Seeing Lingyu's aggrieved appearance, Jiang Lin also reacted. Although Lingyu changed back to her original body just now, her intelligence is still there. Although he was exploring the demon power in her body just now, he still... Cheap for a bunny.

It was also because he only wanted to confirm whether Lingyu's demon power was completely gone, so he didn't expect this episode.

No matter whether Lingyu is the main body or the transformed body, how can the position of the chest and abdomen be touched by a man at will.

Touching his nose, Jiang Lin turned around and smeared oil on the soles of his feet.

When Lingyu saw Jiang Lin slapped him, he left, grabbed some stones on the ground, and threw them after Jiang Lin angrily.

Jiang Lin explained and comforted him again, and at the same time kept throwing a lot of spiritual fruits like plums and yellow apricots behind, Lingyu gritted her teeth and stopped worrying about it.

"I took advantage of you, and I only cared about other things, not you."

In the end, Jiang Lin also apologized to Lingyu. Next, this girl is expected to be sad, and he doesn't want Lingyu to be bullied before that.

After all, he had the clue of the extraterrestrial meteorite, and Lingyu's credit was indispensable.

Now, Jiang Lin has already concluded that there is no silver-haired corpse to hold Wen Zhongzi hostage.

There is no silver-haired corpse plotting things behind the scenes.

Because, the so-called Yin Mao corpse is Wen Zhongzi himself!

And this neutron son should have a close relationship with the villager who rescued the late emperor back then, and the two belonged to the same village.

Therefore, after more than [-] years, Wen Zhongzi will take revenge on the royal family of the Tianyun Dynasty, and even use his human identity to rescue and adopt many good demons, and build a street of goodness.

And these monsters are his pawns for revenge.

For a long time, whether it was Lingyu or the monsters in Benshan Street, they all respected Wen Zhongzi and regarded him as a benefactor of great mercy and compassion.

If Lingyu knew that her so-called benefactor was actually using their monsters as an excuse to rescue and adopt them, and by their hands, to destroy the royal family of the Tianyun Dynasty, then she could imagine the feeling in her heart. .

The so-called grace of regeneration and virtue of regeneration are all false.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin felt that he was really funny.

He was wrecked by a silver-haired corpse, and he almost made mistakes for years.

At this moment, Jiang Lin really had the illusion that everyone celebrated the New Year on the [-]th of the twelfth lunar month, but he was confused, shouting in the dog days - the New Year is hot!

Chapter [-] Take me to the ditch, you are finished

The more he thought about it, the more Jiang Lin wanted to laugh. For the first time, he felt that he was being played with in the palm of his hand.

From the beginning, he was led astray.

He was even taken into a ditch.

Jiang Lin originally planned to use the murder case as an opportunity to lead Xianzong and courtiers of the Tianyun Dynasty to the side, so as to achieve his goal.

But now, he himself has become a person who has been led astray, and has been led into the ditch.

Grab a big grass!

Afterwards, Jiang Lin also reflected on it, and felt that the reason why he was being led astray was because he did not expect that in his eyes, the completely normal Wen Neutron would have the identity of a silver-haired corpse.

It is precisely because of this that he did some drama behind the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole, and wanted to lead the silver-haired corpse out.

As a result, Wen Zhongzi might be sitting on the bench, knocking melon seeds, grabbing a front row, and happily watching him sing a big show.

This time, he really sang a funny drama.

The target was dangling back and forth in front of him. He was still serious, and he wanted to use his wisdom to find this target.

Moreover, today everyone has admitted it on their own, but he still doesn't believe it, and he still excuses the other party in his heart.


In fact, this was also because Jiang Lin had incomplete information, how could he have expected a meteorite to have such a bizarre effect.

An extraterrestrial meteorite from nowhere can not only turn a human corpse into a corpse, but it can also be turned back at will to become a [-]% pure human being.

Jiang Lin would never have made such a mistake if he hadn't encountered such a bizarre meteorite.

The opposite is a normal human being. No matter how suspicious he is, Jiang Lin can't help but talk a little bit of logic.

Even if he was forced to think of cats as dogs and deer as horses, he couldn't do it.

Take me to the ditch and you're done.

Jiang Lin thought about it for a while, and was going to make the silver-haired corpse today, so that this guy could understand the fate of playing tricks on him.

Now, the silver-haired corpse should not know that he has discovered the truth, so as long as he comes to a Jedi counterattack, this guy is absolutely unexpected.

Moreover, now that Yan Li has turned against the tide, it is very likely that the silver-haired corpse will immediately start the next step with the help of this sharp sword.

However, Jiang Lin was not impulsive. He still had some doubts in his heart that had not been resolved. For some doubts that had little impact on this conclusion, he needed to go to Ning Yesi first and ask the Yuan Director there.

Back then, Yan Li's father had participated in the massacre of Fox Raising Village and dealt with these weird things, so he wanted to ask about the situation back then.

The silver-haired corpse can completely dissipate the corpse evil spirit in the body. Once this fellow sees that the situation is not good and knows that the matter is exposed, he may flee directly.

Under normal circumstances, Jiang Lin naturally wouldn't worry that the silver-haired corpse could escape from his hands again, but if this corpse forcibly created turmoil and it would be detrimental to the residents of Benshan Street, then he might be in trouble.

After all, he had promised Lingyu before that he would protect his neighbors on Benshan Street, and he didn't want to break his promise.

In addition, he had already imagined that Yan Li would be turned against him. If he didn't kill the killer, he felt that he would leave the silver-haired corpse, and he was not [-]% sure.

Therefore, knowing more about the means of escape for the silver-haired corpse can also increase his success rate.

The grasp of success is naturally the more the merrier.

After returning to Ning Yesi, Jiang Lin discovered that this place was a mess, and even Ning Yesi's plaque was torn down.

Many of the newly promoted night guards collapsed in the yard and wailed. Master Yuan was angry and yelled everywhere, calling Yan Li an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

"Master Yuan, what's going on? Has Yan Li returned?"

"Who else could it be if it wasn't him! An angry old man, an angry old man!"

Master Yuan was so angry that he told Jiang Lin what happened before.

After Yan Li galloped here from Benshan Street, he directly asked Master Yuan whether he was the parent and child of the previous night patrol envoy Yan Chaonan, and also asked whether he was the child of Concubine Xiao, and whether he was a fox demon.

When Yuan Zhushu heard Yan Li say such a thing, he even called his father's name directly, and immediately got angry, and immediately scolded Yan Li.

Yan Li didn't explain anything at all, and he didn't say anything under questioning, so he believed Wen Zhongzi's words even more, thinking that Ning Yesi had a heart that could be punished, so that a demon became a demon hunter and went to be the royal guard. The eve patrol, to deal with his own kind.

After that, this guy made a big fuss, almost tearing down Ning Yesi.

Jiang Lin told the master Yuan that Wen Zhongzi of Benshan Street confessed his crime, admitted that he was the real murderer, and explained Yan Li's life experience.

"Injustice, it's really an injustice! Karma!"

Master Yuan sighed in the sky, and then told Jiang Lin the truth of more than [-] years ago.

Concubine Xiao is not a fox demon at all, she just loves fox skins. When Concubine Xiao and the late emperor left the capital to hunt foxes, Concubine Xiao, who was pregnant, had an accidental miscarriage, and the late emperor also disappeared.In order to keep her position in the harem, Concubine Xiao concealed the matter, and when the day of giving birth came, she used a dead silver fox as the baby she gave birth to, and used it to blame the queen at that time.

Therefore, Yan Li and Concubine Xiao couldn't fight at all.

"Master Yuan, since Yan Li has nothing to do with Concubine Xiao, how could he tell you that he has the memory of calling Concubine Xiao as his mother?"

"At that time, Chao Nan was ordered to investigate the silver fox case. After the truth was found out, Concubine Xiao also went crazy. She remembered her son and became mad all day. Chao Nan felt pity and took Yan Li over. In fact, Yan Li also It was indeed not born by Chaonan, but picked up on the way back to Beijing after Chaonan killed a village of eccentrics."

After Yuan Zhuzhu explained to Jiang Lin, he sighed again and again. If he hadn't tried desperately to stop him, I'm afraid Yan Li would have smashed Yan Chaonan's tablet.

"Injustice killed a village of eccentrics? But a fox-raising village?"

Jiang Lin caught the main point in Yuan Zhuzhu's words. It seems that the previous night patrolman had indeed dealt with those corpses with his own hands.

Chapter [-] You can save it

"Exactly, how did the adults know?"

"I'm here for this. The real murderer of this capital murder case should be the survivors of the Fox Raising Village. Tell me all the information you know about that village."

Jiang Lin didn't explain much to Director Yuan. Now that Yan Li has really turned his back, he needs to get more information as soon as possible so that he can deal with the next thing.

So, Master Yuan talked about a secret, many of which were things Jiang Lin wanted to know.

It was also after listening to Master Yuan's remarks that Jiang Lin finally confirmed his inference. Under normal circumstances, the corpse evils from the village of raising foxes are indeed no different from ordinary people. They can change from corpse evils to [-]% pure. kind of people.

In addition, he also has a further understanding of the silver-haired corpse and those weird hairy zombies.

This kind of corpse evil that has been transformed by meteorite radiation can really be said to be extremely strange. Their bloodthirsty desire is not too strong. If their willpower is firm, they can be suppressed. They do not need to feed on blood. .

Without blood contamination, even if they turned into corpses, they were very weak. The defense of the corpses was similar to that of rhinos. Although they could live for a long time, they could easily be killed.

If it sucks blood, and the blood comes from beasts, some of the characteristics of beasts will appear on its body, and the degree of danger will also be greatly increased.

This is how the red-eyed fox corpse was formed.

Once such corpse evils feed on the blood of living people or demon blood for a long time, it will be much more terrifying. Whether it is defense or attack power, it can almost increase geometrically.

The silver-haired corpse should feed on the blood of the fox, and may even have eaten the demon blood of the fox demon, so it has the characteristics and demonic aura of the fox demon.

As for those Mao Zongs who were sent to act as slain killers, it should be the result of Director Guo's deliberate feeding.

This led to a small difference between them.

If it is a one-on-one confrontation, it is estimated that the silver-haired corpse is not the opponent of the Mao Zong team.

Jiang Lin had already considered this point in his heart. In a head-to-head battle, two or three silver-haired corpses would probably not be his opponents, but this thief was slippery, and he also wanted to see if he could reduce the power of that extraterrestrial meteorite from the silver-haired corpse. The body of the hairy corpse was differentiated, which required that he could not directly kill the silver-haired corpse, but had to capture it alive.

As a result, the difficulty increases a lot.

From Master Yuan, Jiang Lin not only knew these things, he also remembered the other abilities of this corpse evil.

"It turns out that Master Yuan, you didn't explain the reason to Yan Li, and you still have this level of concern."

Jiang Lin had doubts when he heard from the master bookkeeper Yuan that Yan Li had nothing to do with Concubine Xiao at all, but after hearing the latter mentioned the fox raising village, he first obtained the information he wanted and did not ask any further.

His doubt was that since Yan Li was not a monster at all, why didn't Master Yuan explain to him.

If the misunderstanding is resolved, Yan Li will not turn his back, adding difficulties to him.

Just now when Master Yuan talked about the fox raising village, he also explained the matter by the way.

The fox raising village where the silver hair corpse is located is the village where the red-eyed fox corpse was mentioned by Uncle Seven of Benshan Street, and the villagers there, as Uncle Seven said, are innocent victims, and none of them have Most of the people who want to hurt people would rather be tortured by bloodthirsty desires than kill people. If they can't stand it, they eat fox blood.

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