Although when he first arrived here, it was a coincidence and smooth, but now, he has discovered that the water of this dynasty is really not shallow.

In the imperial capital of a dynasty, there are so many corpses of the level of hairy zombies hiding, who dares to believe it?

In the Middle-earth world, even if the time is pushed forward by a thousand years, there has hardly ever been a situation where more than a dozen hairy skeletons have gathered together.

But in this remote dynasty, where it was difficult to communicate with the outside world, there were actually so many corpses at the level of furry.

They are all crowded to the capital.

Could it be that the Meteorite Dynasty will change to the sky next?

Jiang Lin really doubted whether he was about to be sucked into a whirlpool.

More than a dozen Mao Zong appeared in the capital and entered the palace.

It's like a joke.

What's even more frightening is that these numbers that appear in front of you may not be all.

In other words, Jiang Lin couldn't determine how many corpses were still hidden in the capital.

There may be a more terrifying existence behind it.

This is not Jiang Lin's turmoil, the grass and trees are all soldiers, the dozen or so Mao Zong on the opposite side, that is a Mao Zong team.

Uniform grimace masks, uniformly regulated clothing, if you compare them a little, these things are like the vanguard of the human army.

Who knows if there are still Mao Zong Pai, Mao Zong Group, or even a group of Mao Zong army.

However, what Jiang Lin couldn't figure out was that these things, like the silver-haired corpse, still attacked and killed him when they came up.

What does this mean?

Shaking his head slightly, Jiang Lin didn't think about it any further. What was imminent now was that he still had a tough battle to fight.

There are ten or so hairy stiffs, and he can't easily deal with them if he wants to deal with them.

Moreover, according to the current situation, he has to fight the group of corpses alone.

Yan Li is so funny, he can solve the case with reasoning, but when it comes to fighting, he is really not optimistic.

As for Lingyu, that is also not a material that can fight.

"Master Jiang, what's going on?"

At this time, Yan Li pulled out his long sword and rushed to Jiang Lin's side, also looking at the corpse opposite him with astonishment on his face.

"You ask me, who do I ask? I'll only be here for a day or two."

Jiang Lin gave Yan Li a blank look. This Yan Li, at least grew up in the capital of the Meteorite Dynasty, and he didn't know what was going on. He was a foreigner, where would he know where to go.

Catch the thief first catch the king!

After his thoughts changed, Jiang Lin planned to avoid the sharp edges of those Mao Zongs on the opposite side and take down the silver-haired corpse.

Although he has not been able to determine whether the silver-haired corpse and the Mao Zong team on the opposite side are in the same direction, since the two appear in one place at the same time, it should not be so coincidental.

In this case, it would be safer to get the silver-haired corpse first.

"Seek your own happiness first."

Jiang Lin smiled at Yanli, then transformed into a Yang Finger Sword and continued to charge towards the silver-haired corpse.

There was a row of Mao Zong team standing opposite, and he planned to let this Yan Li resist for a while.

After the body shot out, Jiang Lin also summoned the Moon Blade in his body and made it fly to Lingyu, hovering above the latter's head to protect the rabbit demon.

At this time, Yin Mao Zhe had not recovered yet. He actually didn't know the Mao Zong team on the opposite side. Although he and those Mao Zong belonged to the same kind, he didn't know the existence of the other party before.

However, Yin Mao Zhe's reaction was not slow at all. When he saw Jiang Lin killing him, he let out a loud roar, and a large amount of white mist erupted from the pores on his body.

With the help of these white mists, the silver-haired corpse quickly retreated.

"Run? Run for me again!"

Jiang Lin smiled coldly, and then he turned into a huge fireball, blocking the silver-haired corpse's path at lightning speed.

But at this moment, Yan Li, who was vomiting blood, flew over like a kite with a broken string, and hit Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin's attention was focused on Yin Mao Zhan's body, and he did not expect that Yan Li, a young man with a golden core cultivation, would not be able to play any role in the face of a row of Mao Zombies.

This is bleeding.

And it was shot.

He even hit him.

How many blinks have passed between just now and now?


Jiang Lin reacted instantly, and immediately took away the scattered Yang Yan, otherwise, if Yan Li was accidentally injured by his Yang Yan, he would be severely disabled even if he didn't die.

But after such a delay, the corpse hair on the surface of the silver-haired corpse suddenly became like the thorns of a hedgehog, and it shot out from the surface of the body.

Jiang Lin lost the golden wheel and the bone sword, and the moon wheel knife was not on his body, so he could only raise his arm to protect his eyes.

And the silver-haired corpse took advantage of this created opportunity and disappeared almost instantly.

Chapter two thousand and ninety-four fighting a group of super corpses alone (in)

After blocking the sharp corpse hairs fired by Yinmao Corpse, Jiang Lin caught Yan Li's back with his palm, released the strength from his body, and threw him behind him.

At the same time, Jiang Lin turned around, and the Yang Finger Sword in his hand extended a lot in an instant, and slashed towards the four Mao Zong rushing towards him.

"Go chase that silver fox demon, I'm here!"

Jiang Lin shouted at Yanli, and then used both swords to chop down the four temporary opponents to the ground.

In the current situation, it is no longer possible for him to pursue the silver-haired corpse. There is a Mao Zong team here. If he does not deal with it first, even if he pursues it, he will inevitably be intercepted and blocked.

In that case, he can only work in vain.

Moreover, these Mao Zongs are still in the palace. If there is misfortune everywhere, he will have to bear the black pot firmly.

Now, Jiang Lin has finally obtained the privilege of having no taboos. He can search documents at will and mobilize people. He doesn't want this great situation to be wiped out by a group of hairy and chaotic palaces.

However, he didn't want to miss the trace of the silver-haired corpse. He used the positioning technique to find the location of the corpse without any effect. I'm afraid that with the help of magic tools such as the compass or the gossip mirror, it will not work. what effect.

That's why he asked Yan Li to chase the Yinmao Corpse immediately. At the very least, he wanted to get a general direction or range.

After turning over the four furry stiffs, Jiang Lin's figure shot out.

Because at this time, Lingyu was already in danger.

The arrival of the Mao Zong team seemed to not only attack and kill him, but also deal with the people around him.

At this moment, the remaining six Mao Zong had already slaughtered Lingyu, and even held the ghost-headed knife on the back in their hands, trying to kill Lingyu on the spot.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Lin appeared beside Lingyu.

Holding Lingyu in his arms, Jiang Lin put his other hand behind his waist and protected his back with the Yang Finger Sword.

The six-haired stiff attack immediately landed on his back.

The strong force attached to the corpse claws and the sharp blades directly caused Jiang Lin's Yang Finger Sword to disintegrate, making the sound of porcelain shattering.

And Jiang Lin's back suddenly had a terrifying wound.

Even if Jiang Lin didn't corpse, his body's defense was not weak. However, if several powerful Mao Zongs attacked together, his defense was simply not enough.

The palm of his hand pressed on Lingyu's forehead, Jiang Lin let out a loud shout, and then his whole body was like a human-shaped light source, and the profound light of Li Yang exuded from his body was like a flash bomb exploded.

In this profound light, there is also a large amount of Yang Yan.

The six furry stiffs behind Jiang Lin were immediately blasted open and flew out.

"Just stay with me honestly! I alone, single out your group!"

After Jiang Lin let go of Lingyu, he turned around. At the same time, two Yang flame whips shot out from the palms of his hands, and they shook towards the distance.

The previous four Mao Zong actually chased in the direction of Yan Li's speeding, he couldn't let Yan Li be blocked and completely lost the trace of the silver-haired corpse.

The two Yang Yan whips came first, directly wrapped around the four stiff ankles, and pulled them down.

The ground was thrown out of four large pits.

However, for the four stiff hairs, it was almost like scratching, and it didn't hurt at all.

Jiang Lin clenched his fist involuntarily. He could clearly feel that the corpses in this Zombie team were more difficult to deal with than the silver corpses, even if three or two corpses were a little lower in level. Difficult to deal with.

The defensive power of these corpses is much higher than that of the silver-haired corpse.

Not only defense, but even attack power is not as low as the silver corpse.

Being surrounded and killed by such a Mao Zong team, I am afraid that it is a powerful monk at the Nascent Soul level, and he will choose to avoid it if he can.

"You first retreat with my gold medal, go to find the palace maid or eunuch, and let him take you to meet Xianzong, tell the corpse in the palace, and let Xianzong do a good job of protection."

Jiang Lin took out a gold medal from his arms, and the next battle was inevitable. If this Mao Zong team confronted him head-to-head, it would be okay to say.

If these corpse evils are scattered, he really can't stop them.

One or two or even three or four hairs are stiff, and he is still somewhat confident with all his strength.

What's more, there are only a dozen or so now.

Therefore, in order to prevent the pot from coming from the sky, he asked Lingyu to inform the past of the situation first.

At the same time, Lingyu is far away from the battle circle, which also allows him to worry less and can concentrate on fighting this Mao Zong team.

"Then...then what do you do?"

Lingyu frowned and was reluctant to leave.

Although she has never seen corpses and doesn't know much about these corpses, but just now, Yan Li, a night patrol at the golden core level, had almost no ability to resist these corpses, and was directly shot away. Spitting blood.

This is enough to explain the horror of these monsters.

But now, Jiang Lin had to deal with the dozen or so monsters alone.

Isn't it like looking for death?

Moreover, Jiang Lin's back is now a blur of blood.

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