"I don't know who has big ears on the body, and other places after transformation are also big, and they are a pair just like the ears."

Jiang Lin responded, and he stepped up to speed, causing Lingyu who was behind her to blush with embarrassment, and stomped her feet.

A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Lin arrived at the Imperial History Prison. He flashed the gold medal to the official in charge, and he went to find Yan Li, who was already looking up historical records.

"Come here, I'll give you a mission."

After Jiang Lin inquired about the information Yan Li had consulted, Lingyu's hind legs also arrived, and Jiang Lin smiled at her.

From now on, the extraterrestrial meteorite he needs will land on Lingyu's body.

After that, Jiang Lin patted Yan Li on the shoulder and gave him a look.

Yan Li looked at Lingyu, who seemed to have some sense of spring on her face, then glanced at Jianglin, smiled, and went to a far corner very wisely.

You two are in the world, I understand.

Who said I can't see children?

Yan Li didn't even dare to look at Lingyu one more time now, so as not to get a pinhole. As for what happened to the injury on Lingyu's arm, he asked why he was doing so much.

Lingyu walked to Jiang Lin and asked angrily, "What do you want me to do?"

"You look at these imperial histories. As long as there are records of meteorites in the sky, pay attention to them. You don't need to ask anything else, just work."

Jiang Lin told Lingyu of his requirements, and when Ning Yesi recruited people, the work should be able to progress quickly.

"And then the hay is enough, right?"

Lingyu rolled her eyes at Jiang Lin, "Okay, say I'm a big-eared donkey, I can't beat you!"

Chapter [-] Guide, let you guide (on)

"Don't worry, you just need to work on the mill."

Jiang Lin snapped his fingers, if Lingyu's performance really satisfied him, then he would spend a little more immortal treasure, that's fine.

Compared to the whereabouts of the extraterrestrial meteorite, he really didn't pay attention to some immortal treasures.

For him now, the role of fairy treasures is far less than the clues of meteorites.

"I'll check here."

Lingyu showed a smile, since Jiang Lin was willing to give benefits, then she would do well. At that time, she would not only destroy Jiang Lin, but also take out as much of his treasure as she could.

Anyway, this is not what she asked, but Jiang Lin agreed.

With so many treasures, she can also give some to the neighbors on Benshan Street. The frail and sickly son Wen, who is a benefactor of great kindness to their monsters, can also get some life-saving elixir from Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin looked at the splint on Lingyu's arm and asked, "Does your hand still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt...it hurts! It hurts a lot."

Lingyu originally wanted to say that her severed arm no longer felt any pain, but halfway through the sentence, she changed her mouth and glared at Jiang Lin with anger in her eyes.

Seeing Lingyu's reaction like this, Jiang Lin knew that the little rabbit's injuries were recovering well. After a slight smile, he went to sit by the wall.

His golden core still needs to be condensed again.

After half an hour, Jiang Lin condensed the golden core again. During this time, he also discovered that his corpse poison seemed to have undergone some changes because he received the nourishment of Lingyu's demon blood, and he actually had some restraint on the rest of the corpse poison. Effect.

This was somewhat unexpected to him.

Could it be that the blood possessed by the monsters of the Meteorite Dynasty had a special boosting effect on his corpse poison?

Or, only Lingyu, who has a special demonic energy in her body, is the demon blood in her body so special?

However, Jiang Lin was not in a hurry to investigate. Even if his guess was true, he would not be able to kill those monsters who never committed crimes in order to solve his own problems.

Let him attack Lingyu, he is not that cruel.

At this time, Yan Li walked to Jiang Lin's side with a historical book, and told the past some of the information he had found.

When Concubine Xiao was alive, she was very close to the fox, especially the silver fox. However, more information has not been found. It is not that there is no record in the imperial history, but the emperor ordered the things that have been recorded to be destroyed. Even the historian who was in office at the time was silenced.

Therefore, later historians could only make up the previous history by inference, guessing that Concubine Xiao was most likely a silver fox demon.

"My lord, this kind of thing is actually quite common. Although there may be people in the know, but it is about the late emperor. We can't ask questions openly and can only be verified in other ways."

Yan Li was worried that Jiang Lin would directly ask Xianzong or the Queen Mother to ask, so he mentioned that such a thing is very taboo.

Now Jiang Lin does have a gold medal from the royal family, but if the case is solved in the future and the gold medal is withdrawn, it may cause a mess.

"Then do it according to your night watchman's way."

Jiang Lin didn't care much, and he didn't plan to ask anyone about this secret history. He just asked the truth of the year. Is it possible that he would know where the silver-haired corpse was hidden?

So Yan Li proposed to go directly to Benshan Street and ask Wen Zhongzi to see if he could get any information.

Jiang Lin agreed immediately and asked Lingyu to put down her work first and go back to Benshan Street with them.

This little rabbit was still injured, and he was a little bit unbearable to let him check historical records here all night.

After half an hour, Jiang Lin and his party came to Ben Shantang again.

Yan Li walked to the wall of the school, pointed to the painting of Begonia on the wall, and asked Wen Zhongzi: "Master Wen, I have seen the poem on this painting in the palace with Master Jiang, can you tell me about this poem? history."

Wen Zhongzi looked at the picture scroll on the wall and said, "This poem was written by the late emperor. Caomin admired the late emperor's literary style, so they hired a painter to make this painting for the purpose of this poem. Unfortunately, although the painting is good, he left Question, it is rumored that this poem was written by the late emperor for his beloved woman, and it is actually a flower that compares a human being, so the painter should paint the Pingting woman instead of Begonia."

Jiang Lin just listened and didn't say a word. If he deduced correctly, all this was deliberately led by the silver-haired corpse. According to the plan, it was just a matter of handing over to Yan Li.

"Then Master Wen, do you know who this woman is? But the first emperor's concubine?"

"Caomin also knows very little, they are all hearsay, but it is rumored that this woman likes foxes very much. The late emperor was happy for Bojia, and he took his people to a village where foxes were raised, and she disappeared for a while because of this. Whether they cheated the late emperor or had an affair with someone and betrayed the late emperor, the grass-roots people don't know what the outcome will be."

Wen Zhongzi told Yan Li everything he knew. This time, Jiang Lin, who was silent on the side, frowned.

From Wen Zhongzi, he also heard about a village where foxes were raised.

When the seventh uncle in the antique store told him about the corpse of a red-eyed fox, there was a village that raised foxes for a living.

Is there any connection between the two?

Jiang Lin didn't ask any questions, Wen Zhongzi didn't know much, and in the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty, there were probably more than one fox-raising village.

Without getting any useful clues, Jiang Lin and Yan Li left Ben Shantang.

"Mr. Jiang, I didn't expect to get any useful clues here. Until now, we are still at a loss."

Yan Li pressed his eyebrows, and after working so hard for so long, they still had no clue.

"What's the hurry, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

Jiang Lin smiled lightly, now that the progress of the investigation has reached a dead end, which is probably not what the silver-haired corpse wants to see.

So, it may not be long before they get some new clues or hints.

"Master Jiang, you haven't eaten anything for a day, right? The more famous one in our capital is Fu Yuanzi, who means reunion in the floating world, and his subordinates treat guests."

At this time, Yan Li smelled a scent, and pointed to She Gu's shop not far away, and wanted to invite Jiang Lin to have a meal.

"Fu Yuanzi?"

Jiang Lin's eyes lit up, and he suddenly remembered that he had tasted a glutinous rice ball with human blood and special medicinal effects from the snake demon woman before.

At this moment, there was a sharp piercing sound in midair, and then Yan Li let out a muffled groan. Several black iron-like nails were hit on his body.

Jiang Lin looked up and smiled coldly.

As expected, things were just as he thought, and the silver-haired corpse appeared again.

It's just that he didn't expect that clues and hints would appear so quickly.

"You deal with the injury, I'll go after it."

Jiang Lin didn't delay at all, and immediately flew up.

On the premise of not being able to capture the silver-haired corpse, he wanted the development of the matter to proceed in the direction that the silver-haired corpse wanted, but now that the silver-haired corpse appeared again, he would definitely take action.

If you capture this product alive, you can avoid a lot of troubles.

However, even if Jiang Lin galloped with all his strength, and even used his teleportation ability, he still couldn't catch up with the silver-haired corpse.

It's not because of how fast this thing is, but because the white mist that erupted from Yinmao's corpse has always appeared on his only path. The white mist that appeared this time can completely block his spiritual sense and five senses. Shangyin Maozhe had to turn around many times, so that he could not catch the other side.

After a while, Jiang Lin followed the silver-haired corpse into a courtyard, and after the silver-haired corpse landed, a massive amount of white mist erupted from his body again, and then rushed into the hall in front of him.

Jiang Lin did not delay for a moment, and followed him in.

The hall was filled with thick white mist, and even if Jiang Lin opened his eyes, it was as if he was in darkness.

At this moment, a long sword pierced his heart.

Jiang Lin avoided it with a lateral movement, and slapped the opponent's chest with spiritual power in his palm.


But at this moment, he suddenly saw the general outline of the sword-wielding person, and he immediately reduced the strength in his hand.

But even so, there was still a cotton candy-like touch in his palm.

"Bunny, it's me"

Jiang Lin quickly withdrew his palm and opened his mouth to reveal his identity. There was white fog all over the place, and he couldn't confirm it before, but just now he touched something he shouldn't have touched, so he made sure that the person opposite was Lingyu.

With this model, coupled with the general outline of the body, he should be right.

However, at this time, Lingyu couldn't hear Jiang Lin's words. Jiang Lin's spiritual sense and five senses were blocked by the white fog, let alone her.

After being attacked by Yue Hsiung, Lingyu's killing intent exploded, desperately raising her sword and stabbing.

Jiang Lin dodged several attacks in succession, and immediately released the Yang flames in his body, forcing the surrounding white mist back.

"Jiang Lin? Why are you?"

Lingyu only saw Jiang Lin's face with the help of Jiang Lin's Yangyan's light, and immediately retracted the long sword that was pierced.Jiang Lin responded, "I'm tracking that silver fox demon, why did you appear here?"

"I also came here after chasing the corpse."

"You were also brought here by him? Then you should arrive a while before me."

Jiang Lin thought about it for a while, and guessed that Lingyu would come three minutes before him. After the silver-haired corpse led Lingyu, he went to the street and led him too.

"You come to me."

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