After investigating the yarn transaction records of the spinning house in recent months, Jiang Lin and his party went to the dyeing workshop area of ​​the spinning house to investigate.

There are six or seven places in the Shazhuang that need to be carefully checked. Jiang Lin is not sure where to find the suspicious points. He can only check around in detail to see if he can find new clues or hints.

Just as Jiang Lin and the others were walking around, there was a sudden explosion of unison on the ground.

The clods on the ground flew directly into the air, and there were twenty or thirty corpses that appeared in the air together with the clods.

Another bunch of scumbags.


Jiang Lin looked at the air with a solemn gaze, and he uttered foul language.

Before, he killed a Mao Zong team, the second uncle's, today is even more ruthless, and a Mao Zong platoon came.

"It's not over yet! I'm the third niece of Uncle Qi Qi!"

Jiang Lin looked at Mao Zongpai, who was killed in mid-air, and his teeth were itchy with anger.

He seriously doubted who had forced him an experience card, and it was a triple experience card.

Three times the experience, almost three times the difficulty of Nima!

If the difficulty of his single-playing game was difficult before, this time it was a nightmare.

How does this play?

Chapter [*] Your corpse gas is weird, but I can turn a corpse gas into a horse! (superior)

That's right, when Jiang Lin discovered that there were so many corpses in ambush, he already knew that he had to challenge himself with a single brush.

Yan Li has a well-developed mind and simple limbs. In one word, there is no use for birds.

As for Lingyu, let alone play a role, I am afraid that this time it is not enough to drag the oil bottle.

In the palace before, the number of corpses was not too many, but this time, it has tripled directly. No matter how capable Jiang Lin is, he can't specifically pull so much Mao Zong's hatred value on himself. In other words, he can't even try to secure a safe environment for Lingyu.

No wonder his brows jumped wildly last night, and he beeped a dog. It can't stop it, and the soil can't cover it!

Jiang Lin's heart was a greasy one, what the heck, what happened to the Meteorite Dynasty, is it a job that people can take over?

The monks in the distance can recite sutras, so let's recite them on the damaged and necrotic vocal cords, right?

Jiang Lin strongly doubted that he didn't transfer at all, and that the previous smoothness and satisfaction were all foreshadowing for him to enter the pit.

In the current situation, even if Yu Ran resurrected three or four hundred years ago and came to the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty again, and encountered this kind of incident, the legs that would have been gnawed would be gone.

Jiang Lin did not expect that the omens from last night would become a reality in such a short period of time. After he returned to Ning Yesi, he did not rest and began to study the remains of those hairy zombies, but he still did not gain much.

As a result, as soon as he arrived here today, he encountered a different species of hairy gang.

At this time, Yan Li and Lingyu, who were not far from Jianglin, were almost petrified. The night patrol of the demon hunter and the bunny demon girl even suspected that they had not enough time to sleep, so they still hadn't woken up from their dreams.

"What are you doing, flash!"

However, Jiang Lin's stern shout interrupted their stunned silence. What they saw in front of them were all true and true scenes.

After the big drink, Jiang Lin put his arms together, and a pillar of spiritual fire was sprayed out. The pillar of fire stirred in mid-air, and Mao Zong, who hit him, Lingyu, and Yan Li, was swept away into the distance.

"Break out! You can't be surrounded! Yan Li, you should seek more blessings from yourself. I hate your mother for not giving you two more legs."

After examining the current situation quickly in his heart, Jiang Lin planned to make a breakthrough first.

If so many Mao Zong surrounded him, even if his Dao body and corpse were still compatible, it might not be easy to get out of trouble.

In his current state, he was really besieged and beaten, and with so many corpses, he was very likely to drink hatred.

Therefore, Jiang Lin first blasted out a gap in the area over Yan Li, allowing Yan Li to seek more happiness on his own.

The last time he asked Yan Li to buy time, this guy didn't play any role. If this guy couldn't escape and escape, he could only mourn for Yan Li first.

As for his own side, he can still slow down for a blink or two.

Lingyu, he is also ready to take it, even if this little rabbit is a drag oil bottle, he has to take it and protect it.

This little rabbit's cultivation base is still shallow, and it is worthy of the level of a demon king. In the face of so many corpses, if you want to break through, it is simply impossible.

Now it's not that Lingyu has nothing to do with him at all. After a day or two of getting along, at the very least, he and Lingyu can have a friendship. Naturally, he couldn't bear to see her die.

And, in the final analysis, Lingyu was also implicated by him.

At this moment, in the blind spot of Jiang Lin's vision, a stiff-haired corpse claw suddenly mutated at the back and side of it, turning into a long arm of the thickness of the wellhead, full of granulation, tearing towards Jiang Lin's back. grab and go.

Jiang Lin didn't have time to react at the moment, and Ling Yu, who was behind him, flew over when he saw this, and was hit on the back by the long alienated arm, and hit it hard.


After Jiang Lin reacted, Lingyu's body was already forced to shoot out. He immediately kicked the ground and shot away, chasing after Lingyu in an instant.

The arm wrapped around Lingyu's waist, Jiang Lin made a circle, and the Moon Wheel Saber in his body flew out immediately, slashing around his body, forcing the corpse evil back.

"You stupid rabbit, I have so many scars on my body, rough skin and thick flesh, what attack are you blocking for me?"

Jiang Lin looked at Lingyu, who was spouting blood from her arms, and felt pity and self-blame in her heart.

He hadn't even protected the little rabbit yet, but they blocked him first.

If it wasn't for Lingyu taking a lot of "forage" yesterday, and there were still a lot of medicinal effects left in her body, maybe this bunny girl would no longer be able to maintain her human form, and even her life would be in danger.

"You me save the fatal wound, and I'll pay you's nothing."

A faint smile appeared on Lingyu's pale face. In fact, she didn't know why she followed Jiang Lin on the grounds of self-certification when Jiang Lin explained her task.

Anyway, she just wanted to accompany Jiang Lin.

At this time, Lingyu was also grateful for her persistence. If she didn't follow along, she wouldn't be able to stand up when Jiang Lin was in danger.

Even with the heart-piercing pain on her back, Lingyu didn't regret it at all, she still wanted to enjoy the warm feeling of being cared for and cared for.

Chapter [*] Your corpse gas is weird, but I can turn a corpse gas into a horse! (Down)

"You silly girl, if I hadn't placed protective runes on you before, you would have lost your life."

Jiang Lin scolded Lingyu, and at the same time, the Yang Finger Sword formed in his left hand, and he kept slashing around and in the sky, blocking many Mao Zong who were madly attacking.

"Master Jiang!"

At this time, Yan Li had escaped from the gap that Jiang Lin had blasted before, and stood on the top of the wall, he was still hesitating whether to help.

"Hurry up, you're useless, let me run away, maybe you can lead some away, and relieve me a little bit of pressure."

Seeing this, Jiang Lin directly told Yan Li to roll as far away as possible. This time, Yan Li didn't need to track down any silver-haired corpse.

When Yan Li heard the words, he didn't waste any more time, and immediately jumped up and fled towards the distance.

The four or five furry stiffs at the outermost immediately chased after them.

Jiang Lin raised his hand to send some spiritual energy into Lingyu's body, carried it behind his back, and then recalled the Lunar Blade to circle around Lingyu's back to protect her.

Jiang Lin looked at the surroundings with a serious look, even if there were four or five less stiff hairs, there were still a large group of mad dogs here.

"Jiang Lin, leave me here, otherwise, even you won't be able to escape."

Lingyu took a deep breath and asked Jiang Lin to put her down. In this case, with Jiang Lin's ability, it might not be too difficult to get out of trouble.

If you take her, it will definitely be dragged down.

"Shut up, I'm sending you spiritual power, just to make you big-eared donkey talk nonsense? You've eaten so much forage from me, and you haven't even done your job yet, so you want to die and kill yourself?"

As he spoke, Jiang Lin's Yang Finger Sword slashed wildly again, and the fingers of his other hand, like a pistol, shot at the sacks stacked on the surrounding ground.

In these sacks, there are many dyes used for dyeing.

After being reprimanded by Jiang Lin like this, Lingyu didn't say anything. Although she was taught by Jiang Lin, she still felt warm in her heart.

Whether it was yesterday or today, when she was in danger, Jiang Lin would rather fight her injuries and keep her safe, especially now, when she was almost in a desperate situation, Jiang Lin was still unwilling to leave her behind.

She is a monster, and Jiang Lin is the head of the night patrol who has been ordered to catch monsters. Jiang Lin shelters and protects her again and again, which is enough to show that he cares about her.

Thinking about it, Lingyu's arms around Jiang Lin's neck increased a little and hugged Jiang Lin tightly.

At this moment, Jiang Lin's figure changed again and again, and while fighting, he kicked the broken sacks to one place.

After repelling the five furious Mao Zongs, Jiang Lin released the yin fire in his body to cover Lingyu behind him, and then immediately let the yang flames in his body burst out completely.

In fact, he can also use the teleportation ability of his corpse to temporarily get out of trouble, but if he doesn't cause some damage to this hairy platoon, even if he temporarily leaves the encirclement, these guys will still chase after him.

After releasing Yang Yan, Jiang Lin bent his legs and jumped up with all his strength with Lingyu on his back.

And as soon as the sacks containing the dye touched the flame, they immediately exploded just like the explosive powder met an open flame.

More than [*] hairs were stiff, and they were blown away in an instant.

Taking advantage of this moment, Jiang Lin controlled the Moon Wheel Saber to fall under his feet and galloped away in the opposite direction to Yan Li.

"Open your mouth and eat these."

Jiang Lin reached into his arms, took some exotic fruits, and delivered them to Lingyu's mouth. Now those Mao Zong, who had been blown away by the explosion, got up again and chased after them frantically. He gave Lingyu a chance to let go.

Moreover, what is even more outrageous is that the group of hairy zombies below can actually connect with each other with corpse energy to achieve the effect of the whole sky.

This kind of corpse gas, he also served.

This isn't anything weird to describe, it's just too damn advanced.

With a light hum, Lingyu opened her mouth obediently to greet her, and swallowed these healing spirit fruits into her mouth.

"Jiang Lin, what should I do now?"

Looking back, Lingyu became anxious again, even if Jiang Lin took her out of trouble, she did not completely get rid of the crisis.

Jiang Lin was silent, the Mao Zong that appeared this time was obviously a level higher than what he had dealt with before.

Anyway, he has never heard of what kind of zombies can gather, and by connecting the corpse qi, you can get the flying ability that only flying zombies have.

Even the descendants of the generals, the yellow-eyed zombies corresponding to Mao Zong's level, can't fly in the air.

This time, even if Jiang Lin had the intention to avoid the battle, he was bitten by the opponent so tightly that he couldn't even avoid the flying gallop.

But if he chooses to fight, he has almost no chance of winning.

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