You bastard, if your IQ can give you a little bit of EQ, you won't be so ill-fated.

Jiang Lin patted his forehead, this Yan Li had no eyesight at all.

"I'm a big man, do you have to let your fellow man heal? You have a girl Lingyu who will take care of people? They have slender hands, what do you have? What are you doing? You're gone, aren't we alone?"

Jiang Lin didn't explain any more, he just started choking.

No matter how good your technique is, even if you come from professional massage and nursing, you can't do it.

A big guy with stubborn feet, stay where it is cool!

Don't ruin the time I spend alone with others, do you understand the world of two?

Yan Li: "..."

After saying that his subordinates resigned, Yan Li left the cold palace with a hurt face.

He felt so hurt, so he kindly helped his boss, but he was mad at him.

He also said that he was a big man with his feet. Where did he pick his feet? !

However, before leaving, Yan Li looked at Lingyu with a rather strange look.

Dare to love this Yugui big-eared rabbit, who will become his boss' wife in the future.

Mr. Jiang, you have to take it easy, this rabbit can give birth very well, your salary, maybe it is really not enough to support those bastards, bah!Raise those real people of Xiaojiang.

"What are you looking at, get out!"

Aware of Yan Li's stunned gaze, Lingyu glared at Yan Li as soon as she recovered from Jiang Lin's words.

Yan Li smiled bitterly, but did not dare to show any coldness to Lingyu.

Just kidding, if this rabbit demon blows the pillow wind to Lord Jiang in the future, he might be able to wear enough small shoes.

After Yan Li left, Lingyu blushed slightly and looked at Jiang Lin defensively.

Jiang Lin's words just now were clear enough, and it was obvious that he was already thinking of her.

Still slender and jade hands, and still alone.

You will really think!

Chapter [-] Weird Demon Blood (Part [-])

"What's your look like?"

Glancing at Lingyu, Jiang Lin laughed and said, "If I really want to enjoy some nephrite jade and continue to take advantage of it, why would I say it so clearly? It's inconvenient for that kid to see my injury. As for why, you don't have to ask. I didn't plan to deal with the injury anyway."

As he spoke, flames sprang from Jiang Lin's palm, burning his wounds with flames.

Simply stop the bleeding.

Otherwise, that funny Bi Yanli would have persuaded him again, and he would have saved the trouble by closing the wound.

Moreover, he doesn't need Lingyu to help. If he has the time, wouldn't it be fragrant to check more documents?

Lingyu was stunned for a moment, only to realize that what Jiang Lin said was indeed reasonable. If Jiang Lin really wanted her to take care of her and wanted to take advantage of her, then she could just find another reason to send Yan Li away.

After all, her life was saved by Jiang Lin before. If Jiang Lin made any request, she would not refuse it if it was reasonable.

And what Jiang Lin said so clearly, how could she possibly be willing.

"what are you doing?"

After reacting, Lingyu saw Jiang Lin's wounds being baked with flames, so she grabbed and hit Jiang Lin's hand.

There are so many wounds on the body, without bandaging, directly on fire, is this not pure self-abuse?

"Of course it stopped the bleeding."

"Have you stopped the bleeding like this? I don't believe that you don't hurt. Why don't you just tear some shirts and wrap them?"

Lingyu didn't understand what Jiang Lin was thinking. She had never seen anyone mistreat her like this before. It was scary enough for someone to sprinkle salt and alcohol on the wound, but the man in front of her was even more outrageous, using fire to burn her.

Jiang Lin smiled lightly: "It's okay to get used to it, it's quite convenient to waste time."

"I don't know what you think. You don't think it's very brave, do you? Do you behave like this in front of the opposite sex? Are your wives attracted by your self-abuse in this way?"

Lingyu pouted, she thought that Jiang Lin was doing it on purpose to show her, and it was nothing if he was used to it.

Just talking nonsense with eyes open.

"I'll bandage it, who made me owe you my life."

After tearing off the skirt of her clothes, Lingyu asked Jiang Lin to take off her coat, and she took care of the wound.

"No need, save you from screaming in fear."

Jiang Lin waved his hand to indicate that he didn't need to, but Lingyu, the little rabbit, was really trying to compete with him, saying that if he didn't want to, he would let Yan Li come over.

"Okay, hurry up."

Jiang Lin tore off the long gown on his body and went shirtless.


Then, Lingyu let out a scream.

It's not because Jiang Lin didn't wear a shirt, but because the scars on Jiang Lin's body really scared her.

The scars on Jiang Lin's body can be said to be of any shape, from scratches, cuts, stab wounds, rot, and wounds formed by self-explosion. After the scabs are healed, they are all left behind.

Jiang Lin shrugged and said helplessly, "I've already said that it will scare you into screaming."

At the same time, he is also thinking that if his own situation is resolved later, he will have to deal with these scars.

Otherwise, if Qing'er and Gu Mengxue met, imagine the dangers he had experienced, and I don't know what to cry.

Although he had several wives after destroying Wangtianjian, they didn't have an inch of each other when they were bridal chambers with him, but some of them knew his identity, and some of them were because he covered them with his abilities first, and then Or guessing that he was bruised and bruised after encountering a vendetta, and he was not too surprised.

He didn't want to make his wives feel distressed.

"You... how did you get hurt like this? You... who are you?"

Lingyu stared blankly at Jiang Lin, the old wound on Jiang Lin's body really made her scalp numb.

Moreover, she doubted Jiang Lin's identity under the electric change of her mind. If it is said that these injuries of Jiang Lin were caused in the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty, it is absolutely impossible.

Whether it was a cultivator or a demon, there were almost no people who could make Jiang Lin hurt like this.

"Why do you ask so many questions, you don't have to go to that Yan Li now, right?"

Jiang Lin smiled lightly and continued to bake the wounds on his body.

Lingyu pursed her lips and looked at Jiang Lin with a bit of apology. Before, she thought that Jiang Lin was showing off in front of her, but the truth was exactly what Jiang Lin said.

The new injuries on Jiang Lin's body are nothing compared to the many scary scars she has seen.

In other words, Jiang Lin is indeed used to it.

With a wave of Su's hand, Lingyu controlled the upside-down round stool and landed next to Jiang Lin, saying, "Sit down, the wound still needs to be bandaged, and my clothes are all torn."

Jiang Lin looked at Lingyu, nodded slightly, and sat down with his back to Lingyu.

"Didn't you bring some wound medicine with you?"

"No, there are other medicines, but there is something wrong with my constitution and I can't use it. You can just fix it."

Jiang Lin didn't plan to apply medicine to the wound, so Lingyu could slip a little and wrap it around a few times.

Lingyu frowned slightly, then raised her hand and bit her fingers, smearing Jiang Lin's wound with her own demon blood.

Her demon blood contains good medicinal effects. Although its main function is not to heal wounds, it still has some effect on wound healing.


Just as the blood on Lingyu's finger belly seeped into the wound on Jiang Lin's back, Jiang Lin immediately sensed something was wrong.

At this time, the corpse poison in his body seemed to be completely out of control, and a powerful suction force erupted.

"You...what are you doing?"

At the same time, Lingyu also had a look of shock on her face. Her palm was forced to fit on Jiang Lin's back, and the blood in her arm was like half a whale's suction, and it gathered in the palm of her hand. extracted from the.

"You ask me, who am I asking?"

Jiang Lin felt inexplicable, and then quickly released his own spiritual sense. His back was mostly a new injury, and his sense of touch was greatly reduced. Naturally, he did not realize that Lingyu had used her own blood as a wound medicine for him.

Only at this moment did Jiang Lin know what was going on. However, at this moment, he clearly felt that the corpse poison in his bones became extremely aggressive, and he took the initiative to pull the "outliers" in the flesh and blood into the bones. phagocytosis.

What's even more outrageous is that these corpse poisons of his actually have to wrestle with the stubborn corpse poison that has been suppressed in the body, and go to fight the corpse poison of Wang Tianqi completely.

You little bunny, what have you done!

Are you a rabbit demon or a chicken essence?

It's okay, what are you doing to beat my corpse with blood!

Jiang Lin also took it. This Lingyu's blood was like a [-]% stimulant to his corpse poison.

Second uncle, there is such a strange demon blood?

Chapter [-] Misunderstanding each other

Jiang Lin didn't even bother to think about why Lingyu's demon blood and demonic energy were so weird, and immediately tried his best to suppress the restless corpse poison in his bones, but at this moment, his body froze for no apparent reason. , unable to control himself for a while.

"Hurry up! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Therefore, Jiang Lin warned Lingyu.

If it continues like this, the corpse poison in his bones is very likely to be out of control. At that time, he will fight with Wangtianjian's corpse poison again, and the resulting changes will prevent his own spiritual power and Yang Yan from dormant. The body will have another six-nation conferring ceremony.

Moreover, now he can't control his body, which makes him vigilant.

Jiang Lin suddenly thought about whether Lingyu, who had been by his side all the time, had anything to do with Yin Mao Zhan or the Mao Zong team.

He only arrived at the capital of the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty yesterday, and after going to Benshan Street, there were very few people who had interacted with him. Among them, there was this little rabbit who was sitting at the same table with him.

After leaving Benshan Street, he was attacked and killed by Yinmao Corpse. Today, because he brought Lingyu with him, Yinmao Corpse reappeared, and a team of Maozong was killed.

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