Director Guo told Xianzong about the origin of Ning Yesi and Ye Patrol. Anyway, Chengzu wanted to keep Yuran in the palace.

Otherwise, Ning Yesi's position would not be located in the northern corner of the palace.

There is such a source.

Jiang Lin was also quite surprised after hearing what Director Guo said. It seems that Yu Ran, An Ge's predecessor, in the Meteorite Dynasty, it was not as simple as making a name for himself.

Even an important institution of this dynasty was established because of it, so this influence is really unusual.

It was also because of knowing this that Jiang Lin understood why there was no such description in An Ge's biography.

It is estimated that Yuran was pursued by the ancestors of the Tianyun Dynasty. How could such a thing be written in the travel journal.

The prospective patriarch of the Yu family always wanted to recruit son-in-law into the family. If he wrote it down, wouldn't it make future generations laugh at his husband who might have been a tauren?

"Fate, it's really fate! This kind of origin must be destined by God. In that case, it's accurate!"

Xianzong patted the armrest of the dragon chair, and immediately agreed with Director Guo's proposal: "Zhenzhen Jiang, I really make you the head of the night patrol, in charge of Ning Yesi, to find and kill the monsters who have committed many crimes for me, Can you?"

Jiang Lin stood up and said decisively: "It is my duty to follow the example of my predecessors. If there is no result within ten months, Jiang Lin will return to his original place and never be born again!"

"Okay! Then I will give you a gold medal from the royal family. Wherever the gold medal goes, if I come here in person, I will solve the case and catch the monster. There are no taboos!"

Xianzong immediately asked Director Guo to get a gold medal, directly giving Jiang Lin unscrupulous power.

Royal gold medal, no taboo?


Jiang Lin was overjoyed. Now, as long as he made progress in his pursuit of the murderer, the human resources and historical documents that he needed to investigate the extraterrestrial meteorite could be called at will.


Chapter [*] There is no row at all

"Liu Gongshi, you should take Jiang Zhenren to Chongzheng Yuan first, and when the gold medal is delivered and the appointment decree is drawn up, you will lead the way to send Jiang Zhenren to Ningye Si. Although Huangcheng Division and Ning Yesi are not subordinate to each other, But if Jiang Zhenren needs it, the staff of the Imperial City Division can also be mobilized by him."

"Wei Chen takes orders."

Liu Gongshi gave a sigh, and took Jiang Lin away from the Palace of the Son of Heaven and went to the Chongzheng Yuan, which was in charge of documents.

After half a cup of tea, Jiang Lin had in his hands the gold medal presented by Director Guo and the commission and imperial decree prepared by the courtyard.

Director Guo glanced at Jiang Lin with a smile and said, "Zhenzhen Jiang, Your Majesty rarely grants such a gold medal. I hope you can find the monster that committed the crime as soon as possible and kill it as soon as possible."

Now that even Xianzong called Jiang Lin Zhenren Jiang, then Director Guo could only call him along.

"It's natural."

Jiang Lin smiled at Director Guo, although he had his own intentions, but now that he has gained so many benefits and conveniences, he will not take the benefits in vain.

What he should do, he will definitely not break his promise.

"Then our family is also busy with official business. If there is anything that Jiang Zhenren doesn't know very well, you can also ask Ning Yesi or Liu Gongshi."

Director Guo nodded and left the Chongzheng Academy.

After Director Guo left, Jiang Lin's eyes moved slightly. In fact, he felt a little strange before. Liu Gongshi kept persuading him, even if he wanted to recommend him, but today's situation in the Temple of the Son of Heaven made him a little bit. do not understand.

Liu Gongshi must have gone to Director Guo last night.

This is a bit illogical.

He Jianglin is a master of Taoism, but yesterday, Gongshi Liu didn't have a clear understanding of his strength, why did he so eagerly let him deal with the silver-haired corpse?

What's more, even if it is a silver-haired corpse, in this Heavenly Meteor Dynasty, there are cultivators of the golden core level like Liu Gongshi, so there is no way to take a silver-haired corpse.

After all, in terms of level, the cultivator of the pills and Mao Zong are the target.

However, Jiang Lin didn't intend to go deep into his business, and he didn't bother to pay attention to what Liu Gongshi and General Manager Guo were thinking.

After a stick of incense had passed, Jiang Lin was led by Gongshi Liu to Ning Yesi in the north gate area of ​​the palace.

Is this Ning Yesi?

Wouldn't it be just the two of them?

Is this institution with a history of hundreds of years so unrecognizable?

When he arrived at the gate of a compound, Jiang Lin looked inside and found that Ning Yesi was only a handsome young man and an old man with long beard. The former was practicing swordsmanship in the courtyard, and the latter was reading scriptures in the hall.

It's still sunny and bright, and it's business time. Even if you're very busy and lazy in the office, there won't be only two people left behind in an organization.

Liu Gongshi glanced at the courtyard gate and said, "This Ning Yesi is really abandoned."

When the long-bearded old man saw someone coming, he went out to greet him and said with emotion, "After so many years, someone finally remembers Ning Yesi."

Holding the imperial decree in one hand, Gongshi Liu raised one hand flatly and said loudly, "Ning Yesi Night Patrol Envoy accepts the decree."

The long-bearded old man immediately bowed his knees and fell to the ground. The handsome young man who was practicing swordsman heard the sound and rushed over, kneeling with the long-bearded old man to receive the imperial decree.

After Liu Gongshi announced the decree, he said to the long-bearded old man: "The many murder cases in the capital this time are caused by monsters and have exceeded the jurisdiction of the Imperial City Division. Now Your Majesty has appointed Jiang Zhenren as the night of the Ningye Division. The patrol chief, I also hope that the night patrol can live up to the holy will and fully assist Jiang Zhenren."

The long-bearded old man waved his hand and said to Liu Gongshi: "Master Gongshi, Yuanxiu is under Yuanxiu, but he is the head of Ning Yesi, and he is the night watchman."

Saying that, the long-bearded old man pointed to the young man beside him.

"Yan Li, the imperial night patrol envoy, respectfully receives the imperial decree."

After the handsome young man got up, he bowed his waist and took the imperial decree in the hands of Liu Gongshi.

Liu Gongshi looked at Yan Li, who claimed to be the night patrol, and was stunned for a moment.

Isn't that a stubborn guy?

But then he felt happy, this Ning Yesi seems to be a night watchman and a master bookkeeper, one is Maotou Xiaowa, the other is an old man, and Jiang Lin can be regarded as a foreigner. Three do not know.

Check it out, you can find the murderer and kill it, there should be no more things to find.

"Ahem, Zhenren Jiang, if you have any needs, you can ask for someone from the Imperial City Division. This is what His Majesty promised."

Holding back his smile, Gongshi Liu greeted Jiang Lin and left Ning Yesi with his men.

"Master Master, please come in quickly, I didn't expect Master Master and Ning Yesi to have such a deep relationship."

Director Yuan immediately invited Jiang Lin into the living room. He had heard from Gongshi Liu before that Jiang Lin's ancestor was the fairy goddess who suggested Chengzu to set up Ning Yesi hundreds of years ago. Therefore, regarding Jiang Lin's appearance and appointment, he There is no opinion.

"Ning Yesi... is it just the two of you?"

Jiang Lin frowned slightly. Now he has won the imperial gold medal and is in charge of Ning Yesi, but now it seems that the manpower here...

Only three or two big cats and kittens are left.

Although Xianzong said that he could call on the staff from the Imperial City Division, after all, in terms of power, he should not be the home over there and call on the staff from other places, which must be discounted in terms of convenience.

"Your Excellency has lived outside the world for a long time, and may not know much about the current situation. Today, there are not many monsters in the Fallen Dynasty, and there are very few evil spirits, not to mention the chaos in the capital. Therefore, Ning Yesi I have been taking empty pay for decades, and I have been laying off staff since the last night watchman. Now only Lao Xi and Yan Li are left."

Master Yuan explained it to Jiang Lin - as for the people, it was just the two of them, nothing else.

Then he added: "However, Yan Li has won the true inheritance of his father, the last night watchman, and he will definitely become a powerful arm of the master."

Jiang Lin nodded, but he felt so shabby in his heart.

When I was in the Temple of the Son of Heaven today, that Director Guo was ranting about the relationship between Ning Yesi and Yuran, or that Chengzu himself established it back then. As a result, when he came here, he saw that this Ning Yesi had no appearance at all. .

Not to mention Ning Yesi, now he, the night patrol chief appointed by Emperor Xianzong, is also out of line.

It's really dignified to say it out, wow!Appointed by Qin, the lord bestowed by the emperor.

As a result, there are only two people at hand.

Not even running errands.

Chapter [*] I would like to call you a famous detective in the monastic world

Although he didn't know whether to laugh or cry, Jiang Lin didn't say much. After thinking for a while, he said, "If that's the case, let's check the remains of the victims over the past few months. Who among you will lead the way?"

Now that he has won the imperial gold medal, Jiang Lin is not in a hurry to investigate the matter of the meteorite outside the sky. He must at least take his own opportunity to do something, or make some progress.

Moreover, although he had fought with the silver-haired corpse before, the difficulty of finding it out was reduced, but it was not that easy.

Yan Li responded, "Your Majesty, please wait a moment. Yan Li will go to change into an official uniform first, and I will bring you over there."

Jiang Lin snorted, and glanced around the living room, then picked up two ancient books and read them.

"My lord, the place where the corpse is collected is the Criminal Court of the capital. Outside the palace, Yan Li leads the way and takes the lord there."

It didn't take long for Yan Li, who had changed his outfit, to come to the hall. Jiang Lin also closed the ancient book and went to the Criminal Court together with Yan Li.

"How do night watchmen usually deal with similar situations in the past?"

On the way to the north gate of the palace, Jiang Lin asked Yan Li about something.

This time, there are royal relatives who are victims. He can use some Taoism to detain the souls of the deceased. Of course, this is just a pretense.

But after all, the deceased were related to the royal family, and he didn't know if there were any taboos in the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty, so as not to be truthful.

Although Xianzong said that he had no taboos in chasing murderers and destroying demons, if he could avoid unnecessary troubles as much as possible, it would be better to avoid them.

Yan Li responded while hitting the horse: "When my father was alive, he often taught me that investigating a case is the first priority, hearing it, reciting it, and never forgetting it. Second, what you see is not necessarily true, and finally, everything in the world is related. Inferring, judging, judging, pulling the thread, and reasoning layer by layer, you can find the truth. And there is only one truth.”


Jiang Lin listened with a confused expression, and his expression was a little frozen.

He asked Yan Li how he dealt with such things in the past, and what method he used to confirm the real culprit.

What techniques to use and what taboos to use.

As a result, this Yan Li came to him with this and that, and finally added a reasoning.

There is only one truth.

Is Ning Detective Di Renjie, or Detective Conan?

Jiang Lin really didn't understand what Yan Li was talking about, although in the past, whether it was him or Ninth Uncle, when the cultivation base was not very good, he had also encountered situations where he didn't know what kind of evil he was trying to kill. , the same needs to be investigated.

But that is basically judged on the basis of Taoism.

But Yan Li, the night watchman, is really unusual, and the whole theory of inference and reasoning is so unreasonable.

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