Holy shit!What the hell happened to the evil spirits of the Meteorite Dynasty?

It doesn't matter if the demonic qi is scattered, even the corpse qi is so compelling.

Could this be the Super Saiyan Corpse?

When did my knowledge become so short?

Jiang Lin is now doubting whether he is really a frog in the well.

He has never encountered such a situation other than he has seen it in himself.

It's just that when he saw it on himself, it was because he used the body refining technique to increase the combat power, and the corpse poisonous waste gas refined in the body was stimulated outwards, so that his breath appeared to compete with the super competition. Subhuman aeration is similar to the situation.

But that is not the original state of his breath or corpse aura.

However, the silver-haired corpse on the opposite side did not activate the secret technique or exhaust air from the body. It was pure corpse qi that naturally diffused and took on such a shape.

What kind of corpse evil is this thing?

I'm going!

Jiang Lin, the zombie expert, is now confused by the silver hair corpse. He has destroyed Wangtianjian and Wangdijian. Whether it is knowledge, experience or record, he can be regarded as invincible in the zombie world. Now full of big question marks.

Even his zombie encyclopedia has become short-sighted in the field he is best at.

However, although Jiang Lin was full of doubts and couldn't figure out the details of the silver-haired corpse, he was relieved.

Because the silver-haired corpse that appeared was not a corpse-level existence, its corpse level was a real furry corpse.

It's just that Jiang Lin didn't know if he had an illusion. The way he looked at the silver-haired corpse was the same as when he saw those monsters on Benshan Street. He didn't know where there was discord.

Feeling the murderous intent of Yinmao Zombie covering him, Jiang Lin no longer paid any attention to the doubts in his heart. Since Yinmao Zhai was not something he was far from being able to deal with, and he still had murderous intentions towards him, then let's do it.

"I don't care how special your corpse is, how similar you are to a Super Saiyan, even if you really overtake, you have to give it to me. Your grandfather, I am King Vegeta!"

With a sneer, Jiang Lin let the corpse poison in his bones into his flesh and blood.

He didn't care what kind of zombie or demon corpse the silver-haired corpse was. As long as it was still a corpse, he had to obey him.

He has the fortune of the corpse emperor, and one foot has already stepped on the road of the corpse. No matter how he is not in the state, no matter how difficult it is, the corpse's power is displayed, and he has the appearance of the corpse emperor.

The silver-haired corpse on the opposite side didn't even reach the level of flying stiffness, so he would honestly be king.

Jiang Lin chose this method also because he wanted to save the number of times he used his spiritual power. After all, he had not yet found the extraterrestrial meteorite. Although he had absorbed a sufficient amount of Yin Sha Qi in Anyang City, it would always be exhausted. when.

As soon as he uses his spiritual power, Wangtianqi's corpse poison will take advantage of the opportunity, and his own corpse poison will be suppressed.

Therefore, if you can save the number of times you use Taoism, you can save some, don't waver.

After releasing the corpse power, Jiang Lin walked towards the silver-haired corpse step by step.

Coercion, corpse power suppression.

However, what made Jiang Lin almost vomit blood was that after being stunned for a moment, the silver-haired corpse charged towards him with lightning speed, and a pair of corpse claws slashed across his chest.

I'm sorry!

Jiang Lin flew out backwards, question marks flashing in his eyes.

This unscientific!Absolutely unscientific!

Is the corpse power on me fake? !

Jiang Lin's mood is extremely depressed now. If anyone can tell him about science, what kind of silver-haired corpse is, why is it not affected by his corpse power at all, and it's okay for him to admit that he has short knowledge!

Chapter two thousand and seventy-three

Ignoring the shock in his heart, Jiang Lin immediately took advantage of his own momentum to fly upside down, and now the silver-haired corpse has attacked him again.

At this time, Jiang Lin had seven or eight bloodstains on his chest, but the injury was not serious.

This is of course the reason why he let the corpse poison into the flesh and blood, and the defense power of the corpse has been enhanced. On the other hand, it seems that the attack power of this silver-haired corpse is not very high.

Jiang Lin didn't expect to pay such a small price when his corpse power had no effect.

Before, he didn't give much attention to guarding against it, otherwise he wouldn't be directly attacked.

Fortunately, he only suffered a little trauma, otherwise, it would have been enough for him to drink a pot.

Since he couldn't use his own corpse power, Jiang Lin directly let the corpse poison in his flesh and blood return to his bones. Before, he wanted to use his own coercion to suppress the silver-haired corpse, so that it was suppressed by his aura, but now this This way doesn't work.

Therefore, Jiang Lin intends to use Taoist techniques.

Although the change of things was very abrupt and unexpected, he also confirmed that the silver-haired corpse that attacked and killed did not want to compete for the fortune of the corpse emperor on him, but completely wanted his life.

With a "swoosh", the Moon Blade flew out from Jianglin's dantian, and his palms also gathered a lot of spiritual power, and two eight-meter-long light swords extended from the ends of his hands. Go out, cooperate with the moon wheel knife, and slash at the silver-haired corpse that is chasing.

"I knocked mom! I almost got hit again."

Almost instantly, Jiang Lin reversed the situation. Both his Moon Wheel Knife and Yang Finger Sword were capable of long-range attacks, and the attack range was huge, one inch long and one inch strong, directly forcing the silver-haired corpse's offensive back.

Jiang Lin no longer thought about what was so weird about the silver-haired corpse, why he had such a strong killing intent towards him, and just killed it.

Before he set off, he took care of most of his old wounds in Anyang City. As a result, he just came to the capital of the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty, and he almost got seriously injured again.

This also made him a lot of anger.

Strange, the defense of this silver-haired corpse is a bit abnormal.

After Jiang Lin reversed the situation, he counterattacked. What made him feel strange was that the silver-haired corpse on the opposite side was much weaker than he had imagined, especially this guy's defense could be easily defeated by his Yang Finger Sword. Break defense.

Before leaving the underground world of Anyang City, Jiang Lin put the source of most of the flames into An Ge's body, which also caused the power of his Yang Finger Sword to drop a lot.

But even so, it can actually make the silver-haired corpse hang.

It's not normal, it's not normal, just let me collect a corpse pill.

With a light laugh, Jiang Lin tapped on the ground and shot his body away, but at this moment, a large amount of white mist erupted from the body of the silver-haired corpse. Before Jiang Lin could be prepared, his eyes were whitened. Smoked to.

Jiang Lin closed his eyes, and immediately called back the moon-shaped sword guard around him, and the silver-haired corpse also took advantage of this opportunity to jump a few times before disappearing.

At this time, Jiang Lin's spiritual sense had dissipated, and he wanted to chase and kill the Yinmao corpse, but he stopped after just two steps.

Because his eyes were destroyed before, Jiang Lin really didn't want to live a blind life again, so he chose to be safe and deal with his eyes first.

If the white mist released by the silver-haired corpse is not dealt with in time and causes any damage to his eyeballs, it will not be worth the loss.

"This silver-haired corpse doesn't seem to sense the aura of the corpse emperor on me, which is really strange."

After a while, Jiang Lin opened his eyes, frowning and muttering to himself.

The reason why he can be sure that the silver corpse just wanted his life is because after his corpse emperor's aura was released, the silver corpse did not behave abnormally at all.

Under normal circumstances, if a strong corpse evil is not afraid of his corpse emperor's power, it will inevitably have a greedy expression or gaze, and want to take this fortune as its own.

However, the silver-haired corpse had no relevant performance at all before, except to show killing intent, there was nothing else.

"If this guy is immortal, he might have to be on guard at all times."

Squinting his eyes, Jiang Lin chased after the silver-haired corpse that had disappeared before.

Even though the silver-haired corpse may have already run far away, he wants to try it out. If he can encounter this corpse again, he will directly use the thunder method to kill it.

"This young man is really not an ordinary person. When he arrived at Benshan Street, he noticed the role of Shenqingmu and the problems in Fu Yuanzi. Since he didn't succeed in one blow, he will give up for the time being. I hope this guy will not interfere with my plan."

At this time, the silver-haired corpse rushing on the roof of the house had a gloomy face. He didn't expect Jiang Lin to be so capable that he could not succeed in attacking from the rear.

After weighing it for a while, the silver-haired corpse took out a piece of black cloth from his arms, covering his head and face, and then he turned around and went to a royal family's mansion to carry out his original plan.

This silver-haired corpse is the culprit that has frightened the royal family and courtiers of the Tianyun Dynasty in the past few months.

However, Yin Mao Zhe never thought that Jiang Lin, who he was going to attack and kill this time, would later become the main force in arresting these serious crimes.

After sneaking into the Yongwang Mansion in the east of the capital, the silver-haired corpse went straight to the study in the mansion.

In the study, the middle-aged man in luxurious clothes saw the man in black who broke in. Before he could scream, a ball of yarn flew into his mouth.

"Benefits will be revenge, killing my entire clan, and you will all have to die!"

The silver-haired corpse had a fierce look in its eyes, and with a claw sticking out, the middle-aged man was suspended, and then the yarn balls in his mouth were instantly dispersed, and countless yarns thinner than hair emerged from the pores of his skin. Drilled out, and finally gathered in one place.

And the blood in the middle-aged man's body was guided out by these extremely thin yarns and pooled in one place.

Chapter [*] This time it's up to you (Part [*])

The middle-aged man watched helplessly as his blood flowed out, his pupils dilated in horror, but no matter how frightened he was, there was nothing he could do, and he couldn't even make a sound.

Looking at the horrified expression on the middle-aged man's face, Yin Mao Zhe sneered: "No need to do this, your entire royal family will soon go down to accompany you. No one can save you."

As he said that, the eyes of the silver-haired corpse became sullen. There were murders in the imperial family of the capital one after another. Naturally, there were many more manpower guards in the mansion of the clan.But for him, it has no effect at all, even if there are several times more manpower, it is also useless.

Now outside the study, including the servants and guards in the yard, all of them are like statues.

Looking forward to this protection being useful?It's like a dream!

When the silver-haired corpse was draining the blood from the middle-aged man's body, on the street where the back door of the palace was located, an old man pushed a dilapidated car to the door. There were also many dilapidated wooden buckets filled with flower fertilizer and soil.

The guard at the back door glanced at the old man and put it in. The old man was a gardener. For many years, he basically took care of the potted flowers in the mansion of the prince or the clan.

After the old man entered the palace, he drove his car to the study in the palace.

And the blood derived from the silver-haired corpse was contained in the wooden barrel brought by the old man.

This old man with the identity of a gardener turned out to be an accomplice of Yin Mao Zhan.

After about a quarter of an hour, after the wooden barrels contained a lot of blood, the old man pushed the car loaded with the wooden barrels and turned back on the original road.

Just as the silver-haired corpse was about to leave, there was a crow's cry from a willow tree in the courtyard of the palace.

Immediately, the guards patrolling and guarding the rest of the palace were alerted and rushed towards the study.

And the crow that chirped also fluttered its wings and flew to the Imperial City Division in the center of the capital.

This kind of messenger crow is actually used by the Imperial City Secretary in the mansions of the royal family and nobles.

In the past, it was not that the Huangcheng Division did not send additional personnel, but unfortunately it failed to change the result of the continuing murders, which required the Huangcheng Division to arrest the murderer as soon as possible.

But the murderer is haunted, and until now, the Imperial City Division has no clue, and even whether it is a monster is still undetermined, so they use this crow to establish a connection with those who may be killed - once there is a When the victim died, he would immediately alert the messenger crow to notify the Imperial City Division.

The silver-haired corpse did not expect such a change in this action. When he reacted, a group of guards had already surrounded them. At the same time, these guards also took out the spiritual tools they were carrying and lined up with each other to form a building. sleepy array.

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