Jiang Lin felt that his request was not too outrageous. Yan Li would never be able to deal with such a Mao Zong team. He knew this better than anyone else, and he only needed Yan Li to buy some time.

Just a moment.

However, this guy didn't even win this chance for him.

The result of this is that a weak chicken, a domestic veggie chicken, or even a small chicken, can do it with a chicken arm.

Anyway, it's all dishes, anyone can serve it.

The result is the same.

The dish is over.

Okay, if you can't get the chance, you won't get it. Let's go to the head office of Yinmao Corpse, and you can always inquire about the whereabouts.

However, Yan Li told him with the facts that he could not do anything, nor was his emotional intelligence, so he reasoned the first place.

Lingyu on the side looked at Jiang Lin who wanted to get angry and held back, and was embarrassed to open up. She also raised her hand and touched the nose twice, blocking her smile.

It's too funny.

Jiang Lin made a big killing here, fighting bloody battles, and it took so much effort to destroy those corpses.

But Yan Li was in charge of chasing and searching for the whereabouts, but it didn't work.

Compared to what Jiang Lin was facing, what Yan Li had to do was nothing.

Hey, it just didn't work out.

It's just unusable.


Yan Li also felt embarrassed. He looked at the situation around him and guessed that Jiang Lin should have solved the Mao Zong team. This time, he finally met the real murderer. Not doing well, and nothing.

"Okay, as you said before, keep checking."

Jiang Lin took a deep breath. Now that things have become like this, no matter how depressed he is, it won't help.

He had to rely on himself to find the trace of the silver-haired corpse, and he would have to pay less attention to the rest of the literature search and other things.

So, Yan Li walked into the cold palace and began to look for clues. It may not be a coincidence that the silver-haired corpse appeared here just now.

From Uncle Seven, he and Jiang Lin learned that the real culprit was the Silver Fox Demon, and more than [*] years ago, there was also the story of the Silver Fox in this cold palace.

Therefore, Yan Li concluded that the two should be related.

After walking through the cold palace, Yan Li's brows furrowed. He actually had an impression of Concubine Xiao's cold palace, especially the fox graffiti on the wall, which brought back some memories of him.

After pressing down the doubts in his heart, Yan Li continued to investigate.

As for Jiang Lin, he didn't pay attention to everything here. He already knew that the silver-haired corpse was not a silver fox demon, but a red-eyed fox corpse. It was useless to investigate here.

He asked Yan Li to check here, which is purely for progress. At the same time, he also wanted to take advantage of this time to think about how to find the silver-haired corpse.


At this moment, Yan Li made a surprised voice.

Jiang Lin's thoughts were interrupted, and he asked, "What, what did you find?"

"Master Jiang, I think there should be some progress."

"Oh? Let's hear it."

Jiang Lin raised his brows, he really wanted to hear what Yan Li found.

"My lord, in the past few months, the victims of the murders have all been courtiers or royal family members, that is to say, the victims are all people who are closely related to the Tianyun Dynasty. Then, we might as well make such an assumption that the murderer The real intention of the murderer may not be to kill, or the murderer's motive is most likely to retaliate against the Tianyun Dynasty."

"go on."

Jiang Lin didn't care. For now, he didn't hear any substantive analysis.

The whole people here in the Tianyun Dynasty hunted demons, and the demon corpse is no exception. If there is a revenge mentality in the silver-haired corpse, it is not impossible.

Yan Li continued: "We got the identity of the real murderer from the Seventh Uncle Benshan Street as the Silver Fox Demon, and the silver fox disaster also occurred in the palace more than [*] years ago. Assuming that the Silver Fox Demon who committed the crime was an insider back then, or was Concubine Xiao's child, then his motives are consistent with the previous speculation."

Jiang Lin nodded and motioned for Yan Li to continue.

"This also explains why the silver fox demon appeared in Concubine Xiao's cold palace. Originally, we didn't have any clues, but now, we have it, Mr. Jiang, look at that painting."

Yan Li pointed to a picture scroll hanging on the back wall: "There is a poem on it, and I have seen this poem in Wen Zhongzi. Therefore, if you go to Wen Zhongzi through these two related clues, If we ask the subordinate, we may get information that we don’t know, and with the help of imperial historical records, the truth may gradually become clear. This is the reasoning made by the subordinate based on the information we have at present, and it can be said to be the most reasonable. inferred."


When Yan Li said this, Jiang Lin's eyes lit up.

If Yan Li hadn't mentioned it, Jiang Lin felt that he might not have been able to react.

In fact, it was the silver-haired corpse who committed the crime, but what this guy showed was the image of a silver fox, and after they went to Benshan Street to confirm, when they came back to look for clues, the silver-haired corpse appeared there. In the cold palace of Concubine Xiao.

This guy seems to have always wanted to make outsiders think that he is a silver fox demon, and he also deliberately had something to do with the silver fox disaster in the palace.

Jiang Lin felt that he had been ignoring this.

Moreover, thinking about it a little now, he realized that the silver-haired corpse not only wanted to confuse his sight, but also wanted to lead them to Benshan Street.

There is a monster street in the capital, so as long as there are evil spirits at work, the monster street in Benshan Street must be the first to bear the brunt.

But now, with the most logical inference and reasoning made by Yan Li, the spearhead once again pointed to Benshan Street and Wen Zhongzi.

In other words, the silver-haired corpse deliberately contributed to such a situation.

And there is definitely some conspiracy behind it.

If that's the case, then they might as well just count on it, what kind of result the silver-haired corpse wants, what kind of result they will follow according to the plan.

Once the silver-haired corpse feels that the time is ripe, there is a high probability that this guy will show up and take advantage of the situation.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin smiled slightly, even if he couldn't find the silver-haired corpse, as long as the matter develops in the direction that the silver-haired corpse promotes, the fox's tail will inevitably be exposed.

And he can use the mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole behind.

"You're still somewhat useful."

Jiang Lin smiled and patted Yan Li on the shoulder. If Yan Li hadn't brought him such a hypothetical reasoning, he wouldn't have thought of the key.

From this point of view, this Yan Li, who can't do anything, is not useless.


When Lingyu next to Jiang Lin heard Jiang Lin "compliment" Yan Li, she couldn't hold back her laughter and laughed.

On the other hand, this unpleasant night watchman is still somewhat useful.

This is much better than useless.


Yan Li's face was speechless. He was a dignified seven-footed man, but he was actually quite useful.

When my father hated that iron could not become steel, he never said that to me!

Chapter [*] Weird Demon Blood ([*])

Jiang Lin glanced at Yan Li, and now he felt that this very low EQ joker was a little more pleasing to the eye.

Anyway, this guy gave him a wake-up call.

In fact, it's not that Jiang Lin's brains are not as flexible as Yan Li's, it's just that he doesn't know anything about the things in the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty, and he has been paying attention to the Yinmao corpse, so he has ignored some things. connect.

This state of affairs will continue because Jiang Lin has arrived in a very unfamiliar country.

When he can go to Lenovo, I don't know yet.

It can be said that without Yan Li's words to wake up, Jiang Lin will not think about this aspect after a while.

In that case, he may have to waste a lot of effort.

"Let's go, as you said, go check the imperial family history."

Then Jiang Lin asked Yan Li to lead the way. Now Yan Li wants to investigate the truth and can get close to the Yin Mao corpse in disguise, and he also needs to check the whereabouts of the meteorite outside the sky, and he needs to check the secret history of the royal family of the Tianyu Dynasty. Everything needs to be done as soon as possible.

"Lord Jiang, have you destroyed those corpses before? If you have scratches or bites on your body, you need to deal with them as soon as possible. Your subordinates can help you deal with the injuries on your back."

At this time, Yan Li looked at the many wounds on Jiang Lin's body and persuaded Jiang Lin to treat the wounds first. Although he didn't know much about the corpse evil, he also knew that the toxin of the demon corpse was no trivial matter.

If bloodletting is not carried out to remove toxins, the consequences will be serious.

"No need."

Jiang Lin shook his head. Although there was a lot of corpse poison left over from the injuries that Mao Zong caused him, it had no effect on him.

Now, his own corpse poison has been supplied by a lot of Yin Sha Qi, and he has been able to assimilate these foreign corpse poisons, but it will take some time for the wound to heal.

For him, who was covered in bruises and bruises, this was really nothing.

In addition, there is another reason why he is unwilling to treat his injuries. Since Wang Tianjian counterattacked on the verge of death, his self-healing ability has dropped a lot because he cannot let the corpse poison into his flesh and blood for a long time.

This resulted in many scary scars on his body, all old wounds.

These scars are naturally inconvenient to be exposed to Yan Li's field of vision.

His temporary identity, but an outsider who has been living in seclusion in a hidden valley, has never left the valley where his family lives.

Since he has been living in a snail, how could there be so many scars on his body.

"Why don't you, your wound is still bleeding, and I don't know what you are trying to support."

Lingyu also told Jiang Lin to treat and bandage the wound first. After all, a considerable part of Jiang Lin's injuries, especially the terrifying injury on his back, was caused by protecting her and blocking the attack for her.

Jiang Lin reiterated that he really didn't need it, but Yan Li and Lingyu didn't want to.

Yan Li felt guilty because she didn't do anything well before, but Lingyu just couldn't bear it anymore.

"That's alright, let Miss Lingyu handle it for me a little bit. You go to the imperial history first."

Jiang Lin directly named Lingyu to help him heal his injuries. Even if this little rabbit saw those horrible scars on his body, it wouldn't matter.

As for Yanli, it's enough to pay first.

"My lord, my technique is very good. I learned it from my late father before."

When Yan Li heard that Jiang Lin was unwilling to let him help, he patted his chest.

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