Wen Zhongzi asked Lingyu to put the medicine bowl on the table, and then said to Jiang Lin and the others: "Two adults, please forgive me, Caomin is weak and sick and cannot accompany him, so Lingyu will fully assist the two adults to find the trace of the murderer. Bar."

"That's it."

Jiang Lin was trying to find this girl who was relatively familiar with himself to ask some information about it. Wen Zhongzi's mentioning this would save him from speaking.

Jiang Lin then glanced at Lingyu, but Lingyu pursed her cherry mouth and glared at him fiercely.

"Miss Lingyu, I'm going to trouble you next."

After walking out of Ben Shantang, Jiang Lin looked at Lingyu and could only smile awkwardly.

He came to this Benshan Street yesterday and was just passing by, but today when he comes again, he has changed his identity as the chief of the night watch.

This little rabbit is unknown, and it is estimated that he has no good attitude towards him now.

The information Jiang Lin needs to know, at least according to other people's knowledge, has nothing to do with many murder cases, so if he wants to ask Lingyu about some ugly and ugly people, he can't let himself have too much relationship with Lingyu. stiff.

Otherwise, Lingyu would ask him a question, would he have to forcibly search for the memory of this bunny girl?

They didn't provoke him, and they didn't hurt anyone, and they talked together before.

Therefore, Jiang Lin didn't plan to use any tough tactics, he just wanted to make Lingyu less hostile to him.

Whatever he asks, the other party will say whatever.

"Let's get close, don't worry about it."

As expected by Jiang Lin, Lingyu responded with a cold tone.

This is because Jiang Lin reminded her yesterday that the building materials used in Benshan Street would have side effects. Otherwise, according to her character, she would not pay any attention to Jiang Lin, who disturbed their peaceful life.

"I advise you to be polite to Mr. Jiang. He is now Ning Yesi's night patrol chief, and Ning Yesi's duty is to kill all the monsters in the world."

Before Jiang Lin approached Lingyu to explain, Yan Li directly blocked between him and Lingyu.

When Yan Li saw Jiang Lin's good-natured words, but his face was sticking to someone's cold butt, he warned Lingyu.

Who do you show your face to?

You are a demon, and we are demon catchers, especially this Lord Jiang, who is the imperial demon catcher appointed by His Majesty.

Are you looking for death?

Then Yan Li said to Jiang Lin, "Sir Jiang, you don't have to have the same knowledge as this rabbit demon. Even if the demon is covered in human skin, the demonic nature is still hard to change."

I'm so...

A black line suddenly appeared on Jiang Lin's forehead. If you don't say much, no one will think you are dumb.

Why are you so blind?

Don't you see that I want to get closer to this little bunny?

Besides, second uncle, I have to ask her something, you are here, blah blah blah, doesn't she hate me even more in her heart?

Chapter [-] This emotional intelligence is outrageously low! (Down)

Jiang Lin didn't understand Yan Li's brain circuit a little. If it's a matter of fact, Lingyu is just a helper in handling the case. If they want to find the fox demon or track the whereabouts of the corpse evil, Lingyu is needed for this. Work out of it.

In the end, this Yan Li was a good thing, and she had to ask for trouble, which might make Lingyu feel resistant and disobedient.

Doesn't this show a lot of things?

As long as the business can be done, there is no need to pay attention to other insignificant details.

Even if Yan Li is troubled, what makes Jiang Lin even more speechless is that now because of this funny comparison, he will be hostile to Lingyu again.

Originally, Lingyu was hostile to these two foreign monster hunters, but now Yan Li is still there to fight.

When the fire was over, the fire was over, and he even pulled his tiger skin to pull the flag.

Forcibly pull Lingyu's hatred value onto him.

Lingyu smiled coldly and said, "Huh, it turns out that it's Lord Jiang, such a powerful official. Lord Jiang, you are so capable, no monster is in front of you, and you won't be able to turn it over. It should be I don't need Lingyu's help, right? Besides, Lingyu is a demon, and Lord Jiang is a high-ranking night watchman. Naturally, a little demon like me is not worthy of being in the company of Lord Jiang. In case there is something wrong with Lingyu that adults can't see In the past, it might even be dead."

"Don't get me wrong, although I have been canonized by Xianzong, I'm just tracking down the real culprit of the many murders in the capital and beheading him. I have no intention to take care of the rest. As for the chief of the night patrol. Identity is only temporary, and my attitude towards monsters is just that, if I meet them, I will kill them."

Jiang Lin explained it to Lingyu, but he didn't blame Yan Li. After all, although Yan Li has no eyesight and a special brain circuit, he said that because of the psychological protection of his subordinates.

After listening to Jiang Lin's explanation, Lingyu's view of Jiang Lin changed slightly.

She thought about it for a while, and as far as the matter was concerned, whether it was yesterday or today, there was nothing disdainful or contemptuous in Jiang Lin's attitude.

Moreover, if Jiang Linruo was really like the night patrol she heard about, it would be impossible to remind her of the problem of street building materials yesterday, and advised her to eat less Fu Yuanzi.

However, although the hostility towards Jiang Lin was less in her heart, Lingyu still snorted softly and said, "Then I would like to thank Lord Jiang for raising your hand."

"Don't worry, Jiang is not someone who likes to make things difficult for no reason. I didn't know anything about the Meteorite Dynasty before, so I was an outsider. Therefore, I don't know much about the monsters here. If you have any questions, please contact Yu Ling. Miss Jade, please explain more."

Jiang Lin smiled and let Lingyu lead the way.

"Lord Jiang, there is no need for this. Although Yan Li lived in Ningyesi for a long time and rarely traveled far, I have always remembered what my father taught me during his lifetime. Yan Li also believes that he has a lot of knowledge about monsters. What do you have? If you are in doubt, you can ask me.”

At this time, what made Jiang Lin want to jump up and down was that this hilarious little Yanli volunteered in front of him.

Ask others what to do?

Ask me.

I know a lot of things.

There were more black lines on Jiang Lin's face.

Second uncle, can't you shut up!

I want to ask about the corpse, you know?Have you heard of it?

Don't be so diligent, okay?

I think your IQ is also quite high, reasoning or something, although it is quite funny, there is one more thing to say, there is no problem in being a detective.

But what about your emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence so low?

Didn't you see me approaching this little rabbit?

You can't use your IQ into emotional quotient, and mistakenly think that I am interested in others?

Be conscious, don't be a light bulb, okay?

Jiang Lin felt that he had a new understanding of this night patrol envoy Yan Li. Although this guy has a good IQ, his EQ is a bit low.

"Since Mr. Jiang has such a deputy who knows everything, why should he condescend to ask Lingyu?"

Lingyu smiled and didn't take Jiang Lin's words seriously. In fact, Jiang Lin's attitude just now made her more satisfied. Originally, if Jiang Lin wanted to ask something, if she knew, she would answer.

But when Yan Li said this, she asked Jiang Lin to ask her deputy if she had any questions, and asked her what to do.

Jiang Lin suppressed the speechlessness in his heart, hehe smiled, and said: "The stone of the mountain can attack jade. Compared with the understanding of monsters, Miss Lingyu probably has some unique insights. Some questions can still be asked."

"You have to use those hairs to investigate the perpetrators. You can go with me to find Seventh Uncle. He has hundreds of years of cultivation, and his knowledge is also the most extensive in our neighborhood."

Lingyu nodded, and then took Jiang Lin and the others to the end of Benshan Street.

Jiang Lin is naturally very happy about this. Anyway, for him, all the investigation process is his plan to show the case to the outside world.

Moreover, since this Benshan Street has a well-informed monster, even if he can't ask any information he wants from this Lingyu, he can still find the seventh uncle.

"If you can find any clues, it's the best. If you don't report it, you and I don't have to report it. It's not a problem to wash the street with blood. Lord Jiang has the gold medal given by His Majesty, and there are no taboos. The right to be cheap can be exercised. That is, it is within the power to act cheaply.”

"Ahem, I'm not someone who abuses my power, and Miss Lingyu is willing to cooperate. Yan Li, just follow my instructions. Talk less, listen more, watch more, and study more."

At this time, Jiang Lin opened his mouth and mentioned it in his words tactfully.

Shut up!

Jiang Lin was also convinced. Yan Li, who was with him, had an outrageously low emotional intelligence.

He felt that his performance was obvious enough, and he just wanted to get closer to Lingyu.

The smile alone is worth it several times.

But this Yan Li was good, and felt that he didn't laugh enough, and it was bad for him again and again.

And outrageous is outrageous, Yan Li didn't realize that he was obstructing Mr. Jiang beside him, and he was very attentive.

This is the first time Jiang Lin has encountered such a situation. A person's EQ is so low that he wants to beat others.

Chapter [-] You made Lao Tzu's emotional intelligence low!

"Subordinates obey."

Yan Li nodded and remained silent.

Lingyu glanced at Yan Li, but it didn't happen.Jiang Lin's attitude still made her quite satisfied.

"Miss Lingyu, I have read some information about monsters in the writings of my ancestors. It seems that the monsters here in the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty are quite different from those outside. Generally speaking, the blood of monsters contains a lot of monster power. It is harmful to the human body. But the blood of the monsters here is a precious medicinal material, what is the reason?"

With Lingyu leading the way, Jiang Lin found a question and opened the conversation.

In fact, such an abnormal phenomenon in the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty may have been caused by the radiation from underground meteorites, and it was only his guess.

"I don't know, if you can choose, who would be willing to become a monster in such an unreasonable place? You humans, especially you masters, have always preached that monsters are bloodthirsty and cruel, and you can't wait to kill us. In fact, the real purpose is still Don't you want to get our demon blood that has medicinal effects? Ordinary people can prolong their lives, and practitioners can increase their cultivation. In my opinion, you humans are really bloodthirsty and cruel, and they are very hypocritical."

Jiang Lin didn't mention it, but when he asked, it was like stepping on Lingyu's rabbit's tail.

Maybe this white rabbit demon is a little more excited and can bite directly.

Jiang Lin shrugged and didn't tell Lingyu any reason. He wouldn't let Lingyu stop the map gun without standing and talking without backache.

Lingyu turned her head and glanced at Jiang Lin, and found that Jiang Lin was not angry, so she asked curiously, "When you arrived here yesterday, you already knew that Benshan Street is a street of monsters, right? Since you were arrested by Xianzong After sealing the chief of the night watch, why did you bring someone here today? If you report the situation here, you can at least make a great contribution."

In fact, Lingyu just wanted to hear Jiang Lin say something that would reassure her.

She really resents humans, but she won't kill them all with one stick. Wen Zhongzi, who helped these monsters, is not the object of her resentment.

"As I said before, I was only temporarily appointed as the master of the night watch, and I was only responsible for dealing with the real murderer, and I was not interested in the rest. Moreover, this is still today's matter. I just arrived in the capital yesterday. Here, it's just passing by."

"Oh! So Master Jiang, you know this rabbit demon?"

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