by the catastrophe.

However, these risks can be avoided.

After Jiang Lin mentioned this point, An Ge and the others came to their senses. They couldn't just watch the good show of the ghost wood old demon being struck by lightning.

Jiang Lin grabbed An Ge's waist and flew directly around the thick wall. With his arms extended, he grabbed one side of the wall from the surrounding ruins and placed it in front of him and An Ge.

Yu Qingping, Green Bamboo Demon, and Liu Yi also avoided each other. At this time, a thunderbolt penetrated directly from Green Bamboo Demon's jade bamboo flute and hit one of the old ghost wood demon's branches.

Cut it off in an instant.

After that, the thunderbolts descended one after another, all bombarding the ghost wood old demon.

"Dig your own grave."

When Jiang Lin saw this scene, he really felt that the old ghost wood was made by himself. If it was in an open place, these thunderbolts must be aiming at those broken spirits.

But now, the old ghost wood demon used the power of the formation to form a thick arc-shaped wall, surrounding and covering this space, and now there is only a green bamboo demon using a huge jade bamboo flute to make an opening.

That Thunder can only enter from there.

But these days of robbery can't turn around, so they directly target the tree that hides the charm.

Boom is over, indiscriminate mad hack.

After that, the screams and roars of the ghost wood old demon broke out in this closed space, and some other arcs also ignited the biogas, resulting in a strong explosion.

Jiang Lin also took this opportunity to cast a spell with both hands, and gave the old ghost wood a three-legged golden crow.

The catastrophe caused by the breakthrough of a group of charm spirits lasted for a full meal, and almost all the crowns and branches on the tree of the old ghost wood were cut off and burned on the ground.

As for the ghost wood old demon protruding from the trunk of the yin locust tree, there is no human form at all.

Even if he invoked a lot of Yin Sha Qi, it would be difficult to defeat the power of Heavenly Tribulation.

On the contrary, there was no problem with the charms sent by Jiang Lin. The old ghost tree, the big tree that shields thunder, and the forbidden medicinal materials that Jiang Lin had penetrated into the sky were all safe.

"Strike while the iron is hot, come on!"

Jiang Lin saw that the ghost wood old demon was bombarded by Tianlei in such a mess, and he didn't burp after being hacked for so long. He also admired the vitality of this guy.

However, he won't give Ghost Wood Old Demon any chance to breathe.

"Liu Yi, if you don't want to die, take out the means. An Ge, the sun and the moon meet, break his tree!"

Jiang Lin snorted, and after recalling the charms, he slammed it out, letting the ghost wood old demon taste the power of his Yang Yan, and at the same time letting Liu Yi and An Ge assist him.


Liu Yisheng was afraid that he would lose his reputation if he didn't do anything, so he quickly pulled out the demon catching sword on his back, poured all his spiritual power into it, and rushed over, madly slashing at the damaged tree of the old ghost wood.

At the same time, he also recruited the flame roulette in his body and directly peeled the bark of the old ghost wood demon.

Without the protection of the epidermis, Jiang Lin's Japanese Golden Wheel and An Ge's Moon Wheel Knife were spinning and cutting frantically against the old ghost tree.

The bone lady condensed the underground bone powder and bone residue, forming a row of bone spurs on the ground, imprisoning the branches and feet of the ghost wood old demon.

As for the Qingzhu Yao and Yu Qingping, the couple were not idle either. The Qingzhu Yao recalled their damaged Yuzhu flute and formed a strong bow with Yu Qingping's light whip. The incomparably sharp bamboo strips lashed at the old ghost wood demon.

"I hate, I hate it! I am a ghost wood if the sky fails!"

The old ghost wood demon saw that his tree body was pierced by bamboo strips, and then burned, chopped and cut, but he had no means of resistance at all, and could only roar with hatred.

It didn't take long for the branches and sticks to be burned to black charcoal all around.

The entire tree of the ghost wood old demon was cut down.

In the end, Jiang Lin rushed forward, slashing with the bone sword in his hand, cutting out the heart of the old ghost tree.

Chapter two thousand and sixty one

"Finally got this thing."

Jiang Lin looked at the heart of the tree, which was similar to the wooden stake, and was like green and black amber. He was also quite emotional. This time he killed the old ghost wood demon, but it was really not easy.

Although he himself did not show any terrifying means, if it wasn't for the ghost wood old demon digging his own grave, I am afraid that even if he used all his means, it might not have any effect.

Fortunately, the old ghost wood demon was killed, and his tree heart was also obtained by him.

The heart of this tree exudes a very strong vitality. If it is passed on to Zhan Min, then the problem of his wife should not be worrying anymore.

"Xiang Gong, this Nascent Soul cannot be kept."

An Ge came to Jiang Lin and saw that there was still a very frightened Yuan Ying in the heart of the tree in Jiang Lin's hands, so he persuaded him.

She knew that Jiang Lin had the body of a demon corpse, and she thought that Jiang Lin wanted to use the Nascent Soul of the ghost wood old demon to play a role.

Although the old ghost wood demon was chopped up and burned to ashes by Jiang Lin before, this thing is the spirit of the old ghost wood.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in this stuff."

Jiang Lin smiled, and then he was not polite at all, and directly injected Yang Yan into the heart of the tree.


"Crack! Kill the alien demon ancestors and get [*] points of anger."

A quarter of an hour later, the soul of the ghost wood old demon in the heart of the tree was completely devoid of spirituality by Jiang Lin. At the same time, a system alert sounded in Jiang Lin's mind.

The powerful ghost tree demon, the old ghost wood, was finally completely wiped out.

"Jiang Lin, I really didn't expect you to be as capable as you said to An Ge. It's not a loss for An Ge to follow you, and it's not a waste for her to follow you when you were blind. Woolen cloth."

Yu Qingping came over and saw that the ghost wood old demon's Nascent Soul was completely refined, and looked at Jiang Lin with extremely satisfied eyes.

Her nephew-in-law is capable.

A demon corpse is a demon corpse, and there is nothing good or unacceptable.

After that, Yu Qingping told the Qingzhu Yao about Jiang Lin and An Ge, and the Qingzhu Yao nodded and patted Jiang Lin on the shoulder.

This niece-in-law, he looks very pleasing to the eye.

He was a monster himself, and as a result, he soaked the would-be owner of the monster-catching family. Jiang Lin, this monster corpse, was stronger than him, and even pretending to be a blind man, he could turn An Ge, the current owner of the Moon Wheel Knife, into bed.

Admire admiration, disrespect disrespect.

If the Yu family knew about this, they would be so angry that black smoke would rise from the ancestral grave.

Not far away, Liu Yi listened to the conversation between Jiang Lin and Qingzhu Yao, and really wanted to suck his own Yahuazi. If Jiang Lin really saved his life and returned to the Yu family, he would have to report these things.

The Yu family was really so angry that the roof turned over.

"An Ge, that Yun Duo'er should be your friend. Go look for it in the ruins over there."

Jiang Lin asked An Ge to see what happened to the fox demons who were caught by the ghost wood old demon. Since that Yun Duoer had a life-threatening friendship with An Ge, he might as well make use of it and do more for An Ge. guarantee.

Of course, this kind of use also has many benefits for Yun Duo'er and the others, but it has to pay some price.

He will also use some precautionary measures.

"I forgot about her."

When An Ge heard the words, he immediately went to the ruins ahead, found Yun Duo'er and the other fox demons, and woke them up.

At this time, Jiang Lin looked at Liu Yi.

"I... I really tried my best, you... You don't have to say anything. Although I am a member of the Yu family, now I don't have any thoughts about the Moon Lun Knife."

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