"Before the murder case in the capital, did you find anything unusual about Wen Zhongzi? For example, did a stranger appear in Ben Shan Tang, or did he ever hesitate?"

Jiang Lin directly asked about Wen Zhongzi, and he also informed Lingyu that Wen Zhongzi himself admitted to be a silver fox demon and confessed his guilt.

As for his own views and suspicions that Wen Zhongzi was being held hostage by the silver-haired corpse, he naturally told Lingyu as he walked.

"Are you saying that Mr. Wen is guilty of the real murderer because he cares about Benshan Street? If you didn't say it, I almost forgot. When we first met, you reminded me that there was a problem with the building materials in Benshan Street. I If you take this matter to heart and confirm with Young Master Wen, there may not be such a thing as it is now."

After hearing Jiang Lin's words, Lingyu was very surprised. At the same time, she also blamed herself. When she and Jiang Lin didn't know each other, Jiang Lin kindly reminded her that the Shenqingmu used in the street had side effects.

But she forgot about it later. Now, when Jiang Lin mentioned that the real culprit might have used those building materials and the blood of the royal family, and treated the good demons in Benshan Street as murder tools, she didn't know how much she blamed herself. .

If she had taken Jiang Lin's words to heart earlier, Benshan Street might have remained as calm as before.

"I infer that it should be like this. In fact, you don't have to blame yourself. You didn't know whether I was kind or not at the time. Let's talk about the question I asked you."


Lingyu nodded slightly, and began to recall where there was an abnormality in Benshan Street and Benshantang.

"Don't worry, sit down at the tea stall over there and think about it. Now that kid Yan Li is stimulated, and I didn't have time to investigate the truth about Concubine Xiao back then, so this guy is likely to become an unstable person. Factors. To be honest, even if he is really a demon, I am not going to move him, but I also have my own purpose. If it is a last resort, I can only take expedient measures to deal with him, so that the real murderer will show up. . This is a later story, if the real murderer can be found directly, that would be the best."

Jiang Lin took Lingyu to the tea stall not far away. He was also telling the truth. He didn't have the time and energy to investigate the secret history of the palace and the Prince of Silver Fox, and it was not impossible that Yan Li was really a monster. Now he can only assume the worst-case scenario first.

Although he has a discerning eye, he has never met any child born by a person or a monster. What's more, in this Heavenly Meteor Dynasty, monsters are inherently weird. In his eyes, Yan Li is indeed a real person. But it cannot be ruled out that Yan Li has the blood of the fox demon in his bones.

"I thought about it."

Shortly after sitting down, Lingyu remembered something and immediately told Jiang Lin.

In the past, when she cleaned Wen Zhongzi's house, she had seen some hairs that did not belong to human beings. Besides, that day, she chased the silver fox demon and met Jiang Lin at Uncle Chu. Where the silver fox demon suddenly appeared, Wen Zhongzi 's residence.

Moreover, Lingyu also said something that made Jiang Lin puzzled - on the night when she first met Jiang Lin, when she was cleaning the backyard of Benshan Hall, she found an unburned night clothes in the grass, with some on it. bloodstains.

After obtaining this information, Jiang Lin felt a little confused.

According to the information provided by Lingyu, it seems that the silver-haired corpse has always been hidden in Wen Zhongzi's residence.

This is impossible.

Although Jiang Lin couldn't use Taoism to locate and find the silver-haired corpse, if it was within a certain distance, the silver-haired corpse couldn't avoid his induction.


At this time, Lingyu stood up, looked at Jiang Lin with her eyebrows fixed, and then stepped aside, knelt down to Jiang Lin, and said, "I have lived in Benshan Street for so many years, and treated the monsters there as my family. , like Uncle Seven, in my heart, I am just like my grandfather, and those little monsters, I also regard them as my younger brothers and sisters. So, I want to beg you, you must save them. In the future, you...you just let them I can serve you as a cow or a horse."

"Get up, I promise you. If they are going to be used as a tool to deal with the royal family, I will not sit idly by. Besides, I went there to ask Uncle Seven some doubts, and the people on the street didn't treat me at all. No outsiders. So, whether it is out of business or selfishness, I will protect them. Is that okay?"

Jiang Lin smiled. In fact, even if there were no such reasons, based on Lingyu's performance during this period, he would not refuse such a request.

With Jiang Lin's consent, Lingyu smiled and sat down at the table again.

If Jiang Lin really protects the neighbors she considers her family, then she is willing to serve Jiang Lin. This is not the same as the kind of care she does to Wen Zhongzi. For Wen Zhongzi, she is purely repaying her kindness, but to Jiang Lin Forest……

Even if Jiang Lin made some very excessive demands and asked her to provide special services, she felt that she would not refuse.

"By the way, you came to me, what's the matter?"

Jiang Lin pressed down the confusion in his heart and asked why Lingyu came to him.

"It's true, I have two news to tell you."

Chong Jianglin raised two onion fingers, Lingyu continued: "One good news, one bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

What the hell.

Can you stop doing this?

Jiang Lin was a little speechless. What happened to him now was both good and bad, which made him a mixed blessing. At this moment, Lingyu brought him good news and bad news.

Can we not have any bad news?

Can't it be [*]% good?

Chapter [*] Mixed Ups and Downs (Part [*])

"Say the good news first."

Jiang Lin didn't want to hear any bad news when he was depressed, otherwise he would definitely have a scolding in his heart to scold Axiba.

"The matter you told me to investigate has already been settled. The extraterrestrial meteorite you are looking for has been found."

Lingyu smiled and told Jiang Lin a very good news.

The various states and counties of the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty moved together to check the meteorites in their respective jurisdictions, ranging from several thousand meters in diameter to as small as the size of a fist.In the case of almost nationwide mobilization, it took a little half a month to finally turn over an extraterrestrial meteorite that met Jiang Lin's requirements.

"Checked it out?"

Jiang Lin immediately stood up excitedly when he heard the words, and his face was full of joy.

Finally found it!

For a while, Jiang Lin also felt quite embarrassed. Ever since Wang Tianjian's dying counterattack, he has been restrained as if a sharp sword hangs over his head. Now, these days are coming to an end. .

As long as there is the extraterrestrial meteorite mentioned by the system, the corpse poison in his body can be completely suppressed, and with one more step, he can completely eliminate the corpse poison belonging to Wangtianjian in his body.

At that time, as long as you make your Tao body and corpse compatible again, that is the real Yunkaiyueme.

Originally, going to an extremely unfamiliar country to find an extraterrestrial meteorite hundreds of years ago was indeed looking for a needle in a haystack.Before Jiang Lin came to the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty, he never imagined that he could achieve the purpose of this trip in just half a month.

However, although the time was short, Jiang Lin spent a lot of energy.

Although he handed things over to Lingyu, he was not completely a hands-off shopkeeper.Lingyu and other night watchmen screened the documents reported by the shepherds and county governors in each state in advance. As long as there was a slight match, they had to pick them out and let Jiang Lin filter them again, so as not to miss the target.

Fortunately, after more than ten days of busy work, the results are finally here.

Lingyu nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Yes, the meteorite's situation is very consistent with what you told me. It fell more than [*] years ago, and its location is extremely remote. Although the surrounding environment there is already large. It’s changed, but hundreds of years ago, there was indeed a village that raised foxes for a living. As for how long this village has existed, it’s not clear. According to the contents before and after the document, it should have existed decades ago. , it's gone now anyway."

Afterwards, Lingyu told Jiang Lin about the contents of the documents reported by the county guard. Hundreds of years ago, there were indeed large-scale changes and tragic phenomena around the meteorite that fell, and many A very cruel and bloodthirsty monster.

Such events are also recorded in the county history there.

"What's the bad news?"

Lingyu wanted to talk about some strange things, but Jiang Lin asked what bad news she had brought.

Now he is in a good mood, any bad news, trivial, even if it is said.

"Uh... The bad news is that the meteorite with a diameter of several miles has been destroyed more than [*] years ago, or has been mined, and many channels have been dug inside, and the minerals and The meteor iron has also been taken out. I don't know if it has any effect on your purpose."


Hearing the bad news brought by Lingyu, the expression on Jiang Lin's face immediately froze.

People are numb.

"You... is this bad news? To me, it's just bad news!"

Jiang Lin sat down and slapped the tea table with his palm, which startled Lingyu.

At this time, Jiang Lin's mood was really a mess. He was looking for the extraterrestrial meteorite, and the purpose was to obtain the special power contained in it to increase his corpse poison.

But now, Lingyu told him that the meteorite had been excavated and mined, so that the energy contained in the meteorite might not exist anymore.

If this is the case, Jiang Lin feels that he can be blown up by anger.

"Impossible. Since that meteorite has such a powerful force that it can radiate the surrounding area of ​​a hundred miles, how could it be possible for someone to approach and mine minerals?"

After Jiang Lin asked this sentence, he felt that the question was a bit redundant. Lingyu didn't need to speak to him, she just explained the facts to him according to the facts reported by the county governor.

That is to say, no matter how he thinks it is impossible now, it is the established fact.


Jiang Lin is trying his best to suppress his anger, what the hell is this!

The silver-haired corpse is about to appear, but now there is an unlikely situation.

Now Lingyu told him that the meteorite outside the sky had been found, but the result was that the second uncle's meteorite had been taken out long ago, and there may not be any power left.

Not necessarily, I may not be you, Amu!

"Hundreds of years have passed. Even if the meteorite power has any invisible power, it should be reduced."

Lingyu felt lost for Jiang Lin when she saw Jiang Lin's performance.

Gently patted Jiang Lin's shoulder, Lingyu advised: "You don't have to be disappointed, things may not be so unsatisfactory. If the murder case is resolved, I'll take you to check it out, in fact, I don't know how it happened. Coincidentally, I once stayed in that meteorite for several years, and it was also there that I formed a human being."

"You? You went into that meteorite?"

Hearing this, Jiang Lin immediately looked at Lingyu. Is there such a coincidence?

Lingyu pursed her cherry lips slightly and said, "Yes, my former family members were forty or fifty miles away from the meteorite, but although the distance was not very far, there was a majestic ring-shaped mountain in the middle. Few people know about the situation on the side. Later, our family was chased and killed by a guard. At that time, we didn't change shape. We were still weak demons. My family was killed by the guards, and I was on the run. I found a newly dug tunnel, just like a headless fly, passing through the crater. Later, I was chased and surrounded, and then I ran into the inside of the meteorite, and then I escaped a scene. Doom."

Chapter [*] I understand, I finally understand!

"It turned out to be like this, no wonder the demonic energy on your body is completely different from other demonic creatures, it is scattered."

At this time, Jiang Lin understood why Lingyu's demonic energy was so special. Thinking about it, it should be because she had been in the meteorite for a long time and was affected by radiation.

Before, he also inquired about this question to Seventh Uncle in Benshan Street, but Seventh Uncle didn't know about it either.

Thinking of Lingyu's strange demonic energy, Jiang Lin suddenly remembered the silver-haired corpse he had encountered before and those strange hairy zombies. The arrogance of the demi-humans is the same.

Could it be that they were also affected by meteorite radiation?

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin said, "What else did you find about that meteorite?"

"There is a lot of information, more than [*] years ago..."

Lingyu told Jiang Lin about the information she had obtained.

The amount of information is indeed relatively large. Back then, the late emperor of the Tianyun Dynasty lost around the meteorite and was rescued by a villager. However, Ning Yesi and Wang Chengsi arrived later, but they led the local army and brought the meteorite not far away. The fox raising village was slaughtered.

Originally, this information should not be reproduced in the world, but this is already more than [*] years ago, and when the Emperor Xianzong specially issued an imperial decree, then these matters related to meteorites naturally do not need to be repeated. concealed.

Lingyu also mentioned some unofficial records in the document, saying that the village where the late emperor sent people to slaughter was a monster village.Later, Wang Chengsi secretly took away a lot of these mutant fox demons, and has never been found since.

As for the mining of meteorite minerals, it was also ordered by the late emperor after the extermination of the village, hoping to obtain some immortal power.

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