Just when Jiang Lin felt strange about Lingyu's demonic aura, Lingyu raised her face slightly and scolded Jiang Lin.

Chapter [-] is still short of knowledge ([-])

Lingyu looked at Jiang Lin with a bit of coldness in her eyes. If she wasn't worried about Shegu's business, and the monsters in Benshan Street couldn't easily conflict with people, she really wanted to teach them a lesson.

"Uh... I'm sorry, I just think the girl is a bit special, sorry."

Jiang Lin touched his nose, apologized to Lingyu, and stopped paying attention to the demonic aura on Lingyu's body.

Again, that has nothing to do with him.

He had an unusual reaction just now, just because he had been practicing Taoism for many years, and he had never seen such a strange demonic energy.


Lingyu snorted softly, why do you think she is special, this reason is too bad.

Isn't it because you can't look away when you see a beautiful woman?

It didn't take long for She Gu to bring two bowls of Fu Yuanzi to Jiang Lin and Lingyu respectively.

"Gu She, business is good now."

"It wasn't the help of Young Master Wen who gave us such a place to live and a safe identity. If it weren't for him, where would there be a Benshan Street here? It's really God's mercy to have such a life. ."

When She Gu said these words, there was endless gratitude on her face. The gentleman Wen in her mouth was really the benefactor of these monsters.

Not only did Young Master Wen sell his family property, he went around to get these monsters into the human household registration, but also built such a street to take in these monsters who were hunted everywhere.

If it weren't for this, they would have long since been caught and drained the demon blood.

After chatting for a while, Lingyu asked She Gu to continue her business.

Jiang Lin heard the conversation between She Gu and Lingyu, and roughly guessed what was going on.

These monsters turned out to be rescued, and let them survive as human beings in this capital.

I am afraid that no matter where the evil spirits are, there is no tragic reminder of the monsters of the Fallen Dynasty, and even the living space needs to be protected by someone.

And that gentleman Wen is really bold, this capital is at the foot of the emperor, but this person is playing a black light here.

At this time, Jiang Lin tasted a piece of Fu Yuanzi, chewed it a little, and his brows wrinkled.

There is actually human blood in this Fu Yuanzi's ingredients.

And it also contains some medicinal materials, which has the effect of stimulating the demonic nature of monsters and making them bloodthirsty and violent.

It's a really weird street.

Jiang Lin was a little confused. The building materials of Benshan Street can restrain the demon, but this popular Fu Yuanzi has added a lot of medicinal materials that can make the demon go crazy.

What kind of shit is this doing?


Jiang Lin was not used to eating human blood, so he spit out the food in his mouth.

Even if he can be corpse, he is still not interested in human blood.

"You... what are you doing? If you don't like to eat, no one is forcing you, so why waste food here? You know it's not easy for us to fill our stomachs."

Lingyu couldn't hold back her anger when she saw Jiang Lin vomited Fu Yuanzi.

She was right. Although they were monsters, there was almost no room for survival in the Meteorite Dynasty. Also, because they were monsters, they needed more energy. Usually it was difficult to eat enough. Now Seeing Jiang Lin wasting food here, Lingyu couldn't bear it any longer.

"Well... I ate in a hurry and burned my mouth, it wasn't intentional."

Jiang Lin didn't mention the fact that there was human blood in Fu Yuanzi, and he didn't know why. Moreover, judging from Lingyu's reaction, the latter should not have noticed the abnormality in Fu Yuanzi at all.

Therefore, he randomly found a reason to explain to Lingyu.

After hearing Jiang Lin's words, Lingyu curled her lips and suppressed the anger in her heart.

She also had the experience of getting her mouth scalded before. Fu Yuanzi in front of Jiang Lin had just come out, and it was not impossible for her to be scalded.

"Girl, are you and Mr. Wen the masters of this street? Although the building materials here have the effect of calming the mind, they have disadvantages similar to those of Hanshisan. You can consider replacing them with red sandalwood."

Jiang Lin made a suggestion to Lingyu, perhaps because he felt some pity for the monsters here, so he was kind enough to mention it.

Although he is a Taoist priest, there are good ghosts in ghosts, and there are good demons in demons. It is not absurd that he has compassion for demons.

"Master Wen is, I am not. He has saved my life. Does the wood here have any side effects?"

Lingyu couldn't help but glance at Jiang Lin. If Jiang Lin hadn't mentioned replacing the building materials with red sandalwood, she would have even wondered if Jiang Lin had malicious intentions.

After all, the Shenqingmu here is suppressing the demonic nature of the monsters on this street.

It was also because Jiang Lin said such words that she was willing to answer Jiang Lin's questions.

"Mostly yes."

Jiang Lin nodded, and then asked: "Do you often eat Fu Yuanzi here? If so, let's find some other food, otherwise, if you are a vegetarian, you may want to eat meat, or carrots. suits you."

This time, Jiang Lin simply wanted to remind Lingyu this rabbit demon.

Although the demonic energy on this girl is very special, it is relatively pure and not contaminated with evil spirits. That is to say, this rabbit demon Lingyu should never cultivate by murdering the lives of living people.

It would be a pity if he became crazy and violent because of the medicinal materials in Fu Yuanzi in the future, eating meat and drinking blood.

Chapter [-] is still short of knowledge (below)

Lingyu's beautiful eyes stared at Jiang Lin's face, she always felt that Jiang Lin had something to say.

What does it mean that she is a vegetarian who wants to eat meat?

Moreover, this is indeed the case. Sometimes, after leaving Benshan Street, she is quite sensitive to some bloody smells, and has been attracted by blood many times.

What confused her even more was that the man opposite actually knew that she liked carrots.

"Who the hell are you?"

After a while, Lingyu looked at Jiang Lin cautiously, she now suspects that Jiang Lin has seen that she is a rabbit demon.

Thinking back to the first time, Jiang Lin stared at her, maybe he was confirming her body.

"It doesn't matter who I am, it's just a chance encounter."

Jiang Lin smiled, then got up and walked away. He also had to sense if there were any powerful and vicious monsters nearby.

Shortly after Jiang Lin left, night fell, and at this time, a black shadow galloped over the roofs of the houses on both sides of the street at a very fast speed.

And the direction of this black shadow is exactly where Jiang Lin is.

The cloud that blocked the full moon moved away, and the moonlight was projected again, and the face of the black shadow was revealed.

A pair of red pupils, two pairs of fangs, and under the black clothes are all silver-white hairs—corpse hair.

The one chasing after Jiang Lin turned out to be a hairy jerk.

As for Jiang Lin, after strolling around Benshan Street, he didn't find anything, so he left and was about to find an inn in the capital.

"It's a pity that I don't have any clues. In this case, there is nothing to hurry, just take a step by step."

As Jiang Lin walked, he thought that he had seen a group of special monsters on Benshan Street before, which means that the monsters here may be different from those he has encountered before, including various means and abilities. Do some homework.

At this moment, Jiang Lin suddenly felt a biting killing intent, and then his body flashed away from its original place.

In an instant, a pair of corpse claws grabbed towards the position he was at the moment before, and ten black claw marks appeared in the void.

"The corpse?"

After Jiang Lin stabilized his body, he looked at him with a cold face, which surprised him for a moment.

The one who had murderous intentions towards him turned out to be a zombie, and it was a silver-haired corpse with stiff hair.

What is this scenario?

Jiang Lin felt inexplicable. He came to the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty only a few days ago. As for coming to the capital, it was only today.

He didn't provoke anyone, let alone any corpse evil.

Even if he has the fortune of the corpse emperor, it will attract some corpse evils to fight, that is impossible.

Because the corpse poison in his body is all in the bones, and he still has a means of concealment, so he didn't let the aura of his body radiate out at all.

"who are you?"

Jiang Lin squinted his eyes, but when he took a closer look, he was startled again and again.

The silver-haired corpse opposite turned out to be a red-eyed zombie.

Descendants of generals?

There are also descendants of generals in the Immortal Realm of Nima Daluo?


As soon as the speculation in his heart appeared, Jiang Lin directly ruled it out.

Not to mention that the color of the eyes of the silver-haired corpse on the opposite side does not match its strength, even if this corpse is really a descendant of a general, it cannot be transformed into Mao Zong like him because of the different route of becoming a corpse.

But at this time, Jiang Lin immediately tightened his nerves. Before, he subconsciously focused on the hair characteristics of the silver-haired corpse, but ignored this guy's eyes.

Although this guy is covered in corpse hair like Mao Zong, his eyes are red.

And the red-eyed zombies exist on the same gradient as the generals and the drought, so it's not necessarily that they can't take another path.

Therefore, Jiang Lin wondered if he had misjudged the level of the other party. If the silver-haired corpse was really a corpse ancestor, he might have sensed the corpse emperor's fortune in him by some means.

However, after looking around the body of the silver-haired corpse, Jiang Lin was truly shocked.

What kind of corpse is this motherfucker?

Jiang Lin instantly felt that he was one of the first two.

The silver-haired corpse on the opposite side has nothing strange about the nature of the corpse qi, but the shape of the corpse qi.

Second uncle, the corpse form of this guy is the same as the arrogance of the speedy Saiyan (Super Saiyan) in the anime Dragon Ball.

Moreover, it is still the arrogance of Chaosai II, and a part of the corpse gas is lingering outside, just like a black arc.

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