After some searching, Jiang Lin was in the grass beside the road and found a part of the corpse of the silver-haired corpse that was chopped off by the Moon Wheel Knife last night.

What made him strange was that even if these corpse hairs left the skin of the silver-haired corpse, they still exuded a demonic aura, and they were still demonic fox spirits.

This is a little strange.

"Let's follow this clue together."

Jiang Lin handed a tuft of hair in his hand to Yan Li and let him put it away.

Now Jiang Lin didn't plan to use Taoism to locate the silver-haired corpse immediately. He didn't want to destroy the silver-haired corpse so quickly.

In the time he has won, he still has to do the work of investigating extraterrestrial meteorites. Of course, the case will not be closed so soon.

As for the fact that the real murderer was a group of corpses, he also didn't mention it.

As long as there is progress in the investigation and pursuit of the murderer, as long as outsiders know that he is already investigating, it is ok, there is no need to advance so fast.

Therefore, even Yan Li thought that this murder was the work of a group of monsters, and didn't even know that it was a group of corpses.

Yan Li took a compass from his bosom and said to Jiang Lin, "This is the monster search plate made by my father before his death. Lord Jiang, please come with me."

Jiang Lin looked at the pointer on the compass in Yan Li's hand, and found that the general direction of the needle's tip turned out to be Benshan Street, which he had been to before.

Chapter [-] and then to Benshan Street (Part [-])

Jiang Lin didn't care much about Yan Li's discovery of Benshan Street.

Although the monsters on Benshan Street have no grievances with him, since the Huangcheng Division has concluded that the recent murders were committed by monsters, even without him, they will be found on Benshan Street sooner or later.

The owner of the monster street has been completely dark under the lights. If the capital has not been turbulent, it will not be a big problem, but if there is a supernatural event, and there is a monster at work, there will be the first to bear the brunt.

Even if Yan Li didn't search for the monsters, Jiang Lin planned to go there again.

After being attacked and killed by the silver-haired corpse, he also thought about it. On the first day he came to the capital, he also visited the more special place of Benshan Street. Soon after he left Benshan Street, he was arrested by The silver-haired corpse watched.

If you speculate on the route of the silver-haired corpse's departure, the source is most likely the monster street.

In other words, if the silver-haired corpse is hidden somewhere in the capital, the possibility of that monster street is still relatively high.

After all, the silver-haired corpse is suspected to be related to the monster, otherwise, the hair on its body would not have passed so long after leaving the body, and it still has a demonic aura similar to that of a fox monster.

"Sir, are you leaving here?"

Yan Li moved the demon search plate and looked at Jiang Lin.

"Check it out."

Jiang Lin nodded, then jumped up, and Yan Li also stepped on the ground, stepped on the roof of the street, followed behind Jiang Lin, and jumped towards the pointer of the search for monsters.

After turning around in the east of the capital, the two arrived at Benshan Street at nightfall.

Entering the street, Yan Li looked around with a solemn expression.

"Master Jiang, the people here..."

"It's really special."

Jiang Lin smiled lightly, and it seemed that Yan Li had discovered that the street was full of monsters that turned into humanoids.

Yan Li held the demon search plate in one hand, pressed the other hand on his waist, and wiped the card with his fingertips.

The identity badge on his waist burst into rainbow light, and an invisible force spread out in an instant.

Swept away by this force, all the monsters on the street showed some of the characteristics of monsters in an instant.

After that, all the monsters gathered their gazes and looked at Jiang Lin and Yan Li with horrified expressions.


Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, the waist card on Yan Li's waist actually contained considerable power, and even the corpse poison in his bones was hit.

At this moment, a pure white figure passed by Yan Li's side and snatched Yan Li's waist card.

After the pure white figure missed Yan Li, he turned around and looked at Yan Li with a hostile expression, and even Jiang Lin, who was beside Yan Li, was also hostile.


At this time, Jiang Lin realized that the girl who stole Yan Li's waist card was the rabbit demon girl who sat with him and ate Fu Yuanzi yesterday.


Lingyu snorted lightly, slashed Jiang Lin and flew up, turning into a white fog in mid-air, and disappeared.

"Follow her, follow her, you should be able to find some clues."

Jiang Lin got up first and chased in the direction Lingyu fled.

Now that he has come here, he also wants to get some information about the demon corpse from Lingyu. Now there is not only one silver-haired corpse, but also other corpses.

And he still doesn't know the level of the rest of the corpse evil. If they are similar to the silver-haired corpse, he may have to work hard to deal with them.

Especially when he didn't understand the difference between the corpse evil in the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty and the outside world, if he didn't understand much, he would probably fall for it.

Yan Li obeyed and followed Jiang Lin's path.

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin and Yanli to arrive in a courtyard, and a group of children were reading books in a candlelit room not far away.

Ben Shantang?

Jiang Lin looked at the plaque on the door and pushed open the door.

The room was set up to look like a school, and a dozen or so children were reading the scriptures on the scroll behind the desk.

And among these children, there was a weak scholar holding a scripture.

A bunch of little monsters?

Jiang Lin raised his brows. These children, who were no different from human children, turned out to be all monsters.

After that, he looked at the weak scholar with a scrutiny.

What made Jiang Lin feel strange was that he always had an intuition that it was not the first time he had met this scholar.

But in fact, this is really just his intuition, he has never met the other party before.

When the little monsters saw Yan Li, who was wearing a long sword and looked serious beside Jiang Lin, they all ran behind the scholar, looking at Jiang Lin and the others in horror.

"The two should be adults with official ranks, right? Neutron Caominwen."

When the weak scholar saw Jiang Lin, his eyes flashed with shock, and then he bowed to Jiang Lin and Yan Li, and reported his name.

Then Wen Zhongzi said: "It's not appropriate to talk about things here, and please two adults to accompany Caomin to the living room."

Wen Zhongzi smiled at Jiang Lin and the others, and then let a group of little monsters go back.

After a while, Wen Zhongzi came to the living room, poured two cups of tea, and said to Jiang Lin and the others: "Two adults, please."

After Jiang Lin and Yanli sat down, Wen Zhongzi asked again, "I don't know how the two adults are honored? Come here to Benshan Street, you and work? Caomin is fortunate to be recommended by the neighbors and can handle some affairs for the neighbors here. "

With that said, Wen Zhongzi took out the waist card that Lingyu had given him before, and handed it out.

Chapter [-] This emotional intelligence is outrageously low! (superior)

Yan Li reached out and took the waist card, and swiped his finger on it. The waist card once again released the power of deterring demons, but Wen Zhongzi on the opposite side did not respond.

Jiang Lin also opened his eyes and looked at Wen Zhongzi.

What puzzled him was that this neutron was indeed an ordinary person.

"In Xiayanli, I am the night watchman of the capital Ning Yesi. This is the chief night watchman appointed by His Majesty, Mr. Jiang."

Yan Li looked at Wen Zhongzi, and briefly explained the purpose and reason of his and Jiang Lin's visit.

At this time, Jiang Lin said, "I didn't expect the owner of this monster street to be a human."

Yesterday, he heard the conversation between Lingyu and the snake demon woman. From their mouths, he learned that the monsters on this street were taken in by a son of Wen. It turns out that the two should be the same person.

However, what makes Jiang Lin puzzled is that if this Wen Neutron is an ordinary person, is it really just a coincidence that the building materials used in this Benshan Street?

But if it was a coincidence, what happened to the human blood in the Fu Yuanzi made by She Gu?

Originally, Jiang Lin didn't intend to pay attention to these irrelevant doubts, but his intuition told him that the neutron in front of him was not simple, and he smelled the same medicinal smell as the silver-haired corpse on the body of this weak scholar. Son.

The difference is that the smell of medicine on Yin Mao's body is extremely weak, while that of Wen Neutron is relatively strong.

Therefore, he suspected that Wen Zhongzi might have something to do with Yin Mao Zhi, and even this scholar might be Yin Mao Zhe.

This made him want to find some evidence to see if he could corroborate his conjecture.

After all, these suspicions of his are indeed without a trace of factual basis, and he also opened his eyes and found nothing unusual about the text neutron.

Yan Li also followed Jiang Lin's words and said: "A literati, he accommodates a lot of monsters, and he also educates young monsters here to learn human culture and etiquette. After all, monsters are monsters.

What Yan Li had seen before in the school had never been seen before.

Their Heavenly Meteor Dynasty and the whole people hunted demons. Although the upsurge of this trend has dropped a lot, it still exists.

That also means that in the eyes of monsters, humans are all enemies, either fearful or hated, but the little monsters before, respected this child well, and were more obedient than human children.

Wen Zhongzi pursed his lips and said, "The Caomin just provided a place to live. The residents of Benshan Street are actually the owners of this place. Ever since the Caomin literate, he believed that human nature is inherently good to the sage Wen Zhongzi, and education should be based on aptitude and eclectic I very agree with the point of view. That's why my father named Caomin after this great sage's Taoist name, hoping that Caomin can follow the example of the previous sages and be wise."

After a short pause, Wen Zhongzi looked at Yan Li and continued: "When Cao Min was young, he hunted and was in danger, but was fortunately rescued by a good demon. Since then he understood that demons are also kind, and he also convinced Cao Min that as long as he has good thoughts in his heart , there is no difference between demons and people, and even the sinister level of human hearts is far more than that of demons. This is why Caomin built this Benshan Hall, hoping that those young demons can be educated. The residents of Benshan Street are exactly the same The kind demons that the grass people have rescued for more than ten years, they only want to have a place to live, and they will definitely not harm others."

Yan Li smiled lightly, without arguing with Wen Zhongzi in terms of cognition and opinion, and directly took the purse containing the hair of the silver-haired corpse and handed it over, saying: "This is the hair of the real murderer of the serial murder case, Jiang and I are in it. The lord is here to investigate the trace of his master."

Wen Zhongzi opened the purse, took out the hair of the silver-haired corpse, checked it, put it back, and returned the purse to Yan Li, and said at the same time: "Two adults, the monster body of the street people in Benshan Street, there is no such thing. Silver-white hair. Moreover, the street residents here all have household registration, which can be certified by the household department in the capital, and they have always obeyed the law."

There's none?

Jiang Lin frowned. Logically speaking, this neutron should not deceive him and Yan Li. Otherwise, as long as they conduct a careful investigation, the lie will naturally be self-defeating, and even the entire Benshan Street will be implicated. .

Could it be that even Wen Zhongzi, the owner of the Demon Street, didn't know about the existence of the Silver Hair Corpse and other corpses?

Yan Li was also quite surprised when he heard the words, and then said: "Mr. Wen is a good way to become a human being. If the Imperial City Division knows, this crime is not a serious crime."

"Caomin just wants to make a way for the good demon, and I hope that Mr. Yan and Mr. Jiang will not kill innocent people by mistake. As for the matter that the two want to investigate, Caomin and the good demon here will fully cooperate. For the sake of good life, don't inflict harm."

Having said that, Wen Zhongzi covered his mouth with his hand and coughed one after another.

At this time, Lingyu came in from the door with a food table with a medicine bowl in it, and said, "Young Master, rest early after drinking the medicine."

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