At this time, Yan Li suddenly popped out a sentence. Now that he heard the conversation between Jiang Lin and Lingyu, he realized that Jiang Lin and this rabbit demon girl knew each other.

"Your reaction is a bit slow."

Jiang Lin was teased by Yan Li and wanted to laugh a little, but this guy has only turned his head around now.

Hearing Jiang Lin's reiteration that it would not be harmful to Benshan Street, Lingyu nodded slightly: "You, Mr. Jiang, are not the same as the night watchman I know, if you have any questions, I will Just to tell you what I know. By the way, Lingyu still has a question, Lord Jiang stared at me yesterday, is he trying to find out how effective the demon blood in my body is?"

"Not really, just because I saw that your body is a white rabbit, what kind of rabbit it is, but I didn't see it, and I haven't seen it before."

Jiang Lin shook his head. He originally wanted to say that it was because of Lingyu's special demonic form, but then he thought that the identity he was using was someone who had been reclusive from the world. If he told the truth, it would not be harmonious.

Therefore, he simply found a reason, and he really did not know what kind of rabbit Lingyu's body was.

"My lord, I know that she is Yugui Big-eared Rabbit,"

Yan Li once again became a qualified deputy and explained to Jiang Lin what kind of rabbit Lingyu's body was.

"Yugui Big-eared Rabbit? Never heard of it."

"This kind of Yugui big-eared rabbit has a very strong reproductive ability. After a year, it can produce hundreds of cubs. After becoming a demon, it is estimated that it is even more outrageous."

I'm going!

Jiang Lin was staggered by Yan Li's words. You have a low EQ, so don't talk too much!

He also accepted it. If Yan Li wanted to answer his question, there was nothing wrong with it, but this guy said in front of others that they could give birth to hundreds of cubs a year. you talk like that?

In his heart, Jiang Lin also blamed himself for being infected by Yan Li. He had never heard of it before, so would he just nod or umm?

Have to say it?

This time it's good, Lingyu will definitely go crazy.

However, although Jiang Lin was once again made black by Yan Li, he also subconsciously looked at Lingyu and took a look at her.

Well, this joke should not be bad.

Even if there are more births, they should be able to feed them.

The female characteristics of Lingyu's transformation are more obvious than those of ordinary women.

It's the kind that gets nosebleed.

"You! You! Go away!"

Lingyu was so angry that her eyes returned to rabbit eyes, as red as rubies.

Her body is indeed a Yugui Big-Eared Rabbit, but she is now transformed into a human being, which is naturally fundamentally different from the ordinary Yugui Big-Eared Rabbit. Now she is equivalent to a [-]-year-old girl in human beings. any difference.

As a result, some people now speak of her as a breeding machine.

You can have cubs!

With the surname Yan, women in your family shouldn't have a son like you!

And that guy named Jiang, where are your thieves looking at!

Enough is enough!

"Cough, Miss Lingyu, you lead the way first, I found some doubts behind."

Seeing that Lingyu was about to break out, Jiang Lin pushed back with a palm, pushing Yan Li out a dozen feet, and flew over with his heels.

At the same time, he also blamed himself, and this moment added fuel to the fire, and looked at Lingyu.

He had been speechless about Yan Li's low EQ before, but now he has done something with low EQ.

"Yan Li, if you can't speak, don't make a sound."

Jiang Lin glared at Yan Li angrily. If Yan Li hadn't said something outrageous, he wouldn't have used his eyes to scan Lingyu's figure back and forth.

Just sweep it, and it was discovered by Lingyu.


In the past, Jiang Lin rarely had such a situation, especially when the situation was special, he would not have such rude behavior.

It's all you guy.

It made Lao Tzu also have low EQ!

Lingyu's face was covered with red lacquer, and her red eyes glared at him. Jiang Lin could only touch his nose, blaming Yanli for his rude behavior that was similar to that of a hooligan.

This guy has low EQ, so he should take the blame.

"Sir, you should maintain the majesty of the chief of the night watch, how come you were frightened away by an angry bunny demon. It's not a subordinate boasting, or even if she brought a hundred litters of rabbits here, we're not afraid."

"Shut up! You give me another ten feet!"

Jiang Lin pushed Yan Li back a dozen feet again. He felt that if he didn't stay farther away from this cute bitch, he might have been taken into a ditch.

Chapter [-] It's not enough if you don't care about your heart (Part [-])

"Ahem, Miss Lingyu, my subordinates made a slip of the tongue. It's because of my lax discipline. Please don't take it to heart. There are still things to do now. I hope that the girls will focus on them and be good to each other."

Jiang Lin cupped his hands and apologized to Lingyu, who was ten feet away.

"you you……"

Lingyu was so angry that she wanted to get angry, any girl from any family would definitely be relentless when she heard what Yan Li said just now.

However, she also knew that with her cultivation level, she was definitely not the opponent of Yan Li and Jiang Lin. Now that Jiang Lin has taken the initiative to avoid her, it is also an attitude that she is willing to take a step back on this matter.

Moreover, Jiang Lin has now opened his mouth to apologize to her. If she broke out again, it would be very unwise.

However, what made Lingyu unable to suppress her anger was that Jiang Lin's apology only said that Yan Li had made a slip of the tongue, but he didn't say anything about his rude glances on her.

Eyes took advantage of it, and then apologized for the subordinate's gaffe, co-authoring this as if it never happened?

After a moment of sullenness, Lingyu could only snort angrily, then turned and walked away, ignoring Jiang Lin.

It seems that it is better to ask the seventh uncle.

Jiang Lin raised his hand and tapped his forehead. Now he has offended Lingyu.

Lingyu had said before that she was willing to explain to him, but now, she probably didn't want to say a word to him.

Whether or not it was because of his low emotional intelligence brought by Yan Li, the situation is now irreversible.

Nowadays, Lingyu might be able to guard him like a pervert.

If you can't ask from Lingyu, you can only find someone else.

It doesn't seem to care or not.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin was in a bit of trouble. Originally, he had a relative familiar with Lingyu, a rabbit demon. He could also use Lingyu's relationship to learn some information that he couldn't grasp.

Now, it looks like this is probably out of the question.

Now even if he has the hair of the silver-haired corpse, he can only locate the position of the silver-haired corpse. He still doesn't know whether the rest of the corpse are with the silver-haired corpse.

If the two are different, he has to collect clues about other corpses.

If there is no snack, the process of investigating the case, chasing the murderer and destroying the demon, it is estimated that it will take a few days, and there will be no progress.

Shaking his head, Jiang Lin didn't think any more and followed.

It didn't take long before he gradually shortened the distance with Lingyu and followed behind her.

It's just that Lingyu didn't give him anything except cold eyes and white eyes.

"Come on the monster hunter, come on the monster hunter!"

When Jiang Lin walked to an alley, there were several disfigured monster children in the alley graffiti on the wall. Another naughty little monster wore a ghost mask and rushed out with a wooden sword in his hand. The partner screamed in fright.

After the little monster ran out, it accidentally bumped into Jiang Lin's leg and fell to the ground, the ghost mask on his face fell to one side.

The little monster looked up at Jiang Lin, and saw Yan Li, who was wearing a long sword and had a serious face next to Jiang Lin, and was trembling with fright.

Jiang Lin squatted down, picked up the ghost head mask beside the little monster, and handed it over.

"Practice hard, know the harmony of the sky, know right and wrong, and win the outside world in the future. All living beings have a certain reason for their existence. Whether it is a Bodhisattva in Buddhism or a star in the gods, there are also monsters who have become enlightened."

Jiang Lin touched the little monster's head with his hands, tapped it on his dantian, and sent a stream of pure spiritual power.

"Take it, don't run around, lest you injure yourself. Thank you for giving you this opportunity."

Lingyu lowered her body and smiled kindly at the little monster. At the same time, she also looked at Jiang Lin in astonishment.

As a night watchman, Jiang Lin actually helped a little monster lay a solid foundation for his cultivation.

In her cognition, this is absolutely impossible to happen.

Moreover, what Jiang Lin said just now did not seem to be contrived. It was very natural, which made her look at Jiang Lin with admiration.

Is this Mr. Jiang really the same as Mr. Wen?

Lingyu couldn't help but think a little more. In fact, from her intuition, she had always been less afraid and apprehensive of Jiang Lin.

This is also the main reason why she dares to run on Jiang Lin with words.

If she changed the object, Jiang Lin was replaced by the stinky Yan Li from Jiang Lin, she felt that she should not be like this.

First, she felt that it was unnecessary, and her perceptions were completely different.

Secondly, if Yan Li wants to say you're welcome, she really knows how to draw a sword, and she won't deliberately provoke or cause trouble for herself.

However, the feeling Jiang Lin gave her was completely different from that of Yan Li.

"Thank you sir."

The little monster kowtowed to Jiang Lin a few times, and then ran away with a look of joy.

"I can't see that you're still willing to help a monster. don't want to change your image in my heart, do you do it?"

When Lingyu saw Jiang Lin looking at her, she withdrew the smile on her face.

What do you do to change the image in your heart?

Could it be that I want to be nice to you, and let you give birth to a bunch of bastards for me?

Jiang Lin responded in his heart. At this moment, he remembered the information that Yan Li had shared with him about the Yugui Big-Eared Rabbit, and a smile appeared on his face.

"why are you laughing?"

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