How is this going?

Chapter [*] This is also very smooth (Part [*])

"Is it really a moon blade?"

Liu Gongshi was stunned for a moment, and then said: "My dear brother, don't blame each other, Rong Liu asked one more question, how did this moon knife get into your hands? Could it be that my dear brother has the surname Yu?"

"The moon knife is an artifact from my family, and my ancestors did have someone with the surname Yu. How did Liu Gongshi know about my ancestors?"

Jiang Lin frowned. Judging from this Gongshi Liu's reaction, what he was referring to should be Yuran, An Ge's predecessor.

But although Yuran had some influence in the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty, as the saying goes, people take tea to cool, not to mention that hundreds of years have passed, and a person from hundreds of years ago does not know how much grass on the grave. High, how could it be remembered by a leader of the Imperial City Division?

Neither are people of the same era at all.

However, although he had doubts in his heart, Jiang Lin also followed Liu Gongshi's question to show his "identity".

Since someone asked, it must be better than his self-reported family.

"Oh? It turned out to be like this, what is your surname, my dear? Is it also Yu? The reason why Liu recognized the spiritual tool you possess is because it was in this capital hundreds of years ago. Because of the brilliant record. And its owner is a role model for us as generals, so Liu only knew about it.”

A respectful expression suddenly appeared on Liu Gongshi's face. He originally thought that Jiang Lin had the Moon Wheel Saber, perhaps he acquired it by chance, or perhaps it was a disciple of that senior who had been passed down for many generations.

But he did not expect that the young man in front of him was actually a descendant of Yuran.

"So that's it. My surname is not Yu, and your surname is Jiang, Jiang Lin."

Jiang Lin nodded slightly, and then reported his name.

Now, he thinks that his wife, An Ge, can really be regarded as his lucky star.

When he came to the Tianyun Dynasty, he was able to use the experience of the prospective head of the Yu family hundreds of years ago to create a reasonable identity. It was all thanks to An Ge.

If An Ge hadn't provided him with this information, he wouldn't have a proper identity at all.

But now, listening to the meaning of Liu Gongshi's words in front of him, Yu Ran should have helped the royal family here when he was in the Tianyun Dynasty.

This was something he hadn't thought of.

He had previously heard that Yuran had a lot of influence in the Tianyun Dynasty, and that was because Yuran had done a lot of good deeds while walking among the people.

As for Yuran's connection with the royal family, he didn't understand.

In the travel notes that An Ge had read before, there was no record of this incident.

Since Yu Ran had an old relationship with the royal family here when he was in the Tianyun Dynasty, the next thing may be smoother than he imagined.

Liu Gongshi's attitude became enthusiastic again, and said: "It turned out to be Brother Jiang, but I didn't expect that the moon wheel knife turned out to be from Brother Jiang's family. This spiritual tool has not appeared again for hundreds of years. Hundreds of years ago After that senior Yu left the capital, no one knew her traces anymore, Chengzu wanted to make her a national teacher back then."

"I don't know what you said."

Jiang Lin directly stated that he had never heard of these things. Anyway, there is a Lunar Blade now, which has bound him to that senior in An Ge, so there is no need for him to force the information he does not know into as if he knew it.

"Hundreds of years have passed, and it's normal that Brother Jiang hasn't heard of it. Brother Jiang, wait a moment, Liu will go to work first. Today, Liu will accept Brother Jiang's rescue. He also asks Brother Jiang to give him some noodles and go to the humble house. Let me Throw a banquet to thank you."

"Since Liu Gongshi has official business, then Jiang Lin will not disturb him."

Jiang Lin waved his hand. He took action to help Gongshi Liu, but he just wanted to save some personal favors in his hands, and maybe it would be convenient to do things later. Talking with Gongshi Liu until now is also because he wanted to clarify the doubts in his heart and get more. Information only.

He didn't plan to have too much interaction with Liu Gongshi. This person has a sharp face and does not look like a kind person. If it is not necessary, he does not want to deal with such a person.

"It's just a small matter, just explain it. I'm not afraid of Brother Jiang's jokes. Liu feels that he and Brother Jiang are like old friends at first sight, and Brother Jiang's cultivation is not weak. Liu also wants to ask for advice. In fact, I'm ashamed to say it, Liu Because of an official matter, X is now facing the dilemma of accountability. Since Brother Jiang has such an identity, Liu X wants to take this opportunity to report it to His Majesty, so as to make his situation better. "

Liu Gongshi's expression was a little embarrassed, he really wanted to have a relationship with Jiang Lin.


Jiang Lin felt a little happy when he heard what Liu Gongshi said. Now is the opportunity to take the initiative to deliver it to the door.

"Since Liu Gongshi has said so, and he is full of fists and fists, Jiang Lin will not refuse."

Although Jiang Lin didn't really want to interact with Gongshi Liu, but now that such a good opportunity is in front of him, considering his interests, it is not a bad idea to get in touch with Gongshi Liu.

"Then please wait a moment, Brother Jiang."

A look of joy appeared on Liu Gongshi's face, and he immediately turned around and asked his men to go to the palace to investigate the situation, and the rest of them collected clues.

After explaining to all his subordinates, the happy look on Liu Gongshi's face, who had his back to Jiang Lin, disappeared, completely different from the smiling face that greeted him just now.

Liu Gongshi squinted his eyes, and then his eyes turned slightly, and his eyes burst into a sly light. Then he changed his smile again, turned to look at Jiang Lin, and invited Jiang Lin to return to the house with himself.

After a stick of incense had passed, Jiang Lin arrived at Liu Gongshi's residence. After Liu Gongshi had someone prepare a banquet, he started chatting with Jiang Lin.

"Oh? It turns out that Brother Jiang has been living a life of escapism before, and he only arrived in the capital today."

Liu Gongshi had heard Jiang Lin's self-report, and the expression on his face was very surprised, and the surprise was mixed with some joy.

He had no doubts about what Jiang Lin said about being reclusive and single-handed by the N generation.

Because no one would be free to find such an identity for himself, not to mention that the magic weapon that Jiang Lin possessed was indeed the Moon Wheel Knife.

With the evidence of this most critical artifact, other details are not too important.

As for Jiang Lin going to the valley where Yuran once lived, and tidying up the place, it was purely out of prudence.

Jiang Lin nodded and said, "That's right, I have no relatives here now, and I want to come out and see what the outside world is like."

"Brother Jiang, since you have just come out now, you have no plans for the future, and you still have a strong cultivation base, why don't I report your matter to your boss and ask him to recommend a position for you? Brother Jiang's ancestors once helped Retiring the demons from the royal family is kind to the royal family. As long as the empress dowager and her majesty know about it, they will probably give you a reward. To tell you the truth, the capital is not peaceful now, and there are monsters at work. If brother Jiang can contribute to solve this problem It must be a matter of hand.”

Liu Gongshi immediately told Jiang Lin what he had in mind, he wanted to help Jiang Lin find a job, and let Jiang Lin solve the problem of the demons in the capital.

I have a go, there is such a good thing?

Jiang Lin was stunned when he heard it, but the smooth progress of things was far beyond his imagination.

Chapter [*] This is also very smooth ([*])

Is it possible to start the transfer now?

Jiang Lin even suspected that An Ge was no longer his lucky star, but his lucky superstar.

He went to the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty, although it took a lot of time to travel, but it was already a coincidence.

It has only been six or seven days since he arrived at the realm of the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty, and it took only one day to come to this capital.

I didn't expect that when I first came here, someone would take the initiative to help without saying anything.

Isn't it time to run?

There is no need for him to reveal any emperor list or self-recommendation.

"Liu Gongshi, this is not very good? The arrest of the murderer is your official business. If you recommend me a position, wouldn't it take your job?"

Although Jiang Lin was very happy in his heart, he didn't show it and deliberately declined.

"Hey~ Brother Jiang didn't know, although Liu worked in the Imperial City Division, he was in charge of ordinary criminal cases. This murder case was committed by monsters, and it involved not ordinary people, so it was not under my control. Even if you don't show up, Brother Jiang, I will report the truth and throw my hands away. But after all, it has not been determined for so long whether it is a monster or not, so the boss and His Majesty have criticized me quite a bit. This is also me. Ask Brother Jiang to discuss the reason. As for the job grab, you don't have to worry about it, monks from far away can recite sutras, as long as they can relieve His Majesty's worries, how can a courtier be unwilling."

Liu Gongshi waved his hand, saying that there was nothing at all, Jiang Lin couldn't take his job.

As for grabbing other people's jobs, why bother with so much?

"Furthermore, since Brother Jiang's ancestors were kind to the royal family, Chengzu also intended to reward him back then, but that senior left the capital first, which made it a pity for Chengzu. Now that Jiangxiong is here, he has not received the reward. , it is reasonable for future generations to come.”

Liu Gongshi continued to persuade Jiang Lin. In fact, he hoped that Jiang Lin would accept his advice so much for himself.

The murders that happened in the Tianyun Dynasty during this period were not that simple.

"If that's the case, then it's hard work for Mr. Liu."

Liu Gongshi persuaded him one after another, but Jiang Lin stopped acting and agreed directly.

According to his judgment, if he reasoned from the logic in Liu Gongshi's words, most of the hundreds of years ago, Liu Gongshi said that the founder of the Tianyun Dynasty should have had a different idea of ​​Yuran, the predecessor of An Ge.

Maybe I still want to ask Yuran to be a harem.

Since Yuran is Chengzu's regret, then as a descendant of Chengzu, as the emperor of the Fallen Dynasty today, he will definitely find a way to make up for his ancestor's regret.

This way, it will be more convenient for him to do things.

Liu Gongshi laughed and said: "Liu and Brother Jiang hit it off together, so why did you have to work hard? What's more, it was thanks to Brother Jiang that saved Liu's life. Brother Jiang, you just arrived in the capital, so you probably haven't settled down. Here, I will instruct the servants to prepare a guest room for you. Brother Jiang, you will go to court with me tomorrow morning. I will go to see the progress of the work of the servants and report them together tomorrow. "

"it is good."

Jiang Lin didn't brush off Gongshi Liu's good intentions. He did save the latter's life before, so it was natural for Gongshi Liu to provide a temporary residence.

After Liu Gongshi left his residence, he went to the prison courtyard around the imperial palace of the capital.

"Director Guo, there is good news to report."

When he reached the hall of the prison, Gongshi Liu knelt down at a fat man who looked like a eunuch sitting in the hall.

This fat man is Director Guo who manages the eunuchs of the Tianyun Dynasty palace.

"Oh? What good news? Tell us about it."

Director Guo raised his eyebrows and looked at Liu Gongshi.

"General Manager Guo, it's like this..."

Liu Gongshi reported what happened tonight and his encounter with Jiang Lin.

After listening, Director Guo didn't even have a happy expression, but said: "So, there is really a monster at work, and you also met a young man, what kind of good news is this? Now that it's confirmed It's a monster who committed the crime, it's enough to hand it over to Ning Yesi's night patrol, why do we still let our family lobby from it?"

"Director Guo, if these cases are handed over to Ning Yesi for investigation, if something is found, we will not be able to handle it. Now an outsider has come, and he doesn't even know the situation of the capital and the state of affairs. He doesn't even know it. Let an outsider be the night patrol officer, and he will be given full authority to investigate, wouldn't it be possible to find out nothing? This will not happen to the public. "

Liu Gongshi has a good life and analyzed the pros and cons and the pros and cons with Director Guo.

If Jiang Lin didn't come here by coincidence, and he didn't know anything at all, he wouldn't have given Jiang Lin advice again and again.

Even if Jiang Lin wanted to investigate, his eyes would be darkened. It would be good to be able to find out where the monsters were hiding. If he wanted to find other things, it would be impossible.

In Liu Gongshi's view, although this young man, Jiang Lin, belonged to the Tianyun Dynasty, he was basically no different from a foreigner.

On the contrary, it was Ning Yesi who worried him the most.

As long as Jiang Lin becomes the person in charge of Ning Yesi's side, then there is nothing to worry about.

"Huh? It really makes sense."

When Director Guo heard what Liu Gongshi said, he immediately sat up straight, thought for a moment, and then said, "Miaozai, Miaozai! That young man named Jiang Lin, after all, he really has a relationship with Ning Yesi. What's the origin. Liu Gongshi, if you do this well, our family will reward you well."

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