Seeing the injury on Jiang Lin's back, Lingyu's brows furrowed even tighter.

Although such an injury did not appear on her body, it also gave her the illusion that her back was hot.

Even if she was quite critical of Jiang Lin's actions and changes in attitude before, Lingyu is no longer careful.

Right and wrong and grievance, she can still distinguish.

Before, when Jiang Lin wanted to continue attacking the fox demon, he released a magic weapon to protect her. When she was in danger later, Jiang Lin arrived in time and took several heavy strokes for her with his body. hit.

If it wasn't for Jiang Lin, now she would be on the verge of dying, and even Xiang Xiaoyu would have died.

"You don't need to ask. I said that if I singled out a group of them, I would single out a group of them. You are by my side, and I have to focus on protecting you."

With that said, Jiang Lin took a step, and the clothes all over his body swelled up.

Since he killed Wangtianjian and was counterattacked by him on the verge of death, for such a long time, almost all the situations he encountered made him constrained, restrained everywhere, and very heart-warming.

However, fortunately, a trip to Anyang City in Wenerguo gave him a sufficient amount of yin and evil energy, and now he has brought his wife Ange's moon-shaped knife with him.

For now, he can still display his full strength.

Although most of his Yang Yan source was transferred into An Ge's body by him, which reduced his strength a little, but the impact was not big.

This time, Jiang Lin planned to vent all the fuss he had suffered for so long on this Mao Zong team.

Chapter two thousand and ninety-five fighting a group of super corpses alone (below)

At this time, there were a few more Mao Zong still chasing Yan Li, but they were beaten down by Jiang Lin's continuous anger.

"Jiang Lin, your magic weapon!"

After Jiang Lin was about to rush out, Lingyu shouted. From before to now, Jiang Lin has not used magic weapons as a means of attack, and it is precisely because of this that Jiang Lin's back was severely injured.

If Jiang Lin could use the wheel blade protecting her at any time, he wouldn't be injured.

"You can bring it with you. In addition to the gold medal, this moon knife is also proof of my identity. It can prevent you from being suspected and make things difficult. If you encounter an emergency, it can also protect you."

Jiang Lin waved his hand. Whether or not he has the Moon Wheel Knife doesn't matter much.

Moreover, this moon knife is a spiritual tool that his wife An Ge gave her life to cultivate. If it is used to fight a group of hairy zombies, it is likely to be damaged. He does not want to see such a thing happen.

Therefore, letting Lingyu carry and protect her can be considered to have played a role.

When Lingyu heard Jiang Lin's words, she felt a little ashamed in her heart. She felt that she had been with Jiang Lin before, and it was really a little girl's temperament.

And Jiang Lin is really as he said, when it matters, one is one and two is two.

In this comparison, she is like an ignorant little girl.

After pursing her lips, Lingyu shouted again, "Don't let anything happen to you, or who will I help?"

After all, Lingyu stepped in the opposite direction of Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin flicked his arm, and a sword of light more than one meter long appeared on the top of the knife, and a sword of light more than ten feet long emerged from the palm of the other.

The group of Mao Zongs on the opposite side roared wildly, most of them rushing towards Jiang Lin.

The rest is to chase after Lingyu.

However, with Jiang Lin's line of defense, no one Mao Zong could get past him.

As a result, all Mao Zong stopped taking care of Yanli and Lingyu, and more than [*] scarlet corpses stared at Jiang Lin.

The battle broke out in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, this one-on-one fight and besieged reached its peak.

This Mao Zong team is all like a mad dog. Even if Jiang Lin is surrounded by raging flames, they are still rushing to kill, and they don't even care that they will be injured.

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin's body to hang on.

Gradually, he discovered the difference between these zombies and the silver-haired zombies. The silver-haired zombies still possessed intelligence no less than that of human beings, but this group of zombies was completely a death squad, or a group without intelligence. Hairy dead man.

"Damn, do you really think you have Saiyan blood? Fuck!"

Jiang Lin, who was shot flying, turned over in mid-air, fell to the ground, and grabbed the ground with five fingers before he stopped his retreat.

Raising his hand to wipe the blood on the corner of his mouth, Jiang Lin raised his face. Second uncle, he was going to vent the accumulated fuss on these stiff hairs, but he didn't expect that these stiff hairs were simply Desperately, he would rather be hit hard than attack him.

If you don't retreat, you are just tough.

Don't give up until you kill him.

Even if a few stiff limbs and chest and abdomen were cut to the bone by him, he had to pay the price.

Until now, Jiang Lin has not taken much advantage.

There are still too many.

"How is this good, how is it good?"

At this time, Xianzong, who had already been notified by Lingyu, was on a high tower several miles away from Jianglin, watching Jianglin and a group of Mao Zong fighting with a special telescopic lens. Seeing that Jiang Lin was already seriously injured, Xianzong was also quite anxious.

He did not expect that there are so many evil spirits in the palace.

At the same time, Xianzong also felt fortunate. Fortunately, Jiang Lin had someone to pass the news. Otherwise, if these evil spirits were scattered, his life would be in danger.

Apart from some eunuchs and palace maids, the only ones who were in the tower with Xianzong were Director Guo and Lingyu, who was in charge of the notification.

Trash, it's all fucking trash!

Not only failed to complete the task, but also exposed.

What a bunch of rubbish!

At this time, Director Guo, who was beside Xianzong, scolded furiously in his heart. He sent such a terrifying force, but he couldn't even take down a single Jiang Lin, and even let all the people around Jiang Lin run away.

However, although he was extremely angry in his heart, Director Guo still had a smile on his face, and said to Xianzong: "Your Majesty, since Zhenren Jiang let the people around him leave, there must be some chances of winning. Fighting against nearly a hundred evil spirits alone, the Jiang Zhenren who has appeared today is certainly not bad."

Xianzong pounded the railing and said, "If Jiang Zhenren can defeat the evil spirits this time, I will definitely hold a banquet to celebrate him!"

Celebrate, celebrate, you are a dog head!

Lingyu glanced at Xianzong with a look of contempt. After learning about the situation, this dog emperor just retreated to a safer place and mobilized many guards around him.

There was no power to help Jiang Lin at all.

Because Lingyu's cultivation base is not too weak, even without the help of external objects, her eyesight can see the situation on Jiang Lin's side.

Now that Jiang Lin's clothes were almost all red, she was also very anxious.

However, what reassured her was that Jiang Lin in the distance seemed to have gradually changed the situation.

Lingyu was not mistaken. After Jiang Lin didn't take advantage, he temporarily changed his strategy.

Those Mao Zongs who fought fiercely with him were like mad dogs, so he took advantage of this to make a group of Mao Zong "bite" each other.

This is the combat experience he has accumulated.

He has a yang flame whip in his hand, which can be used at any time, and a group of hair stiffs are less than ten feet around, so he uses his own flexibility to pull or pull the Yang flame whip in his hand to make the hair stiff To be a shield against attack.

Even so, Jiang Lin's battle with this Mao Zong team lasted for another half an hour.

"Eat Lao Tzu's Turtle Wave!"

Feeling that his own spiritual power was not enough, Jiang Lin used the nearly a thousand yang finger qi that he shot into the air and projected down, and used these yang finger qi to temporarily stop a group of Mao Zong's offensive to give himself to himself. Create a chance to kill.

Jiang Lin's wrists converged, and a pillar of spiritual fire the size of a well spewed out.

With one turn, Jiang Lin used this pillar of fire to swept thousands of troops.

After a group of hairy zombies were swept upside down, Jiang Lin did not delay at all, forcibly mobilized the spiritual power in his body, and he once again burst into a blazing light.

Having bought himself time to sing, Jiang Lin raced against the clock again, keeping his hands connected to each other.

A few blinks passed, and a bird's chirping broke out behind him.

A three-legged Golden Crow a hundred feet tall suddenly appeared, the Golden Crow spread its wings, and countless Daoyang Finger Swords shot out from its wings, tying the ten or so hairs stiffly.

Jiang Lin ran the thunder method with one hand and condensed all the spiritual power in the body with the other hand. Thunder snakes and air bombs shot out side by side, and bombarded Mao Zong falling in the air again and again.

These mad dog-like hairs, as long as they fall to the ground, I am afraid that even his Golden Crow Yang Yang will not be effective.

After all the Mao Zong was blasted into the mid-air forty or fifty meters by him, the three-legged Golden Crow's wings were quickly covered.

With a dozen or so stiff hairs, this huge Golden Crow flew high into the sky.

"Blow me up!"

Taking a deep breath, the seal in Jiang Lin's hand suddenly changed.


Chapter [*] is full of doubts, confusing

A huge explosion broke out high in the sky, and even the entire capital was alarmed by this terrifying explosion, and they didn't know what was going on.

"Pop! Kill the mutant zombies and get [*] points of anger."

"Crack! Kill the mutant zombies and get [*] points of anger"


After the explosion, a series of system prompts appeared in Jiang Lin's mind.

These ten or so stiff hairs were all wiped out by him.

"A mutant zombie? Only a fucking average of more than [*] points of anger?"

Jiang Lin was immediately dumbfounded. He fought here for so long and spent so much effort to destroy this group of Mao Zong teams whose defenses were almost abnormal. As a result, the average amount of anger transferred to his system was not as good as A pinnacle zombie king.

What do you mean?

What these mean!

Jiang Lin sat on the ground with a buttocks, and couldn't help spitting out the fragrance.

However, after complaining a few times, Jiang Lin didn't bother anymore. Since the system had already sent a notification, he couldn't do anything about protesting.

Now he is thinking about whether Yan Li can get the hiding place of the silver-haired corpse, and why the silver-haired corpse appeared in Concubine Xiao's cold palace, and the appearance of the silver-haired corpse is still a fox demon. Shape.

This is one of the doubts, and the other doubt is that this time he encountered the silver-haired corpse, who didn't seem to have any killing intent towards him.

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