In his Jianglin, there is no such reason, let alone this logic.

Therefore, Lingyu is not within this logic.

Now that he has the imperial gold medal and was named the master of the night watch, no one should teach him to do things.

In fact, Jiang Lin was also able to clarify the matter and remove the suspicion from Lingyu.

But this requires Lingyu to use the demon blood to heal him as evidence.

In that case, the scars on his body will be exposed, which Jiang Lin doesn't want to see.

Therefore, he is not going to explain anything to Yan Li.

If Yan Li thought that he was favoritism and shielding, then he would still be showing favoritism and shielding.

Chapter [*] is it still over? (superior)

"Master Jiang, do you really want to go your own way?"

Yan Li's face was very ugly, and he realized that he really couldn't do anything with Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin just said clearly that he should go to Xianzong, but even if Xianzong knew about it, he probably wouldn't have much to say.

Li must be his Yan Li Zhan Li, but don't forget, Jiang Lin had wiped out the dozen or so terrifying corpses that appeared in the palace before. Could it be that Xianzong would cover up a little demon because Jiang Lin wanted to protect a little demon for his own sake? Are you going to collect the Royal Gold Medal?

Or cut down the unrestricted power in Jiang Lin's hands?

This is obviously impossible.

If Jiang Lin directly chooses his son, what will happen if there are other evil and evil calamities in the palace?

Xianzong and his courtiers would never target Jiang Lin for this trivial matter.

What's more, Lingyu's body is only suspected, and there is no real evidence.

In this case, Yan Li also understood that if he jumped the grade and reported it, he might be asking himself to be bored, and he might have to be warned by Xianzong.

Therefore, no matter whether he accepts it or not, there is no way to do it.

"That's right, that's it. I will explain the task behind this little rabbit. If there is any abnormal behavior, I will take care of it. Now that you have the clue of Yun Yisha, you can check it."

Jiang Lin nodded and said very clearly, what Lingyu was going to do, it was up to him to instruct him.

"Since Mr. Jiang insists on doing this, his subordinates have nothing to say."

Yan Li didn't plan to argue with Jiang Lin any longer on this matter, and if they continued to argue, there would be no result.

"You go to the criminal order and ask which yarn houses in the capital produce such yarns. I will give you some proof in a while."

Jiang Lin was going to let Yan Li go first. He wanted to find out the Silver Fox Demon, and he also needed Yan Li's assistance, so he didn't want to make the relationship between superiors and subordinates too rigid.

As long as Lingyu can prove that she really encountered the silver fox demon, then Yan Li's conclusion can be overturned.

However, Lingyu couldn't prove her innocence, which required him to use the corpse's ability a little bit, and Yan Li was inconvenient to be present.

Yan Li didn't have any objections, so he took Yun Yisha thrown by Jiang Lin and went to the criminal order to inquire.

"Thank you... thank you for believing in me."

After Yan Li walked out of the ice room, Lingyu blinked and looked at Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin would rather have a dispute with Yan Li, who is also the night patrol, rather than doubt her, and sheltered her, which moved her heart.

Jiang Lin obviously turned his elbows out.

What Yan Li said was actually nothing to discuss.

Not bad.

But Jiang Lin was willing to be unreasonable for her sake.

Jiang Lin smiled and said: "Nothing to thank, I still have some confidence in my eyesight. I know whether you are black or white. What's more, you want to help me, no matter what your original intention is. What, now that I take you as my deputy, it is naturally impossible for you to be detained. Besides, I have also caused you to be wronged because of my own suspicions. This kind of thing can never be done again. If I don't believe you, you can't be so wronged that you hide in the bed and cry at night."

"Isn't it just a little grievance, hiding in the bed and crying? I like to cry so much? Can't stand the grievance so much?"

Lingyu gave Jiang Lin a slightly annoyed look, and said that she hid in the bed and cried. Could she be so delicate and unbearable?

"Yo, now you're talking hard? I don't know who was wronged before, and I'm going to sniff, 'I'll go' one by one. If it wasn't for me to apologize and coax, maybe any bunny's pillow would have wept wet. ."

"You... I'm too lazy to care about you!"

Lingyu was stabbed by Jiang Lin's words, and immediately became embarrassed.

In the previous matter, if Jiang Lin hadn't put down the air, given her fodder, and helped her to build her bones, she would have been wronged and couldn't sleep all night.

"Come here, although Yan Li can't do anything to me, but I, the ambassador, can't act unreasonably. In the next period of time, he and I will not look up and see each other. I use a secret technique to make you Bring up the memory of seeing the silver fox demon and chasing it, and make it manifest. With this picture, it can also prove that you are not suspected of being in cahoots with the silver fox demon."

"fair enough."

Lingyu nodded slightly, even if what Jiang Lin said was justified, in her opinion, it was actually Jiang Lin's reason to trust her.

Everyone was so willing to believe her, and she didn't want to make things difficult for Jiang Lin's back.

After Lingyu walked to his side, Jiang Lin raised his hand and wrapped his arms around the back of Lingyu's neck, making his forehead rest on Lingyu's head.

"do not move."

Lingyu instinctively wanted to push Jiang Lin away, but Jiang Lin added some strength to her hand, preventing Lingyu from breaking free.

At this moment, Lingyu could almost hear her own thumping heartbeat.

Since she was born, it was only when she was hunted down when she was not a demon that her heart beat so fast.

"You...what are you doing, hate it!"

After her heart was beating wildly for a while, Lingyu tried her best to push Jiang Lin away. This time, not only her eyes, but her entire face was almost the same color as rubies.

"Didn't I tell you, I want to take a memory from your past."

Jiang Lin spread his hands, and then let the memory belonging to Lingyu manifest on the top of his head. After that, he took out a mysterious light mirror and cast a spell to record this memory.

When Lingyu saw the picture that appeared above Jiang Lin's head, she pressed the urge in her heart to ask Jiang Lin for an explanation. Wasn't Jiang Lin just taking advantage of her when she wasn't ready.

Looking at Jiang Lin who was busy casting spells, Lingyu's small hands kept kneading, and she found that her heart of a cute rabbit couldn't be settled at all.

However, she was helpless.

Jiang Lin said hello in advance, and she agreed.

It didn't take long for Yan Li to return to the ice room, holding in his hand several gauze villages that were rich in cloud-wing yarn as written in the criminal order.

From tomorrow, he and Jiang Lin will follow this clue to investigate.

Jiang Lin also threw the Xuanguang Mirror he had cast in the past, and told Yan Li that it was extracted and re-engraved from Lingyu's mind.

Yan Li also apologized to Jiang Lin after reading it, and at the same time admired Jiang Lin's various methods.

As far as Jiang Lin's current ability and means are concerned, he really doesn't need to make logical inferences if he wants to identify whether Lingyu is suspicious.

At this time, there were a few slight crowings of chickens in the distance, and Jiang Lin was not ready to stay any longer.

He also wanted to go back to Ning Yesi to study the wreckage he had collected.

Half an hour after Jiang Lin and the others left the Criminal Court, Gongshi Liu, who had obtained traces of Jiang Lin and others from the street guards, brought a group of corpses wearing large cloaks here.

After inquiring about the criminal order issued by the Criminal Court regarding the progress of Jiang Lin and the others, Liu Gongshi broke out in a cold sweat.

When Yan Li asked Xing Ling about Yun Yisha's information, he told Xing Ling about the current case, and Xing Ling was asked by Liu Gongshi, so he naturally told the truth.

Now Jiang Lin and Yan Li actually found out that not all the murders in the capital were committed by monsters, and they also speculated that it was a dispute between the government and the public, and they took the opportunity to kill.

One can imagine how panicked Liu Gongshi was.

After that, Liu Gongshi asked for the order of the criminal order.

Anyone who knows must die.

Afterwards, Liu Gongshi took a group of corpses and went straight to the nearest Shazhuang to ambush.

At this point, Jiang Lin and the others may have already arrived at Ning Yesi, and Ning Yesi is in the palace, so he can no longer act.

Even if it was intercepted in the past, because it is not far from the palace, it will cause a lot of movement.

If Xianzong was disturbed again, the problem would be bigger.

At the same time, Jiang Lin, who was heading to Ning Yesi, raised his hand and pressed his eyebrows. Just now, his eyelids jumped wildly.

This is the omen that he may encounter danger.

It seems that it is necessary to ask who is in the court of the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty who does not want the truth to be revealed and may take the opportunity to commit a crime.

Jiang Lin frowned and thought, now he doesn't know at all who is a threat to him and who has the Mao Zong army.

In fact, even if he understands, it is impossible to think of who the person who has been trying to stab him in the back this time.

No matter how Jiang Lin reasoned and judged, he wouldn't put the suspicion on Liu Gongshi and Director Guo.

How could he have thought that these two goods recommended him to Xianzong with the front feet, and they would stab him with the back feet.

This is obvious is to take off the pants and tie the belt - that's the way.

Jiang Lin really didn't expect that he would be turned into a stone. Liu Gongshi and Director Guo lifted him up and held him up high. As a result, they smashed the feet of these two idiots and screamed.

Chapter [*] is it still over? (middle)

"Yan Li, tell me about the situation in the court of the Tianyun Dynasty. Now we are in the light, and the other party is in the dark. I don't know anything about the affairs of the government. If there is any unexpected situation in the future, things will be difficult to handle. ."

So Jiang Lin asked about Yan Li, and asked the latter to talk about the faction of the Tianyun Dynasty, so that he could teach himself a genealogy in his heart.

Otherwise, it will be easy to hide with open spears, difficult to guard against with hidden arrows, and the troubles behind may be endless.

Now, on the one hand, he has to worry about the meteorite outside the sky, and on the other hand, he has to find the silver-haired corpse as a backup way, and at the same time, he has to keep his promise and end the murder case in the capital.

In addition, he must have a sufficient understanding of the corpse evil of the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty.

At this moment, let him guard against the mental calculations of unknown forces, and he is really big.

After thinking about it for a while, Yan Li analyzed it with Jiang Lin. When he asked about the order, he also asked for the list of all the courtiers who were victimized.

After some analysis, Yan Li gave his opinion.

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