Jiang Lin laughed, letting Yan Li not have to worry about it, and just tell the process directly.

All he has to do is to make some people feel uneasy, not only that, he will clearly warn some people in the early morning tomorrow.

Only by knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger can he realize who is trying to harm him again and again.

This kind of effect is only one of them. On the other hand, he can use this as an excuse to carry out his own investigation of the meteorite outside the sky without hesitation.

Chapter [*]: Clear Warning (Part [*])

Seeing that Jiang Lin's attitude was relatively firm, Yan Li did not persuade him any more, and informed Jiang Lin of some of the rules of the court and the details that need to be paid attention to.

After explaining many details to Jiang Lin, Yan Li asked how Jiang Lin got rid of so many terrifying corpses.

Jiang Lin naturally wouldn't say that he used corpse energy, so he briefly explained the matter. Those Mao Zongs were basically disabled in the big formation on the outskirts of the city.

"Master Jiang, since you have already used the big formation to make those corpses lack arms and legs, why don't you hoe those corpses completely?"

After Yan Li learned about this, she felt very puzzled just like Lingyu's reaction before.

"That's of course I want the person in charge of them to recycle them."

Jiang Lin smiled softly. He didn't kill that Mao Zong Pai, of course, because he had his own plans.

Tomorrow, he will report the case to Xianzong, if there is nothing to gain, those Mao Zong can let him use it to locate.

Under normal circumstances, he really couldn't use his Taoist techniques to find those weird hairs.

But this time it was different. When he set up the formation before, he also reserved some means.

To put it bluntly, those Mao Zongs were considered to have installed the locator on his own initiative.

Collect the corpse, he will know where it is hidden.

As long as he wants to find out the power to control those Maozong legions, it will take a day or two.

"It's getting late, go back."

Jiang Lin didn't say much. Ever since he was granted privileges by Xianzong, he has been busy with his work and never closed his eyes. After two consecutive battles, he is also quite tired now.

When he got back to Ning Yesi, he would do some preparatory work, and then he would be able to get a good night's sleep.

Yan Li didn't know what medicine was sold in Jiang Lin's gourd, but since Jiang Lin was in charge of the current case, he didn't express any further opinions.

When he returned to Ning Yesi, Jiang Lin took out a mysterious light mirror, and at the same time made a piece of his memory manifest in the sky above his head. Naturally, these memories were the first time he went to the Criminal Court, where he performed soul-calling.

He also needs to use Taoism to re-enact such memories. Tomorrow, he has to show these pictures as evidence for Xianzong and courtiers to see.

In addition, Jiang Lin also drew a small circle with pen and paper.

This is actually what he was going to do today. Yesterday, Yan Li had judged that the silver fox demon might be trying to extend his life for Wen Zhongzi, although he knew that the so-called silver fox demon was a silver-haired corpse, so he probably didn't want to use the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty. The blood of the royal family is the life of the neutron, but there may still be a connection between the two.

Therefore, he prepared to set up a magic circle around Wen Zhongzi's Benshan Hall. As long as the silver-haired corpse appeared, he would be able to detect it immediately.

In this way, it may save a lot of time and a lot of effort.

After conceiving the structure of the array, Jiang Lin went straight to sleep after taking a shower.

After a night of silence, in the early morning, Jiang Lin left Lingyu a lot of spiritual talismans for body protection, and then called Yan Li to go to the Temple of the Son of Heaven together.

"Zhenzhen Jiang, today you went to court with Inspector Yan, but you found out the real murderer and relieved my worries?"

After the early court began, Xianzong asked Jiang Lin in the hall. In fact, Jiang Lin was not a courtier. According to the rules, he should not appear with the ministers during the early court.

Jiang Lin bowed his hands to Emperor Xianzong, and said, "No. Jiang is on the Palace of the Son of Heaven, but there are some things he wants to report first."


Xianzong looked at Yan Li next to Jiang Lin, and felt a little dissatisfied. Since the case has not been solved, Jiang Lin does not need to report.

Even if Jiang Lin didn't understand these regulations, Yan Li should know, so this Yan Li didn't fulfill the responsibility of assistance.

However, Xianzong didn't care, so he said to Jiang Lin, "Really, please tell me."

Jiang Lin swept his eyes to the left and right, and said, "Actually, Jiang also knew that it was unreasonable for him to appear in the hall in the early morning, but there were some things that Jiang felt must be known to His Majesty."

After a short pause, Jiang Lin said again: "The murder case in the capital this time is far less simple than it seems on the surface. The real culprit is actually not only a monster. It is very likely that someone took advantage of the monster to murder the royal family. The party fights against differences, eradicates dissidents, and even Jiang suspects that some people in the DPRK have long been rebelling."

At this time, Jiang Lin started a plan according to his own expectations. To be honest, he came to this court to report the case, that is to say, he wanted to have a spectrum in his heart and at the same time release some warning signals.

He wasn't ready to deal directly with the forces that controlled the Mao Zong Legion.

From Jiang Lin's point of view, although those Mao Zongs are weird, they are probably not related to the silver-haired corpse and the extraterrestrial meteorite.

His main purpose is to find the extraterrestrial meteorite he needs through the silver-haired corpse or through investigation.

So, for this report, his intention was to try and see if he could figure out who the power was against him in the dark, and at the same time warn the other party—that’s almost it.

If you provoke him again, the consequences will not be ordinary.

Jiang Lin really wants to put his main purpose first, but if things don't go well again and again, he can spend some thought and energy to solve secondary problems first.

Of course, Jiang Lin's warning this time is just a pure warning. No matter whether the other party is honest or dishonest next, he will have to settle the account.

As soon as Jiang Lin said this, all the officials in the court were in an uproar, and Emperor Xianzong was so shocked that he stood up.

As for Jiang Lin who spoke, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes began to scan around, but his movements were small, and more of it radiated his spiritual sense.

At this moment, Jiang Lin found Director Guo who was not far from him and Gongshi Liu behind him, and the expression on his face was quite unnatural.

Although both of them are trying their best to cover up, they still show some strangeness.

Is it the two of them?

Should not be ah.

Jiang Lin immediately frowned, and even wondered if he had used the wrong hand to knock the mountain and shake the tiger.

Chapter [*] took the opportunity to gain power again

Even Jiang Lin noticed that the empress dowager, who was sitting at the same height as Xianzong, had a strange expression.

This made him feel baffled.

Could it be that the Queen Mother and Director Guo have really lost their minds?

However, before Jiang Lin could think about it, Xianzong had already opened his mouth: "Zhengren Jiang, what do you say? I respect you as a real person, but you can't help intimidating me and all the officials of the court with empty words."

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Jiang understands this point naturally, Xianzong, let's listen to Jiang's statement."

As he said that, Jiang Lin threw a mysterious light mirror out, so that the pictures stored in it were played and projected on the wall in the hall.

"Although Jiang has never left the hidden valley, he has also learned some left-hand techniques from the notes of his predecessors and can detain the souls of the deceased. Therefore, on the first day of the investigation, Jiang had already learned about this incident. Many murders are not all the work of the fox demon."

Jiang Lin asked Xianzong and Baiguan to quietly look at the picture revealed by the Xuanguang mirror, and the souls of the courtiers in it all told themselves how they died.

For a time, the entire court was in chaos again. The murder case in the capital this time was not the same murderer.

In this way, it is really possible that someone used this murder case to kill his colleagues.

Xianzong also almost exploded his lungs with anger. This kind of thing is really almost like a rebellion.

Only now did Xianzong suddenly realize that the dead courtiers were all he relied on.

It was obvious that he was trying to get rid of him.

"However, Zhenren Jiang, this may not necessarily mean that there is a rebellion in the DPRK."

At this time, Director Guo spoke up. From the beginning, when he found out that Jiang Lin was coming, he felt a little bad, but he never expected that Jiang Lin would actually worry him most in front of the civil and military officials. things were said.

Moreover, he was given a conspiracy hat.

"Director Guo, just listen to Jiang's statement."

Jiang Lin's eyes fell on Director Guo, and then he immediately moved away and continued: "At first, Jiang did not think that the murderers mentioned by these ministers were some kind of corpse evil. Coincidentally, that night Jiang He was surrounded and killed by a group of demon corpses in the palace. You can imagine, why did these demon corpses appear in the palace? And why did you know where Jiang and Yan Li were going to investigate the case? In addition, yesterday Jiang and his deputy Yan left the spinning house in the city to search for clues, and were ambushed by nearly [*] monster corpses. If it wasn't for the minister who knew the progress of the investigation and held the power in his hands, how could he have done this. The imperial palace, Is it so easy to get in? If no one is going to provide convenience, is this possible?"

"What? Jiang Zhenren encountered those monster corpses again? There are still nearly thirty?

Xianzong was so angry that he kept slapping the dragon chair with his hands. There were more than ten demon corpses in the palace, and there were more than [*] of his mother in the capital. At the feet of the emperor, as the emperor of a country, he actually knew nothing.

Seeing Xianzong's eyes turning red with anger, all the courtiers knelt down and didn't dare to look up.

Jiang Lin once again let his spiritual sense radiate out, but found that except for the three people he had suspected before, everyone else was just reacting normally.

"Rice buckets, all of them are rice buckets! The group of generals and dignitaries I raised are all rice buckets! Monster corpses can pass through the palace unhindered, and more than [*] corpses can be ambushed in the capital, attacking and killing the heavens to protect me. God envoy. How absurd this is! If these corpses appeared in my bedroom, would I still be alive?"

"Xianzong, don't be impatient, what Jiang said is only a possibility. But since there is such a possibility, even if Jiang's appearance is somewhat unethical, Jiang must report it. If this speculation is False, it is naturally blessed by Xianzong, but if there is such a possibility, it is a big matter. According to Jiang and his deputy Yan Li, the target of the silver fox demon is the royal family. On the one hand Jiang wanted to track down the fox demon, which would live up to Xianzong's entrustment. On the other hand, this possibility of existence also threatened Xianzong. Even if Jiang wanted to investigate, he would not be able to do anything. Appeared here to warn Xianzong."

Jiang Lin bowed his hands to Xianzong, and continued: "Xianzong can rest assured that since Jiang mentioned this matter today, the palace and the capital will naturally step up their defenses, and Jiang can feel at ease to track down the whereabouts of the fox demon. But if those The demon corpse reappears, even if the other party has a corpse army, Jiang must let the people behind him see the means of my sky-high! Those thirty or so corpses were all killed by Jiang in the outskirts of the city."

At this time, Jiang Lin put out his warning words directly.

Once again this kind of thing, whoever you are, you can try.

"If it weren't for Jiang Zhenren, I would have no face to meet my ancestors!"

Xianzong hurriedly walked down the steps and pulled Jiang Lin's sleeve again. Now he didn't think about how ill-mannered Jiang Lin was when he appeared in the Zaochao Hall.

Jiang Lin's appearance was too timely.

Otherwise, his top leader and ancestral inheritance might be ruined.

Regarding what Jiang Lin expressed, Xianzong didn't say anything about the matter of investigating the fox demon first. Jiang Lin's words were correct. Whether it was a man rebelling or a fox demon murdering the royal family, the degree of urgency of the two was not important. , and Jiang Lin only has one pair of hands and two legs. Could it be possible to split it in half, so that the two cases go hand in hand?

"Xianzong, the matter of solving the case and protecting the dragon should all fall on Jiang, but after all, Jiang is only one person, he can defeat ten corpses alone, and he can deal with it by besieging Jiang three times. If it's really a group of troops..."

After a deliberate pause, Jiang Lin explained his intention to take this opportunity to investigate the meteorite outside the sky: "If there are hundreds of thousands, Jiang will inevitably be unable to do what he wants. But please rest assured Xianzong, as long as your majesty will give Jiang more. Privileged, Rong Jiang can mobilize the state shepherds and county governors in various states and counties in the country, and let the state shepherds and the county governors cooperate to find some extraterrestrial meteorites and obtain a kind of meteorite. Then, even if there are hundreds of thousands of demon corpses, Jiang will kill them. Like butchering a dog."

This is another purpose for Jiang Lin to report the case - to take the opportunity to gain power again.

Although he now has the imperial gold medal, it is also based on the privilege of solving crimes and chasing murderers. Even if he can mobilize a lot of manpower, it is almost limited to the capital.

Even if he has found some reasons, if he wants to cause a battle that moves all over the country, it is still impossible.

But it's different now. The boost that a Mao Zong team and Mao Zong platoon brought him is extraordinary.

If he hadn't made a fuss about it, he wouldn't be Jiang Lin anymore.

When he first won the imperial gold medal, Jiang Lin thought that he could close the case at any time, and then he made excuses so that he could use the unrestricted power to achieve his goals.

But the development of the matter was beyond his expectations, and he was entangled in the case of the silver-haired corpse. Even if he had the right, he couldn't get away, and he couldn't squeeze much time.

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