If he hadn't worried that An Ge would break through to the Nascent Soul level, the calamity would be extraordinary and might affect Zhan Min and Qiu Rong, so he would directly guard An Ge and protect him from breaking through.

"Xianggong, you have so many material treasures and immortal treasures, why don't you use them yourself? You still have old wounds on your body. If you use immortal treasures to improve your cultivation like me, I can feel more at ease."

"Don't tie your heart to your husband."

After listening to An Ge's question, Jiang Lin's just calmed depression came out again, making him almost depressed.

If it is said that this huge amount of yin and evil energy is Baoshan, it is at least his analogy, but the material treasures and immortal treasures he possesses are indeed Baoshan.

They are all taken out and stacked, and it can really be piled up into a hill.

But he could only watch.

Still empty treasure mountain.

If he could use these treasures to solve these problems, he would have used them long ago, but because the corpse poison of Wangtianjian in his body was too stubborn, he really couldn't drink poison to quench his thirst.

As for the improvement of cultivation that An Ge said, it also made him extremely worried.

So far, he has accumulated a lot of suffocating energy, and he has stepped into the Nascent Soul level without any problems. He no longer needs special conditions like Sun Tribulation.

But with so much anger, he was useless.

Jiang Lin's yin and yang are now out of balance in his body, and his body still has sequelae. If he chooses to improve his cultivation realm, this imbalance can only be greatly enlarged.

Chapter [-] The Heavenly Meteor Dynasty ([-])

"I can't use those fairy treasures, otherwise I'll drink poison to quench my thirst."

Jiang Lin told An Ge the specific situation in his body, let alone baby, he just wanted to be a zombie with a big stomach and couldn't do it.

After listening to Jiang Lin's explanation, An Ge really felt Jiang Lin's heart being pricked.

This is too depressing.

"Xianggong, have you made the arrangements? Are you leaving in the next two days? Where are you going?"

An Ge looked at Jiang Lin eagerly, she didn't know when her husband would come back after he left, making her really a hopeful stone.

Jiang Lin shook his head and said: "Not yet, I need to nest various formations and enchantments to provide you with a foolproof guarantee. In addition, I am also preparing to use the transformation ability of my corpse with the formation. The enchantment is linked together, and even if there is a powerful monk or a demon who comes here, it will be difficult to discover your existence."

When he was absorbing the yin evil energy before, Jiang Lin also thought about it again, there was so much yin evil energy here, no matter how he sucked the cow drink, he would never be able to use it up.

If so, take advantage of it.

Therefore, Jiang Lin was going to use these yin and evil energy to condense the corpse pill for himself, using his own corpse pill as the material for the formation.

This is not to mention, he is also preparing to disguise the entire underground world with ever-changing abilities, turning this place into a complete ultimate labyrinth.

In that case, it is estimated that thousands of corpse pills will be needed, and they are all corpse pills at the level of hairy zombies, and corpse pills of peak hairy zombies.

Although Jiang Lin's move was to set up a labyrinth, the truth about his handwriting was higher than his previous layout of the Flying Dragon Seven-Star Array and the Immortal War.

Using thousands of corpse pills as the material for the formation, it is estimated that it is unprecedented.

If it weren't for guarding a treasure mountain like the Millennium Mass Burial Mound, there was such a massive and extremely high concentration of yin evil energy, even if Jiang Lin was squeezed dry, there would not be so many corpses.

"Furthermore, in addition to disguising here to ensure that you will not be discovered, I also have to consider whether there will be any accidents. The evil spirit here is actually a double-edged sword. Although it can protect you, if the external conditions do not exist It can also hurt you. Therefore, this requires me to give you the golden elixir in my body and most of the source of all the yang flames. At that time, even if the environment changes and the yin evil qi invades in, it will still be able to Guarantee that you, like me, can come and go freely in the aura of yin and evil spirits. Moreover, with my golden elixir, the sun-gold wheel is equivalent to your magic weapon."


An Ge hugged Jiang Lin tightly, tears flashing in his eyes.Jiang Lin really racked his brains in order not to let her suffer any damage.

Ever since she and Jiang Lin got married, she could feel Jiang Lin's kindness to her all the time.

"As for where I'm going..."

"But, Xianggong, your golden core is your Taoist foundation, how can you give it to me casually, what should you do?"

At this time, An Ge suddenly thought of what Jiang Lin had just said, and interrupted Jiang Lin with his words.

Jiang Lin explained: "Since I have a corpse, the way I cultivate is naturally different from that of ordinary people. Even if the golden core formed is destroyed, as long as the fire source and light source in the body are still there, it can be condensed again. You don't have to worry about this. , but, I'm afraid that one golden pill is not enough, so I'll give you ten or eight."

"Don't be joking, even if you can re-congeal the golden pill, but you can't take the material treasure yourself, it will take time for you to absorb the spiritual power. I hope you stay with me for a longer time, but this is indeed a waste of time."

"I can't take the food ingredients, and I can't use the treasure mountain, but isn't there still you? Even if I leave the Japanese golden wheel to you, you can't control it very well, which requires Let you take shortcuts. And you can take Xianbao casually, then don’t blame your husband. I used you as a furnace to pick up supplements. I don’t have so much time to absorb spiritual power, so you can eat Xianbao as food. I will directly turn your spiritual power, and in this way, you can also control the golden wheel of the sun as quickly as possible."

Originally, Jiang Lin never thought of using An Ge to speed up his absorption of spiritual power, or he thought that he could use Yin Sha Qi to make such a big deal, and then he thought of his own golden pill, and he could re-condense the corpse pill. , Jindan can also.

So, he thought of such a time-saving method.

"go with!"

An Ge blushed, pushed Jiang Lin lightly, and then murmured, "Even if you planned to use me as a medicine cauldron from the beginning, then I will accept it, and you can take whatever you want. take."

With that said, An Ge couldn't help but laugh at his own innocence.

However, if Tiancai Dibao can be eaten every day, and it is also regarded as a sweetheart, as long as it is responsible for warming the bed, I don't know how many women have sharpened their heads to compete for such an opportunity.

An Ge knew that Jiang Lin absorbed spiritual power in this way to speed up the reunion of the golden pill, and it was for her in the end, and it was all given to her.She has already received so much love and grace, so she naturally has to fulfill her obligations as a wife, and it is only natural that she works hard to serve her husband.

"By the way, I was interrupted just now. Where are you going? If I don't wait until I die, I will force a breakthrough to find you."

"Going to a far away place is a country called the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty, where there is a meteorite outside the sky, which can make me no longer rely on ghosts and grievances and other evil spirits, and can suppress the corpse poison in my body. So far , I don't know much about that place, so I can only leave you here."

Jiang Lin frowned. He didn't know whether the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty indicated by the system meant taking meteorites from outside the sky or the fall of the sky.

No matter how the road ahead, he has no bottom at all.

"Skyfall Dynasty?"

"What, have you heard of it?"

Seeing An Ge's reaction, Jiang Lin was also slightly taken aback. An Ge should have never left Wen Erguo since he was a child, so why does he seem to know such a place.

An Ge responded: "I didn't hear it, but when I was in the Yu family, I read some ancient books such as the travel notes of the predecessors in the Sutra Building. There were people in the Yu family who were far away from their homeland to sharpen themselves. One of them Senior has been to the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty."

"Oh? Then tell me."

Jiang Lin pulled An Ge and sat on the stone bed in the cave residence. He never thought that such a coincidence would happen. An Ge actually knew something about the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty.

"That place is quite terrifying, even ordinary people are very terrifying, the whole people are hunting monsters."

An Ge recalled what he had read in his early years, and his dark eyebrows knitted together involuntarily.

Jiang Lin was going to such a place, it was really hard for her to rest assured.

"So sturdy?"

Hearing what An Ge said, Jiang Lin was a little surprised.

Under normal circumstances, it would be too late for ordinary people to avoid monsters, but An Ge said that the whole people in the Tianyun Dynasty hunted monsters.

Really so fierce?

Chapter [-] The Heavenly Fall Dynasty (Part [-])

"I have only seen part of the information from the senior's travel notes. Anyway, that's what the travel notes say. If a monster wants to survive there, he has to be sneaky. Once someone discovers his whereabouts, then basically There is no way to survive. Xianggong, if you are going to such a place, you must not reveal the identity of your demon corpse easily, otherwise, I am worried that you will have any accident. Although three or four hundred years have passed, this kind of The ethos won’t necessarily change.”

"Don't worry, I have always been cautious and cautious. I can be blind under the eyes of you and my aunt, isn't it enough to show my caution? According to you, the whole people of the Tianyun Dynasty hunted demons, why is this? Did the travel note you read explain why?"

Jiang Lin couldn't figure it out, whether in the Middle-earth world or the Daluo Immortal Realm, he was a person with a wide-eyed vision, and entering the sandy sea area of ​​the Northern Territory increased his knowledge a lot.

However, they have never encountered a country where the whole people hunted demons.

Even if this is a measure implemented by the ruler in charge of the imperial power, at most it will only set up some more monster hunting institutions and implement it nationwide, which is impossible.

If there is no benefit, this is completely exhausting the people and hurting the money. Even if you need an inner core or a demon core, there is no need to organize such a big battle.

An Ge recalled for a while, and then said: "It was mentioned in the travel notes, according to the senior's account, where the Tianyun Dynasty was located, a huge meteorite fell down before, and almost the whole fell into the ground, and the Tianyun Dynasty was It is built on that huge meteorite. Affected by the meteorite, the monster bodies of the monsters there have undergone some changes, especially the monster blood, which even has the effect of longevity."

"So it is."

Jiang Lin nodded, but he did not expect that the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty was built on a huge meteorite.

But when you think about it, it's not too surprising. The position he is now in is already close to the border of Daluo Immortal Realm. The position of the Meteorite Dynasty in the east-north is closer to the boundary wall, and it is not a problem for a meteorite to land. Qi, what he was looking for was also an extraterrestrial meteorite that fell hundreds of years ago.

Afterwards, An Ge informed Jiang Lin of all the information she had learned. The senior she mentioned was named Yu Ran, who was also the prospective owner of the Yu family and the owner of the Moon Blade. Dynasty, this senior of An Ge also made some reputation.

After receiving such information, Jiang Lin's eyes also lit up. Since the Moon Blade had appeared in the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty, if he got there, it shouldn't be a big problem to get an identity.

As for what the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty has become now, he needs to go over to know it.

With some necessary information in mind, Jiang Lin began to arrange various means of protection for An Ge.

For the next ten days, Jiang Lin was busy except for the necessary rest, but fortunately, he and An Ge were now in a two-person world, and this time was quite sweet and greasy.

On this day, Jiang Lin checked the situation of the tree heart in his arms again, and he was also overjoyed. The vitality contained in the tree heart was indeed enough, and Zhan Min could no longer absorb it. He could divide the rest a little.

Jiang Lin didn't delay, and directly took out the little golden figure that Zhan Min had transformed into from the heart of the tree.

"Xianggong, why are you looking at your amulet all day? I like it very much, I want it."

An Ge robbed Zhan Minhua's little gold pendant with one hand. In fact, she didn't really want to take the pendant as her own, but her husband often played with this vivid pendant, which made her a little unhappy.

There is not much time left, isn't it better to touch her face than to touch a cold pendant?

"That's not for self-protection. Didn't I tell you earlier? She is my wife. In fact, I killed the old ghost wood demon and took the heart of the tree. One of the important reasons is for her. I really can't give it to you, And the ancient mirror you kept, I will also take it away, she is also my wife."


An Ge was stunned for a moment. If Jiang Lin said that the little golden figure was shaped after someone's appearance, she would still accept it, but Jiang Lin's meaning seemed to be saying that the little golden figure was a living creature.

Forget the little golden man, Jiang Lin actually said that the ancient mirror was also his wife.

Are other wives who are co-authors of their man one thing?

Can the wife wear it around the neck and in the arms?

"Do you really think I'm stupid? Xiang pendant is your wife, and Gu Jing is your wife. Could it be that the clothes on your body are also your wife? Someone took your wife with you?"

An Ge was amused by Jiang Lin, no one would treat a dead thing as a wife, unless they have that disgusting special hobby.

"Not only with the body, but also two hidden in the body. In addition, there are two big beauties asleep in the mirror virtual world space in the ancient mirror."

Jiang Lin smiled, and then pointed his finger to his heart, opened his mouth and spit, Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie, who were still asleep in their atrium and ventricle, were sent out.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin pushed the two female ghosts with both hands on the lower backs and sent them to the stone bed in the cave.

Now that some of the vitality contained in Shu's heart has come out, and Zhan Min's problem should have been solved, Jiang Lin is ready to immediately start to add some vitality to Qiurong and Xiao Xie.

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