But these two female ghosts can't leave his body for too long, otherwise, they may still attract Heavenly Tribulation.

In addition to Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie, he also planned to take care of Bao Yi and Liu Sheng in the ancient mirror, so that they would also gain some vitality.

When An Ge saw Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie lying on the bed, who looked like gods, they became dumbfounded.

Not even taking his wife with him, Jiang Lin also hid his wife in his body.

How is this hidden?

Is there such an operation?

When An Ge was dumbfounded, Jiang Lin performed another operation that subverted her cognition.

Jiang Lin walked over and took the ancient mirror beside the bed in his hand, tapped it on the mirror, and then two more beauties appeared, hugged from side to side by him, and brought them to the bed.

Four sleeping beauties lie side by side.

"Jiang Lin! Explain to me what's going on! How many rooms am I in your house? Also, you've always taken them with you along the way, why don't you want to take me with you now? You are biased, hum!"

After An Ge regained his senses, he went into a frenzy and lifted the vinegar jar.

Although she knew that Jiang Lin had a lot of wives, almost piles of them, but she didn't know the exact number, but now it's just hidden in Jiang Lin's body and in the ancient mirror, adding up to four.

How many are not by Jiang Lin's side?


With such outrageous things as the foreshadowing, she even suspected that Jiang Lin really had that kind of hobby that ordinary people didn't have.

This is even more outrageous!

Can't bear to think about it!

Having those big beauties is not enough. Taking a mirror and a pendant as a wife is too "fraternity".

What made her even more intolerable was that Jiang Lin had left with so many women, but she was the only one left here.


If you have other women, you can have as many as you want. Anyway, all of me are already yours, and this established fact cannot be changed. But if you are partial, I don't want to!

Chapter [-]: The Heavenly Meteor Dynasty (Part [-])

"Let go."

At this moment, the little golden man pendant in An Singer's heart made a sound, and then the golden light flashed, and the pendant flew out, changing back to the living Zhanmin.

"You... who are you?"

An Ge was stunned again. How could a necklace that was so good suddenly become a living person?

She didn't sense any demonic energy on the pendant before.

"Who am I, no big or small, call me my sister! Didn't you hear what Jiang Lang said just now, I'm his wife. I'll listen to you when I wake up, be safe!"

Zhan Min walked around An Ge and continued, "What are you yelling about, since you've become a member of the Jiang family, you have to learn from me, so that you can fulfill your duties as a wife, so why do you ask so many questions? I also asked how many rooms you are. I haven't asked. I just queued in front of you, and I didn't make a fuss. Just be honest with me, be obedient and obedient. Otherwise, you just want to wear a wedding dress. For the marriage, Jiang Lang has to ask me if I will answer."

Zhanmin's attitude was not very good. After Jiang Lin separated her from Shuxin, she sensed it and woke up, but as soon as she woke up, she heard An Ge being jealous here.

With Jiang Lin's character, no matter who it is, as long as it's his wife, he will definitely be able to coax her with good words, but Qiurong and Xiao Xie can't waste time, and An Ge is still clamoring for an explanation, so she Just showed up and used her sister's identity to teach An Ge a lesson.

Are you just jealous?Do you have what I can eat?

When I get jealous, I even eat myself, not only my own, but also in stages. I even eat the vinegar from my previous life.

On being jealous, wait a little bit later, don't delay things!

"Xiang Gong, she... Who is she?"

An Ge was completely at a loss, and looked at Jiang Lin with a confused expression.

"She's Zhanmin, and she's a month or two before you. She was originally a normal person, but there was a problem with her special fate, so I made it into a pendant to help her survive the catastrophe. As for the ancient mirror, it is My wife Jing Yuanying's body. Xiaomin, she has to be taken care of by me until her physique is completely transformed. Only when the ancient mirror senses my breath can the family feel at ease. Therefore, I can't have either of these two. For you, you must take it with you. The women lying on the bed were also traumatized because of me, and I must take care of them."

Jiang Lin explained the situation to An Ge, whether it was an ancient mirror or a small golden man pendant, he had to keep it close to him later, but he couldn't give it to An Ge as something.

Needless to say, Zhan Min, even if he has absorbed so much vitality, he is still transforming and cannot leave him. As for the ancient mirror, he cannot be separated from him for a long time, otherwise it would be Jing Yuan from the Middle-earth world. Ying couldn't sense his presence, I'm afraid the sky at home is about to collapse.


An Ge was so shocked that she couldn't even utter a word. She couldn't imagine that an ancient mirror and a pendant were really the same as her, and they were all Jianglin's women.

Zhanmin flicked An Ge's forehead lightly, and said, "What's true or false, now I'll give you a few blinks to accept this kind of thing. Otherwise, see that the four over there are not , no one is worse than you, and I am not worse than you. When you found a husband like Jiang Lang, you have burned a lot of incense in your heart, right? If there is more trouble, I will call them up, you guess Jiang Lang wants you One, or five of us? No, if you don’t count Gu Jing, there should be six, and I still have the soul of a previous life in my body, which is also Jiang Lang’s.”


Being threatened by Zhanmin like this, An Ge immediately froze. More than half a month ago, when she mistakenly thought that Jiang Lin didn't want her, her lips turned white. It may be swept out by these sisters, and no one wants it.

An Ge weighed it and felt that it would be better for him to be more honest.In fact, she couldn't help but refuse to accept such a thing, so how could she be able to do it if she decided to leave Jianglin with a ruthless heart.

What's more, what the sister next to her is not unreasonable. No one in the front row is unwilling. Where is it her turn to ask for an explanation here.

When she and Jiang Lin came together step by step, none of these sisters objected. If they objected, she probably wouldn't have anything to do with her.

Moreover, Jiang Lin also explained the reason for leaving her, which was based on the facts, not eccentricity.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin also smiled lightly. He knew that Zhanmin was just trying to scare An Ge, but it was fine, An Ge didn't dare to get angry, it just allowed him to concentrate on allocating the life of the tree to Qiurong they.

An Ge also quieted down, not bothering Jiang Lin who was focused.

"Sister, did you just wake up? Then when I was with Xianggong, you didn't wake up, did you?"

After a while, An Ge asked Zhan Min in a low voice. The four beauties lying on the stone bed were fine, and they had been asleep all the time, but this sister Zhan Min was not completely asleep. Min knew everything, which really made her want to find a hole in the ground.

"What do you want to ask me? You little hoof."

After listening to An Ge ask such a question, Zhan Min said it on purpose.As a matter of fact, when she appeared on the grounds that she had tasted Jiang Lin's craftsmanship, she just didn't want the situation that An Ge asked about.

After An Ge was not added to the team, she had nothing to worry about. Since Jiang Lin replenished her vitality in the underground world, she fell into a deep sleep, and let her physique transform without knowing anything.

Now she said this deliberately, just to see what An Ge looked like when she was looking for a hole in the ground.


An Ge stomped his feet and threw himself into Jiang Lin's arms in embarrassment, feeling that he was embarrassed.

"Okay, Xiaomin, the joke is a bit too much. Now that the vitality in your body has been replenished, don't reappear, lest there will be another accident, and the problem of your constitution will be completely solved as soon as possible."

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes at Zhan Min, who was a little bit bullying An Ge.

Zhanmin stuck out his tongue, changed his body, turned into a little golden man again, and flew into Jiang Lin's arms.

"Don't be ashamed, Xiaomin, she's joking with you. She has been asleep since you bought the elixir. Besides, she just scare you and didn't want you to disturb me. She used to be an only child, Later, I will definitely treat you as my own sister."

Jiang Lin patted An Ge on the shoulder and explained it to her.

Only then did An Ge raise her face and give Jiang Lin an angry look, and then she pursed her mouth and said, "You have enjoyed the blessings of everyone!"

"What is the blessing of Qi people, of the four beauties lying here, only two have the same identity as you, and the remaining two are not yet."

"Not yet..."

An Ge is really convinced, yes, yes, no, no, and it's not yet, so sooner or later?

"By the way, look back and see if you can write down the genealogy of the Yu family. Since your senior has been to the Tianyun Dynasty, I want to borrow her name and pretend to be her descendant. Anyway, I married you, and your aunt and you are like mother and daughter. If you break down your seniority, I can really be regarded as her descendant."

Jiang Lin raised his hand and pinched An Ge's cheeks, and let her try to list the family tree of the Yu family.

After arriving at the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty, perhaps such an identity can provide him with a lot of convenience.

To investigate where the extraterrestrial meteorite he was looking for was without a suitable identity. With some connections, it was probably like looking for a needle in a haystack.

An Ge nodded lightly, sat down at the stone table on the side, and began to recall the time when he was worshipping his ancestors in the Yu family.

When Jiang Lin wanted to go to the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty to look for the extraterrestrial meteorite, strange things had already happened in the distant Heavenly Meteor Dynasty.

The origin of these strange things lies in the extraterrestrial meteorite Jiang Lin was looking for.

Coincidentally, the identity Jiang Lin was going to borrow happened to provide him with great convenience.

Chapter [-] It is better to come early than coincidentally

After Jiang Lin forced all the vitality contained in the old ghost wood's tree heart into Qiu Rong and Bao Yi's bodies, he sucked his two ghost wives back into his heart.

He originally wanted to use the Moon Wheel Knife to filter some of the yin and evil spirits and add some to Qiurong and Xiao Xie, but considering that they couldn't leave his body for too long, he gave up for the time being.

Anyway, after such a long time, he took a shortcut with An Ge again, and now he can completely control the Moon Wheel Saber. Even if Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie are in his heart, he can still add some mysterious yin to them.

After the matter of Qiurong and Xiaoxie was settled, Jiang Lin drank some immortal wine and cold essence, and fed them to Baoyi and Liusheng.

When they dealt with Wangtian, Baoyi and Liu Sheng suffered an almost devastating blow, and the source of their bodies was severely damaged. Even if Jiang Lin used Immortal Treasure for them all the time, the effect was not very good.

The corresponding source substance must be found in order to take effect.

Jiang Lin wasn't embarrassed at all about feeding Baoyi and Liu Sheng the fairy treasures. Isn't it just a kiss, what's the big deal.

Baoyi, the distressed fairy, definitely has him in his heart, and he will take advantage of Baoyi sooner or later.

As for Liu Sheng, although the relationship with him has not yet developed to a certain level, but after Liu Sheng recovered, he just chased after him.

They have all experienced life and death together, and it is estimated that Liu Sheng will not resist things that may become his wife.

After serving Liu Sheng and Bao Yi the fairy treasure, Jiang Lin sent them into the ancient mirror.

After a stick of incense, An Ge at the stone table wrote the genealogy that Jiang Lin needed. Although it was not complete, it was enough for Jiang Lin to use.

An Ge thought that if Jiang Lin came to the Tianyun Dynasty and used the identity of the Yu family, she might be questioned, so she told Jiang Lin a lot of information she knew, including some secrets of the Yu family.

At the same time, An Ge also tried to recall as much as possible what he had read in the travel journal, hoping to give Jiang Lin more help.

Even Jiang Lin didn't expect such a coincidence. Today, what happened in the Tianyun Dynasty, the people and things involved, still have some origins and connections with that senior in An Ge.

And the information An Ge provided him really helped him a lot.

"An Ge, I have already arranged all the means, but in order to take into account more situations, I will leave in three days. After I leave this time, I will solve my own hidden dangers as soon as possible and try to return as soon as possible. "

Jiang Lin took An Ge in his arms. If he hadn't been reluctant to part with this wife, he could leave tomorrow.

Now there are nine golden pills that he has provided to An Ge, which has reached the limit that An Ge can bear.

After kissing An Ge's lips, Jiang Lin continued: "Although I have many women, I don't care about one thing or another, and I'm not biased, and I will never let you suffer any grievance in the future. Don't worry about it. That's all, please wait for my return."

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