"You have an injury on your arm, you should rest early."

"I'll be fine, I won't go back."

Lingyu shook her broken arm, indicating that she had recovered. As early as when she discovered the silver-haired corpse, she removed the splint on her arm in order to pursue it.

Although she wanted to ask Jiang Lin for "fodder" on the grounds of her broken arm before, but now it is about the cause of Uncle Chu's death, she no longer has the mentality of cheating.

Jiang Lin saw that Lingyu's attitude was very firm, and he didn't insist any longer. If this little rabbit was by his side, it would be quite safe.

After that, Jiang Lin moved his nose and smelled the faint blood in the side room. When he had a spiritual sense, he found the wooden barrel and cart that Uncle Chu used to hold the flower fertilizer.

So he asked Yan to leave and took some of the evidence with him.

Afterwards, the three of them went to the Criminal Court. On the way, Jiang Lin was not in a good mood.On this day, he ran back and forth repeatedly because of the silver-haired corpse, just like being treated as a dog for a walk.

He still can't do anything about it, some of his own methods and Taoism are just useless.

Can't touch the shadow.

When they arrived at the Criminal Court, Yan Li even patted the door to wake up the criminal order in charge, and went to the ice room with Jiang Lin to store the remains.

"Check it out, you should be good at this."

Jiang Lin leaned his back against the wall, not intending to do anything.

In fact, even if the blood of the murdered relatives was transported out, it may not be possible to find anything through the method of autopsy.

Take Jiang Lin as an example, if he is completely corpse, he can use the power of the corpse to directly squeeze the blood out of a living person's body.

Moreover, there may not be any clues left.

But now it is different. Since the silver-haired corpse is deliberately misleading, there is a high probability that something can be found out.

Yan Li nodded and asked Xing Ling to provide some tools to start the autopsy of the remains.

Before long, he used a scalpel to remove a silk thread almost thinner than a hair from the body of the deceased.

After staring at the bloody silk thread, Yan Li looked at Jiang Lin and said, "Lord Jiang, it seems that our speculation should be correct. This type of silk thread is called Yun Yi Sha, the king of yarn, as light as The cloud of smoke is as thin as a cicada's wings, and the length of one coin of this kind of yarn can reach three or four miles. It is very likely that the silver fox demon uses this yarn to penetrate the body of the deceased, using the pores and sweat glands as a channel to channel the blood of the deceased. It's out. But now it's time to confirm that the bloodstains left behind by Uncle Chu's wooden barrels specially filled with blood are consistent with these blood."

Even if new clues were discovered now, Yan Li did not immediately make an assertion. Now to completely link Uncle Chu with the silver fox demon, solid evidence is still needed.

That is, to verify whether the blood skin remaining in the wooden barrel Chu Bo used to hold the blood belonged to the deceased.

But he had no good way to confirm it.

"It's simple."

Jiang Lin gestured at the same time, and the yarn in Yan Li's hand flew towards him.

After that, he took a piece of yellow paper from his arms, and drew a magic talisman by drawing the tip of his thumb on the belly of the rest of his fingers.

After cutting a section of Yunyi Yarn, Jiang Lin chanted the incantation silently, and wrapped a section of Yarn with a magic talisman.

Yan Li watched from the side. He had never seen Jiang Lin's methods.

The Tianyun Dynasty is in a remote location, even if Yan Li is not weak, but he has never seen many side-by-side techniques.

Lingyu also frowned slightly. Jiang Lin should be using some method to confirm what Yan Li said. If it is really proved, then the murder case in the capital this time must be tied to their Benshan Street.

At this time, Jiang Lin threw the talisman into the sky, and under the action of mana, the talisman burned, and the ashes of the talisman and Yunyisha produced a suction force.

At the same time, Jiang Lin also asked Yan Li to knock on the wooden barrel he brought.

Under this knock, the blood skin that fell off inside was pulled by the attractive force formed by the ashes, and gathered towards the ashes.

"Okay, the blood in this yarn is the same thing as the bloodskin in the barrel."

Jiang Lin shot out a ray of spiritual power with his fingers, and smashed the ashes in the air. Now what needs to be confirmed has been done. Next, let Yan leave to investigate the yarn used by the corpse of silver hair.

At this time, Yan Li looked at Lingyu and said to Jiang Lin, "Actually, Lord Jiang may not know something. In our Heavenly Meteor Dynasty, in addition to the good medicinal effects of demon blood, the blood of the royal family also has For medicinal purposes, it can even prolong Yangshou."

"and then?"

Jiang Lin looked at Yan Li, could it be that this Yan Li found something?

"Now that your lord has determined that the Silver Fox Demon who committed the crime is related to Benshan Street, then the whole Benshan Street may use the blood of the royal family, that is Wen Zhongzi. Therefore, the subordinate suspects that the Silver Fox Demon did this, It is very likely that it is to improve the physique of Wen Neutron and prolong his life."

After a short pause, Yan Li continued: "Of course, this just shows that Wen Zhongzi may be a vested interest, but at least there is still a suspicion of Wen Zhongzi."

At the same time, Yan Li also looked at Lingyu with a businesslike look.

When Lingyu saw Yan Li's serious gaze, she immediately understood what the latter meant, and she was suspected.

So, she looked at Jiang Lin subconsciously, her eyes still revealing innocence.

She didn't know about it, she really didn't know anything.

Chong Lingyu smiled slightly, Jiang Lin took two steps and asked Yan Li, "What do you want to express?"

Chapter [*] Are you teaching me to do things? (Down)

Jiang Lin wanted to continue to hear what Yan Li had in mind. It seemed that Yan Li was suspicious of Lingyu now.

However, he was not in a hurry to defend Lingyu, so he listened to it first.

Now Yan Li, who has a low emotional intelligence, has played a very important role.

If Yan Li hadn't mentioned it, he wouldn't have thought about it from the perspective of "who will benefit".

Even if Yan Li just said that the blood of the royal family of the Tianyun Dynasty has the effect of prolonging his life, Jiang Lin did not go to Wen Zhongzi to think about it.If Yan Li hadn't brought it up, he would have ignored Wen Zhongzi's short life.

In fact, it was mainly because Jiang Lin had already determined that Wen Zhongzi was a normal person, and he did not have the identity of the Yin Mao corpse, and the trace of the Yin Mao corpse was what he really cared about.

Therefore, he has always been less observant than Yan Li. Whether it was the painting of Begonia by Wen Zhongzi or the physical condition of this weak scholar, he did not pay much attention to it.

Now, after Yan Liyi's reminder, Jiang Lin also has some doubts in his heart. Could it be that Yin Mao Zhe is really related to Wen Zhongzi?

Or is it that Yin Mao Zhe deliberately guided all this, just to blame Wen Neutron?

But is it necessary for the silver-haired corpse to do this?

"What this subordinate wants to say is that since Wen Zhongzi is suspected of benefiting, the rabbit demon beside the adults may be the insider. After Wen Zhongzi was found by us, we let this rabbit demon follow him. This time She also volunteered to come over for an autopsy. Previously, when the lord was chasing the silver fox demon, he happened to meet her at the scene of the crime. Therefore, the subordinates had to reasonably suspect that she was just like that uncle Chu. There is suspicion of cooperating with the crime.”

Yan Li pointed at Lingyu and continued, "Furthermore, my subordinates even suspect that there may not be any silver fox demon at all."

"I... I really saw the silver fox demon, and it was only after chasing him that I ran into Jiang Lin."

At this time, Lingyu opened her mouth to relieve herself. Wen Zhongzi, who was kind to her, was indeed dying soon. She also had the intention of harming others and wanted to repay her kindness for her life.

She didn't need to deny this.

However, she never took any action, because if it goes wrong, the entire Benshan Street will be affected.

As for her following, it was indeed Wen Zhongzi's request at first, but she insisted on following, because she couldn't trust Jiang Lin and Yan Li, and also because she was worried about the safety of Benshan Street.

Appearing here, that is because the silver fox demon killed Uncle Chu, and she wanted to do her part to find him, and there was no other reason.

"However, no one can corroborate what you said, right?"

Yan Li shook his head. Since he wants to conclude the case, he can't say what others say, he just believes what, everything needs real proof.

This is the basic rule.

Especially in the case that the other party may be suspicious, it is impossible for him to listen to only one side.

"Is there any more? If not, you don't have to doubt Lingyu anymore."

Jiang Lin originally thought that Yan Li could offer any constructive opinions, but as a result, Lingyu was designated as a suspect, which was not what he wanted to hear.

Lingyu, who was anxiously trying to excuse herself, heard Jiang Lin's words, and her heart suddenly felt warm.

Jiang Lin was still willing to believe her.

"Lord Jiang, according to the existing evidence and clues, this rabbit demon is suspected. According to Ning Yesi's authority, it is reasonable to detain him for interrogation. I know that you are interested in this rabbit demon, Mr. Jiang, but I hope that the adults will still focus on official business."

Yan Li spoke out and persuaded him. As a night patrol officer, he was ordered to investigate the murder case, so he would not let it go just because Jiang Lin was his boss.

After hearing Yan Li's words, Lingyu hesitated. Originally, if she was not suspected, she would definitely start ranting again, but now that her foundation is suspected of being unclean, she is of course not suitable for this. speak out.

Afterwards, she secretly looked at Jiang Lin. At this moment, even she was not sure whether Jiang Lin was really interested in her.

Although she didn't get along with Jiang Lin for a long time, Lingyu thought back a little and found that Jiang Lin's attitude towards her seemed to be rather special.

It is in stark contrast to Yan Li's attitude towards her.

Even if Jiang Lin's attitude towards monsters was very open, it wouldn't be so arrogant and majestic.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Yan Li said more than once before that there was something tricky between Jiang Lin and her, and Jiang Lin didn't explain it.

Thinking of this, Lingyu felt that her ears were a little hot.

"As I said, she is not suspected."

Jiang Lin waved his hand. Although Lingyu was no longer needed to trace the trace of the silver-haired corpse, Lingyu was still needed to investigate the extraterrestrial meteorite. He would not let Yan Li take this little rabbit into custody.

In addition, Lingyu is indeed not suspicious, otherwise, how could it be possible for him to pay for the demon blood in his body when he was treating the injury on his back.

At that time, he had been unable to control his body for a period of time. If Lingyu was suspected, his position would be against him. At that time, as long as he was given a ruthless attack, he would be severely injured.

"Mr. Jiang, please forgive your subordinates for not agreeing with them. Although your subordinates' conclusions are only conjectures, they are all reasonable inferences. Mr. Jiang, you are talking about love during your official business hours, and you can do whatever you want in a two-person world. Do you still want to cover up the suspected accomplice? Dare to ask your lord, is your Majesty appointed you, the chief of the night watch, to handle the case like this?"

Yan Li's face changed slightly, and his tone was a little unkind.

As long as it doesn't hinder the progress of the investigation, he doesn't want to be serious, not to mention that Jiang Lin is still his boss.

But now that Jiang Lin is covering up his prospective wife in front of him, he can no longer tolerate it because he is showing favoritism.

The inferences he made were all based on normal logical reasoning. Even if Xianzong came over, he would still have something to say.

But Jiang Lin, as his boss, ignored these rationality and logic, and kept making excuses for a rabbit demon.

Is there such a thing?

"Are you teaching me what to do?"

Jiang Lin was amused by Yan Li, he stood in front of Lingyu and said to Yan Li indifferently: "You think your reasoning is reasonable, it is your Yan Li's reasoning, not my Jiang Lin's reasoning. Now, you just have to accept my reasoning. To use a phrase I am more familiar with is 'I don't want you to think, I want me to think'. I don't think the little rabbit is suspected, and she is not suspected. I don't think she can be detained, She can't be detained. What do you think, it's not easy to use. If you think I shouldn't do this, or want to teach me to do things, you can go to Xianzong. However, let me say it first, that is, you found Xian Zong, his words are also useless in this matter."

Jiang Lin made it very clear that he would protect Lingyu, and Yan Li could not have any opinion.

Even if you have an opinion, if you have an opinion, you reserve it, it has nothing to do with me.

In fact, Jiang Lin is really not unreasonable, Yan Li is talking about the handling rules of the Tianyun Dynasty, but in his perception - there is no suspicion of guilt.

Is it possible that a person was killed, it may be a vendetta, a love murder, or a murder for money, then the person who had a holiday with the victim, the person who had an ambiguous relationship, and the poor neighbor next door were all locked up and directly detained ?

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