Moreover, some of the guards also released signal fireworks to notify other colleagues in the surrounding area.

At this time, Jiang Lin, who was trying to track down the silver-haired corpse, was already a mile away. He saw the fireworks in the air and heard the slight sound of weapons colliding, so he planned to go over to see what was going on.

It was at this moment that the accomplice of the silver-haired corpse, the old man pushing the cart happened to pass by him.

Bloody smell?

Jiang Lin frowned, his eyes fell on the old man, and at a glance he saw that the old man was a monster.

But he didn't care either. He didn't care about the monsters and the smell of blood. He wanted to find the silver-haired corpse as soon as possible.

When Jiang Lin arrived around the palace where the murder took place, he found that there was chaos on the street in the distance.

A monster with a black cloth covering its head and face was fighting fiercely with a group of strong men wearing official hats who seemed to be guards.


At this time, Jiang Lin suddenly saw the corpse hair on the skin of the silver-haired corpse, and was stunned for a moment.

Why are you so familiar?

Silver corpse? !

After condensing his mind, Jiang Lin was surprised to find that he almost forgot.

This is the silver corpse!

In fact, it wasn't that Jiang Lin's eyes became unusable after the first smoke. At this time, the head and face of the silver-haired corpse were covered by black cloth, and the body exuded a demonic energy, but it was mixed with trace amounts. corpse gas.

At first, even Jiang Lin didn't notice the hidden corpse aura.

If he hadn't seen the corpse hair on the wrist of the silver-haired corpse, he might have left without taking it seriously.

Good guy, it turned out to be here!

After careful confirmation, Jiang Lin was completely sure that what appeared here was the silver-haired corpse.

He has corpse poison on his own body. If he doesn't check it out, it's fine. Now that he has found the clue, after careful screening, he immediately concluded that he was not mistaken.

There are no two zombies with the same breath in this world.

Jiang Lin just wanted to rush over to kill, but after thinking for a while, he pressed the impulse in his heart.

In the current situation, he doesn't know exactly what's going on, and it's not very convenient for him to take action.

Jiang Lin got closer, and the black cloth covering the head and face of the silver-haired corpse was also torn off during the battle, which allowed him to see the face of the silver-haired corpse.

The strange thing is that now the face of the silver-haired corpse is the same as that of Yi Guorong, and it is no longer a corpse.

Although there are still two pairs of upper and lower fangs, and the color of his pupils has not changed, his face looks similar to that of a fox.

What puzzled Jiang Lin was that the Silver Hairy Corpse was not only disguised, but also concealed its own strength.

Although those strong men are not weak, there are not many who have spiritual power in their bodies.

Logically speaking, the silver-haired corpse can be instantly killed in one pass, but now, the silver-haired corpse is fighting back and forth with a group of weak chickens.

What about acting?

"I didn't expect that the murderer who committed so many murders in the capital turned out to be a monster!"

"Do your best to take him down! Otherwise, our Imperial City Secretary will face His Majesty's wrath."

At this moment, Jiang Lin heard the conversation of the strong men who were fighting with the silver-haired corpse, which surprised him again.

This group of strong men dressed like the imperial guards were actually members of the Imperial City Division of the capital, and the silver-haired corpse that had attacked him was actually the murderer of many royal clansmen and ministers of the Tianyun Dynasty.

It seems that this time, I am doing my part.

Jiang Lin was surprised for a moment, then he couldn't help laughing.

Originally, he was thinking of waiting for another day or two, maybe there will be an imperial list posted, and the royal family of the Tianyun Dynasty is looking for strange people to arrest the murderers, and then he will come to reveal the imperial list, ask an official to do it, use it. On the pretext of arresting the culprit, he tried his best to deviate, and used a lot of resources to achieve the purpose of the investigation.

It's good now, he doesn't need to hunt down the murderer, he already knows who the real murderer is.

This is a good thing for him.

It's not that Jiang Lin has nothing to do for himself, and he doesn't care about the investigation of the meteorite outside the sky, so he can be a case-solving expert.

It was because it was really difficult to find the extraterrestrial meteorite he needed.

To find out where the meteorite from outside the sky that fell hundreds of years ago landed, and where it is now, is not something that Jiang Lin can do alone, and requires a lot of human resources.

This is the first problem to be solved.

And if the royal family of the Skyfall Dynasty could grant him some privileges, it would be much easier.

Who has human resources that can compare to the royal family of a dynasty.

Chapter [*] This time it's up to you (Part [*])

Jiang Lin thought about it for a while and felt very happy.

This is simply a perfect opportunity.

Even if the silver-haired corpse appeared in front of everyone in the Imperial City Division, it appeared in a state of disguise and concealing its own aura. Unless these weak chickens could catch the silver-haired corpse on the spot, otherwise , If you want to find it again, then I don't know how difficult it is.

That is to say, apart from him, no one present knew that the real murderer was actually a demon corpse of a special breed.

In this matter of tracing and arresting the murderer, except for him, Jiang Lin, no one else has the ability.

If it is said that the silver hair corpse has not intersected with him before, he wants to find it, and it is still a little difficult, but he has fought with the silver hair corpse before. If he wants to find this guy, the difficulty will naturally be reduced. Not a lot.

With this near-guaranteed result, Jiang Lin can let go of the next thing.

Even if he is deliberately biased later, it is not easy to convince people. At that time, he will directly arrest the silver-haired corpse, and no one will say anything.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin was quite satisfied with coming to the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty. Although there were many things beyond his knowledge, on the whole, it was quite smooth.

Otherwise, if there is no such opportunity, let him search for an extraterrestrial meteorite that fell hundreds of years ago, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Hundreds of years ago, people have passed more than ten or twenty generations. Where can I go and who can I find?

Although Jiang Lin helped his wife Qiu Rong to investigate her life experience and the real murderer, at that time, neither the area nor the time span involved was very big.

But now the breadth of time and space has increased by many times, and even if he is looking for any literature, he can hardly find it.

This was another reason why Jiang Lin was going to use the power of the Tianyun Dynasty royal family. For various documents and archives, the Royal Academy or the historian in the capital must have the most collections.

However, even if it is found that the meteorite landed in that year, it has been hundreds of years. Where did this meteorite go and where it fell, it requires a lot of people to check.

It's hard to take advantage of external power, he, he is going to stay in this Heavenly Meteor Dynasty for a few decades, let's check it out.

At this moment, another group of people rushed to the other side of the street, wearing the same uniforms as those who besieged the silver-haired corpse here.

The leader was a middle-aged man wearing a patterned robe, with iron claws on his hands and a sharp face.

Jiang Lin glanced at the middle-aged man, and found out the depth of the other party's cultivation, the level of Jindan, in terms of the level of cultivation, it was similar to the Mrs. Bone he met in Wen Erguo.

With such a cultivation base, it is estimated that there is still a lot of difficulty in dealing with the silver-haired corpse.

"Our boss Liu Gongshi is here."

"Helps are here, brothers, work harder."

The members of the Imperial City Division who were battling with the silver-haired corpse saw the middle-aged man coming, as if they had seen the backbone.

But at this moment, the body of the silver-haired corpse erupted again with white mist, instantly wrapping the surrounding strong men in it.

Then a scream broke out in the white fog.

The silver-haired corpse doesn't seem to be playing anymore.

Upon seeing this, Gongshi Liu, who rushed over, immediately pulled out the long sword from his waist, accelerated suddenly, and plunged into the white mist.

Looking at the white mist not far away, Jiang Lin frowned slightly. The white mist released by the silver-haired corpse could actually isolate his perspective ability and telepathy.

If it weren't for the moonlight projected from the sky, he wouldn't be able to see the situation in the white fog at all.

Liu Gongshi, who took the initiative to enter the white fog, fell into the downwind not long after, and was pressed and beaten by the silver-haired corpse.

Jiang Lin took a look at the battle situation and decided not to sit on the sidelines.

If the personnel of these Imperial City Divisions are competent enough to take down the silver-haired corpse, then he will secretly exert some strength to provide some assistance to the silver-haired corpse.

He really wanted to destroy the silver-haired corpse, but that was his previous plan.

Now that the silver-haired corpse has the identity of the real murderer, Jiang Lin must not let this thing fall into the hands of others.

Otherwise, where would he find an opportunity to achieve his goal.

But now that the balance has changed, Jiang Lin is going to provide Liu Gongshi with a helping hand, and at the same time try to cause some damage to the silver-haired corpse.

Let the Imperial City Division of the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty owe him a favor first, and he will be more convenient when he has to act later.

After making up his mind, Jiang Lin summoned the Moon Blade in his body, causing it to slash at the silver-haired corpse.

At this moment, Liu Gongshi was out of control, and the corpse's claws of the silver-haired corpse had already slapped down on his Tianling cover.

It was too late and it was too soon, and at a critical moment, Jiang Lin's Moon Wheel Saber arrived and slashed directly on the forearm of the silver-haired corpse.

The silver-haired corpse was taken aback when he saw the crescent knife, and then he looked in the direction where the crescent knife flew, and found Jiang Lin.


The silver-haired corpse immediately became terrified. Jiang Lin was still some distance away from him, and the location where Jiang Lin was located was still out of reach of the moonlight. Therefore, he hadn't noticed that this opponent had arrived here before.

So, after a little bit of weighing, Yinmao Shi was no longer ready to kill Liu Gongshi, and fled the place with a few prancing leaps.

Anyway, his original purpose has been achieved.

After the white fog dissipated, Jiang Lin recalled the Moon Wheel Saber back into his body, and Liu Gongshi, who was rescued by him, also looked towards him.

"My dear brother, thank you for your help just now. This is Gongshi Liu of the Imperial City Division."

Liu Gongshi came to Jiang Lin and thanked him.

Jiang Lin smiled and responded, "If you see a monster hurting someone, it's all you need to do to block it. Gongshang Liu doesn't have to worry about it."

Liu Gongshi took a look at Jiang Lin, and then asked: "Excuse Liu for taking the liberty, I don't know if the spiritual tool my dear brother used just now, is it a moon wheel knife?"

"You know the Moon Blade?"

Hearing Liu Gongshi's question, Jiang Lin was a little stunned. Although the Moon Blade appeared in the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty, it was hundreds of years ago. In this world, there are still people who recognize his Moon at a glance. Wheel knife.

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