Jiang Lin asked Lingyu to stand beside him, and then released the Yang flames in his body, and the white mist in the hall made a crackling sound in the flames.

After the hall was illuminated, Lingyu saw the old man sitting paralyzed in the corner.

"Uncle Chu!"

"This old man..."

Jiang Lin followed Lingyu's gaze, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly, he had seen this old man whom Lingyu called Uncle Chu.

Chapter [-] Guide, let you guide (below)

After Jiang Lin was attacked and killed by the silver-haired corpse last night, he wondered if he could trace the whereabouts of the silver-haired corpse. He had met this old man a mile away from Prince Yong's Mansion, and recognized the old man. A monster.

At that time, Uncle Chu was pushing a car, and there was a slight smell of blood in the barrel of the car.

It's just that at that time, Jiang Lin didn't pay attention. He didn't expect to see this old man again now.It's a pity that the latter has been killed and completely breathed.

"Isn't that silver fox demon designed to kill royal family members and ministers in the court? Why did he kill Uncle Chu? Uncle Chu is just a gardener. He has never harmed anyone, and he is very kind on weekdays."

There was hatred in Lingyu's eyes. Originally, she didn't have any ill will towards the silver-haired corpse. Assisting Jiang Lin was only Wen Zhongzi's request, and at the same time, she also cleared the suspicion of their Benshan Street.

But now, this silver fox demon actually killed her neighbors.

Jiang Lin went to check on Uncle Chu's body and found that Uncle Chu was twisted and killed with a single blow.

Although this old man is a monster, his cultivation base is very weak. After the neck bone is broken, he will not be able to live.

After that, Jiang Lin tried to cast the spell again, but he couldn't find Uncle Chu's demon soul, but the result was as he expected, the silver-haired corpse came directly to cut the grass and remove the roots.

Just guide me, I will let you guide me, but don't let me fall into my hands when the time is right.

Jiang Lin sneered again and again in his heart, this silver-haired corpse had already met him three times, and three times in a row, he let the corpse escape in his own hands.

The first time was fine, he was concerned about his eyes, and the second time he said it, he was stopped by a stubborn team.

But this third time, he still let the silver-haired loach slip away.

Deliberately lead him here, and leave him hints and clues in person.

Hey, just jumping hard in front of him, eh, just playing.

I let you play, there are times later when you know what it means to set yourself on fire.

Now, Jiang Lin intends to take the initiative to cooperate with Yan Li's reasoning to decide the case. When the silver-haired corpse shows the fox's tail, it will not be far from the time for this shit.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Lin said to Lingyu: "The matter behind this is probably not that simple. According to my guess, the Silver Fox Demon may have a close relationship with Benshan Street."

Now that I recalled it a little, Jiang Lin realized that Uncle Chu appeared not far from Prince Yong's mansion, which might be related to the silver-haired corpse that was committing crimes in Prince Yong's mansion at that time.

"You... are you doubting me again? We monsters have never killed anyone!"

Lingyu felt wronged again. She thought that Jiang Lin didn't believe what she said before, and even wondered if she was the silver fox demon.

"Who said I doubted you?"

Jiang Lin spread out his hands, his face a little helpless. This little rabbit had been misunderstood because he was suspected of being seriously ill before, and his arm was broken by him. With such a precedent, he thought he was suspicious.

In fact, he really didn't think about the suspect Chao Lingyu's body, even Lingyu had turned into a white mist to escape, but it was completely different from the white mist emitted by the silver-haired corpse.

As for Lingyu's appearance here, it doesn't mean that this girl was transformed from a silver-haired corpse.

If this is not clear at all, Jiang Lin feels that he is still poking his eyes.

He really doesn't know enough about the monsters of the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty, but he can still judge some things.

Seeing Lingyu's somewhat disbelieving expression, Jiang Lin explained: "When the Silver Fox Demon committed the crime last time, this Uncle Chu was around the scene, and, by chance, he passed by me at that time, and I was in his car. I smelled blood inside, so I said that the silver fox demon may have something to do with your Benshan Street."

"So it is."

After listening to Jiang Lin's explanation, Lingyu nodded slightly and said, "I misunderstood you, sorry."

"It should be my apology. Just now, that... I didn't mean to take advantage of you."

"You...don't mention this again!"

As soon as Jiang Lin mentioned taking advantage, Lingyu remembered what Jiang Lin had pressed with her palm before. She glared at Jiang Lin with a blushing face as if she had been stepped on.

At this moment, Yan Li also landed in the courtyard and walked into the hall.

"That...cough...Mr. Jiang, let's focus on public affairs, and the children's personal affairs. My subordinate's suggestion is to wait for a while."

Yan Li saw that Jiang Lin, who was chasing the Silver Fox Demon, was actually with Lingyu again, and Lingyu's face was still a little crimson, so she expressed her opinion.

My lord, it's not impossible for you to pick up girls and rabbits, but at any rate, it's impossible to prioritize the occasions and things.

Chasing the murderer and chasing the murderer, you are actually chasing a two-person world.

Seeing that the bunny blushes, you almost got it.

"What children's affair! If you can't speak, get out."

When Yan Li said this, Lingyu became anxious, and then she shouted where she found the silver fox demon, and how she got here and met Jiang Lin.

Chapter [-] Are you teaching me to do things? (superior)

After explaining, Lingyu sprayed Yan Li again.

Anyway, with Jiang Lin by her side, she didn't know why, but she dared to point at Yan to leave.

Yan Li didn't dare to say a word after being spat by Lingyu. If any monster dared to attack him like this before, he would definitely show his sword directly.

But this Yugui big-eared rabbit, according to the current situation, is likely to become his boss's wife in the future, what else can he do?


An unkind smile appeared on Jiang Lin's face. This Yan Li was a stunned young man with a business-like attitude, and what he said was reasonable. He was inconvenient to answer.

After laughing for a while, Jiang Lin told Yan Li about Uncle Chu's death and the fact that the deceased had appeared around the crime scene before, to see what Yan Li thought about it.

At the same time, he also asked Lingyu to tell some information about Uncle Chu.

"If your inference, Mr. Jiang is correct, if this Uncle Chu has something to do with the silver fox demon, then he may be an accomplice. Uncle Chu specially handles the flowers and plants in the mansion for the prince's clan, and he goes to work every day for many years. As one day, it is estimated that the Huangcheng Division has never suspected it. As for the smell of blood in his car, it means that we may have misjudged the matter that the murderer was sucking blood on the spot. Those wooden barrels used by Uncle Chu , It is estimated that it is a vehicle, and the murderer used Uncle Chu as a helper to transport the blood out."


After listening to Yan Li's analysis, Jiang Lin also nodded, which he had just thought of.

If it was the silver-haired corpse that transported the victim's blood, it would explain where the Fu Yuanzi from Shegu came from.

"Let's do another autopsy."

Jiang Lin remembered that when he asked the spirits before, all the souls of courtiers appeared, but none of the clan relatives.

Now it seems that he really missed some details.

In fact, whether he missed it or not, it had nothing to do with him.

As long as he is responsible for finding out the silver-haired corpse and other corpses, it will be over.

But that silver-haired corpse is ridiculously cunning and slippery than a loach, and now he has deliberately committed crimes to lure them in. Then, he and Yan Li need to find some more clues, just like the silver-haired corpse. .

Jiang Lin intends to deal with the silver-haired corpse first. The rest of the corpse cannot use Taoism to search for traces or locate them. For the time being, they can only wait a bit.

"It really needs to be re-examined. The murder case in the capital this time is likely to be aimed at the royal clan, and the murder of courtiers may be someone who is taking the opportunity to do it. After all, if a murderer wants to commit a crime, there is no need to prepare with both hands. The modus operandi of killing courtiers and clansmen is also very different. As for the courtiers who were killed, it seems that the political opinions in the court are the same."

At this time, Yan Li's IQ was on the line, and he was keenly aware of the discord in many murders.

Jiang Lin frowned slightly and nodded thoughtfully.This famous detective with low emotional intelligence, Yan Li, is really useful.If these murders in the capital involve political issues and let him, a foreigner, make judgments, no matter how flexible his mind is, he probably won't think about it in this regard.

If Yan Li's speculation is true, then the Mao Zong team that suddenly appeared before has a more reasonable explanation.

The reason why the Mao Zong team suddenly appeared in the palace was probably because someone took advantage of their power to give them convenience.

And to start with him, Yan Li and others, the purpose is quite clear.

Just worried that they will find out the truth of the murder.

At this moment, Yan Li gave Lingyu a suspicious look. If the silver fox demon indeed took away the blood of the royal family, then the purpose of this blood might be to cultivate one's body and survive.

In their Heavenly Meteor Dynasty, not only the demon blood had medicinal effects, but the blood of the royal family was also a medicinal herb.

Now there are various signs linking the Silver Fox Demon and Benshan Street. If you use the idea of ​​​​a vested interest to judge, then the most likely to benefit is the frail and sickly half-dead Wen Zhongzi in Benshan Street.

In this way, Lingyu, who has been taking care of Wen Zhongzi with a grateful heart, is most suspicious.

However, Yan Li only used the clues he obtained to speculate and reason, and he did not express his own inference.

Specifically, an autopsy is still needed. If it can be concluded that Uncle Chu is an accomplice of the silver fox demon and helped him transport the blood of the royal family, then this possibility can be further confirmed.

Fortunately, Yan Li didn't mention this possibility, otherwise Jiang Lin would not be happy.

And according to Yanli's character, that's to find out the truth. No matter what he does, it's not easy for anyone to speak.

It's the head iron.

As for Jiang Lin, he must protect Lingyu, not to mention that he was seriously ill before, and he wronged others by treating the little rabbit's kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs, and said that he would have to hand it over to Lingyu to investigate the matter of the meteorite in the sky. To deal with this, he also has to protect his shortcomings.

It's really fun when a boss wants to show favoritism and a subordinate wants to make mistakes.

Chapter [-] Are you teaching me to do things? (middle)

"Lingyu, it's already past midnight. You should go back first. I'll give you some spiritual amulets for body protection. If you encounter any unexpected situation, it can also keep you safe."

Jiang Lin looked at the moon outside the west window of the hall, and asked Lingyu to go back to rest early. It was not long before dawn.

Since he met Lingyu again, this little rabbit has been running around with him, and was accidentally injured by him.

Even if it is a tool rabbit, there is no time to rest.

However, Jiang Lin was also a little worried, worried that Lingyu would be in danger because of being involved in the murder case. After all, it seemed that someone was going to hurt them, and Lingyu was no exception.Therefore, he planned to leave some powerful amulets for this little rabbit for protection.

Once Lingyu is in danger, the magic talisman he gave is enough to buy Lingyu time to find him.

"I'm not going back, I'll check with you too."

Lingyu shook her head with a firm attitude. If Uncle Chu hadn't been killed, she would have listened to Jiang Lin's words and went back to rest, but now, she could not wait to find out the Silver Fox Demon earlier.

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