When he reached the street, Jiang Lin moved his palm, and a fist-sized fireball burst out of Liu Gongshi's charred bones not far away.

In the fireball is the soul of Liu Gongshi. After being photographed by Jiang Lin, he was directly roasted by the flames, and screamed.

"Don't worry, for the convenience you provided me and for recommending me, I won't let you disappear immediately. However, you have nothing to do. Those monster corpses were sent by you and Director Guo, right? Actually , I discovered this early in the morning. I still need you to do some confession and identification work later, you'd better cooperate honestly. "

Seeing Liu Gongshi's soul hanging in the air, Jiang Lin couldn't help laughing. No matter who it is, if he hits the abacus on him, it will not end well.

"Zhenzhen Jiang, everything is instructed by Director Guo, and Liu is just acting on orders."

Liu Gongshi looked at Jiang Lin with a terrified face. He didn't expect Jiang Lin to know the truth early in the morning. In this case, with Jiang Lin's ruthless style of doing things, he didn't need to think about what would happen to him.

Jiang Lin didn't bother with Liu Gongshi at all, he took out a small tripod directly from the ancient mirror and put it in.

After that, Jiang Lin went to Benshantang and began to investigate Wen Zhongzi's body.

It's a pity that after half an hour, he exhausted his means, and he couldn't differentiate the special power that caused the mutation in Wen Neutron's body.

After trying a few more times, Jiang Lin could only give up. He couldn't separate, not because Wen Zhongzi died. Even though Wen Zhongzi had burped, the vitality of the corpse had not been completely lost.

So, the fact is that the power he needs cannot be separated from living and dead objects.

With a sense of loss, Jiang Lin returned to Lingyu's residence.

Now he can only hope that the extraterrestrial meteorite he is looking for can still be useful to him.

"What's the matter, is it still not getting better?"

Entering Lingyu's room, Jiang Lin frowned when he saw the fine cold sweat on Lingyu's forehead. Under normal circumstances, at least this little rabbit shouldn't be able to endure the pain of the wound.

"I-I'm fine."

Lingyu shook her head slightly so that Jiang Lin didn't have to worry about her.

"Also said it's okay, look at the cold sweat on your forehead."

Jiang Lin immediately walked to the bedside, and checked Lingyu's wound, only to find that the evil-suppressing power remaining in the interior had not diminished much at all.

For a while, Jiang Lin didn't know what was going on, so he could only guess that it might be because Lingyu's monster body was special.

"Just be patient."

Jiang Lin didn't say hello to Lingyu, he bent down and sealed the wound on Lingyu's shoulder with his mouth, sucking out the blood mixed with the evil-suppressing power from the wound.

This blood is mixed with the power of exorcism attached to the arrows. For Lingyu, it is similar to poisonous blood, and bloodletting is required.


Lingyu did not expect that Jiang Lin would treat her wound in this way without even saying hello.

However, she did not react violently. Ever since Jiang Lin did not hesitate to fight against the Emperor Huangcheng in order to protect her neighbors, she already had the mental preparation for Jiang Lin to be a slave and a maid in the future.

Even if it was that kind of girl, as long as Jiang Lin wanted to, she would force herself not to resist.

Jiang Lin sucked out all the "poisonous blood" from Lingyu's wound, and straightened up, ready to vomit aside, but at this moment, the corpse poison in his body began to stir again for some unknown reason, and it became extremely violent again. aggressive.

As soon as something happened in his body, the blood in Jiang Lin's mouth was not spit out, but was swallowed by him.

After that, Jiang Lin's body appeared in the same situation as the last time. Back then, he fought a dozen or so hairy stiffs alone in the palace, and suffered a lot of injuries. Lingyu wanted to treat the wounds for him, so he used his own demon blood as the wound. The medicine, as a result, caused an unexpected condition in his body.

Now, this unexpected situation has appeared again.

"Jiang Lin, you... what's wrong with you?"

Lingyu saw that Jiang Lin's reaction was not normal, and a lot of cold sweat instantly appeared on her forehead, so she was anxious and didn't know what was going on.

Fortunately, this time the sudden change of corpse poison in Jiang Lin's body lasted a lot shorter than the last time. After a while, Jiang Lin returned to normal.

However, Jiang Lin discovered that his corpse poison was like being shot with several powerful stimulants, and the suppression of the corpse poison left by Wang Tianxuan was much stronger.

This... what the hell is going on here?

Jiang Lin couldn't help but be puzzled. How could Lingyu's blood cause such a change in the corpse poison in his bones?


At this moment, Jiang Lin's eyes turned to Lingyu.

He only realized now that he had overlooked a very important thing.

The silver-haired corpse mutated by Wen Neutron and those strange hair-stiffs were all affected by the extraterrestrial meteorite, and the power emanating from the meteorite was left in the body.

However, this little rabbit Lingyu was also irradiated by meteorites.

Not only that, Lingyu also stayed in that meteorite for many years.

Chapter [*] This is really an afterthought (below)

"What about you, what happened to you just now? Also, you...you look at people like this again."

Lingyu pursed her lips. She still wasn't sure what Jiang Lin was thinking. She didn't know what kind of attitude Jiang Lin had towards her. She knew that Jiang Lin often stared at her. Look.

Although not many times, but sometimes it is the kind of sight that takes advantage of people.

Lingyu felt that she was not disgusted now, after all, Jiang Lin had already taken a lot of her cheapness.But it's one thing to not mind, and it's another to be embarrassed.

But Fan Jianglin expressed a little bit, let her know if Jiang Lin has her in his heart, if there is, she will let Jiang Lin.

But Jiang Lin didn't say anything, just took advantage of her.

"It's nothing, just like last time, your blood will have an impact on me. I'm staring at you because I suddenly realize that I've overlooked a very important thing."

Having said this, Jiang Lin laughed as if mocking himself.

He actually ignored such a thing.

If it wasn't for this time he treated Lingyu's shoulder wound, maybe, he didn't know when he would have remembered such an important point.

Speaking of which, Jiang Lin was also stunned by the meteorite from outside the sky, and almost all his thoughts were on the whereabouts of the meteorite, so he didn't pay much attention to other things.

To investigate the location of the extraterrestrial meteorite, he had to find the silver-haired corpse and review the documents before he turned his energy and attention away.

Jiang Lin calculated the date. The last time the demon blood in Lingyu's body had an effect on the corpse poison in his bones was more than ten days ago.

At that time, he was just puzzled and didn't think much about it. He just went to the Seventh Uncle of Benshan Street and asked about it.

If at that time, he will find out what the reason is, and maybe he will be able to directly find the whereabouts of the extraterrestrial meteorite.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin shook his head and chuckled again, laughing at himself after realizing it.

This is no one.

The ultimate goal he wanted to achieve when he arrived at the Meteorite Dynasty was to allow his own corpse poison to completely suppress those troublesome things.

Lingyu's demon blood has such an effect.

But, he didn't take it seriously at all.

As for later, when Lingyu mentioned that he had spent several years in the extraterrestrial meteorite he was looking for, he was only surprised.

It never occurred to me that Lingyu might also have the power of meteorites in her body.

What's even more outrageous is that he is quite disappointed that he has not separated any power from the text neutron.

As a result, when he arrived at Lingyu's place, Lingyu gave him a big surprise.

Still a big surprise.

At this time, Jiang Lin really wanted to ask himself what was going on. During this time, his reflex arc was so long.

After that, he looked at Lingyu again, and his eyes lit up a little.

Now it seems that he really almost missed a great opportunity.

Lingyu has the power he is looking for, and the possibility is very high.

Jiang Lin reacted with hindsight, the demonic energy on this little rabbit was completely radiating, just like a radioactive source. It was even stranger than Wen Neutron and those weird and stiff corpse auras. .

Seeing Jiang Lin's glowing eyes, Lingyu gave Jiang Lin a blank look, always taking advantage of a rabbit, you are so embarrassed!

"How are you feeling? Are you feeling better?"

"It's not so bad anymore. However, I think someone may have a needle eye tomorrow, and the eye is too cheap."

Lingyu felt the shoulders a little, only to find that the pain of the wound was greatly reduced, but she still teased Jiang Lin in the words.

Who am I? I always take advantage of others.

Also inexplicable.

Being teased by Lingyu like this, Jiang Lin laughed dryly, touched his nose, and didn't answer Lingyu's words.

Although he only glanced at the slit of Lingyu's collar at the beginning, he didn't think about eating tofu at all, but as far as the matter was concerned, he was indeed full today by taking advantage of it.

"Tell me about your situation in that meteorite. You may have the power of a meteorite on your body. Moreover, your demonic energy is particularly special, and it is likely that you have come into contact with the power I need in the meteorite."

"Ah? Is there such a thing?"

Hearing what Jiang Lin said, Lingyu was also stunned for a moment. Does she have anything Jiang Lin needs?

After thinking about it for a while, Lingyu said: "I don't feel that there is anything wrong. Back then, when I escaped in, I was still a little bunny demon, and I couldn't even change shape. At that time, there were still many in the meteorite. Miners, I am very scared. I will drill when I find empty space inside. Fortunately, there are open passages in all directions. There are also many cracks and cracks. Now, I don't know how long I have been drilling, I found a bright light ahead and ran over."

Afterwards, Lingyu carefully recalled her escape in the meteorite, and told Jiang Lin about it.

While recalling carefully, Lingyu said: "I remember very clearly that the light was emitted by a half-human-sized strange stone similar to fluorite, and there was an open space several hundred meters square around it. I stayed there the whole time. Don't dare to run around, and other places are also smeared. After a while, I had no food source, and I was starving to death, so I gnawed on that strange rock."

Recalling the experience of previous years, Lingyu's mood is not very good.

"Glowing strange rocks? Don't you say that you survived by gnawing on rocks when you ran out of food and water?"

Jiang Lin felt that he had been struck by lightning. He knew that rabbits chewed carrots, but even with two front teeth, could they still chew on rocks?

"It's true. That strange rock is not too hard. I can chew it, but it doesn't taste very good. After I chewed it, I found that I was not very hungry, and I survived because of it. A fist-sized rock I was able to maintain me without food or water for about ten days. For the next few years, I was surrounded by that strange stone. Later, the demonic power in my body increased by leaps and bounds, and it was about to change shape, and the strange stone was eaten by me. , I tried to leave even the open space, and secretly took a female miner's clothes and went back. After that, I changed shape and ran out, and it didn't take long to meet Wen Zhongzi."

After Lingyu said this, she looked at Jiang Lin. If there was anything special she had come into contact with back then, it would be that luminous strange rock.

After listening to Lingyu's story, Jiang Lin suddenly had a bad premonition.

Then he said: "I suspect now... the thing I need to find was eaten by your little rabbit."

Chapter [*] This tow oil bottle, you have to bring it if you don't bring it (Part [*])

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