When Liu Yi saw Jiang Lin like this, he suddenly felt a little chill on his back.

He has a relationship with the Yu family, and the target is the Moon Wheel Saber. No matter what, he is a threat to Yu Qingping and An Ge. Therefore, he is really afraid that Jiang Lin will kill him with a retort.

"Jiang Lin, let him live."

Yu Qingping stepped forward to ask for love for Liu Yi. She felt that although she was hunted by the Yu family and lived in exile, if she really wanted to care, she was the one who brought shame to the Yu family first and took them away. The heavy treasure of the Yu family's moon wheel knife.

In any case, the Yu family has the kindness to nurture and cultivate her. Since Liu Yi is a member of the Yu family, she does not want Jiang Lin to regret killing this Liu Yi because of herself and An Ge.

"Okay, I'll keep him alive for a while, but he still has to stay here. When the matter is over, I'll let him go."

Since Yu Qingping pleaded for Liu Yi's favor, Jiang Lin pushed the boat along, and he just needed Liu Yi to go back and report the false letter.

On the other hand, Yun Duo'er and other fox demons learned that they were rescued by Jiang Lin this time, and they all expressed their gratitude to Jiang Lin.

"Jiang Lin, I heard that you are quite accomplished in the formation technique. Let's see if there is any way to save this city of Anyang. If this continues, the whole city of Anyang may be gone. So many people in the city will probably have to Displaced."

Yu Qingping saw the distant scene from the crack of the thick wall. Now the city is returning to ruins and the progress of turning it into a thousand-year mass grave is still in progress.

If things go on like this, this still lively Anyang City will be gone from now on.

Your aunt is really broad-minded.

For Yu Qingping's request, Jiang Lin felt quite speechless, and let him leave Liu Yi dead.

But now, Yu Qingping actually cares about Anyang City.

Could it be that you can live in Anyang City?

Although he was speechless, Jiang Lin scanned the surrounding cracks.

"I have no way to let people notify all the residents in the city and let them move."

Jiang Lin shook his head, expressing that there was nothing he could do.

In fact, if he did everything he had learned, he could still stop the process, but he didn't think it was necessary at all.

His original intention was to make Anyang City no longer have people, so as to ensure the safety of An Ge behind him, and let him hide here.

In that case, there must be a massive and rich Yin Sha Qi as a barrier.

In this case, of course, the entire city will be destroyed.

Jiang Lin also felt that there was nothing wrong with the displacement of these tens of thousands of people. Anyang City had been fine before because of the control of the ghost wood old demon.

But under this city, there is such a terrifying yin and evil spirit. Without anyone to take care of it, it will break out sooner or later. Once it breaks out, it is not bad that the entire Anyang City can leave three or five living people.

If you are not displaced, do you want to die?

It happened that Anyang City started a great formation because of the ghost wood old demon, and gradually changed back to the former mass grave, so Jiang Lin directly took this as an opportunity and lied that he could not do it.

In this way, Yu Qingping and the others are leaving, and for An Ge, Anyang City is considered safe.

Chapter two thousand and sixty-two to solve worries (on)

"Is that so? There's no way around that."

Yu Qingping heard Jiang Lin said that there was nothing she could do, so she could only shake her head and sigh, a good Anyang city would disappear completely in a short time.

"Jiang... Brother Jiang, in fact, I... I also wanted to deal with the ghost wood old demon at the beginning. How can we say that we all have the same position, and I rescued Liu Yi because of this consideration, you see..."

At this time, Mrs. Gu, who had been silent all the time, spoke up. Like Liu Yi, she had a spell under Jiang Lin's body, and her life was pinched by Jiang Lin. Now that Liu Yi has been exempted, she still doesn't know what Jiang Lin wants to do. How to deal with her.

Jiang Lin looked at Madam Gu and said, "Actually, Jiang and you have nothing to do with each other. You rescued Liu Yi. Although it caused me trouble, it also gave me an unexpected joy. I will not kill you. When we leave later, we will remove the curse for you and give you back your freedom."

Jiang Lin already knew that Madam Bone came to Anyang City under the order of Wen and the Imperial Capital, so he didn't intend to make trouble for Madam Bone, given that he had already changed his mind and made a plan.

"Thank you, Brother Jiang. When I go back, I will report the matter truthfully. Ling Zheng seems to have some conflicts with the Yu family. When I go back this time, I will do my best to see if I can help resolve this conflict."

Mrs. Gu breathed a sigh of relief, and also said that she would do her best to help Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin nodded, and then said to Yu Qingping and the others: "Aunt, uncle, you should go and inform the residents of the city and let them make plans as soon as possible. I'm afraid we won't be able to stay in Anyang City any longer. There are other things, it is estimated that I will take An Ge away in the next two days. I don’t know if there is any chance to meet again in the future.”

In fact, Jiang Lin was looking for a reason to temporarily separate Yu Qingping and the green bamboo demon, and he would not let Yu Qingping and the others know what he was going to do next.

In the future, An Ge's whereabouts will not be known to anyone other than the few fox demons in his plan.


Yu Qingping nodded slightly, then looked at An Ge and said, "For so many years, An Ge has followed me, and it has really suffered a lot. Now that she has become your wife, she will part with us sooner or later. of."


An Ge couldn't accept Jiang Lin's parting for a while, and his eyes were a little red.

"Silly child, although I adopted you, you have taken care of me and your uncle for so many years, and you have done all your filial piety. We are all cultivators. Can't help but leave or something."

Yu Qingping comforted An Ge, then left with the green bamboo demon to inform Anyang City of the situation.

After Yu Qingping and the others flew away, Jiang Lin asked An Ge to explain to Yun Duoer and the others, and asked them to stay in Tianxiang Tower in Anyang City temporarily.

These fox demons can be used as a means for him to solve his worries and let him go on the road with peace of mind, so he made such a request as a savior.

As for Liu Yi and Mrs. Gu, Jiang Lin waved his hands and told them to do whatever they wanted, and come back to him in two days.

"An Ge, don't be sad, go back, I have something to explain to you."

After Jiang Lin filled the cracks in the surrounding ground with the strength of his corpse, he grabbed An Ge's slender hand.

He really couldn't bear to keep An Ge here. Now An Ge and Yu Qingping are both so sad, and they will be separated from him later.

"Xianggong, don't you still need a lot of Yin evil energy? Why don't you absorb it here?"

"I have my own plans in the future, let's settle the matter in front of me first."

Jiang Lin shook his head, he really needed to continue to absorb the yin evil energy, but this matter could be done later when he arranged for An Ge's backhand, and now the first thing that needs to be solved is the lack of vitality of Zhan Min.

"Xianggong, after leaving my aunt and the others, I have no relatives. Where do you want to take me? I'll follow you wherever you go in the future."

After returning to the residence, An Ge hugged Jiang Lin's arm and put his face on his shoulder.

She used to be with Yu Qingping and their family, but now the family is separated, but as long as she follows Jiang Lin, she still feels at home.


Jiang Lin hesitated for a moment, but still said to An Ge, "I'm sorry, An Ge, I can't take you away."

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, An Ge was stunned for a moment, then looked at Jiang Lin with a panicked expression, and said, "Xianggong, you...you won't take me away? You...you don't want me anymore?"

Because Jiang Lin never made An Ge mentally prepared before, when An Ge heard Jiang Lin say this, he subconsciously thought that Jiang Lin was going to abandon her.

Seeing An Ge's face turning pale in an instant, Jiang Lin hurriedly embraced him and said softly, "Silly girl, how can I not leave you, you treat me like someone. Even if you take [*] steps back For example, I treat you as a plaything, we have only been married for two nights, am I going to lose the novelty so soon? I want to keep you by my side every day, like a puppy, make you think You can't even run."

"Then why don't you take me away?"

Even though Jiang Lin said so, An Ge was still reluctant. She just didn't understand why Jiang Lin cared about her so much, but said she couldn't take her away.

"I think I just explained, you may not listen to it, let's put it this way, if I am an ordinary person, like before, I am blind and have no ability. You are going to go to war with the people of the Yu family, Are you taking me with you, or leave me in a safe place? Ever since I was attacked by the corpse poison of Wangtianjian, in order to completely solve the hidden danger, I have been injured to the point of walking for several miles. I can't do it, and I was blinded by facing a powerful enemy. I don't know what kind of dangers I will encounter on the road ahead. I want to take you with me, make love in the morning and linger in the evening, how wonderful it is Ah. But what should I do if I cause you to die?"

Jiang Lin patiently explained to An Ge, as long as he had a choice, how could he leave An Ge alone and wait for him to come back.

In the past, when the danger could be avoided or controlled, it was not that he never brought his wife to solve the difficulties together.

But the problem now is that he can't predict what the road ahead will be, and there is a high probability that it will be dangerous one after another. In this case, even if he is reluctant, he can only do this.

Back then, he left Gu Mengxue and Qing'er at the edge of the Sand Sea in the Northern Territory, and Jiang Ting and Peony in the Ten Thousand Flowers Forest because the Sand Sea in the Northern Territory was too dangerous, and he couldn't take care of himself. Only that choice can be made.

Chapter two thousand and sixty-three to solve the worries (in)


An Ge didn't know how to answer Jiang Lin for a while. She now understands that Jiang Lin didn't take her because she was worried about how she would be hurt.

Just like Jiang Lin's example, if she replaces herself with Jiang Lin, under such circumstances, she will also keep Jiang Lin, lest any accidents happen to her husband.

"Xianggong, I don't need you to take care of everything. I also have a cultivation level at the Jindan level. Can you take me with you? No matter what dangers and difficulties, let's face them together, okay?"

An Ge could understand what Jiang Lin said, but she still wanted to follow her man. If there is any catastrophe, the husband and wife will face it together. This is what Jiang Lin gave her when she confessed to Jiang Lin that she avoided hatred. promise.

"During the time you spent with me, you should also know that I want to agree to any request, and in the future, I am willing to rely on you and rely on you, but it is about your safety, so I can't agree. Ange, You have been waiting for me here in Anyang City, and I will definitely come back."


An Ge snuggled into Jiang Lin's arms, crying non-stop, Jiang Lin said so, no matter how she begged, her husband would not agree.

After crying in Jiang Lin's arms for half an hour, An Ge began to clean up his emotions.

As Jiang Lin's wife, she still chooses to understand her husband. Jiang Lin would rather face everything on her own and ensure her safety. If she starts making trouble again, won't she fail Jiang Lin's love for her?

Jiang Lin patted An Ge's back lightly, and said, "I didn't mention it to you before, but now you and Auntie are still being watched by the Yu family, so I won't let Auntie and the others follow your whereabouts in the future. I know. When Auntie and the others leave Anyang City, they will attract the attention of the Yu family, and they will no longer think that you are still in Anyang City. Of course, I will provide enough treasures for them to use. "

After listening to Jiang Lin's plan, An Ge nodded slightly, although he was reluctant.

Now that Anyang City is about to be destroyed, Yu Qingping and the others can only leave even if they are not discovered by the Yu family.Even if Anyang City is the same as before, there is already a Liu Yi, and it may not be the case that the rest of the Yu family will not come again. In that case, Yu Qingping and the others will not be able to stay.

That is to say, no matter whether Jiang Lin has this idea or not, Yu Qingping and the others may still be targeted by the Yu family.

After rectifying his mood, An Ge lightly beat Jiang Lin's chest and said, "Xianggong, I will listen to you and wait for you with peace of mind. You can't keep me waiting until my life is over. If you don't come, you can't have any accidents."

"Don't worry, even if I'm lame and paralyzed, I have to crawl back. You don't dislike me anyway."

"Bah, bah, don't say anything unlucky."

An Ge groaned at Jiang Lin, raised his hand to hold Jiang Lin's mouth, and continued: "However, Anyang City is about to become a thousand-year-old mass grave, if you let me stay here, then you need to use the Moon Wheel Knife. Shelter me, the corpse poison in your body needs the Moon Blade even more."

"This is not a problem. Before, I didn't stop Anyang City from turning into a thousand-year-old mass grave, just to make a plan for you. I'm going to let you stay in the underground of the general's mansion, and use those evil spirits as a barrier, and then put me The golden wheel of the sun will be left to you, and I will also use many means to protect you. When setting up the magic circle and enchantment for you, I will also use some treasures to consolidate the foundation to elevate your cultivation level. As for The moon blade, I need to take it away."

Jiang Lin briefly explained his plan to An Ge, including the fact that they would leave first and then return in two days, as well as the matter of asking Liu Yi to report the false letter.

This time, An Ge was alone, no better than Gu Mengxue and Peony who could take care of each other, so Jiang Lin was going to leave all his golden wheel and zheng bone sword behind.

Once An Ge has an accident, even if it is thousands of miles away, once the two magical instruments are damaged, he can sense it.

At that time, no matter what happened to him, he would come back as quickly as possible.

Of course, this is the worst case.

After listening to Jiang Lin's remarks, An Ge felt as if she had given birth to honey. She didn't think about anything, but Jiang Lin had already thought of everything she could think of, and everything was for her safety.

Therefore, she is willing to obey Jiang Lin's arrangement in everything, so as not to let herself become her husband's worries.

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