In other words, the silver-haired corpse didn't come here to kill him.

Besides, why did the Mao Zong team appear in the palace and kill him, these are all questions that he needs to think about.

When he recalled it a little now, Jiang Lin was surprised to find that when the silver-haired corpse appeared in this Mao Zong team, he seemed to be quite surprised.

The two may not be the same.

The more he thought about it, Jiang Lin felt that since he arrived at the capital of the Fallen Dynasty, the things he had encountered became more and more confusing.

"My God!"

Just when Jiang Lin was full of doubts, Xianzong on the tower was blown away by the strong wind generated by the explosion, and he retreated again and again, with a very horrified expression on his face.

Before, he had let Jiang Lin show his means in the Temple of Heavenly Son, and wanted to see Jiang Lin's ability. At that time, he was shocked, but compared with the shock now, it was nothing at all. .

Not only Xianzong, but also Director Guo, who was on the side, shuddered with fright at this scene.

Now he is not thinking about how to kill Jiang Lin, but thinking that if Jiang Lin finds out the mastermind behind these corpses, his fate will definitely not be good.

As for Lingyu, who was also on the tower, she was also stunned at this time.

so horrible.

If such a method falls on their Benshan Street, I am afraid there will be nothing left there.

With such an explosion, a street may be completely lost.

It turned out that he said he wanted to bake me to eat, but he really had the ability.

Lingyu didn't know what kind of emotion it was in her heart. She thought that since Jiang Lin was the night watchman, he should be similar to Yan Li, who was also the night watchman.

She really couldn't fight against Yan Li, but it wasn't that she had no resistance. Therefore, in her subconscious, she was only afraid of Jiang Lin, not completely fearful.

But now, she felt that she didn't take Jiang Lin seriously.

With such terrifying strength, trying to wipe her out of the world might be like killing an ant.

But even with such an ability, Jiang Lin still didn't give her a cold face.

This is enough to show that people are very polite to her.

After a while, Xianzong adjusted his emotions, and ordered to go to the place where Jiang Lin was, to condolences to Jiang Zhenren who had made great contributions.

About a quarter of an hour later, Xianzong and Director Guo arrived in front of Concubine Xiao's cold palace.

Jiang Lin waved his hand as soon as he heard Xianzong said he was going to hold a banquet for him.

On the one hand, he was still concerned about the Yin Mao corpse and needed to wait for Yan Li's reply. On the other hand, he had already noticed that there were a lot of undercurrents hidden under the surface of the Meteorite Dynasty, which required him to hurry up. Find the whereabouts of the extraterrestrial meteorite and leave this place as soon as possible.

With so many doubts that need to be solved, and whether there are other forces that want to attack and kill him, Jiang Lin is not in the mood to eat and drink.

However, even though he didn't want to, Jiang Lin still spoke very honestly.

I haven't done what I promised, and I feel ashamed to accept the hospitality and reward.

What is the top priority is to investigate and prevent such a situation from happening again.

Anyway, Xianzong was very happy to hear it.

"Hey, are you okay?"

After Xianzong and others left, Lingyu went to Jiang Lin's side and asked about his injury.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "I'm just a little tired, nothing to do, and the injury on my body is nothing."

"Actually, I don't understand why a capable cultivator like you would serve a dog emperor. Did you know that when you were fighting those monsters, the dog emperor didn't even send people, he was busy at all. If you don't help, you will take care of your own dog's life."

Lingyu was indeed very puzzled, such a dog emperor, what virtue and ability, could let a capable person like Jiang Lin let go of his identity and serve him.

However, Jiang Lin still worked hard without complaining, and even quit any celebration party, so he had to concentrate on investigating the case.

Do you need to be so diligent?

Chapter [*] You are still a bit useful (Part [*])

"You can think this way, so why do you think I'm serving my life? Although I'm not a mercenary person, I usually don't do things that are not good for me, and I don't have anything to do when I'm idle. ."

Jiang Lin didn't have much reaction to Lingyu's attitude. From the outsider's point of view, what he did was indeed a bit pricey, but he himself didn't care about it.

A man can bend and stretch.

Even when he was in Middle-earth, he was admired by thousands of people, worshipped by many people, and even built a shrine for him, which was very brilliant, but when he came to this Daluo Immortal Realm, he was really not a big deal. what.

Even if he came to this Great Luo Immortal Realm, his past record was appalling, but Jiang Lin was quite clear about the details.

Luck and foreign things dominate.

Of course, his own efforts and hard work are also indispensable, but in general, the proportion is not too much.

Therefore, Jiang Lin did not hold himself very high in his heart.Encountered a problem, if there is a solution, as long as it is not too outrageous, he will not be unwilling to do that unwilling to do.

Not to mention, when he was in Anyang City before, he went to be a blind cook.

There's nothing to be ashamed of.

If Jiang Lin took himself too seriously, he wouldn't have solved his problems all the way and got here.

"What good can you get here? Power? Or a woman? Didn't you say that you have a lot of beautiful wives? Do you want to use this legitimate method to attract hundreds of beautiful women?"

Lingyu looked at Jiang Lin strangely, she couldn't think of any benefits Jiang Lin could get from the Meteorite Dynasty.

In the past, there were indeed many experts in cultivation who were similar to Jiang Lin, but the main purpose was to obtain the demon blood here for longevity, but Jiang Lin's purpose was obviously not like this. .

If it's not about cultivation and longevity, then all she can think of is what ordinary men desire - either power or beauty.

Now, knowing that Jiang Lin's ability to be almost divine, she also believes that Jiang Lin has many women who are beautiful.

Jiang Lin's ability is not always found in a country, and his appearance is not bad, and there is absolutely no shortage of beautiful women around him.

Jiang Lin shook his head and smiled, and said, "How many men would despise beautiful wives and little wives? As for the benefits that you can get here, there are actually many more, such as luck, such as wishing, if the style is lower, you will be affected by it. The feeling of worship, all kinds of wealth, endless leisure, etc. However, these are not what I need, if there is a chance, you may know my purpose. "

Lingyu pouted, not because Jiang Lin said that luck and willingness were not what she wanted, but because Jiang Lin admitted that he did not dislike too many wives.

Big trotters.

"Let's go, it's time for you to do your best. Many corpses have been destroyed, and their amputated limbs still need to be dealt with."

Jiang Lin was going to collect the stumps of the Mao Zong team to see if they could gain anything.

When dealing with this Mao Zong team before, he didn't hold back at all, and went straight to destroy it.

These Mao Zongs are like mad dogs, and they are different from ordinary Mao Zongs who have intelligence. Therefore, Jiang Lin felt that even if he used the ability to search for souls and read memories, he might not get any information. The corpse evil did not know enough, and worried that some of the sealing and confinement methods would be ineffective and cause trouble, so he directly killed him.

Now that he has some samples, he can also explore the similarities and differences between the corpses in the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty and what he has known before.

Maybe he can get some inspiration and let him get some abilities by accident.

While Jiang Lin and Lingyu were walking around the palace, in the prison courtyard, Director Guo was so angry that he was about to smoke, and he pointed at Liu Gongshi, who was kneeling not far away, and cursed: "Big fool, you want to Are our family's lungs bursting with anger! Let you do things well, and you will look like a muddy mess! If it weren't for our family's flickering, telling His Majesty that Jiang Zhenren can manifest the fire phoenix is ​​a great auspicious sign , it is the auspiciousness of the palace, which makes your majesty turn his anger into joy, and our family's head will be lost! Now, if your majesty doesn't take it seriously, it will be fine, if you investigate the corpse evil in the palace, it will be complete. Now that His Majesty does not pursue it, can Jiang Lin not investigate it? Where is the Queen Mother, how can we explain it to our family!"

Director Guo felt that his forehead was a little dizzy and angry.

Jiang Lin didn't say anything about Liu Gong's business, and asked the people around Jiang Lin to inform Xianzong.

"Slave should die, slave should die!"

Liu Gongshi kowtowed like smashing garlic, but he was also bitter in his heart. How could he have thought that Jiang Lin's ability would be so great, and all ten demon corpses were wiped out in one fell swoop.

If this is compared, Jiang Lin's strength is even better than that of the ancestor, the female fairy.

As for letting a girl beside Jiang Lin report the situation to Xianzong, he couldn't stop it.

The girl was protected by a moon-shaped knife on top of her head, and she also held Jiang Lin's gold medal.

With the gold medal in hand, seeing the gold medal is like seeing His Majesty, he has not the courage to attack and kill the person who holds the royal gold medal.

"Don't worry, Chief, please give the minions another chance. If you use double or even triple the strength, you will definitely be able to make a contribution in one fell swoop!"

Liu Gongshi could only bite the bullet and ask Director Guo to give him another chance. At this moment, he really felt that this recommendation was to shoot himself in the foot, and it was smashed into a broken bone.

If he hadn't been witty in the first place, there wouldn't have been so much.

"Then our family will give you another chance, but this time, you must not cause a big disturbance, and you must not act in the palace, otherwise you should know the consequences! When the time comes, you will be thrown out as an abandoned child, so don't have any complaints. ."

Director Guo had a gloomy face, and after thinking for a moment, he agreed to Liu Gongshi's request. Although Jiang Lin killed the puppets this time, he was already at the end of the fight. If there was another deadly battle, there should be no suspense.

After that, Director Guo waved his hand and asked Liu Gongshi to step down, and he was going to explain to the Queen Mother Haosheng.

On the other side, Jiang Lin and Lingyu returned to Concubine Xiao's cold palace after collecting some stumps from all over the palace.

When there was no movement, Yan Li flew down from the air and landed on the open space in front of the Leng Palace.

Yan Li looked at the pitted ground around him, and was taken aback. It was as if it had been blown up by gunpowder.

"How's it going? Did you find the hideout of that guy?"

Jiang Lin immediately asked Yan Li if he had gained anything. He was more concerned about the whereabouts of the silver-haired corpse than collecting stumps and consulting documents for investigation.

That silver-haired corpse had a direct relationship with the extraterrestrial meteorite he wanted to find, which was basically a sure thing.

"Uh... no."

Yan Li smiled awkwardly, then shook his head.

I'm so...

What use do you want!

Jiang Lin is also convinced, his deputy, what is so special is that he can't play a big role.

You are such a piece of crap, aren't you? !

Chapter [*] You are still a bit useful (below)

Jiang Lin raised his hand and tapped between his foreheads, trying his best to calm his mind.

But he was still a little restless.

When the Mao Zong team appeared, he asked Yan Li to resist a little, to buy him some time, so that he could take down the silver corpse with thunder.

But this Yan Li, the second uncle's, has the same cultivation base as paper paste, and he cultivated it on the dog, and was shot flying, blood spurting wildly.

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