At this time, An Ge looked at the corner of Jiang Lin's mouth.He asked, "Xianggong, why did you swallow the pendant on your neck? Could it really have the function of protecting yourself? Do you still believe this?"

There were always two red ropes around the corners of Jiang Lin's mouth, which were tied to the pendant. She had some doubts before, but she never had a chance to ask.

An Ge was curious, so he reached out and grabbed it, grabbed Jiang Lindai's little golden figure, and removed it from Jiang Lin's neck together with the red rope.

"When I asked you before, you didn't give it to me. Now I'm going to wear it myself. If you don't want it, I won't sleep in the same bed with you in the next few days."

It was only now that An Ge remembered that he liked Jiang Lindai's little gold pendant, but Jiang Lin was very stingy at that time and didn't want to give it to her. Now they are both husband and wife. , she was angry with the little daughter-in-law.

Putting the little golden figure transformed by Zhan Min into the palm of his hand, An Ge continued: "By the way, and your ancient mirror, give it to me too, even I was blinded by the immortal treasures in the ancient mirror. , I will follow you with all my heart, so that you will not use the treasure inside to hook up other women in the future. By the way, you asked me to explain that Yun Duoer stayed, is there any other purpose, did you like her? Yes Don't you want to use Caibao to blind her heart?"

An Ge looked at Jiang Lin suspiciously. If her husband had any thoughts on a fox demon oiran, she would not say anything.

Chapter two thousand and sixty-four to solve the worries (below)

Although An Ge knew that there were many women in Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin did not elaborate. Therefore, An Ge did not know that the little golden man in her hand was Zhan Min, and that the ancient mirror was Jing Yuanying's body, so she did not know. Know, only when these two things are dead.

Jiang Lin patted his forehead, and said to An Ge angrily, "What Yun Duo'er, she is a fox-like child with lotus roots and a thousand people's pillows and red lips, is my eyesight that bad? Don't make trouble, I still have To do serious business, we need to transfer the vitality in the heart of the old ghost tree. If you like the ancient mirror, I will put it there first."

Because Jiang Lin felt that he was always ashamed of An Ge, he let this wife hand over the ancient mirror, and then he took back the small golden figurine pendant from An Ge's hand.

Circling his fingers with Yang Yan, Jiang Lin pokes a small hole in the heart of the tree with his fingers, and then sends the little golden figure transformed by Zhan Min into it.

After that, he used his own Yang Yan to start refining the tree heart, forcing the inner vitality into Zhan Min's body.

And the heart of the tree, which is like a stake, was also smelted by Jianglin's Yang Yan, and its shape began to shrink, and the vitality contained in it gradually concentrated, and gradually infiltrated the inside of the little golden man.

In the end, the heart of the tree turned into a cylinder with the thickness of two fingers and the length of a slap, and Jiang Lin put it into his arms.

Seeing this, An Ge thought that the pendant that Jiang Lin was carrying was a special item that could store vitality, so he didn't think much about it.

I hope the vitality contained in the heart of the thousand-year-old locust tree is enough.

Jiang Lin thought that if the vitality in the heart of the tree could be given to Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie in his heart, and Liu Sheng and Bao in the ancient mirror, if there were still some leftovers after solving Zhan Min's problem. I would like to transfer some.

It didn't take long for Yu Qingping and Qingzhu Yao to return together, and they had announced that Anyang City was about to return to the Millennium Burial Mound.

Mrs. Bone also went to several nearby cities to explain the situation, and asked the surrounding cities to do a good job in receiving refugees.

"Aunt, uncle, there are still many treasures here, including spirit medicines and immortal herbs to assist in cultivation, you can keep them safe. After we parted, An Ge and I left Wen Erguo within a few days, so naturally there is no need to worry. But you still need to beware of the Yu family."

Jiang Lin gave Yu Qingping a lot of treasures from heaven and earth. Whether it was out of his own heart or considering that they were attracting attention for An Ge, he hoped that Yu Qingping and the others would be safe.

Yu Qingping did not pretend to refuse, but directly accepted Jiang Lin's kindness.

After a brief discussion, Yu Qingping and his wife decided to leave Anyang City on the same day. With these treasures provided by Jianglin, the Qingzhu Demon's injury should recover quickly, and they also need to find another safe place. , to see if they can use these treasures to further their cultivation, in that case, at least they won't be chased by the Yu family and can only flee in all directions.

After Yu Qingping and the others left, An Ge was also sad for a long time because of the departure of her relatives.

The aunt and uncle, who depended on each other for life, have left, and her husband will leave her after a while and go on the road alone.

"An Ge, I promise you that when I come back, I will give you a warm home again."

Jiang Lin stroked Fu'ange's hair, and took Ange to the underground of the General's Mansion to find a suitable place to arrange the magic circle and enchantment. At the same time, he also planned to thoroughly understand the huge magic circle set up by the old ghost wood. , taking this as the foundation, An Ge can use the great formation and enchantment he is about to arrange to mobilize the massive amount of Yin evil in the ground.

Once an unexpected situation occurs, it will not make An Ge very passive.

On that day, Jiang Lin went to Tianxiang Tower, and told Yun Duoer and the other fox demons about the conditions he mentioned: He will provide some treasures for cultivation, but only if these fox demons are buried in the millennium. Eyeliner was inserted around Gang to protect An Ge.

However, in addition to this requirement, he also had to cast a spell on Yun Duo'er and the others. Once An Ge encountered a life-and-death crisis, these fox demons would die violently.

If Yun Duo'er and the others wanted to reveal An Ge's trace, they would also die violently on the spot, and even their souls would self-destruct to avoid being searched for their souls.

Without this guarantee, he can't believe that these fox demons can do their best, and even these fox demons may directly turn against the water and attack An Ge's idea.

After some consideration, Yun Duoer agreed to Jiang Lin's request.

They want to go far on the road of cultivation, and they don't have any resources at all. Otherwise, they would not be prostitutes in the world to absorb the essence of men.

With such an opportunity, they naturally wanted to seize it. Although there were risks, the reward that Jiang Lin offered was too tempting.

In fact, since Jiang Lin opened the skylight to speak eloquently, he couldn't help Yun Duoer and the others not agreeing.

It is best to agree to it, otherwise, he will directly use the thunder method to force it.

After being cursed by Jiang Lin, Yun Duo'er and other fox demons lurked around Anyang City according to Jiang Lin's instructions.

On the morning of the second day, Liu Yi and Madam Gu found Jiang Lin, and Jiang Lin agreed with them that it was time for them to release the curse.

"You just need to stay in this magic circle. After An Ge and I are far away from Anyang City, in a few hours, the Six Yang Soul Curse on your body will be released by itself, and then you will naturally be free. ."

Jiang Lin asked Liu Yi and Madam Gu to the magic formation that he had arranged, and then flew away with An Ge's hand.

After flying for thousands of miles, at night, Jiang Lin and An Ge landed on the top of a mountain.

He took out a mysterious light mirror from his arms. After Jiang Lin cast the spell, images of Liu Yi and Madam Gu appeared in the mysterious light mirror.

About half an hour later, the expressions of Liu Yi and Mrs. Gu, whose expressions were slightly anxious, showed joy.

The forbidden spell in their bodies was indeed unlocked.

The two chatted for a while, then said goodbye to each other and left.

"Master, shall we go back now?"

"Don't worry, just wait until midnight."

Jiang Lin shook his head. Now that he has made anyone in the know, except Yun Duo'er and other fox demons, think that he and An Ge have left Anyang City, so the matter of returning back must be kept extremely secret.

In the middle of the night, a piece of the talisman in Jiang Lin's hand shattered, and he knew that it was Yun Duo'er's fox demons who informed him that there was nothing unusual.

Therefore, Jiang Lin directly hid his figure, and used the ever-changing abilities to make An Ge and the void merge into one.

After more than half an hour, the two men returned to Anyang City without knowing it, and went straight to the underground of the General's Mansion.

As long as Jiang Lin settles An Ge completely in the next time, his worries will be completely resolved.

Chapter two thousand and sixty-five empty treasure mountain

"Xianggong, why is this place more terrifying than when we came here before? The yang flames you released are being invaded by the yin evil energy."

Arriving at the location of the General's Mansion in Anyang City, An Ge, who was protected by Jiang Lin's Yang Yan, looked around and was quite surprised.

Now the core area of ​​the thousand-year mass graves is much more terrifying than before.

If it were not for Jiang Lin, she might not be able to make it.

"This is natural. Now the evil spirit here has completely erupted. It was suppressed for decades before, but when it rebounded, it was more terrifying than before. Moreover, this place was originally a mass grave, and in the past few decades, it has been buried again. A lot of corpses have been removed, and it has increased the evil spirit here a lot. These are only secondary reasons, the main reason is that the evil spirit absorbed by the ghost wood old demon for thousands of years has been obliterated by himself. Released. If I don't rely on my Yang Yan, I can't stay here for a long time if I only rely on the corpse."

Jiang Lin's eyes narrowed slightly, and he glanced around. Now the thousand-year-old mass grave has become more dangerous than before, and even after his corpse was turned into a corpse, he was unwilling to stay here any longer.

Although his corpse needs aura of evil spirits, the concentration here is too high, and being in such an environment for a long time can also corrode his corpse.

However, today's thousand-year-old mass graves are indeed better for protecting An Ge.

If An Ge could use the evil spirit of this mass grave like the old ghost wood demon, even a cultivator at the peak of God Transformation might not be able to hurt him.

But water can carry a boat and it can also capsize. Once there is a problem with the protective measures he arranged, this thousand-year mass grave will be a Jedi for An Ge.

This requires him to be foolproof.

Jiang Lin is actually not worried about this. He will leave enough material treasures to An Ge, and he will also take into account the foolproofness to completely reduce the possibility of this to zero.

After going down to the underground world, Jiang Lin took An Ge to a very secret place he had chosen before.

This is another extremely important pivot besides the eyes of the great formation arranged by the old ghost wood.

Jiang Lin took out the bone sword and began to chop and dig on the stone wall. After three or four hours, he opened a corridor on the stone wall, and at the end of the corridor was a cave.

All over the four walls of the cave, he also painted intricate patterns with blood essence.

"An Ge, I'll give you the source of Yin fire in your body. You can use these treasures to cultivate in it first, so that you can improve your cultivation."

Jiang Lin kissed An Ge's lips, passed over the source of Yin fire in his body, and then handed over a storage tool.

There is a scorching high temperature in this cave house, and it is also filled with flames, which repels the evil spirits. An Ge has no source of Yin fire, and needs to be resisted with spiritual power.

Next, he has to remodel the cave, connect the living water, and purify it. He doesn't worry about Ange's food and so on. He can just let Ange eat some exotic fruit treasures and fairy treasures as meals, but He had to take care of the water source, and he had to consider everything Ange needed for the rest of his life here.

An Ge hummed softly, and after smacking Jiang Lin's face, he went to the cave to take Cai Bao and began to practice with peace of mind.

Jiang Lin worked all day and night, and finally solved the most basic problems.

After that, he went to the outside of the cave, sat cross-legged and began to absorb the yin evil energy and use the moon round knife to transform it to strengthen his corpse poison.

The arrangement of various large formations and enchantments in the back requires him to use a lot of spiritual power, so that the corpse poison can supplement the yin evil spirit, and it can also prevent himself from causing problems due to the chaos of Wangtianji's corpse poison again.

"Fuck! The greedy ghost wood old demon eats alone and monopolizes this treasure that is comparable to immortal treasures. As a result, now that he has caught it himself, he can only taste a few mouthfuls. I will go to your second uncle!"

After seven days and seven nights, Jiang Lin spit out the fragrance, and it was only now that he realized that his stomach was small.

Under normal circumstances, the Yin Sha Qi here can be absorbed by him almost unlimitedly, and it can even directly help his corpse to advance into a flying zombie.

However, when he was in Wanhualin before, his corpse was advanced by mistake, and there were signs of transformation, which already had sequelae and needed time to smooth it out.

Now he has the corpse poison of Wangtianjian in his body, and he can't carry too much Yin evil energy at all.

Otherwise, once it is automatically advanced, the consequences will be out of control.

If the ghost wood old demon hadn't died and knew about Jiang Lin's situation, he would have exploded his lungs with anger.Jiang Lin has such a small amount of stomach. If he needs it, he can say no in a good voice. It's not that it can't be negotiated.

But as for Jiang Lin, just for the meager amount, he was completely wiped out.

Injustice or not!

"Baby, he is so precious!"

Jiang Lin was so depressed that he was a little hysterical. To his corpse, these evil spirits could be said to be a huge treasure mountain, but now, he has almost no treasure mountain.

Although he felt depressed, Jiang Lin also knew that there was no way to do it. Even if he couldn't get more benefits, his expected goal had already been achieved.

"Xianggong, you are really capable. I never imagined that in such a short period of time, my cultivation base would grow like a blowout."

After Jiang Lin entered the cave, An Ge jumped off and ran, hanging on Jiang Lin like a koala.

She really couldn't imagine that in just seven or eight days, she had caught up with her aunt's cultivation and even surpassed it, and she was only one line away from becoming a Nascent Soul.

"That's good, and it makes me feel a lot more at ease."

Jiang Lin smiled slightly, the higher An Ge's cultivation, the more relieved he would be.

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