Jiang Lin looked at Lingyu who was stunned, and the feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger.

If Lingyu just gnawed at some fluorite or even meteorite in that extraterrestrial meteorite, he would not have such an intuition.

But the actual situation now is that the demon blood in Lingyu's body has a very obvious amplifying effect on the corpse poison in his body.

It also happened to be able to enhance the suppression of his corpse poison, so that the corpse poison left by Wangtianji could not be disturbed.

This is actually what he needs.

Moreover, the meteorite he was looking for mentioned by the system must not be all useful to him, only the core things are what he really needs.

Combining the two and the next, Jiang Lin felt that the miners of the Tianyun Dynasty might not have any effect on him. Instead, this little rabbit who fled back then ate stones in the meteorite for food. The target to be taken is eaten.

Moreover, he also felt that the strange rock Lingyu ate was most likely the core of the meteorite.

Perhaps it was because the meteorite had existed for hundreds of years after it landed, and the peculiar power contained in the core had weakened a lot, so that Lingyu's life was not in danger.

There was no situation in Lingyu's body that could make life mutate.

"This... it's not possible, how can there be such a coincidence?"

Lingyu looked at Jiang Lin suspiciously. If the truth is as Jiang Lin said just now, then how low is the chance that she and Jiang Lin will have such a fate.

Jiang Lin tried so hard to find something, but she was eaten up many years ago, and the first person Jiang Lin spoke to when he came to the capital was her, and he sat at the same table with her.

Is there really such a thing?

"In case... in case it is as you suspect, you... are you going to eat me?"

At this time, Lingyu subconsciously thought that if there was such a coincidence that she ate what Jiang Lin needed by herself, then if Jiang Lin wanted to find the power of the meteorite, he would probably have to cook her. Now, when a delicious meal is gobbled up.

"Do you think I'm an ogre? Even if your demon body has the power I need, can I still learn from you and bite you?"

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, this Lingyu had known him for a long time, but this little rabbit actually thought he would eat people.

Although Lingyu is a demon, she has already transformed into a human being and has intelligence, so how could he speak up?

Seeing Lingyu's embarrassed smile, Jiang Lin said, "I was just suspicious, and I didn't go to the meteorite to verify it myself. However, you'd better have a plan in your heart. If it's possible, I'll take you away and leave you behind. by my side."

Jiang Lin greeted Lingyu and asked Lingyu to prepare herself.

If the extraterrestrial meteorite he was looking for had no effect on him, then the purpose of his trip might have to land on this little rabbit.

No matter how much he needs the power of the meteorite, it is impossible to hurt Lingyu by treating Wen Neutron and those Mao Zong's differentiation methods.

Therefore, there is a high probability that he can only take Lingyu with him temporarily.

When Lingyu heard Jiang Lin say such words, the frequency of her heart suddenly accelerated a lot.

Jiang Lin actually wanted to take her by his side.

For a while, Lingyu even hoped that what Jiang Lin suspected was true.

Just now, she subconsciously thought that Jiang Lin might want to bake her, but Jiang Lin gave her a blank eye, which means that Jiang Lin would not hurt her because of his own needs.

Thinking about how Jiang Lin had treated herself during this time, Lingyu had a kind of hope in her heart. If Jiang Lin kept her by his side, that would be fine.

Jiang Lin took a small jade bottle from his arms and said to Lingyu, "I want to take some of your demon blood and bone marrow and study it."

In fact, Jiang Lin is not ready to study it by himself. He intends to let his system analyze it to confirm his conjecture.

Let him go to the place where the extraterrestrial meteorite is located to check, if he can't find out anything, he might just run for nothing.

And if his conjecture is correct, he also needs to seek a differentiation method from the system.


Lingyu nodded, but she was still a little apprehensive. If the strange rock she swallowed had nothing to do with Jiang Lin, it might mean that Jiang Lin would not stay by her side.

As Lingyu endured the pain, Jiang Lin used the suction force of his palm to suck out some blood from the wound on Lingyu's shoulder. Lingyu's arrow wound also injured the scapula, and Jiang Lin also sucked the marrow inside. Come out a little.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin put some cold marrow on Lingyu's front and back wounds, and pulled the collar that had slipped under her shoulders back to its original position.

"Take a good rest, don't disturb me, I'll be back in a while."

After Jiang Lin walked out of the door, he went to the firewood room on the west side, and arranged a small magic circle around the firewood room. He walked into the firewood room, closed the door, and called out the system directly.

Jiang Lin (codename zero): the seventeenth generation disciple of Maoshan Chendao School

Physique: Brutal body

Cultivation Realm: Real People

Corpse level: Mao Zong

Soul level: the fourth floor of the Hongqiao realm

Exercise: Yanri Jue (Consummation)

Body Refinement: Hair Stiffness (Level [*]), Liangyi Palm (Consummation)

Divine Refinement: Daily Dafa (Beginner)

Mysterious Art: Jinwu Shuyang (Introduction), Luyang Xuanguang (Introduction), Yang Finger Sword (Completion), Ossification Sword (The Fifth Stage - Triple Layer), Huayuan Escape Technique (Introduction), Evasion from Service (Introduction) +

Talismans: Yang Yang Talisman (Perfect), Breathing Talisman (Perfect), Frozen Talisman (Level [*])+

Spells: Secret Poison Slave Mantra (Completion), Six Yang Soul Mantra (Xiaocheng), Sedentary Mantra (Beginner)

Formation/Boundary: Flying Dragon Seven-Star Formation (Mastered), Seven-Star Xuanji Formation (Mastered), Traceability Formation (Mastered), Immortals and Death Bureau (Mastered), Ten Absolutes Formation (Unmastered)+

Corpse Ability: Invisibility, Levitation, Short-range Teleport, Limb Extension +

Violence value: [*]

"More than three million anger worth?"

Jiang Lin glanced at the system interface and was quite surprised. In the past few months alone, the amount of anger he had accumulated had doubled.

After being surprised, Jiang Lin sighed softly again. If it was in the past, the more hostile energy he accumulated, the happier he would be.

But now that he is not in a good state, even this can double the amount of anger he has saved, which is enough to show that the evil spirits he encountered are extraordinary.

It's as if the more disadvantaged he is, the harder the ideas are.

Let's upgrade some means in a while.

After thinking about it, Jiang Lin was going to use a part of his arrogance to improve his attributes.

Now, his Japanese golden wheel and Zheng bone sword are not around, and the Yang Yan in his body has been stripped of a lot of origin by him, which has reduced his strength a lot.

Although he has the Moon Wheel Saber that he can use, this magic weapon is the foundation of his wife An Ge's life and cultivation. He is not willing to suffer any accidental damage to the Moon Wheel Saber during the battle. In that case, it will directly affect the city of Anyang. Ange there.

Therefore, he can only increase his own means from other places to improve his own ability.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin didn't think much about it, he directly submitted the situation he had encountered, and asked the system to test Lingyu's blood and bone marrow.

What surprised him a bit, but felt logically, was that the power contained in Lingyu's blood and marrow fluid was indeed what he needed.

Chapter [*] This tow oil bottle, you have to bring it without it (below)

"Second Master, since the meteorite has been destroyed, the power inside has been transferred away, let me find a meteorite with feathers!"

Knowing this situation, Jiang Lin couldn't help but complain.

It has been more than ten years since Lingyu escaped into the extraterrestrial meteorite, and it took at least eight years to emerge from the meteorite.

As a result, the method that the system gave him this year was to ask him to find some extraterrestrial meteorite. Most of the meteorites belonged to your grandmother have already become empty shells.

Find a fart.

Wouldn't it be better to let him go to Lingyu directly?

"Ask for some information, it will consume the anger that I have worked so hard to accumulate. As a result, I listened to you, and I almost made a mistake again."

The more Jiang Lin thought about it, the more angry he became. When he asked the system, it would cost him a lot of anger, so if it wasn't something he couldn't solve himself, he would do it on his own.

This time I searched the system for a solution, but my own system almost took him into the ditch.

At this time, some text appeared on the interface of the system, which was an explanation for Jiang Lin's complaints.

Jiang Lin looked at it, and the anger in his heart subsided a little.

The explanation given by the system is that the extraterrestrial meteorite does not belong to the Daluo Immortal Realm, and there is no way to analyze where the source is. Naturally, the system cannot judge what happened inside the meteorite.

After reading these words, Jiang Lin didn't bother anymore, and the explanations by the system were not without reason at all.

Even if he was kidnapped by his side, the NPC Liu Sheng, who was still sleeping, would not be able to provide him with such a method if he woke up, let alone know where there is a meteorite outside the sky that could solve his problem.

Jiang Lin then asked the system if he could differentiate the radiation force in Lingyu's body, and if so, how to differentiate it, and differentiate it as quickly as possible.

He has to face a lot of weird hairs in the future, and it is estimated that he needs to be in his prime.

The answer given by the system is also very simple: "There is no need to differentiate, just two barbecue grills, half of which are secretly made on a small fire, half of which are spiced and slightly spicy, with a bottle of snowflakes, let you brave the world."

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