When the late emperor was injured and disappeared and was rescued, it was also the villagers in this village who took care of him out of kindness.

However, after Wang Chengsi and Ning Yesi found the village, they treated the villagers as monsters and massacred them.

After the incident, Yan Chaonan, Ning Yesi's previous night patrol envoy, learned the truth and regretted that he killed innocent people indiscriminately.

Those villagers were affected by the meteorite and mutated, which was pitiful enough, and they were originally human beings, but they were slaughtered with kindness.

Therefore, the massacre of the village was regarded as the stain of his life by Yan Chaonan. On the way back to Beijing, Yan Chaonan met an abandoned baby and adopted him to atone for his sins.

The relationship between Yan Li and Yan Chaonan involved the matter of Tu Village, so Master Yuan was reluctant to explain to Yan Li.

"The old man also doesn't want to mention the disgraceful past of the old master. But who would have thought that this unfamiliar white-eyed wolf would fall into the trap of the monster so easily! Mr. Jiang, the old man has no ability, please wake up this man on behalf of the old man, Catch him and slap him hard."

Master Yuan let out a long sigh and knelt down to Jiang Lin. Although he scolded Yan Li as a white-eyed wolf, he couldn't helplessly watch Yan Li being treated as a chess piece.

If Yan Li was used by the real murderer to deal with the royal family of the dynasty, then Yan Li might be unforgivable in the future.

"Master Yuan, please, that kid Yan Li is always my deputy. I know what to do."

Jiang Lin helped Master Yuan and left Ning Yesi with Lingyu. He had a hunch that Yinmao Zhe might take action tonight to thoroughly carry out his plan of revenge and cooperate with the deceived Yan Li. , the royal family of the Qing Dynasty.

Act as soon as possible, and you can definitely avoid long nights and dreams.

"Jiang Lin, it seems that you have a bottom line?"

On the way, Lingyu couldn't help but ask Jiang Lin. Jiang Lin's various performances before, obviously he had figured out a lot of things, but he didn't say anything, which aroused her curiosity.

"That's true. It is estimated that the real culprit has already been revealed. I promised you before that I would protect those family members in Benshan Street. Now I am going to prepare."

Jiang Lin nodded. The direction he was traveling was not Benshan Street. The monsters there often eat Fu Yuanzi, which has a maddening effect. It is estimated that after the silver-haired corpse moves, the monsters in a street will lose their rationality. Now He has to find some red sandalwood trees that are old enough to configure some water.

As for the fact that Yin Mao's corpse is Wen Zhongzi, Jiang Lin didn't tell Lingyu, even if he did, Lingyu might not believe it. What did he explain.

"Really? Then tell me what you need to do, and I will help you. Also, if you want to kill him, you must take me with you. I want..."

After hearing Jiang Lin's words, Lingyu immediately expressed her attitude. She still has the task of assisting Jiang Lin's investigation, and the real culprit has to hurt Benshan Street. Naturally, she wants to contribute as much as she has.

"You can save it."

Jiang Lin touched his ears, the little rabbit was babbling for a while, and his ears were a little itchy.

Anyway, what Lingyu expressed was that she wanted to take the lead, and wished she would go on the field to find out the real culprit and slapped him severely.

After flicking his nails, Jiang Lin said again: "I don't expect you to help me, just don't obstruct me."

What he said was really from his heart. If Lingyu knew that the so-called real murderer, the silver fox demon, was Wen Zhongzi, then don't say anything to help. This little rabbit doesn't turn back like Yan Li, he is already Amitabha. .

If it wasn't for Lingyu's performance during this period of time that satisfied him, he wouldn't be ready to take this little rabbit. Later, he took Wen Zhongzi and told Lingyu the result directly.

With Lingyu, it is also because he did not regard this rabbit demon as a pure tool person.

"What am I doing to stop you? I'm not sick! That silver fox demon killed Uncle Chu and also murdered those neighbors. I can't wait to kill it and then hurry up."

Lingyu looked at Jiang Lin with some doubts, she couldn't understand some of what Jiang Lin said today.

Let her save it. Although she doesn't have much ability, she really wants to help.

Jiang Lin shouldn't have said that just because of this feeling alone, it's like she's going to be a burden and will be a disservice.

Kindness is treated as a donkey's liver and lungs, which is really annoying.

The [*]th chapter is revealed ([*])

Jiang Lin looked at Lingyu and said, "Since you can think so, that's the best thing. By the way, how long have you known Wen Zhongzi? What kind of image does he have in your eyes?"

In fact, if Jiang Lin was to judge by himself, he felt that the matter of the Yin Mao corpse's revenge against the Tianyun Dynasty's royal family was due to both reason and reason.

If a kind-hearted rescuer ends up in a village full of slaughter belts and such things are put on him, then he will definitely have revenge for injustice and revenge for revenge.

It's a pity that the silver-haired corpse should never go to kill him when he doesn't know anything.

"I've known Mr. Wen for eight years. Back when I emerged from that meteorite after disguising, when I was still weak, I met the soldiers guarding the mine, and was hunted down by them as a fleeing female miner. The son was not afraid of the blade, and he broke a lot of money before he saved me."

Lingyu told Jiang Lin how she was saved by Wen Zhongzi from a human knife.

"That's right."

Jiang Lin smiled, Lingyu's remarks further confirmed that Wen Zhongzi was a silver-haired corpse, and further explained that Wen Zhongzi must be related to the fox raising village.

"What's the matter, what are you asking about this? Let me tell you, although I have known Master Wen for a long time, but there is no relationship between men and women, I take care of him entirely because of his kindness. , but not only you humans understand."

At this time, Lingyu felt that Jiang Lin's question seemed to have other meanings, as if she was asking if she had an unusual relationship with Wen Zhongzi, so she quickly explained.

She didn't want Jiang Lin to misunderstand her relationship with Wen Zhongzi.

"It's good to have the heart to repay your kindness. I just asked casually. Remember what you said, don't hinder me from killing the murderer."

Jiang Lin didn't say more, and went to the royal garden in the capital.

An hour later, Jiang Lin took Lingyu to the garden to pick up a lot of red sandalwood buds and leaves, and then went straight to Benshan Street.

When they went to Benshan Street, Gongshi Liu, who had been following the progress of Jiang Lin's investigation, went to Ningyesi.

Finding that Ning Yesi was almost demolished, Liu Gongshi went in and asked Yuan Zhuzhu what was going on.

Yuan Zhuzhu did not explain to him that Yan Li did this, but Wen Zhongzi himself admitted that it was the matter of the Silver Fox Demon, but he informed Liu Gongshi.

Therefore, Liu Gongshi immediately brought together a large number of people and rushed to Benshan Street.

As long as the silver fox demon and the monsters on Benshan Street are slaughtered, it will be a complete deadlock situation. At that time, the Maozong team they send can be tied to these unlucky bastards.

When Jiang Lin and Lingyu arrived at Benshan Street, night had already fallen, and all the monsters in the street gathered in front of the Benshan Hall where Wen Zhongzi was, and had a reunion dinner on the street.

Today, it happens to be a commemorative festival for the completion of Benshan Street.

"For a lifetime, but to seek perfection, what people want, the demons also seek it. The human heart is good, and the fruit is good. The demon's heart is inherently good, that is, a human being. Everyone in Benshan Street, it's the festival."

Wen Zhongzi leaned on a cane and called to the monsters to eat and drink.

With so many monsters on the table, there are bowls of Fu Yuanzi.

"I've been so busy these days that I forgot that today is an important day for Benshan Street."

When Lingyu saw that all the neighbors here were getting together, she patted her forehead. She was so busy that she forgot the date.

"Don't go there."

Just as Lingyu was about to meet the neighbors, Jiang Lin grabbed her wrist.

At this moment, Wen Zhongzi and Yan Li beside him looked at Jiang Lin and the others.

Jiang Lin stepped forward and looked at Wen Zhongzi and said, "I, Jiang Lin, know that I have a lot of knowledge, but I never thought that there would be evil spirits that could completely disappear the evil spirit in my body. In fact, from what I saw in your article. When I first met, I stepped into this misunderstanding, thinking that you are just a weak scholar. However, all things now, including the revenge of the emperor more than [*] years ago, ordered Ning Yesi and Huangcheng Situ Village I know everything about it."

As he said that, Jiang Lin took a magic talisman from his arms and projected it at Yan Li beside Wen Zhongzi.

Yan Li was caught off guard, and was stuck on his forehead by the magic talisman, and then some memories were directly imported into his mind.

This was a special magic talisman made by Jiang Lin on the way here. He copied some of his memories and recorded it in the form of a talisman.

These memories are naturally the audio and video related to Yuan's master explaining to him about Yan Li's father and Yan Li's adoption.

Before arriving, Jiang Lin also considered that if Yan Li chose to be hostile to him, it would be quite difficult for him to capture the silver-haired corpse alive.

Therefore, he was going to make Yan Li change his camp in this way.

Because this silver-haired corpse neutron probably won't give him a chance to wake Yan Li up, it would be a waste of time to tell the truth by his mouth.

After Yan Li tore off the magic talisman on his forehead, he was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Wen Zhongzi with a hostile look.

Seeing the hostility in Yan Li's eyes, Wen Zhongzi was also quite surprised, and then looked at Jiang Lin coldly.

The [*]th chapter is revealed (below)

After laughing at himself, Wen Zhongzi said leisurely: "From the time I decided to carry out the revenge plan, I knew that this matter would fall into the hands of Ning Yesi sooner or later, and the night patrol would handle it. The fox raising village was slaughtered. Concubine Xiao, who loves fox skins, is a disaster, and Yan Chaonan is the sharpest butcher’s knife. I think it would be interesting if Yan Chaonan’s adopted son and heir could think that he and Concubine Xiao were demons.”

Jiang Lin listened quietly. Now that Yan Li will no longer interfere with him, it is better to let Wen Zhongzi explain everything so that Lingyu and all the monsters here can see the true face of this silver-haired corpse.

Lingyu, who was beside Jiang Lin, was a little confused at this time. She still believed that Wen Zhongzi's admission of her silver fox demon was the result of being held hostage by the real murderer behind the scenes.

But the current situation seems a little wrong.

Whether it was Jiang Lin's gaze on Wen Zhongzi or Yan Li's attitude towards Wen Zhongzi, it was as if he was an enemy of Wen Zhongzi.

What's more, what Jiang Lin said earlier meant that Wen Zhongzi was not a weak scholar.

what on earth is it?

At this time, Wen Zhongzi continued: "Our family originally lived in the deep mountains and raised foxes for a living, but it was mutated by an extraterrestrial meteorite that fell hundreds of years ago, which made us live forever, but also made us bloodthirsty. But for hundreds of years, we have never harmed anyone, and we have tried our best to restrain ourselves, just to live like a normal person. But even so, we dare not contact the outside world for fear of being treated as monsters. More than [*] years ago , I was kind-hearted for a while, and I saved a wounded person who lost his way, but ended up with a whole village being slaughtered, and I was the only survivor left. If this revenge is not repaid, there is no reason for heaven!"

Having said that, Wen Zhongzi stared at Yan Li, and then looked at Jiang Lin with questioning eyes.

Yan Li was silent. Combined with the memories he had obtained before, he had already deduced that Wen Zhongzi was not lying, and that the lost person whom Wen Zhongzi rescued back then should be the late emperor.

The matter behind the slaughter of Yanghu Village was that his adoptive father brought his own team, so he really had nothing to say about Wen Zhongzi's question.

The neutron in front of him is clearly asking him for justice, but he has nothing to say.

However, Jiang Lin's attitude didn't change because of Wen Zhongzi Zhan Li, and this Wen Zhongzi still had to be planted in his hands.

"After I decided to take revenge, I lived on fox blood, and even killed my own fox pet, which was raised by my own hands, just to stimulate the power brought by the mutation. After arriving in the capital, I started from Ning Yesi. The retired elders learned some information about Yan Chaonan’s father and son, and that’s why I knew that Yan Li had lived with Concubine Xiao for a period of time at an age when he could hardly remember anything, and was treated as a child by her, so I set up In such a situation. The first emperor received our favor, and Yan Chaonan got great escort because of us, but one by two butcher knives turned against each other. I have to let Yan Chaonan's adopted son of the slaughter knife also retaliate for his kindness and revenge, thanks to Ning Ye The kindness of Si Yangyu was destroyed by his own hands. When Yan Chaonan raised the kindness, he regarded him as an enemy. He also accepted the kindness of the emperor and slaughtered the royal family for me. Everything was going very smoothly. I came to me with clues, but what I didn't expect was that a real person Jiang would be killed halfway."

Wen Zhongzi glared at Jiang Lin fiercely, and then his face began to change, turning into the silver-haired corpse that Jiang Lin encountered.

Wen Zhongzi, who had been hiding her identity and her true intentions, finally revealed her true identity at this moment.

This fellow did not deliberately make his appearance closer to the silver fox, just a downright stiff.

At the same time, the surrounding monsters began to wailing. They had just eaten the Fu Yuanzi with a maddening effect. Now the effect of the medicine has played a role, so that they began to show some of the characteristics of the monster.

"So, when I went to Benshan Street on the first day, I found out that there was something wrong with the Fu Yuanzi, and I explained to Lingyu that there was a problem with the building materials here. In order to make the revenge plan go smoothly, you followed me all the way, intending to put the I attacked and killed?"

Jiang Lin smiled coldly. If he had nothing to do with Wen Zhongzi, he would definitely approve of Wen Zhongzi's revenge.

If there is revenge, take revenge, and if there is injustice, take revenge. This is the principle that Jiang Lin has always adhered to.

Even the unjust death evils that he had received before, before he overcame them, he would let those evils take revenge to achieve the purpose of overcoming them.

Jiang Lin felt that if he had no conflict with Wen Zhongzi from the beginning and learned the truth about Wen Zhongzi's revenge, then he would give Wen Zhongzi enough respect.

However, that doesn't mean he will give in.

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