It is also because of this that Jiang Lin learned that the main political contradiction in the Tianyun Dynasty now is whether the Xianzong wants to pro-govern, and those courtiers who died are all the ministers who once publicly supported the Xianzong's pro-government.

As for those who do not support and oppose it, it is naturally the Queen Mother's faction. Among them, the most influential and the most powerful is the director of the eunuch Guo, the director of the prison.

It shouldn't be.

Jiang Lin thought for a moment, then dismissed some thoughts.

He can have the privileges he has now, and the help of Liu Gongshi and Director Guo is indispensable.

Although he didn't know the real purpose of the two eagerly recommending him to investigate the case, it had nothing to do with the case in the capital.

Otherwise, wouldn't Director Guo and Gongshi Liu go crazy?

And the queen dowager who is under the curtain also has a problem with her head.

When Director Guo recommended him to be the head of the night patrol, the Queen Mother's attitude was not against it.

If Yan Li's judgment is correct, wouldn't it mean that the Queen Mother's faction committed the crime and found someone capable to solve the case.

Enough support?

After thinking about it all the way to no avail, Jiang Lin is no longer ready to waste his energy.

The big deal is that the soldiers will come to block the water and cover the soil.

However, just to be cautious, Jiang Lin still mentioned to Yan Li that when he arrived at Ning Yesi, he asked Lingyu to live next to him.

If there is another danger, he can also see the move in time to protect the safety of Lingyu's deputy.

"You two don't live in the same house? Actually, in our place, it's not that there has never been a case of a talented person accepting a beautiful monster as a ban. It's just that this kind of thing is not convenient to make public, otherwise it's easy to be laughed at in private by some colleagues. So "Mr. Jiang, if you want to carry a large sedan chair and hold a wedding banquet, then you probably won't be able to do it. In this case, you can get it at will."

Because Yan Li had previously convicted Lingyu for the suspicion, and later was proved by Jiang Lin that the suspicion did not exist, he wanted to assist.

If he can help this rabbit demon, he should not be hated in the future.

"That... Miss Lingyu, in fact, there are not many people who have such a special attitude as Lord Jiang. It's okay for ordinary girls to be reserved and reserved. You have a special status, so don't miss it."

Yan Li, who thought he could make an assist, persuaded Lingyu again. It is not easy for a rabbit demon to attract the attention of a night watcher.

Moreover, if you have the identity of the master of the night watch, that Benshan Street can be regarded as a backer.

"Get out of here!"

Yan Li wanted to continue assisting, but was angered by Lingyu, who was angry and pointed at her nose.

Lingyu was already at the stage where her heart was sprouting and she was flattered. She was both confused and panicked about emotional matters. She needed time to relieve herself and allow herself to think about what to do.

But this Yan Li was better, and let her live with Jiang Lin directly.

He also advised her not to be reserved, what happened to the monster?

Do monsters have to be reposted?

The monster has to take the initiative to warm the bed for others?

After being so angry that Yan Li hurriedly get out of the way, Lingyu looked at Jiang Lin, who was hiding his smile, and gave him a savage look, and then angrily quickened her pace.

Jiang Lin suddenly felt a little innocent. He just laughed that Yan Li deserved to be sprayed, but Lingyu misunderstood it as "this is a very good statement".

"Mr. Jiang, if you want me to tell me, do you want to stop thinking about it? As the saying goes, human form is easy to repair, but people's hearts are hard to come by. If you don't say anything else, you just have to know that no matter what, you won't be able to repair it. This is also a good intention. Ah, look at's fine if you don't appreciate it, and let your subordinates get out of the way.

Yan Li felt that she was very wronged, and didn't pay attention to Jiang Lin's expression at all, and insisted that she was purely good-hearted.

Just thinking about the beauty of being an adult, no, being a demon.

Isn't that a good intention?

Why don't you appreciate it?

Chapter [*] is it still over? (Down)

From Yan Li's point of view, in order to protect Lingyu, Jiang Lin didn't even take Xianzong's fate seriously. Do I need to say more about the degree of this concern?

What's more, after he was shot by the corpse, he saw that Lingyu was in danger, so Jiang Lin must have rescued her in the past.

Just talking about this life-saving grace, there's nothing wrong with making promises, not to mention Jiang Lin's interest in this little rabbit for a long time.

Moreover, Jiang Lin's identity is no better than that of ordinary people, and he is not hindered by monsters at all.

What are you waiting for?Isn't the cohabitation over?

No problem.

At this time, a lot of black lines appeared on Jiang Lin's forehead. This Yan Li, as long as his EQ so low that he was speechless, went online, his troubles would be endless.

He also blamed Lingyu for not being appreciative and complaining to him.

You can save it, is it finished?

Once or twice, Jiang Lin listened to it as a joke, but as a result, this guy kept saying that he wished he could be an old man with a red line.

"Shut up for me and her in the future, okay?"

Jiang Lin directly told Yan Li to shut up. Whether it was at first or now, he had no other thoughts about Lingyu, the little rabbit.

In Anyang City, there is still An Ge who is a quasi-looking husband stone waiting. Now he needs to hurry up and solve his own problems.

Moreover, after this matter, he will go to the extremely dangerous Sky City to completely solve the Wangtian corpse poison in his body, and it is impossible to bring a dragging oil bottle.

Let him turn Lingyu into another quasi-wangfu stone, and he will not even have the means to arrange protection work.

In this case, he must be able to do less.

Not to mention that there are serious things in front of you now, and some romantic affairs will be over in the future.

This time, in the face of this rabbit demon girl Lingyu, Jiang Lin really didn't think of taking the other party down and carrying him to the bed to warm the quilt because of his own needs, as he did several times before.

But this Yan Li, I don't know what's crazy, I wish he could take Lingyu away and enjoy the warm fragrance of warm jade.

Is this something wrong with the skull?

It has been left here for a while, causing Lingyu to really think that he just wanted to put her to sleep.

If he had the idea of ​​hugging a bunny girl early in the morning, he wouldn't blame Yan Li, instead he would be happy.

After all, in that case, no matter what, Yan Li was also kind to his appetite.

But the point is, in fact, he didn't have that kind of thought, but Yan Li made some yellow mud fall off his crotch.

After being drunk like this by Jiang Lin, Yan's grievance in the heart suddenly couldn't collapse.

Brother, I'm kind, can't you see that I'm kind?

Then he continued beeping without a break, saying how beautiful life is after Yucheng, how happy the family is, and how can the drooling beeping Yugui big-eared rabbit give birth, and dragged out "Half a season and a child." Keep it; a son has a grandson, and a grandson has a son; a son has a son, and a son has a grandson; within a hundred years, the sons and grandsons will be endless..."

Lingyu, who had already walked hundreds or tens of meters, heard Yan Li's words. She covered her face with her hands and covered her ears with her fingers.

Her pretty face can be pricked with blood, and a small heart is beating so wildly that obvious and frequent bulging and vibration can be seen in the area under the collarbone.

Now Lingyu doesn't have much anger, it's not that she has no anger, but the proportion of shyness is really high.

I can go to you to piss off a lot of children and grandchildren, and also enjoy the happiness of thousands of children and grandchildren.

Shut up, shut up your anus, can you hear me?

Jiang Lin's entire face was almost blackened, and then he pointed in the air to ask Yan Li to look up, backed up behind the latter, and kicked Yan Li's ass.

A direct swipe shot made Yan Li like a banana ball, drawing a huge inferior arc in mid-air and flying towards Ning Yesi.

What is outrageous is that this funny person is flying and turning in mid-air, while shouting, reaffirming that he is the heart of his boss to achieve good things, the sun and the moon can learn from the sun and the moon, and the world can be seen.

It didn't take long for Lingyu to enter Ning Yesi, and rushed to an open and bright room.

Yan Li, who was kicked into a banana ball by Jiang Lin and returned to Ning Yesi ahead of schedule, had already woken up Master Yuan, who had already vacated two adjacent wing rooms.

After rushing into the room, Lingyu closed the door directly, threw herself on the bed by the window, and covered her head with the quilt.

A quilt was almost smoked by her blushing face.

Jiang Lin lived directly next door to Lingyu, and he didn't waste time, took out the remains of the Mao Zong team from the ancient mirror and began to study it.

After a long while, Lingyu next door removed the quilt covering her head and raised her palm to blow out the lights.

Then she bent her knees and leaned against the wall, holding the quilt. Like Nier who lost her temper, she kept beating the quilt in her arms.

Now, influenced by Yan Li's outrageous words, Lingyu found that her mind was full of lingering images and sounds - all of Jiang Lin's.

It's not that she is easily influenced by some words, but that she has never been treated with such kind of care since she became wise.

The short time she spent with Jiang Lin happened to fill some gaps in her experience.

Anyway, whether it was Jiang Lin's apology or compensation, whether it was taking care of him or sheltering him, it left a very deep impression on her.

In particular, the images of her skin on her lotus and arms being touched by Jiang Lin, causing the medicinal power to penetrate, and the images of Jiang Lin touching her forehead, flashed back repeatedly in her mind.

Turning her face to see the candlelight projected from Jianglin's room on the ground in the corridor outside the window, Lingyu looked timid and began to think about something.

If you compare it to human age, she has reached the age of a girl who should be pregnant, and it is time to think about who she will entrust her entire life.

Thinking about it, Lingyu fell down and fell asleep.

In the dream, she and Jiang Lin were sitting on the top of a hill covered with grass, surrounded by hundreds of white rabbits. As for the relationship between so many white rabbits and her and Jiang Lin, it was unclear.

Anyway, the whole dream is full of the atmosphere of family happiness.

When the day was over, Jiang Lin put the wreckage that he had not researched into the ancient mirror, blew out the candle, and then went to the next door to wake up Lingyu.

Not long after, Yan Li, who was full of energy, ran over, preparing to go with Jiang Lin to check the clues of Yun Yisha.

After washing up, Lingyu glared at Yan Li with a look of shame and indignation. She blamed this abominable guy. She said something about giving birth to a grandson, a grandson giving birth to a child, and something that made her think back. Ashamed dreams come.

At this time, Yan Li sighed involuntarily, not knowing what was going on with him, sores on the corners of his mouth and ulcers on his mouth and tongue came together.

Jiang Lin looked at Yan Li and chuckled twice, making you babble and crooked, you deserved to have hemorrhoids all over your mouth.

After that, Jiang Lin asked Yan Li to take a temporary waist badge to Lingyu, and was going to let Lingyu go to the Imperial History Supervisor of the palace to continue to look up the historical records, but Lingyu took the initiative to ask Jiang Lin and the others to go to the Shazhuang.

Yesterday, she was under suspicion, and she wanted her actions to be exposed to Jiang Lin and Yan Li's field of vision, so that she could prove her innocence.

Jiang Lin thought about it for a while, and agreed to Lingyu's request. Lingyu's character is an unbearable temperament.

Moreover, Ning Yesi has not yet recruited a few people, and they are all familiar with the process under the guidance of the master Yuan. If Lingyu goes to check it by herself, the progress is quite limited.

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin and the others arrived at a spinning house on the South Street of the capital.

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