After a little association like this, Jiang Lin's face turned gloomy.

"What's your attitude!"

Lingyu's eyes turned red with anger. She kindly bit her fingertips and bled blood to heal Jiang Lin's wound. As a result, her hand was absorbed, and the demon blood in her body kept rushing out and was pulled away. Body.

But Jiang Lin is now warning her, otherwise she will be welcome.

Is there any reason!

Is there such a reason?

It's a good intention to treat it as a donkey's liver and lungs!

"You are just uneasy and kind! You are still pretending, it's really a shame that you have such ability. You can play no one's bitter tricks. Do you need it?"

The blood in the body kept draining, and Lingyu couldn't help but wonder if this sudden change was intentional by Jiang Lin.

The fact is that Jiang Lin is extracting the demon blood from her body.

Moreover, her palm was firmly attached to Jiang Lin's back and could not be withdrawn at all, which made her even more convinced of this.

Lingyu suspected that Jiang Lin was trying to beat her with demon blood, and Jiang Lin was also vigilant that Lingyu was with Yin Mao Zhe.

An unexpected situation caused the two of them to have a big misunderstanding.

Jiang Lin squinted his eyes, ready to forcefully control his body, but now the spiritual power in his body is almost exhausted, and the corpse poison is uncontrollable, leaving him with no strength to use.

With a ruthless heart, Jiang Lin directly shattered the golden pill in his body. With the help of the spiritual power provided by the broken pill, Jiang Lin immediately let the spiritual power explode on his back, causing Lingyu's palm and her whole body to be blown out.

At the same time Lingyu flew upside down, the sound of bone cracking came from her forearm.

And Jiang Lin also spit out a mouthful of blood because he forcibly broke the golden core.

However, he ignored his internal injury and turned around and rushed over.

With one hand grabbing Lingyu Xuebai's neck, Jiang Lin pushed her back against the wall and said angrily, "What's your purpose for following me? What is your relationship with the Silver Fox Demon?"


Tears welled up in Lingyu's aggrieved eyes.

Aggrieved, sad, want to cry.

She didn't even know what she had done wrong, and now Jiang Lin could clearly see the killing intent in the eyes of Jiang Lin looking at her.

"You kill me, so I don't owe you anything."

After a while, Lingyu smiled miserably. Anyway, Jiang Lin blocked a fatal attack for her before, but now Jiang Lin is begging her for her life, and she has nothing to say.

Jiang Lin looked at Lingyu's pale face and lips that had turned white due to excessive blood loss, and the strength in his hands decreased.

Now that he calmed down a little, he thought that when he came to the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty, the only time he let the corpse poison enter his flesh and blood was when he was killed by the silver-haired corpse.

At that time, he and Lingyu had already separated. No matter what, Lingyu could never see that he had the identity of a first-level zombie.

Since this is the case, it is impossible for Lingyu to know that there are many unstable bombs in his body.

It is even more impossible to activate or detonate it with demon blood.

Therefore, what happened just now is likely to be a coincidence.

Now that Jiang Lin thought about it for a while, he knew that he had become suspicious because he was too afraid of his body to mess up again.

"Sorry, I must have made a mistake."

Seeing Lingyu's drooping arm, Jiang Lin couldn't help but feel a little distressed. After all, this little rabbit had good intentions and wanted to treat his wounds. As a result, he regarded other people's good intentions as a donkey's liver and lungs.

Lingyu didn't speak, she just walked away from Jiang Lin and said as she walked, "Since you let that Yan Li recruit people, you don't need me anymore, I'm leaving."


Jiang Lin called out, and seeing that Lingyu didn't mean to stop, he went over to stop her: "It's my suspicion that I'm seriously ill. I'm very sorry for this incident."

"It's nothing."

Lingyu responded lightly, and still had to borrow a way from Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin directly grabbed her other uninjured hand, pulled it to the side of the round stool before, pressed her shoulders, and let her sit down.

Although Lingyu wanted to struggle, because of the excessive blood loss in her body, she had no strength at all. Even if she had, she couldn't resist Jiang Lin.

"Drink this, eat the medicinal herbs in these boxes, and I will give you bone-building."

Jiang Lin took a few jade bottles and boxes from his arms and put them on Lingyu's thigh.

These are cold marrow and immortal treasures, Jiang Lin intends to give Lingyu as an apology.

It was always a good intention, but in the end, even if his arm was broken by the shock, he almost killed him by mistake.

He came out with some sincere treasures, and it could be regarded as an apology to this little rabbit.

Seeing Lingyu protesting silently, Jiang Lin said, "I've already made you wronged. If you don't want to obey, then I can only make you a little more wronged. Could it be that I can feed you food and drink? If I feed you, then But it's just mouth to mouth."


Lingyu deflated a small mouth and stared at Jiang Lin, then grabbed the jade bottle, opened the bottle cap, and poured the cold marrow into her mouth.

"This... what is this?"

After drinking the cold marrow, Lingyu's eyes widened. After the serum inside entered her stomach, the tightness in her chest caused by the bombardment was immediately resolved.

Jiang Lin explained: "Cold marrow, I don't know if you have heard of it. It is a kind of treasure from heaven and earth. In the jade box, there are some fairy treasures that can produce blood when eaten."


Lingyu opened the jade box suspiciously, and suddenly a few dazzling smog and strong medicinal fragrance floated out.

Chapter [-] Working hard, enough forage

"This... is this you feeding me?"

Although Lingyu's knowledge is not very extensive, she is not ignorant of everything. The medicinal materials in this jade box can produce such a medicinal fragrance and auspiciousness. It is definitely not ordinary, and the quality is better than the ginseng she has eaten before. how high.

"Do you want me to feed?"

"You think beautiful!"

Lingyu hurriedly filled the mouth with the fairy treasure similar to Angelica in the jade box.

At this moment, Jiang Lin squatted down and pulled up Lingyu's broken arm, and rolled up her sleeve.

"Don't move, cough!"

Lingyu instinctively wanted to withdraw her arm, and Jiang Lin reprimanded it lightly, but at this time, he had a mouthful of blood because of the internal injury.

Seeing this, Lingyu didn't resist anymore, she murmured, "I... I used my demon blood to treat you as a wound medicine, but I didn't expect it to turn out like this."

Now Lingyu has also figured out that Jiang Lin didn't want to squeeze her demon blood before, otherwise, Jiang Lin would not have been injured by absorbing her demon blood.

What's more, with such a treasure on Jiang Lin's body, how could he covet her demon blood.

In other words, her good intentions did a bad thing.

"If you don't know, don't blame it. There is a problem with my body and I can't accept the power of the medicine. Otherwise, I have these treasures, and there will be so many scars on my body. However, with your demon blood, the wounds on my body It stopped bleeding."

Jiang Lin shook his head, what Lingyu said was really not different from what he had guessed before, it was pure good intentions.

He gave the family a good intention and not rewarded.

After that, he rolled up the sleeve of Lingyu's broken arm, revealing an arm as white as tender lotus and as white jade.

After taking a medicine bottle full of cold marrow, Jiang Lin put a drop of cold marrow on Lingyu's arm.

With some spiritual power in his palm, Jiang Lin smeared the cold marrow, allowing the medicinal power to penetrate under the skin of Lingyu's arm.

Now that the corpse poison in his bones has stabilized because there is no continuous injection of Lingyu's demon blood, it can allow him to use some spiritual power.

Lingyu chewed the fairy treasure, as if running into a group of rabbits, her cheeks turned from pale to rosy, and finally flushed.

Now, Lingyu felt that she had a whole new understanding of Jiang Lin.

In her knowledge, no matter whether it is a demon hunter or a night watchman, there is no one like Jiang Lin.

In this world, where can there be such a monster hunter who is willing to sincerely apologize to a monster and compensate with such a precious treasure.

Now she is still so gentle to deal with her broken arm.

"Go ahead and eat it, and keep it full. These medicines are mild in effect and won't cause any side effects to you. My apology is fully prepared for you, and you won't have the opportunity to blackmail me."

Jiang Lin looked up at Lingyu and smiled slightly. Although this little rabbit was a little paranoid, it was really cute.

"So you are afraid that I will deceive you. Am I so deceiving in your eyes?"

Lingyu's good mood was immediately destroyed by Jiang Lin's words, and she was unwilling to let Jiang Lin heal her.

"Be honest, there are still hands."

Jiang Lin grabbed Lingyu's wrist and helped her deal with the trauma to her palm in the same way as before.

One of Lingyu's jade hands was almost blurred by the shock.

Jiang Lin grabbed her little hand, Lingyu pursed her lips, and didn't make any noise.

After cutting off a section of Lingyu's belt, Jiang Lin wrapped Lingyu's palm completely. After that, he removed some table boards in the cold palace and fixed his arms for her.

Jiang Lin took a long gown from the ancient mirror in his arms and put it on, and said to Lingyu, "It is estimated that in an hour or two, your palms and arms will be completely healed. Do you still want to go back to Benshan Street?"

"It's you who said you were full, and you didn't say how many meals."

With a light snort, Lingyu got up and walked out of the cold palace. She doesn't want to go back now. Only she knows whether her arm is good or not. Since Jiang Lin regards him as a bunny who can deceive people, then she will take it seriously. a bit.

"It's okay, the forage is enough, you just need to work."

"What forage? Do you think I'm a horse?"

"No no no, I remembered a proverb over there: rabbits wear splints, but donkeys with big ears."

Jiang Lin laughed and set off for the Imperial History Supervisor in the palace.

Although there was an unnecessary misunderstanding between him and Lingyu, but thanks to this, he should be able to trust Lingyu with the investigation of the extraterrestrial meteorite.


Lingyu was stunned for a moment, then she looked at the two wooden boards tied to her arms, and immediately reacted, shouting to Jiang Lin, "You are the donkey! The big-eared donkey!"

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