In the time of a stick of incense, Jiang Lin and Lingyu arrived at the Criminal Court.

"Master Jiang, I found some information about the silver fox that appeared in the palace more than [-] years ago, but there are many unknowns in the records."

Seeing Jiang Lin's arrival, Yan Li told him the information he had discovered.

He found out that a strange thing happened in the harem of the Tianyun Dynasty more than [-] years ago. At that time, Concubine Xiao, a concubine of the late emperor who was pregnant with Liujia, gave birth to a silver fox cub. Finally, Concubine Xiao and Yin The fox cubs were all given to death by the late emperor.

Therefore, Yan Li suspected that the silver fox demon that appeared now was probably related to the silver fox case in the palace.

It's just that the information he has now is too little, and he can't make a conclusion, so he suggested that Jiang Lin go to the cold palace of the imperial palace Concubine Xiao to investigate, and by the way, go to the palace to inquire about the historical records of the royal family.

Without Jiang Lin's royal gold medal, Yan Li just wanted to check, but there was nothing he could do.

"Then enter the palace."

Jiang Lin naturally has nothing to refuse. He originally wanted to consult the history of the royal family. When the meteorite fell from the sky, it caused changes in the surrounding creatures. Under normal circumstances, it would be regarded as ominous and included in the possibility of historical records. very large.

As for Concubine Xiao giving birth to a silver fox cub, he didn't care at all.

Even if he found out what happened back then, it wouldn't help at all in locating the silver-haired corpse.

However, since Yan Li wanted to be busy, let the famous detective who was delayed by Xiu Dao investigate and reason.

"Don't worry, before you enter the palace, you should go back to Ning Yesi, and let Master Yuan immediately follow my orders to recruit people, and ask for twenty or thirty young people who are thoughtful and familiar with history."

Jiang Lin asked Yan Li to go to Ning Yesi first, because he could not get the location of the Yin Mao corpse, so the time he promised to Xianzong was not enough. Therefore, he urgently needs manpower deployment and must recruit people immediately.

As for the staff of the Imperial City Division, although Jiang Lin has the right to mobilize, he still feels a little unconvinced. It is better to directly recruit some completely obedient people.

Yan Li didn't ask much after taking the order, and went straight to Ning Yesi.

"What are you looking at!"

After Yan Li left, Jiang Lin set his sights on Lingyu, and Lingyu immediately crossed her arms to protect Jiang Lin, angrily glaring at Jiang Lin.

"Let me tell you, you have a good appearance and a graceful figure, but don't take me as if you've never seen a woman before. My wife in my family is similar in appearance to yours, and she's more beautiful than you. The temperament exceeds your head, and it is no less than ten fingers. Before, my eyes took advantage of you, and I do not deny that. But now, don't be like a persecutory paranoia. "

Jiang Lin gave Lingyu a roll of eyes, and then said: "Since you want to help me, you will naturally enter the palace with me. However, the palace has imperial luck, I am afraid that after you enter, you will have to show demons. Therefore, I will cast some spells on you to avoid this situation, and to prevent you from being discovered by some capable people as a monster. At the same time, because you have a lot of hatred for humans, I also have to guard against it. You, lest you make trouble for me. Therefore, I will plant a forbidden spell on you."

Chapter [-] Mao Zong Army (Part [-])

"Why do you curse me?"

Lingyu immediately took a few steps back and looked at Jiang Lin with a defensive face. She was still free no matter what, if Jiang Lin cast a forbidden spell on her body, wouldn't she be like a puppet?

"First of all, you want to follow me and say you want to help me, am I right? Second, as I said just now, it's just a precaution, nothing else. Just as you don't believe that I won't Just as it is not good for you Benshan Street, I can also not believe that you will be honest when you arrive in the palace. Finally, if you want to know why, I can only tell you regretfully, whether it is identity or strength, I am far ahead of you. Now I am short of manpower, so I can only say sorry to the girl first."

Jiang Lin patiently explained it to Lingyu. In fact, he wanted to hand over the review of the literature to Lingyu, and he was also interested in whether Lingyu and Yanli should deal with each other, and the two had nothing to say at all.It also saves Yan Li from knowing the task he explained and reasoning about this and that.

Although he thought about the reasons, he still wanted things to develop according to his expected progress as much as possible, so that he could have more control over the direction of the situation.

"You are so unreasonable! And changing your face is like flipping a book!"

Lingyu's beautiful eyes once again became like rubies. Jiang Lin actually spoke so rationally about restricting her freedom.

She couldn't refute any of them at all.

In addition, what makes her even more annoyed is that Jiang Lin's attitude towards her is now different from before. At first, Jiang Lin was still quite polite to her. She's going to bake her, and now she's going to bully her.

Damn this man!

"I'm a little bit puzzled, you can't say anything, you just say that I'm unreasonable, and that I've changed my face. From the time I left Benshan Street, the intersection between me and you has actually come to an end. It's you who wanted to follow me and lied and said you wanted to help me, okay, you are on guard against the night watchman, which is understandable. But since you use this as an excuse and I happen to be short of people, then I don't need to No matter what your reasons are. However, you definitely don't really want to help me, that's why I warned you, don't blame me for being picky. If you don't follow me, lie to me, where am I going to change my face? Now Same thing, I'll be on guard, have I changed my face again?"

Jiang Lin folded his arms and had a slight smile on his face. He felt that he was approachable enough. Lingyu found an excuse to follow him. He also understood it and didn't take it seriously.

Now he needs to employ people, and he clearly stated it clearly, but the little rabbit is unwilling.

This is interesting.

"I feel like I've made my words quite clear. I don't mean to accept you as a demon pet and deprive you of your freedom. Co-authoring with you to follow me is to fill me with a beautiful scenery. Can I still use anything? Retire. In one step, I just see that you are very cute, Miss Lingyu. I want to accept you as a demon pet, but you can't help it? I don't know what impression you have of me. I, Jiang Lin, are polite when it is time to be polite. , but when the matter is at stake, the words should be explained clearly.”


Lingyu blinked a pair of star eyes, and it was as if the words "suffering" were written on her face.

Nothing to say.

She was still speechless.

Although she believed that Jiang Lin changed his face faster than turning over a book, there was nothing wrong with what Jiang Lin said, she herself gave Jiang Lin such an opportunity.

She wanted to follow her, but she wasn't helping her with sincerity, and she was just putting the ugly word in front of her.

To be honest, Jiang Lin was already quite polite to her.

"Put these talismans close to your body, and I'll see if I can cover up the demonic energy on your body."

Jiang Lin took a few breath-holding talismans from his arms and handed them over. Lingyu's demonic aura was very special and scattered, and he was not sure whether his breath-holding talisman would work or not.

Lingyu vigorously grabbed a few breath-holding talismans and put them into her arms, but the demonic aura on her body was only partially restrained.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin gathered his spiritual power on his fingertips, and said hello to Lingyu: "You have a special demonic energy, and you can't cover up a few magic talismans. Now I need to draw some lines on you. tattoo."

"I can't help but agree?"

Lingyu looked at Jiang Lin with a look of resentment. The two magic talismans Jiang Lin gave her had radiant spiritual power runes on them. The effect must be extraordinary. covered.

But the demonic energy on her body is rather special, and she herself knows that.

Therefore, Jiang Lin made such a request now because the magic talisman did not achieve the expected effect, which is also a reasonable request.

As for her, if she didn't want to, she didn't cooperate with the assistance work.

"Your eyes are resentful... Okay, I'll give you a carrot to chew on, lest you feel like I'm taking advantage of you again."

Jiang Lin took a piece of ginseng rich in mysterious yellow energy from the ancient mirror and threw it to Lingyu.

If you want a horse to run, you have to let the horse eat some grass.

Since he wanted to use people, he wouldn't keep making Lingyu look like an angry cricket, or else this little rabbit would just do things, how could he care.

"Who's going to eat your carrots?"

Lingyu subconsciously wanted to throw the ginseng in her hand to Jiang Lin, but at this moment her goose fat nose moved slightly.

After sniffing a few times, Lingyu looked away, holding ginseng in both hands, like a rabbit, and started eating directly.

Do not eat white do not eat.

Jiang Lin moved behind Lingyu, directly touching the clothes on Lingyu's back, and began to outline a small hidden magic circle.


As soon as a short rune was drawn, Lingyu made an ear-drumming sound because of stress.

Then she turned around and stared at Jiang Lin with a blushing face: "You...I don't care, think of other ways."

If it wasn't for Jiang Lin who gave her a treasure of heaven and earth, she would not be so shy now - the rabbit was biting in a hurry.

Lingyu had never experienced intimate contact with a man, and even if Jiang Lin was justified, she would not be willing.

"to make."

Jiang Lin nodded, and no longer forced Lingyu. Originally, he did not need a few blinks of an eye to complete the concealment pattern, but now that Lingyu is so sensitive, he does not force it.

After mobilizing the spiritual power in his body again, Jiang Lin's fingers drew lines in the air, and finally, these hidden lines formed a cylindrical shape around Lingyu's body.

Jiang Lin folded his palms together, and these patterns fell on Lingyu's body.

And Lingyu's demonic energy has been completely restrained, even if she is hit by some demon-suppressing power, it will not show.

It wasn't that Jiang Lin had to use his fingertips to contact Lingyu before, but using this void as a talisman would consume a lot of his spiritual power. It would be better if he could consume less.

But since Lingyu's reaction is relatively large and cannot cooperate, he can only do this.

Jiang Lin then used his own blood to draw a curse mark on the ground on one side, allowing Lingyu to enter the curse array.

Although Lingyu was still reluctant in her heart, she moved the lotus step lightly and walked in.

"This kind of spell won't have any effect on you, as long as you don't do anything out of the ordinary, I'll solve it for you after it's done."

Jiang Lin reminded Lingyu, and then he looked up some materials from three or four hundred years ago in the depths of the archives.

It didn't take long for Yan Li to return to the archives and join Jiang Lin and the others.

The two of them went straight to the palace. Coincidentally, Jiang Lin discovered the trace of the silver-haired corpse as soon as they arrived at Concubine Xiao's cold palace.

"Let's see how you can escape this time!"

Jiang Lin was overjoyed, and directly killed the past with thunder.

Not long ago, he was very depressed because he couldn't locate the silver-haired corpse, but now he has met him again.

Now or never!

But just as his attack was about to land on the body of the silver-haired corpse, an ominous premonition suddenly appeared in Jiang Lin's heart.

The Yang Yan in his body erupted immediately, and a wave of air blasted out from his whole body like a blast.

And taking advantage of this time, Jiang Lin immediately flashed away from the place.

In the next instant, twenty or so corpse claws gathered together and grabbed onto his original position.

Jiang Lin stopped his body, and after seeing the situation in front of him, he couldn't help but let out a long hiss.

Nima! this a Mao Zong brigade?

Chapter [-] Fighting a group of super corpses alone ([-])

Jiang Lin's face gradually became serious. There were a dozen or so corpses on the opposite side. Like the silver-haired corpse, they were all at the level of hairy zombies, and even the corpse aura emanating from his body was the same as that of the silver-haired corpse.

Second uncle's, a pile of super Saiyan corpses!

Although Jiang Lin had known before that there were other corpses besides the silver-haired corpse, he never expected that there would be so many.

It seems that this trip to the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty will not be so smooth.

Jiang Lin's expression sank. When he came to the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty this time, he didn't plan to do anything at all. The only purpose was to find the extraterrestrial meteorite he needed.

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