Liu Gongshi shook his head again and again, and said, "I don't dare to ask for rewards. As long as I can solve problems for Director Guo and the Queen Mother, it is an honor for the villain."

"Don't worry, you have your own benefits. Go back. Tomorrow, our family will make arrangements. You bring that young man to the Meridian Gate and make him wait for the announcement."

"This subordinate will retire."

Liu Gongshi bowed his body and took a few steps back before turning around and leaving.

In this way, what he will do for Jiang Lin Laoguan tomorrow will go smoothly.

Chapter [*] This is also very smooth (Part [*])

Early the next morning, Jiang Lin was led by Gongshi Liu to the imperial palace in the capital.

"Brother Jiang, you don't have an order and identity, so you are not allowed to enter the palace for the time being, and you will wait outside the Wumen Gate for a while until your Majesty's summons before entering."

Outside the palace gate, Liu Gongshi asked Jiang Lin to wait for the announcement and the will.

"Then Mr. Liu will go to work first, and I will wait here."

Jiang Lin nodded. After Liu Gongshi stepped forward and showed his waist card to the imperial guard, he walked into the palace gate.

In the Tianyun Dynasty, the main hall of the court where the ministers and the emperor discussed was the Hall of the Son of Heaven. At this time, in the Hall of the Son of Heaven, Xian Zongwei, who was wearing a yellow robe, was sitting on the dragon chair. Not far away, there was a majestic woman sitting next to him. , listen to the state affairs reported by the court officials.

It's like listening to government with a curtain.

In fact, this majestic woman can be regarded as the true ruler of the Tianyun Dynasty, the biological mother of Xianzong, and the current Empress Dowager Li of the Tianyun Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, there was another murder case in Prince Yong's mansion last night, and Prince Yong has already been killed. Mr. Liu of the Imperial City Division has already reported to the servant, and the servant suggested that His Majesty declare him to enter the court. Although the murder will certainly make His Majesty worry, I think Liu Gongshi should be able to report a happy event to His Majesty."

In the hall, Director Guo smiled and pointed to Xianzong to bow down to report important matters. After listening to Xianzong, he said: "There is another murder case? This is the first time that the clan has been killed? Announcement, could it be that the murderer has been caught? Xuan!"

After Xianzong ordered the declaration, it didn't take long for Liu Gongshi to enter the court, knelt down and said: "Your Majesty, there was a murder in the Yongwang Mansion last night, and Weichen sent everyone from the Imperial City Division to arrest the real murderer, but I didn't expect the perpetrator to commit the crime. It turned out to be a terrifying monster, suspected to be a fox demon, and even Wei Chen almost died under its claws."

"Oh? It turned out to be really a monster."

Xianzong's face changed slightly, then he frowned and asked: "Liu Gongshi, just now, Director Guo said, you have good news to report to me, but this evildoer has already been executed?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Wei Chen never captured him."

"Then why is the good news? Liu Gongshi, Director Guo, are you trying to deceive you?"

Seeing the angry look on Xianzong's face, Liu Gongshi hurriedly kowtowed and explained to him, "Weichen must never dare, it was Weichen who met a strange man named Jiang Lin, who was listening to the propaganda outside the Meridian Gate. , If Your Majesty knows his identity, he will naturally be delighted. Wei Chen and Director Guo both know that His Majesty is worried because of the affairs in the city, so they are ready to give His Majesty a surprise."

"What kind of strange person? Xuan Lai is."

What Liu Gongshi said also happened to cater to Xianzong, so Xianzong temporarily suppressed the anger in his heart, causing Xuan Jianglin to enter the court.

He does need some joy now to dilute his recent anxiety.

Jiang Lin, who was waiting outside the Meridian Gate, followed a little eunuch who announced the order to enter the palace gate and went straight to the Temple of the Son of Heaven.

"Sanren Jianglin, I have seen Emperor Xian."

When Jiang Lin arrived at the hall, he didn't bend his knees at all, so he bowed his hands to Xianzong and said hello.

"Bold, when you see your majesty, you don't even kneel!"

At this time, the surrounding courtiers saw that Jiang Lin was so big, not only did not call Xianzong your majesty, but also stood upright, and they shouted and shouted.

Jiang Lin turned to look at the sound, his eyes swept away, and the few ministers who had made him kneel just now were all startled with a cold sweat.

Let me kneel, can your master bear it?

"Director Guo, Gongshi Liu, is this the good news you gave me?"

Xianzong was also very angry. If it wasn't for Empress Dowager Li who didn't respond, he would have ordered the so-called strange man to be pushed out of the Meridian Gate and beheaded.

"Your Majesty, please calm down for a while, and let the servants explain to His Majesty. Your Majesty, do you still remember when our Heavenly Meteor Dynasty descended from the sky more than [*] years ago, evil spirits ran rampant, and harassed the palace?"

"Of course I remember that it was a catastrophe for our Heavenly Meteor Dynasty. Although I have never experienced such a big event, how can I not know it? What does this have to do with the good news that Liu Gongshi said?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it has something to do with it. Back then, it was monsters who caused chaos, and now the murder case in the capital is also caused by monsters."

After a pause, Director Guo continued: "In those days, Chengzu, who was wise and martial, was in power. Chengzu had the blessing of God, and was helped by a female fairy, Chang Yuran. Together with the general Chaotian, the wheel blade and the long sword came out side by side. There have been countless demons destroyed, turning the tide and helping the building fall. The young man in the hall, Jiang Lin, is the descendant of the fairy goddess. Hundreds of years ago, Chengzu got the help of the goddess goddess. The rejuvenation of our dynasty, and now when Your Majesty is worried, the descendants of the fairy goddess just happen to no longer hide in the world, walk in the world, and assist His Majesty. Isn't this God's will? It is destined that our dynasty will last forever, and the eradication of evil and evil will be in the near future, Your Majesty, the servants think this is really great news."

After saying that, Director Guo knelt down on his knees and said, "God bless your majesty, long life, long live, long live my emperor."

Oh my god, this fat eunuch is so fucking good at trolling.

Jiang Lin really got goosebumps when he heard Mr. Guo's bewitching words.

However, although he was disgusted by Director Guo's sluggishness, Jiang Lin was in a good mood.

He didn't expect that Liu Gongshi said that he recommended him, but he actually said that he was specially sent by God.

Before he said a word, he was regarded as the messenger of heaven.

There really is no such thing.

He Jianglin came here purely to find the extraterrestrial meteorite he needed.

Does it need to be so bright and great to be touted?

After Director Guo, the courtiers in the hall also shouted for a while, flattering longevity and longevity.

Xianzong on the dragon chair suddenly looked happy when he heard the words, and asked Mr. Guo: "Is this person really the descendant of the fairy goddess? So kind, so kind!"

Xianzong was so flattered by Director Guo that he really thought that he had the same luck as his ancestors, and most of the mood that was disturbed by the murder case in the capital dissipated immediately.

Jiang Lin forcibly held back his own laughter. His visit to the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty was a little smoother.

There is no need to do anything, and without doing anything, he is regarded as the messenger of heaven by the ministers and Xianzong.

I went.

To say that this is not when it will work, even Jiang Lin himself does not believe it.

He was touted like this, as long as he found a little more reasonable reason, would he not cooperate with him?

What he wants to check.

Maybe there is no need for human feelings and reasons at all.

Good luck, good luck.

Chapter two thousand and seventy-ninth gold medal, no taboo

Director Guo nodded and said, "That's true. Mr. Liu, tell me about Jiang Lin in detail."

Therefore, Liu Gongshi explained everything about Jiang Lin's "identity" and his family living in seclusion in a valley.

Finally, Liu Gongshi said again: "Your Majesty, Jiang Lin only arrived in the capital yesterday, and he met Wei Chen that night, and he even released the Moon Wheel Sabre to save Wei Chen from the monster's claws. This must be the will of God. Your Majesty At the time of worrying, the descendants of the fairy goddess came to the capital, so it will be a matter of time to exterminate the evil spirits, and Your Majesty will no longer have to worry about the evil things."

Then Liu Gongshi looked at Jiang Lin: "Brother Jiang, please call out a spirit weapon and prove your identity."

"it is good."

Jiang Lin responded and summoned his own Moon Blade.

"Sure enough, it really is the moon blade of the female fairy."

"In the past, the fairy goddess helped Chengzu, and now her descendants will be able to relieve His Majesty!"

"God's will is like this, which indicates that during the reign of His Majesty, he will definitely be able to imitate my dynasty and become an ancestor."

For a time, the ministers in the court were flattering again, and congratulated Xianzong.

Even a considerable number of people rejoiced from their hearts, not only for Xianzong, but also for themselves.

Liu Gongshi of the Imperial City Division is not an impatient person. He was almost killed by the monster in this way. This means that if no one can rule the monster, they are high officials. There will always be fears of life.

This man is absolutely amazing!

It's a life-saving fairy!

"Queen Mother, I have been in power for so many years, and no evildoers have caused harm, so I am not familiar with the history of that year. Let's see if that wheel blade is the moon wheel knife?"

Xianzong looked at Empress Dowager Li who was sitting not far away. At least in terms of knowledge, Empress Dowager Li was still taller than him.

Empress Dowager Li looked at the clear blue crescent blade hovering over the Jianglin, and said, "It is shaped like a crescent moon, and its entire body is blue, which is consistent with the description in the royal family history books. Moreover, when Chengzu was on the throne, he wanted to seal it. The female fairy was a national teacher, but unfortunately she disappeared after making some suggestions after pacifying the evil disaster. She should have either left or lived in seclusion. Now that the moon-wheel knife has reappeared, all the evil spirits in the capital want to As they were hundreds of years ago, they were all beheaded, and Aijia would like to congratulate His Majesty."

"It's really gratifying! Come on, give me a seat."

Xianzong stood up, walked down the court, and said to Jiang Lin: "It turns out that Zhenren Jiang has always lived a life of isolation, and only entered the world a few days ago. Since this is the case, there are some red tape in the mundane world. Yes. Actually, I also understand Liu Gongshi's ability, but that monster can't even deal with him, so it can be seen that the real person's cultivation level is definitely not under the ancestral daughter."

Walking to Jiang Lin's side, Xianzong's face had a thirsty expression on his face, and then he stretched out his hand to hold Jiang Lin's sleeve and said, "I don't know if a real person can show me what a real person can do, since I ascended the throne. , I have lived in the capital for a long time, and my horizons need to be broadened."

"It's all right. It's just that Jiang was worried that his subordinates were insignificant and destroyed the buildings outside the hall, and he was also afraid of shocking Emperor Xian."

Of course, Jiang Lin knew that this was Xianzong who wanted to see his ability, and whether he could really let the perpetrators be put to death.

"It doesn't matter, the real person can do whatever they want."

Xianzong laughed and said that I just wanted to see your ability.

Jiang Lin nodded slightly, and then raised his right arm, facing the door of the hall with his palm.

The spiritual power in the body was suddenly stimulated, and a cannon blasted out.

After an explosion, a large pit with a diameter of three or four feet and a depth of about two feet appeared on the ground outside the Temple of the Son of Heaven.

This loud noise made some of the courtiers in the hall sit on the ground in fright, and even Xianzong was taken aback and took a few steps back.

Director Guo and Gongshi Liu looked at each other, and then looked at Empress Dowager Li together, and there was a bit of fear in their eyes.

"Ha ha……"

After being frightened, Xianzong laughed a few times, covering up the fact that he was frightened, and then he said: "Okay! This is really God bless my court!"

It didn't take long for a few eunuchs to carry a good Taishi chair. Jiang Lin was not polite and sat directly beside the hall.

Xianzong also happily returned to the dragon chair and sat down.

"Your Majesty, the slave has a proposal. The real murderer is a monster, and it is no longer under the control of the Huangcheng Division. As a rule, it should be handed over to Ning Yesi. Liu Gongshi has been unable to determine the identity of the real murderer, so he should be punished naturally, but the female fairy. The long descendants are also recommended by him, and the merits and demerits can be worth it. The servant thinks that His Majesty can make Jiang Zhenren work in Ning Yesi, and he will be in charge of arresting murderers and eliminating demons, I wonder what Your Majesty thinks?"

After receiving the signal from Empress Dowager Li, Director Guo bowed and put forward suggestions to Xianzong.

"Ning Yesi? Does the capital have this department?"

"Yes, and there is a deep relationship with Jiang Zhenren and the female fairy. After experiencing the chaos of the group of demons, Chengzu listened to the advice of the female fairy and General Tian, ​​and established Ning Yesi. After taking up the post of the night watchman, he specializes in dealing with the monsters who are in chaos in the capital. Since the emperor ascended the throne, there has been no evil spirits. Ning Yesi has been abandoned for more than [*] years. It is normal for His Majesty to feel unfamiliar with Ning Yesi. Get up, without that fairy head, there may not be Ning Yesi at all. Chengzu had planned to let the fairy head manage Ning Yesi back then, but unfortunately the fairy head is not in love with the world, and there is no trace. Now Jiang Zhenren is a female The descendant of Xianchang, who manages Ning Yesi, may know that Chengzu will be able to settle his regrets."

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