But now, even if he has a temporary intention and has a way to deal with it, there is no way to destroy all the Mao Zong who are chasing after him.

He was able to quickly make countermeasures in the process of being pursued, which was already considered a blessing to his soul. If he wanted to make merit in one fell swoop, it would be impossible.

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, Lingyu felt relieved, but then she frowned again and said with aggrieved expression, "I wanted to prove that I have nothing to do with the silver fox demon or the case, but in the end, When we got to the spinning house, there was an ambush. You and that Yan Li will naturally not reveal the Xingzang, and other than that, it's just me."

At this moment, Lingyu began to regret that she insisted on following. One of the reasons she followed was to keep herself under the supervision of Jiang Lin and Yanli. If she did anything wrong, it would definitely be It is impossible to escape the eyes of the two.

But who would have thought that as soon as they arrived at that spinning house, there would be an ambush.

This time, she really jumped into the river and couldn't wash it.

Moreover, because she followed, Jiang Lin looked forward and backward, almost in danger.

"Hey, I didn't doubt you this time, otherwise I wouldn't have run around behind your back. If you're really wronged, don't blame me."

Jiang Lin smiled, if Lingyu hadn't mentioned this, he wouldn't have reacted.

However, he then said: "Actually, there are other people who know our whereabouts, not only you. This incident further confirms the conjecture of Yan Li and I, who is useless, that these corpse evils are definitely caught by the imperial court. I can't infer what the minister is controlling, and how it is controlled. Only powerful courtiers can get a way to know what our next move is."

Now, Jiang Lin has basically concluded that the multiple murders that took place in the capital this time were deliberately taking the opportunity to remove colleagues with different political views.

Otherwise, how could it be so coincidental that when they arrived at the spinning house, they were ambushed.

That's why he had previously suspected that there might be eyes watching in the dark.

Lingyu heard Jiang Lin say that she had never doubted her, and she felt a little sweetness in her heart, and involuntarily put her face on Jiang Lin's shoulder.

Compared with being sheltered and protected by others, it must be more pleasing to be trusted unconditionally.

"Then how can this be good, even after this time of danger, I still don't know how to take precautions later."

Lingyu couldn't help but look sad. Yesterday, she and Jiang Lin had experienced a terrible danger, and the ambush they encountered today was even more dangerous. There is no guarantee that something like this will not happen again.

"You don't have to worry about this. If it was before, I didn't have a certain degree of certainty, but this time, the power in the dark place to control these corpses gave me a good opportunity. As long as this matter is resolved, whoever wants to kill me over and over again will have to wash their necks in advance."

The murderous intent flashed in Jiang Lin's eyes. Although the ambush incident this time was beyond his expectations, he did not gain anything.

And, in a way, these Mao Zong Pai who slaughtered them still provided a boost to what he was going to do.

In addition, it gave him a great opportunity to determine who was behind it.

It's just that these things can only be done after he has solved the stiff gang behind him.

"Okay, now it's a critical moment, I can't be distracted anymore, Lingyu, you pay attention to what's going on behind me."

After explaining Lingyu, Jiang Lin began to concentrate on arranging the great formation. Next, he would need to reverse the direction several times, or even make repeated detours, so that the formation materials buried by him could be completely linked together.

When necessary, he also needs to use teleportation and invisibility.

As for the possibility of revealing his identity as a zombie, Jiang Lin is not worried. He has not found any other auras in the surrounding area.

And beyond such a distance, if anyone wants to be sure that the corpse aura on his body really belongs to him, it's not that easy.

After that, according to the original plan, Jiang Lin began to deploy a powerful magic circle without knowing it, using the corpse gas into a horse as a cover.

A group of mad dog-like furs ran wildly behind him and Lingyu, but they couldn't catch up at all.

Even if he was about to catch up, Jiang Lin teleported one after another, and even cooperated with invisibility and the ever-changing ability, and took Lingyu to flash to another place directly.

"Waste, a bunch of iron waste!"

Just when Jiang Lin secretly arranged the great formation, on the outer wall of the capital, Liu Gongshi was watching Jiang Lin's situation with a telescopic telescope.

This attention made him keep yelling.

The power he used this time was not ordinary terror, and he had been ambushed in advance to ambush Jiang Lin and the others, but even so, he was still surrounded by Jiang Lin, and now Jiang Lin has even put a large group of dead bodies Walk like a dog.

Those corpses were unable to touch Jiang Lin's shadows.

Not long ago, Liu Gongshi had summoned back those Mao Zong who were chasing Yan Li, specifically to deal with Jiang Lin, and sniped Jiang Lin in the form of scattered containment.

But still nothing worked.

It just pissed him off.

If Jiang Lin can't be killed this time, then his little life may not be saved.

When Liu Gongshi was anxious, an accident had already occurred in the suburbs in the distance.

Within a five-mile radius around the area where Jiang Lin was located, a dazzling light suddenly bloomed on the ground.

Countless light and shadow runes rose from the ground, resonating with each other, and gradually gained momentum. Finally, the rumbling sound of thunder was heard in the entire area.

Chapter [-]: A Clear Warning (Part [-])

At this moment, Jiang Lin, who used the corpse gas to turn the horse as a cover, was actually a dark Chencang, and he had already arranged the great formation he had conceived.

Not only did he arrange it, he also directly activated this large formation with multiple functions.

Countless array materials are combined to echo each other, and then seduce the terrain and mountains here, and in an instant, the power of destroying and pulling rot contained in the great array is ready to move.

"My goodness."

Lingyu, who was carried by Jiang Lin, looked at thousands of large formation runes in the air, and a small cherry mouth turned into a circle because of extreme shock.

Even if her cultivation is not enough to read, she can't recognize these runes, and she doesn't know what kind of terrifying killing power the big formation has, but she still has the vigilance of being a monster.

The power brewed by these runes colluding and resonating with each other made her tremble.

"Jiang Lin, the great formation you set up will probably kill thousands of monsters, right?"

Lingyu tilted her head slightly and stared at Jiang Lin's profile in a daze. The lightning arcs and flames that appeared not far away accompanied by light and shadow runes, I am afraid that any of them can be destroyed as long as they are touched by monsters. into ashes.

"more or less."

Jiang Lin nodded. If it was the monsters that Lingyu knew, such as those good monsters in Benshan Street, if thousands of them came in, then it would probably have never come back.

"You...you are terrible."

Hearing Jiang Lin's promise, Lingyu felt that she was a little embarrassed about Jiang Lin.

"You little bunny, you really don't have any conscience at all. I've carried it behind your back until now, but you actually say I'm terrible. You touch your conscience, do you talk like that? Otherwise, I touch your conscience, you Repeat it for me again."

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, but he didn't take Lingyu's words seriously. Now he needs to leave the area covered by the great formation as soon as possible.

"Who let you touch!"

Lingyu angered Jiang Lin, and lightly tapped Jiang Lin's shoulder twice with her small hand.

What is touching her conscience, it is clear that she wants to take advantage of her and touch her elsewhere.

However, Lingyu also realized that her previous words were a bit hurtful, so she didn't care about Jiang Lin teasing her in her words.

When Jiang Lin and Lingyu were galloping in the formation, those nearly thirty furry skeletons also instinctively sensed danger and tried to escape the range of the formation.

However, the great formation arranged by Jiang Lin was formed by nesting the lightning array, the Bagua furnace array, the golden dragon Buddha seal, and many other formations and formations. These Mao Zong wanted to escape, but not so much. Simple.

After Jiang Lin left the range of the large formation, he rose into the air, emitting his own spiritual sense, trying to find out if anyone was paying attention to the situation here.

When Liu Gongshi above the city wall discovered Jiang Lin's behavior, he couldn't take care of the stiff hair, so he immediately jumped off the city wall and hid.

After some investigation, Jiang Lin didn't get anything, so he watched Mao Zong's situation around the big formation, and if anyone was about to escape, he would turn him back.

He is also a corpse-like horse, and he is a jerk, and he managed to set up such a large formation. If he didn't cause more damage to these hairy zombies, wouldn't he be busy working in vain?

The lightning strikes, lightning flashes, and fires generated by the large array gradually stopped until night fell.

"It's time to go back, go to the Criminal Court first, we won't investigate the case today."

"Go back? Why? Why didn't you destroy the badly wounded corpses?"

Hearing that Jiang Lin wanted to go back, Lingyu suddenly felt puzzled.

Many of the corpses in this great formation are missing their arms and legs, so why not strike while the iron is hot and kill them in one fell swoop?

If the snakes are not killed, they will suffer instead. If these corpses recover, wouldn't they still be ambushed and hunted down?

"I keep them, naturally there is a reason for keeping them."

Jiang Lin smiled and did not explain to Lingyu, so he summoned the Lunar Sabre in his body, and took Lingyu to speed towards the palace.

Lingyu was still puzzled, but since Jiang Lin said so, she didn't ask any more.

By the time Jiang Lin and the others flew to the Criminal Court, the time was approaching the end of Youshi.

Before entering the door, Yan Li ran out, looked at Jiang Lin, and said, "Sir, you... are you actually alright?"

"Of course I'm fine, dare you still hope that something happens to me?"

Jiang Lin smiled lightly, and then asked, "Why did you appear here?"

"My subordinate was chased and killed by those corpses for a long time before he was safe. Since then, he has been looking for traces of adults in the city. After trying to no avail, he came to this criminal court not long ago. In fact, the subordinate felt that this time The fact that we were ambushed is very strange, I want to doubt Miss Lingyu, but as long as there are adults around, I can't doubt it."

Having said that, Yan Li looked at Lingyu, who was still being carried by Jiang Lin.

Lingyu's cheeks flushed, and she immediately pushed Jiang Lin's back to the ground.

Yan Li coughed twice and continued: "Apart from the three of us who know our whereabouts, the only thing we might know is the criminal order of the Criminal Court, so this is why our subordinates are here."

After a little explanation, Yan Li told Jiang Lin one more thing. The criminal who contacted them in the Criminal Court had been killed.

With a sword to seal his throat, he was killed last night.

"It seems that this sentence is also estimated to be a victim."

Jiang Lin nodded. The reason why he came here was because he and Yan Li thought about it together. He suspected that the criminal order of the Criminal Court had leaked something about them.

But now it seems that the other party may also be a wronged ghost.

Later, Jiang Lin also tried to use the technique of restraining the soul, but the result was as he expected, and it had no effect.

He knows how to pass on the soul, and it is estimated that some people have already known about it and took precautions.

"Yan Li, I'm going to go to court tomorrow and report the progress of the case to Xianzong. Please tell me how to proceed."

"Sir, do you want to report the case? But we don't have any real evidence yet. What do you want to report? Besides, if Ning Yesi handles the case and doesn't solve the case, there is no need to report it."

Yan Li didn't understand why Jiang Lin wanted to report the progress of the case to Xianzong. Since Jiang Lin had the gold medal, he had the right to act cheaply, and he didn't need to report everything.

What's more, they don't have any real clues now, and they are still in the stage of deduction.

After that, Yan Li informed Jiang Lin of these considerations.

"Will it cause unease in the court and the opposition? It doesn't matter, this is actually the result I want."

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