Lingyu stared at Jiang Lin, she always felt that Jiang Lin's smile was a little wrong.

"It's nothing."

Jiang Lin stood up and moved his eyes to other places. For some reason, he couldn't hold back the smile in his heart.

This handsome girl looks quite normal, but she didn't expect such a powerful physiological function.

Like an old sow.

"Let's go, I don't even laugh anymore."

Jiang Lin turned his head to look at Lingyu, who was still sulking, and spread his hands.

I'm laughing at you, but you don't know what I'm thinking, so don't be like an angry toad.

"You don't smile anymore, you must be laughing in your heart that I can... laugh that I can..."

After glaring at Jiang Lin, Lingyu blushed angrily and went to an antique shop not far away.

Jiang Lin smiled slightly and followed Lingyu.

Chapter [-] It's not enough if you don't care about your heart ([-])

"Uncle Seven, I need to trouble you with something."

"Huh? Little rabbit, you haven't been here for a long time."

In the antique store, Uncle Seven, who was playing with porcelain, saw Lingyu and smiled kindly.

At this time, Jiang Lin and Yan Li also entered the antique shop, and Uncle Seven swept his gaze and landed on Yan Li's waist card.

"Baby, good baby, it came from the mysterious iron outside the sky. After seventy-seven and forty-nine days of forging, the sound it makes makes the monsters in the world shudder."

"Good eyesight."

Yan Li's eyes narrowed slightly when he heard the words, and the seventh uncle could see the origin of his waist card at a glance.

Jiang Lin also raised his brows. It seems that what Lingyu said before was not bad. The seventh uncle knows a lot of knowledge.

Even himself, he couldn't see how long Yan Li's waist card had been forged.

With a slight smile at Uncle Seven, Jiang Lin said, "Uncle Seven is indeed knowledgeable. We would like to ask Uncle Seven to identify one thing."

He has already seen that this seventh uncle is a dog demon, but since he needs the help of the other party now, his attitude is quite polite.

"Uncle Seven has nearly three hundred years of cultivation. You can ask him about monsters."

Lingyu briefly introduced Uncle Seven to Jiang Lin, and then told Uncle Jiang Lin their identities and their intention to come.

Yan Li also sent the purse over at this time, and asked Uncle Seven to identify some hairs in the purse.

Seventh Uncle took a pinch of white hair from his purse, put it on his nose, sniffed it, and asked Lingyu, "This is the smell of Young Master Wen."

Lingyu explained: "Oh, my son touched it."

"That smell is impossible."

Saying that, Uncle Seven took some hair and put it in his mouth and started chewing it.


Jiang Lin suddenly felt nauseated, but he knew that this thing was the corpse hair of a silver-haired corpse, and the seventh uncle filled his mouth.

Still smacking the smell.

After tasting it for a while, Uncle Seven nodded slightly and said, "The texture of this hair is a fox demon, not an ordinary fox demon, but a silver fox demon. Hey, it's a bit different, but it looks like a fox corpse, a red-eyed fox corpse, Hmm... No, no, it's still the silver fox demon."

"Seventh Uncle, what kind of evil do you mean by the red-eyed fox corpse?"

Jiang Lin didn't expect that he hadn't even asked the seventh uncle any questions, and the latter could actually judge the origin of the silver-haired corpse through a handful of corpse hairs.

Although this does not mean that Seventh Uncle's judgment is accurate, at the very least, Seventh Uncle can tell a kind of corpse evil with this little clue.

Even the seventh uncle himself is not quite sure, which is enough to show that the seventh uncle does have something special in terms of knowledge.

"You said the red-eyed fox corpse, this kind of monster is very special. I have never seen it before, but I heard it from my late father once. Hundreds of years ago, an extraterrestrial meteorite fell in a very remote mountain. A meteorite contains a very evil power, which causes the creatures in the area of ​​nearly a hundred miles around the meteorite to either die or mutate, making them like beasts, similar to monster corpses, almost immortal, but extremely hungry for blood. ."

Seventh Uncle told Jiang Lin what he had heard, and then he continued: "The closest place to the place where the meteorite fell, there is a village that raises foxes for a living. The villagers in this village do not want to harm people and drink blood, but Some poor people with serious mutations cannot control themselves because of their instincts, so they can only eat fox blood, and over time, they will have the characteristics of foxes on their bodies, and they are called red-eyed fox corpses."

"I see."

Jiang Lin nodded, but his heart was quite excited, because the meteorite from outside the sky that Seventh Uncle mentioned was probably the same one he was looking for.

According to Uncle Seven, the meteorite from the sky that fell in the fox raising village has the power to turn life into a corpse, and it also landed hundreds of years ago.

If there is no accident or there is a very low probability of the same situation, what he needs is the power contained in this meteorite.

After that, Jiang Lin asked Uncle Seven where the extraterrestrial meteorite landed, but unfortunately, Uncle Seven didn't know about it.

It was only three hundred years ago that a red-eyed fox corpse was bitten back when it was about to suck the blood of its deceased father, leaving some hair behind, which gave Seventh Uncle a basis for comparison.

After hearing this, Jiang Lin didn't ask any further questions. Uncle Seven believed that these corpse hairs belonged to the silver fox demon. It was unreasonable for him to always be entangled in the matter of the red-eyed fox corpse. Not a waste of time.

"Thinking about it carefully, I am afraid that there are not many silver fox demons in the Meteorite Dynasty. The last time I heard news about them, it seems to have been more than [-] years ago. At that time, the capital was rumored that there were silver fox demons in the palace. Whether it's true or not, I don't know."

Seventh Uncle told some of the information he had learned, and he didn't know much about the rest.

"In this case, Mr. Jiang, let's go check some files, maybe we can find some clues."

At this time, Yan Li suggested to continue looking for clues, and now he still wants to find out the silver fox demon in the way of solving the case according to his own ideas.

"Let's divide the troops into two ways, you go to find the archives, I will continue to look for it."

If he didn't get the news of the red-eyed fox corpse from Seventh Uncle, Jiang Lin would naturally follow the flow and check the records.

Taking this opportunity, he was able to investigate the whereabouts of the extraterrestrial meteorite.

But now that he knew that the silver-haired corpse might be related to the target he was looking for, he was ready to locate the whereabouts of the silver-haired corpse first.

If you find the silver-haired corpse and capture it, you may be able to directly pry out the whereabouts of the extraterrestrial meteorite.

After Yan Li took the order, he left the antique shop, and Jiang Lin also planned to go to a secluded place to set up a traceability circle.

"What are you doing with me?"

After leaving Benshan Street, Jiang Lin stopped and looked at Lingyu who was following behind him.

"I don't want to be with you either, but the young master asked me to assist you in handling the case, so I naturally want to cooperate."

Lingyu made an excuse at will. In fact, she really wanted to follow Jiang Lin, but she had a reason.

Although she felt that Jiang Lin would not be detrimental to the monsters on Benshan Street, after all, she and Jiang Lin had known each other for a short time, and she was afraid that she would miss out and cause some of the same kind to be secretly captured by Jiang Lin for blood cultivation.

Similarly, she was also worried that when Jiang Lin left, someone from the Imperial City Division might come over in the middle of the night and take them over the entire street.

Therefore, she decided to follow Jiang Lin. If these possibilities appeared, she would be able to deal with them in time.

Chapter [-] It's not enough if you don't care about your heart (Part [-])

"You little bunny, you can't even tell a lie."

Jiang Lin laughed, this Lingyu had always ignored him before, and the monsters on Benshan Street were basically no longer suspected. Under such circumstances, Lingyu must have wished that he left sooner than he could see.

But now, the little rabbit told him to help him in handling the case and to accompany him all the way, making it clear that he was talking nonsense with his eyes open.

However, Jiang Lin didn't investigate what Lingyu's real purpose was. He could probably guess part of it.

Since Lingyu wanted to help, he would have this rabbit demon follow him.

If he finds the location of the silver-haired corpse in a while and kills it directly, if there are other more powerful corpses, then he may find it difficult.

Now all the charms he brought are left in An Ge at the Millennium Mass Burial Mound. There are no tools that can be dispatched. With Lingyu, after all, he has more hands and is more convenient.

Lingyu looked up at the sky, she didn't care whether Jiang Lin knew she was lying or something, anyway, before she was sure that there would never be an accident on Benshan Street, she just wanted to do her best to save her own kind as much as possible. preservation.

Jiang Lin smiled lightly, and scattered his spiritual sense, looking for a suitable place to arrange the magic circle.It didn't take long for him to arrive at a place where Yin Qi was relatively strong.

He took some formation materials from the ancient mirror in his arms, and Jiang Lin began to set up the formation.

After half an hour, Jiang Lin took out the hair of the silver-haired corpse and put it into the formation, and began to cast spells.

Lingyu watched from the side, but didn't know what Jiang Lin was going to do.

"How is this going?"

After a while, Jiang Lin's eyebrows frowned. He had already activated the formation and used the corpse hair of the silver-haired corpse as a medium to locate it, but the result was beyond his expectations.

no effect.

Should not be ah.

Jiang Lin pinched his chin, then carefully checked the formation structure he had arranged, and then repeated the previous process again.

Still no effect.

Unable to locate.

"Impossible, what is going on here?"

Jiang Lin couldn't help but wonder, these corpse hairs really belonged to silver-haired corpses, and there was no way he could have mistaken the traces of corpse gas on them.

Moreover, even if you take a step back, after he rescued Liu Gongshi last night, the corpse of Yinmao turned back and replaced the corpse hair.What are you doing back at the scene?

Even if this thing really hurts, I replaced the corpse hair.That doesn't make it impossible to locate.

In the current situation, the silver-haired corpse almost disappeared out of thin air.

Jiang Lin felt very puzzled, even if the corpse was no longer in the capital, the method he used could still set a direction.

But now, there is not even a general direction.

Could it be that the silver-haired corpse still knows magic?

After thinking for a while, Jiang Lin could only think of this possibility.

But obviously, this possibility does not exist.


Jiang Lin was depressed and kicked every stone under his feet into pieces.

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