"In this way, those sent out Mao Zong are very likely to be the same as the silver-haired corpse, originally from the same clan, but why are the two different?"

After listening to Lingyu's remarks, Jiang Lin muttered to himself. According to the information he has obtained so far, the weird hair-stiffs possessed by Director Guo and Gongshi Liu should be the mutant fox demons that were secretly transferred back then. It is not a fox demon at all, with hair like needles and long fangs, but it is actually a corpse evil.

However, logically speaking, those Mao Zombies should be the same as the Silver Hair Zombies, they are all red-eyed fox corpses, but the Silver Hair Zombies are quite different from those Mao Zombies.

"Go, find a secluded place, I want to confirm something."

Jiang Lin did not continue to struggle with this doubt, and now he wanted to check whether the remains of the corpse that he had saved could extract the special energy contained in the meteorite.

Now, he still has a mission in his hand, and he can't walk away for the time being, and the extraterrestrial meteorite is very likely to become an empty shell, so he wants to try to see if he can extract these powers from those stiff wreckage. differentiated.

This is what Jiang Lin wants to keep behind. In fact, what he really needs is the invisible power contained in the extraterrestrial meteorite. As long as he obtains it and obtains a sufficient amount, even if there is no extraterrestrial power at all. The meteorite had no effect on him.

Therefore, Jiang Lin took Lingyu to a tomb complex in the capital. If he wanted to carry out the next attempt to divide the work, he also needed to use some external Yin Qi and terrain.

After sitting down, Jiang Lin took out the ancient mirror and pointed at it, and the many wreckage hidden in it flew out.

"How is this going?"

After releasing the wreckage, Jiang Lin was stunned. There were a lot of broken limbs flying out, no matter where they belonged to Mao Zong, they were all human broken arms and stumps.

The corpse hair and terrifying nails on it were completely gone, and they were no different from some of the corpses of ordinary people.

What's more outrageous is that the corpse gas and corpse poison contained in these stumps have completely disappeared without a trace.

After being surprised, Jiang Lin hurriedly took several amputated arms in his hands, examined them in detail, and used his spiritual power to cooperate with his spiritual sense to explore the interior.

Nothing at all.

These mutilated limbs belong to man.

"Jiang Lin, you... when did you kill people? You also... dismembered them."

Lingyu frowned when she saw the many amputated limbs placed beside Jiang Lin, and looked at Jiang Lin in disbelief.

"Don't talk nonsense, these are the remains of those corpses. You forgot, I took you to collect them when I was in the palace."

After Jiang Lin explained, the word "Chuan" was completely formed between his eyebrows.

What exactly is going on?

The stiff stump turned into a human limb.

How can it be?

No matter what type of corpse, vampires, mummies, or those zombies in Middle-earth, after death, the corpse may decay or be degraded by the soil, but in any case, its essence is not will change.

It is absolutely impossible to return to the state before the corpse due to the separation of the stump or the death of the main body.

Not to mention other corpse evils, it is his Jianglin, a special-type zombie that can control whether or not to corpse at will. If the arm is broken, if it is left to rot for thousands of years, it cannot be traced back to the human arm.

But now, the corpse corpses in front of him, no matter whether they are bone marrow or dead flesh, do not have any corpse qi or any corpse poison hidden in them.

Not at all.

When did it become like this?

Jiang Lin was really at a loss. He was really busy these days, so he temporarily put aside the research on the wreckage.

But now, taking it out again, it turned out to be like this.

"Ah? That's not right, where are the remains of some kind of corpse, it's clearly the body of an ordinary person."

Lingyu's eyes widened. If it was the remains of those corpses, she did know. At the beginning, she followed Jiang Lin to collect them all over the palace, but compared with the current stumps, it was very different. .

After taking a closer look, Lingyu still didn't believe it, and said, "Could it be possible that these wrecks can be completely turned back into human stumps? How is this possible?"

Lingyu's words made Jiang Lin's mind seem to have a slender light suddenly appear.

"You... what did you just say?"

"Me? I said, can those wrecks be changed back? Completely changed back to human limbs."

Lingyu thought that Jiang Lin didn't hear clearly, so she expressed the meaning of what she said just now.

"Return completely to human limbs, completely... back to... human?"

Thinking about what Lingyu said, Jiang Lin immediately stood up.

"There is still such a thing, there is still such a thing!"

Jiang Lin's face was full of disbelief, and at the same time, his heart became a piece of understanding.

Got it, finally got it!

The corpse evil of the Meteorite Dynasty was so weird!

No, not necessarily because of the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty, but because of that extraterrestrial meteorite!

"Where the fuck is this meteorite?"

Jiang Lin thought about it for a while, and felt a little hairless for no reason.

If his guess is correct, then the silver-haired corpse and those weird hairy zombies are all fucking monsters that can turn from corpses into ordinary people.

It is to completely change back to ordinary people, and even the essence can be changed.

This also explains the reason why he locates and searches through the hair of the silver-haired corpse without any results.

His grandmother's is also a corpse evil, and she has transformed into a 25K purebred person from head to toe, with "pure" engraved in capital letters from the inside to the outside.

It's even purer than 24k.

This alone is much stronger than him.

The [-]th chapter is almost at fault for consecutive years

If this is indeed the case, then Jiang Lin also has to admit that the type of corpse of the silver-haired corpse is more advanced than his. Although he can corpse and can switch between the Tao body and the body at will, compared with the silver-haired corpse and the others , that would be much lower.

No matter how he cuts it, the corpse poison in the bones is an objective existence, and therefore, when walking outside, he has to arrange extremely effective concealment methods on his body.

But the silver-haired corpse doesn't need this at all.

However, Jiang Lin didn't have any envious feelings. According to his speculation, no matter how the silver-haired corpse was transformed, whether it was a human or a corpse, it should be relatively independent.

That is to say, the silver-haired corpse cannot possess the characteristics of a corpse in the state of an ordinary person.

This is not what he wants. If nothing else, it is better to say that he can make the life level of his wives jump, or his way of keeping the corpse poison in the bones is better.

Otherwise, he still needs to sleep with his wife with buck teeth in his mouth and hair on his body.

Then die.

Seeing Jiang Lin pondering, Lingyu asked, "Jiang Lin, what did you think of?"

"I did think of something."

Jiang Lin looked at Lingyu and said again, "I advise you to prepare yourself mentally. The truth behind the multiple murder cases in the capital this time may be something you don't want to see."

Although Jiang Lin wasn't [-]% sure about his previous guess, he estimated that he was inseparable.

In that case, Lingyu, the little rabbit, will not feel very well.

"What do you mean by that?"

Lingyu was a little confused by Jiang Lin's words. What is the truth of the murder case that she might not want to see?

That abominable murderer not only killed Uncle Chu in Benshan Street, but also wanted to murder the neighbors in the whole street. She wanted to cramp and peel him off.

"I just want you to be mentally prepared in advance, in case you can't accept it. And for the sake of prudence, I have to confirm it again."

Having said that, Jiang Lin looked at Lingyu up and down again.

"You...what are you looking at?"

Seeing Jiang Lin Duanliang's gaze, Lingyu frowned slightly and pursed her lips.

If Jiang Lin looked at her like this before, she would not be willing.

"I'll take a look when you show your body."


"Don't ask so much, just do it."

Jiang Lin didn't explain to Lingyu that since Lingyu once stayed in the extraterrestrial meteorite he was looking for and was affected by the special power there, there should be a situation similar to that of the silver-haired corpse.

Lingyu didn't resist, she squatted down, and with a flash of light on her body, she turned into a very cute big white rabbit.

Yugui Big-eared Rabbit.

it is as expected.

Jiang Lin stared at Lingyu's body carefully, and felt that his guess was correct.

Now Lingyu's strange demonic energy has completely disappeared. If he hadn't known the facts, he would probably have regarded this bunny demon as a domestic pet rabbit.

Jiang Lin reached out, grabbed the big ears of the white rabbit, and lifted it up.

I want to further check whether Lingyu's demonic energy has been restrained, or has disappeared completely.

"You...what are you doing?"

Jiang Lin grabbed both ears like this, and the white rabbit that Lingyu transformed into shouted, and a pair of front claws slapped Jiang Lin's face wildly.

"Don't make trouble, don't you know that after you showed your body, the demonic energy on your body disappeared for no reason? And it disappeared extremely completely?"

"I... how do I know? After I transformed myself, I never changed back to my original body."

When Jiang Lin said this, the white rabbit in his hand became quiet.

Lingyu wasn't stupid either, she immediately realized that Jiang Lin might be trying to use her to find out what happened to the remains of those corpses.

At this time, Jiang Lin's other hand condensed some spiritual power, pressed it on the abdomen of the white rabbit, and used the spiritual power to probe, he finally determined that Lingyu, who was in the state of the body at this time, besides being able to speak human words , that is without the characteristics of any monsters.

On the surface, Lingyu is a rabbit demon, completely traced back to a Yugui big-eared rabbit.

After confirming this, Jiang Lin put down the white rabbit he was holding, and then Lingyu changed back.

However, after transforming back into a human form, Lingyu still squatted on the ground, with her arms crossed and hugging her chest.

With a blushing face, Lingyu looked at Jiang Lin with an aggrieved and annoyed look.

"Uh...that...go to Ning Yesi, that kid Yan Li was probably deceived."

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