An Ge wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and murmured, "I don't care, I don't care about anything, as long as you can come back as soon as possible."

In the next three days, Jiang Lin even checked the magic circles and enchantments laid out during this period no less than thirty times.

After repeatedly confirming that there is no flaw, he was a little relieved.

On the night of the third day, while An Ge said goodbye in tears, Jiang Lin went to the ground without looking back, heading for the next destination.

Two months later, under Jiang Lin's non-stop rush, he finally arrived at the realm of the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty.

This way, he has traveled more than [-] miles.

In fact, the straight-line distance between Anyang City and the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty is not that far, but because the geographical location is very close to the border of the sand sea in the northern region, the space in many areas is unstable, and it is impossible to pass through. Even angels dare not step into it easily.

Therefore, Jiang Lin had to detour many times.

Is this the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty?It doesn't seem to be the same as expected.

After entering a border town of the Tianyun Dynasty, Jiang Lin was a little puzzled. The customs here were not as sturdy as he had heard from An Ge, but rather ordinary.

However, Jiang Lin didn't pay attention to his surroundings either. After buying a map in the city, he continued on his way to the valley where An Ge's senior lived in seclusion.

Jiang Lin was not sure if he could find that valley. If he could find it, it would be the best. Together with the Moon Wheel Knife, it would make his identity more convincing.

If you can't find it, you can only give up.

Five days later, Jiang Lin arrived in a very secret and isolated valley. Now this valley is overgrown with weeds and thorns, making it difficult to travel.

However, in the depths of the valley, you can still see an abandoned dwelling.


Jiang Lin clapped his hands. On the way to this place, he also inquired about some things. What surprised him was that An Ge's senior Yuran still had a lot of influence in the Meteorite Dynasty.

In this case, it would be simple. He could directly claim to outsiders that he was a descendant of Yuran, passed down to the N generation, and the family had been escaping the world and living in this valley.

Anyway, since Yuran left, it is impossible for anyone to come here to investigate, even if there is, it is a matter of hundreds of years ago.

Jiang Lin immediately started to clean up the valley Haosheng, and reorganized the abandoned residence.

He has cold marrow, and if you dilute it a little, you can rectify some crops.

On the second day, after Jiang Lin transformed the valley into a shape that had always been inhabited, he left and went to the capital of the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty.

"Hey? Is there such a good thing?"

Jiang Lin arrived at the capital according to the map, and soon heard some rumors.

Now, whether it is the royal family of the Tianyun Dynasty or the ministers in the court, people are panicking. It seems that there are powerful monsters in the capital. In recent months, I don't know how many royal clans and ministers have been killed because of their blood. Suck dry and die.

Moreover, in the Tianyun Dynasty, an institution similar to the ancient six gates of Middle-earth, the Imperial City Division, could not find the murderer.

What's even more interesting is that when Jiang Lin was drinking tea in the teahouse, he heard that the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty had not had many capable experts since a hundred years ago.

Because at that time, there were no monsters on this land, and they were almost killed.

There are still a lot of monks and masters who stayed here before. After all, the demon blood in the demon body here can be regarded as a kind of treasure.

But in the past [-] years, there have been no benefits to be gained. This place is extremely remote, and it is quite difficult to communicate with the outside world. Some highly skilled people have basically left for more than [-]%.

This has led to the fact that the murders in the capital have been going on for several months now, and there is still no progress.

"It's really better to come early than to come by coincidence."

Jiang Lin was walking on the streets of the capital and couldn't help but laugh.

Originally, he wanted to investigate where the meteorite he was looking for was located, and it took a lot of effort, but now that such a thing has happened in the capital here, does that give him a chance?

And, this time is just right.

Today, the residents of the capital are uneasy, not to mention those in power who are always facing a crisis.

At this moment, Jiang Lin guessed that as soon as he revealed his "identity" and ability, he would be able to get an official to do it, and then take advantage of the gap between the pursuit of the murderer and what kind of dossier he wanted to look up. So smooth.

Therefore, Jiang Lin was a little fortunate that he was not in a hurry to use the Moon Wheel Saber to hurry, otherwise, even if he arrived early, he would have to waste time and energy to investigate, and it might not have any effect.

But it's different now. As the saying goes, he goes to the doctor in a hurry, even if he is a quack doctor, maybe the royal family of the Tianyun Dynasty will have to find a way to try it.

[Note: Chapter 2067, the meteorite Jiang Lin was looking for in the original film and television came down hundreds of years ago. Xicheng got the time wrong and wrote it more than [-] years ago, but it has now been revised]

Chapter [-] is still short in knowledge ([-])

Although Jiang Lin was quite pleasantly surprised, he didn't act immediately. It is estimated that if the situation in the capital continues like this, the royal family may post a list of people who are capable and talented. If he waits for a while, he may not need to take the initiative to find them. some special institutions.

If there is still no movement, then it is not too late to act.

So, Jiang Lin went to some study rooms in the city for a walk, flipping through some books at random, so that he could learn more about this Heavenly Meteor Dynasty.

After that, he wandered around the capital.

At dusk, a rather special street caught Jiang Lin's attention.

"Benshan Street? How can there be a little bit of demon here?"

Jiang Lin took a closer look at the street crossing before confirming that he was not mistaken.

Not only was he sure that he was not mistaken, but he also found that there were several disfigured monsters busy on the street.

This made him a little puzzled. Although there are fewer practitioners in the Tianyun Dynasty now, monsters are still the target of being hunted and should not appear on the street.

Even if the rumors he had heard before were true, and there were indeed monsters who were haunting the royal family and the ministers in the court, they would definitely hide the demonic energy on his body and try not to be discovered.

With doubts, Jiang Lin walked into this Benshan Street.

Looking around, he found a lot of weird places.

First of all, the monsters here are all transformed, but there are many monsters whose cultivation is extremely low. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to transform into a human form.

Secondly, these monsters are indeed monsters, but they feel a little strange to him, which makes him feel a discordant feeling. He can't say what is wrong.

The most important point is that the houses and buildings here are made of a kind of Shenqing wood that can suppress the demonic nature, but although this wood can suppress the demonic nature, it will also make the demons addicted and dependent.

If there is a fire accidentally, it is likely to make some monsters like moths to the flames, rushing into the sea of ​​​​fire.

That would be burned alive.

If you want to suppress the demonic nature of these monsters, you can make another choice, and there is no need to use this wood.

A good rosewood will do.

Jiang Lin glanced around the street, and then ignored the doubts in his heart. No matter how weird this place was, it had nothing to do with him.

He just had to wander around and pay a little attention.

There is a high probability that there are bloodthirsty demons here in the capital, and he wants to use this opportunity to achieve his purpose of investigating and finding the extraterrestrial meteorite.

In this case, this is another place where monsters live, so he can try his luck in advance.

Don't take the royal family's decree at that time, he can't catch the monster who committed the crime, it will be funny.

"This guest, do you want to taste our Fu Yuanzi? The Fu Yuanzi from my She Gu is very sweet and delicious."

When Jiang Lin walked to a pavilion, the middle-aged woman at the door shouted at him.

Floating Yuanzi?Tangyuan?

Jiang Lin looked at the porcelain bowl in front of the guests on the side, and realized that the Meteorite Dynasty actually had a food like dumplings, but it was called Fu Yuanzi here.

"Have a bowl."

Jiang Lin nodded, took two steps, and sat down at an idle small table.

It's really interesting, these monsters are actually like people, starting a business and learning how to live a human life.

Coming to the Meteorite Dynasty, Jiang Lin really had some illusions, feeling that his hair was long and his knowledge was short.

This Benshan Street is almost a monster street.

The middle-aged woman who greeted him just now, calling herself Shegu, is a snake demon.

But these monsters, not to mention their appearance, are no different from ordinary people in all aspects.

Some monster bosses even sell their products to past human beings, and their attitude is called a good one.

In the past, it was not that he had never seen evil spirits who had good intentions towards people, but he could be engaged in some catering or retail business and had a very good service attitude, but he had never seen them.

And those commodities, such as stuffed dolls and food, were basically driven out by these monsters.

The craftsmanship is even better than the old tailors and masters among men.

Jiang Lin has nothing to express his current thoughts except that he wants to deduct six for these monsters.

This scene can really be regarded as a shemale family.

"Gu She, bring me a bowl of Fu Yuanzi."

Just at this moment, a handsome girl with a long and slender figure in a pure white dress walked up to Jiang Lin and called out to She Gu, who was busy with her work.

She Gu smiled and responded, "It's Lingyu? Sit down, I'll send it to you in a while."

The girl named Lingyu swept her gaze and found that there were no more seats left, so she sat directly opposite Jiang Lin.


There was a person sitting across from him, and Jiang Lin's gaze naturally shifted.

After he saw Lingyu, he stared at the girl with a pair of eyes.

This girl Lingyu is also a monster, and she is also a white rabbit monster. This is actually not surprising, because there are many monsters in this Benshan Street.

It's strange that Lingyu's demonic aura is completely different from other demons.

The demonic energy on other monsters is radiated out in the form of smoke, but this bunny girl, the demonic energy on the special body is scattered outwards. It may not be appropriate to say that it is emitted. It is described as radiation. Still more appropriate.

This time, it was Jiang Lin's turn to be full of question marks.

Knowledge is short.

He had never seen the aura on a monster or evil spirit in this form.

Ghost qi, devil qi, or corpse qi, would never appear in such a state.

Could it be that the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty was built on a huge extraterrestrial meteorite, which caused the monsters here to be very different from those in other places?

"Have you seen enough?"

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