Previously, he had obtained useful information from Seventh Uncle in Benshan Street, and he was planning to immediately start to find the location of the silver-haired corpse, so as to achieve his goal as soon as possible.

Once this problem is solved, he will be able to travel far again as soon as possible.

But now, he couldn't use Taoism to find out the whereabouts of the silver-haired corpse.

The positioning of Taoism is useless, and he is almost like a black eye.

Second uncle, he really wants to go all over the capital to find the hiding place of the silver-haired corpse.

This is just to solve his own purpose. He has also made progress in his pursuit of murderous demons and demons, and other corpses have to be searched by him.

big head.

"Let's go, go to some places with abundant spiritual power, look for clues about the silver fox demon, and then I have to go and see how my subordinates are doing."

After being depressed for a while, Jiang Lin also knew that there was no other way. He could only try his luck and see if a blind cat could meet a dead mouse.

After that, he will follow the original plan to inquire about some ancient books and historical records.

Although catching the silver-haired corpse may also provide some clues, Jiang Lin has already planned to do it both ways.

This can also be regarded as a back-up for him to prepare in advance.

If he failed to investigate the meteorite from the documentation, he could still place his bets on the silver-haired corpse, and vice versa.

After thinking about it, Jiang Lin felt that the development of things was really funny.

Originally, to help the Tianyun Dynasty track down the real murderer and kill him, he was ready to do it leisurely, and there was no need to hurry at all.

In fact, that's true, he really wasn't going to put much energy into it.

But now, things have changed in such a way that he can't even care about it.

Who made the silver-haired corpse most likely related to the extraterrestrial meteorite he was looking for.

After losing the trace of the silver-haired corpse, Jiang Lin could only admit it and search for its trace with all his heart.

"You don't seem to be in a good mood."

Lingyu followed behind Jiang Lin, and she was a little puzzled. Before this Master Jiang seemed to be casting a spell, but it seemed that the expected effect was not achieved.

"You little bunny has a very careful mind. I'll say hello to you in advance. You have to follow me yourself. If I give you any task, you'd better not give me any trouble. I'm in a mood now. Depressed, if you should cooperate, cooperate, otherwise... I haven't eaten roasted rabbit meat for a long time."

Jiang Lin turned his head and glanced at Lingyu. Although he couldn't locate the location of the silver-haired corpse, Lingyu couldn't help, but Jiang Lin didn't plan to put her back.

He is very short-handed now.

There was no reason he couldn't care less about chasing murderers and destroying demons, so he didn't have much time to check some documents in person.

Such a matter can be handed over to Lingyu.

Not only Lingyu, but when he returned to Ning Yesi, he asked the director Yuan there to recruit people immediately.

He now has three or two big cats and kittens on hand, which is simply not enough.

Using documents and ancient books to investigate the whereabouts of the meteorite, Jiang Lin planned to let Lingyu do it, and let this little rabbit bring a team of people to investigate carefully.

As for the reason, he has already thought about it. Seventh Uncle mentioned the red-eyed fox corpse. If anyone has doubts at that time, he will directly say that Seventh Uncle's judgment may not be accurate. It may be the red-eyed fox corpse who committed the crime. There could be more than one murderer, and that's fine.

No one would doubt that he let people check this information, just for his own purposes.

Chapter [*] Mao Zong Army ([*])

" are so cruel! Rabbits are so cute, but it's too much for you to bake them!"

After hearing Jiang Lin's words, Lingyu looked at Jiang Lin like a peerless villain.

If you eat, eat, you will eat, poultry and livestock, three livestock and six animals are not enough to eat, and even go to eat rabbits.

It's your fault!

Moreover, what makes Lingyu even more angry is that Jiang Lin's meaning is that if she doesn't cooperate well, this person will probably catch her and roast her.


"Why are you so excited? I didn't say that I would definitely eat you. It's up to you whether you can help me and whether the work you assist will satisfy me. As for me eating rabbits, is it necessary for you to call me cruel for this reason? You said, rabbits are so cute. When they are young, some birds are fluffy, like chicks and ducklings. Isn't that also very pleasing? Such poultry has not only been eaten by humans, but also by you. Haven't the neighbors on Benshan Street also ate it? Why didn't you say they were cruel? Also, the son of Wen, who was in your care, was frail and sick. Didn't he make up any nourishing pigeon soup? He was also cruel what?"

Jiang Lin was teased by Lingyu and wanted to laugh a little. What's wrong with being cute? He didn't decide to be a bird and beast that could be a dish. Could it be that he became a villain because he had eaten rabbit meat before?

If you say this, then eggs, ducks and eggs are still small lives, and they are very cute when they hatch, so everyone will not eat eggs?

Moreover, these eggs are not just for human consumption. There are many shops selling boiled eggs in the good demons of Ben Shan Street.

"You... rhetoric."

Lingyu was speechless after being so scolded by Jiang Lin, she could only say that Jiang Lin was forcibly defending.

"Don't fight with me, you little rabbit can't tell me, if you are in a hurry, maybe you want to bite me. That is to say, you are a white rabbit. If you are a fox, you will not think rabbits are cute. [*]% of the time, it's delicious to eat rabbits, maybe even while eating, say: savory~"

Jiang Lin walked away as he spoke, not intending to quarrel with Lingyu. Originally, his eyes took advantage of Lingyu. If he took advantage of his mouth, it would be too bullying. No, it would be too bullying for rabbits. .

"Bah! You're the fox, I hate it!"

Lingyu was so angry with Jiang Lin that she could only stomp her feet on the ground. She found that if she competed with Jiang Lin, she would not be this fierce opponent at all.

"Let's go, you are a rabbit demon, and it's normal to be disgusted with what I said before. Although I'm not in a good mood, I didn't take anger on you. You really want to contradict me because of such a thing? My attitude is indeed different from that of the previous night watchmen. I want to kill all monsters, but it does not mean that I can tolerate everything. You have nothing to do with me, and you are relatively familiar with me. Naturally, I will not kill you. However, if you don't cooperate at this moment, do you want to suffer?"

Jiang Lin turned his head and snapped his fingers at Lingyu. Now he has serious business to do, and Lingyu did follow him on the pretext of helping him. If this little rabbit made him worry, then don't complain. He picked up the rabbit's fur with the rabbit ears.

Hello, I am good, then everyone is good.

Under normal circumstances, Jiang Lin would still be willing to get along with Lingyu in a friendly manner, but now that it is about his important matter, his attitude has become follow-up.

Lingyu's white teeth rubbed against each other, but she still didn't continue to mess around.

If it's really reasonable, Jiang Lin is the head of the night patrol bestowed by the royal family. She is a rabbit demon. If Jiang Lin's cognition and concept are not different from ordinary people's, she will only be able to bite her no matter how much she suffers. To endure it, otherwise, a demon life will have to be pinched by the other party.

Before she gave Jiang Lin a cold face and white eyes, Jiang Lin didn't take it seriously. If she continued to be ignorant, she might be asking for trouble.

Therefore, Jiang Lin continued to take Lingyu and strolled around, but unfortunately, there was still no gain.

Jiang Lin didn't take any chances anymore, so he went to the archives of the Criminal Investigation Institute.

When Yan Li wanted to check the archives, he searched in this archives.

Just when Jiang Lin and Lingyu went to the Criminal Court, in the prison courtyard around the palace, Director Guo was so angry that he smashed his favorite tea cup.

Liu Gongshi, who was kneeling on the side, shuddered, and quickly slapped his face, saying, "Damn the servant, damn it!"

"Damn you, look at what you've done! To elect Jiang Lin as the night patrol chief, our family thought it was a good plan, but that guy didn't know anything about this dynasty and couldn't find out anything. In the end, The results of it?"

Director Guo angrily pointed at Liu Gongshi and scolded him, and then he reprimanded: "I don't know the depth of the other party, you dare to recommend randomly! Just on the first day of taking office, that Jiang Lin found out how those courtiers died, and also Damn let the dead courtiers speak in person! If he finds the corpses hidden in the palace, you and I will have ten more heads, which is not enough for Your Majesty to chop off. The Queen Mother will not see our loyalty. For the sake of intercession, you and I will both be scapegoats!"

This eunuch director is really angry, and the multiple murder cases in the capital this time are not as simple as they appear. Report from time to time the progress of Jiang Lin's investigation.

It was also because of this that Director Guo learned that Jiang Lin could actually detain the souls of the dead.

His grandmother immediately knew which courtiers were not killed by the so-called fox demon.

"Director Guo, it was the servant who oversaw the inspection, and the servant was stupid. The servant thought that for the present, the only way to do this was to first kill the Jianglin and Ye Xun envoy Yan Li and all those who knew it, and give them a death in the line of duty. As for the murder The fox demon of the royal family, let's hoe it by ourselves."

Liu Gongshi kowtowed several times, and then raised an idea to Director Guo.

Director Guo squinted his old eyes, and finally a cold light bloomed in his eyes.

He took out two walnut-sized gold and silver balls from his sleeves and collided them. After a while, a dozen corpse demons wearing grimace masks and covered with corpse hairs appeared behind him.

And these evil corpses were the monster corpses that Jiang Lin suspected might be with the Yin Mao corpse.

Moreover, these monster corpses are all at the level of hairy.

If Jiang Lin was present, he would take a deep breath. There were so many hairy zombies hiding around the palace of the Meteorite Dynasty.

Chapter [*] Mao Zong Army (Part [*])

"Liu Gongshi, things should be done neatly, otherwise, you will know the consequences. The night patrol envoy appointed by His Majesty found the real culprit within one day, but unfortunately the other party's cultivation base is too strong, and the chief envoy Jiang The public died. However, the real culprit was also severely injured by the Jiang master, and he will be executed in a few days. Our family is ready to report it to His Majesty, so don’t let our family down.”

"Director Guo, my subordinates know what to do. After getting rid of Jiang Lin and Yanli, even if they searched the entire capital without sleep, they would do their best to find the fox demon and eliminate it."

Gongshi Liu nodded one after another, and then exited the hall of the prison courtyard. The group of corpses also threw off their long sleeves and put up their collars at the direction of Director Guo, and then followed behind Gongshi Liu, with him leave together.

On the other hand, Jiang Lin didn't know that he was about to face a siege from a group of Maozong, and he was still thinking about the reason on the way, which caused his Taoism to be unable to locate the silver-haired corpse.

At the same time, he also made inferences about this, whether his methods would have a similar situation due to different regions or other reasons.

That is, Taoism fails.

Or, is it possible that some of his attacking methods cannot exert their due power at key nodes.

If he found the silver-haired corpse at that time, but couldn't injure it, the fun would not be so great.

A silver-haired corpse is fine, if it is a group that joins hands, it is him, and in this case, he has to become Jiang Runran—runaway.

In fact, Jiang Lin was too careful. He subconsciously regarded the silver-haired corpse as a corpse evil, but it was a special type.

However, Jiang Lin did not understand enough information that his subconscious cognition was also prone to misjudgment.

Even if he has a lot of knowledge and vision, he will still make such mistakes.

Jiang Lin's guess was indeed good. The silver-haired corpse was directly related to the extraterrestrial meteorite he was looking for.

But if you look at it from the perspective of a corpse, the silver-haired corpse is not within his cognition at all, different from all the corpse evils he has seen or known.

This guy is not so much a zombie or a monster corpse, but a corpse-like alien. If it is explained in a popular way, it is - the silver-haired corpse is a creature with genetic mutations caused by meteorite radiation.

Strangely, this mutation can be controlled forward or backward.

This is why Jiang Lin's spells to locate the silver-haired corpse have no effect.

It's like he took a pinch of dog hair and used it as a medium to locate a dog with Taoism. As a result, the dog turned into a cat.

The essence is different, where does he go?

Don't say it's Jiang Lin, even if the patriarch encountered such a situation, the coffin board could not be held down either.

Not only the silver-haired corpse, but also the Mao Zong corps under Director Guo's hands.

Jiang Lin didn't know this situation yet. If he knew that the corpse he was about to face was a group of such things, then he would have to spit out the fragrance-Jiang Lin scolded and quit the chat group.

After thinking hard all the way, Jiang Lin no longer bothered. Now, even in the face of the unknown, he can handle the situation with the experience and adaptability he has accumulated.

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