"What am I..."

A lot of black lines appeared on Jiang Lin's forehead. He just didn't want to hurt Lingyu, so he spent his anger points to inquire about the method of differentiation.

As a result, go to the mud!

The system asked him to grill Lingyu and return half of his mother's secret recipe and half of it was slightly spicy.

With a bottle of snowflakes, he can brave the world.

Shit Lai Ray!

After that, Jiang Lin expressed his requirements in detail again. If he could extract the power of the extraterrestrial meteorite from Lingyu's body, how to operate it.

Then the method provided by the system made him almost runaway.

Differentiation is possible, and it doesn't take long. It needs to consume [*] million points of suffocation. After using this method, even if Lingyu is completely useless, there is a high probability that she will die quickly.

Fortunately, the system explained in time that Jiang Lin resisted the urge to speak foul language.The system speculates that there may still be a core left in the extraterrestrial meteorite, and suggested that he go to verify it before making a choice.

Although it's unlikely, it's best to check it out.

If you don't consider time, there is another way for him to bring in the radiation power in Lingyu's body.

Jiang Lin pondered deeply, not to mention that he would spend [*] points of anger that would hurt his flesh for several days. Even if this method would damage Lingyu, he would not use it at all.

Although he now has a wealth of anger points, when he returned to Middle-earth, he took all his wives with him. If each person spent [*], he had to scrape more than two million anger points.

Next, he still has to keep his stubborn aura to improve his own attributes. After all, it's not enough at all.

In the end, Jiang Lin simply asked the system to give him a probability, without relying on Lingyu, how much chance would he have to completely suppress the corpse poison in his body when he went to the outer meteorite.

After the system calculated Lingyu's blood and bone marrow, combined with other information, it gave a number - 5%.

Jiang Lin patted his forehead when he saw this percentage.

Under normal circumstances, the probability of letting him go to blog is certainly not false, after all, his luck has always been good.

But now it's different. Since he was severely injured, except for the peach blossom luck, his luck in other aspects is really not very good.

What's more, the meteorite is not a thing of this world, whether his luck can touch porcelain, even he has no idea in his heart.

"It seems that I have to take this tow oil bottle without me."

After inquiring about the system's method of not counting time, Jiang Lin patted his forehead.

He had to take the little rabbit Lingyu, no, it was the oil bottle with him.

And you have to bring it if you don't want to.

On the premise of not hurting Lingyu, if he wanted to transfer the power of the meteorite from his body, he could only use some prescriptions and talismans provided by the system to adopt a method of yin and yang empowerment.

This so-called yin and yang empowerment is something that some evil cultivators have the cheek to call out.

To put it bluntly, he wanted him to let Lingyu warm the bed for him.

Jiang Lin was really embarrassed now. When he was in Anyang City, he was worried that the road ahead would be dangerous.

But now it seems that Lingyu, this little rabbit, he has to take with him.

Second uncle's!

Jiang Lin was so angry that he kicked the firewood in the firewood room, and he was too busy to take care of himself.

Now he not only has to take care of himself, but also take care of a rabbit demon who is not very powerful.

Co-authoring is to let him take a dragging oil bottle to experience, to touch and roll?

A real warrior, it's nothing to dare to face the dripping blood, dare to bring a drag bottle is the real beer?

The [*]th chapter of the imperial envoy turns into an imperial prisoner ([*])

In fact, what made Jiang Lin more troublesome was not that he was worried that he would be dragged down by Lingyu, but that he could not guarantee to protect her well.

In the answer given by the system just now, it also reminded him that although Lingyu's body is a monster, but because of the strange radiation power in her body, it cannot be put into the mirror space in the ancient mirror, otherwise it will cause The mirror virtual world space is unstable.

In other words, Lingyu should always be by his side.Therefore, Jiang Lin felt a headache.

Once encountering any special circumstances, Lingyu's safety will become a problem.

As for the latter method proposed by the system to use the power of yin and yang to attract the power of meteorites, Jiang Lin felt that he was not unhappy.

Now Lingyu, this little rabbit, is in love with him, and also has a good face and a very good figure. If Lingyu does not have the power of meteorites, he will measure his own situation and situation, and put this romantic debt Take it slow, and then think about it after the business is completely done.

But now that things have developed like this, there is no need for him to put some romantic affairs behind him and just take someone to bed, and Lingyu will not be unwilling anyway.

But this also means that Lingyu will become his wife, so of course he will put Lingyu's safety first as he did with An Ge.

Jiang Lin knocked on his forehead. He felt that if An Ge knew that he had come to the Tianyun Dynasty, he would need more women, and he would have to take them with him. let him touch it.

At the beginning, An Ge pleaded several times, but he was finally left under the mass grave. Now, Lingyu has not made any demands, and there is no substantial progress with him. Get along with him day and night.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Lin decided to follow the system's suggestion and go to the place where the extraterrestrial meteorite fell.

If Lingyu could not accompany him to take risks with him, even if the possibility was low, he would have to go.

With a plan in mind, Jiang Lin stretched out his finger and turned back to the system interface.

After reading it once, he decided to upgrade his two large-scale super sure kills, Jinwu Shuyang and Li Yang Xuanguang.

However, if you want to upgrade the two methods from the entry level to the small level, you need [*] million points of cruelty.

These two methods are not almost created from scratch like the Immortals Bureau, so the later upgrades are not so outrageous.

So, Jiang Lin started playing cards against the system, but this time the method given by the system didn't work. If he hadn't met Lingyu, then his line of work would have been a waste of time.

No matter how hard it was, Jiang Lin used [*] million points of anger to raise these two methods to a higher level.

After that, Jiang Lin opened the Xuanshu column on the system interface, and spent nearly [*] suffocating energy to upgrade the magic of the five camps, which had never been upgraded, to the full level.

These five battalions of gods and generals are a special kind of magic fighting with the dolls of the warriors as the medium, and it is also a kind of magic trick. Now that Jiang Lin has no charms around him, he can use this method to make himself In the case of lack of avatars, there is one more method.

Looking at the remaining less than [*] million anger value, Jiang Lin did not continue to consume it, so as not to use the system redemption means when it is urgently needed.

And he had better keep so much stubbornness at all times for the purpose of returning to Middle-earth.

Even if you want to improve the extra means, it is not too late to think about it after you have taken care of those weird hairs.

After receiving the system, Jiang Lin went back to Lingyu's room. He still needed to discuss with Lingyu about the matter on Benshan Street and reporting to Xianzong.

Jiang Lin thought that he would go to the palace in the night and let Xianzong know the truth. He might as well take down Director Guo in one fell swoop and get a hairy head.

The sooner he finishes the matter, the sooner he can check it out.

But what Jiang Lin didn't expect was that before he went to explain to Xianzong, Director Guo had already found Xianzong first, and a villain came to complain first.

And he, the night patrol chief with the imperial gold medal, is equivalent to the emperor's consignment, and he is also forced to change his identity and become a convicted criminal who is wanted in the city.

After Jiang Lin returned to Lingyu's room, Lingyu asked impatiently, "How is it? Did you find any results?"

"You, you really know how to eat, and you really ate what I asked for. I was wondering if I set up two barbecue grills and split you in half vertically, half secretly made, and half slightly spicy."

"You... do you really want to eat me? You're thinking about roasting rabbits!"

Lingyu heard Jiang Lin said that she wanted to set up two barbecue grills, and her whole body was not well.

Aggrieved, uncomfortable.

People are willing to make cattle and horses for you, but you want to put me on the barbecue!

Jiang Lin was amused by Lingyu's reaction. This time, it is estimated that he really wanted to eat this little rabbit, just like eating tofu.

Afterwards, he didn't let Lingyu misunderstand any more, and explained: "Look, you are frightened, you are so beautiful, I'm really willing to take it? I guess I'll take you away tomorrow, you guide me first, to Check the place where the extraterrestrial meteorite fell to see if there are any strange rocks left. But I didn't report any hope, so the matter of keeping you by my side is basically a done deal."

Glancing at Lingyu, Jiang Lin added: "You little rabbit, you are more beautiful than flowers, and you don't have to bake it. It's pretty good to enjoy it in other ways."

Because he might not only bring Lingyu with him, but also let her warm the bed every day, so Jiang Lin also hinted in his words, so that the bunny girl would be prepared.

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, Lingyu rolled her eyes, threatening her with nothing.

If Jiang Lin really wanted to roast her as a game, no matter how much she resisted, it would be useless.

However, after giving Jiang Lin a roll of eyes, Lingyu pondered what Jiang Lin said at the end, and felt that Jiang Lin's words seemed to have other meanings.

Jiang Lin said that he looked more like a flower than jade, and he said that he could enjoy it in other ways, wouldn't that be...

Thinking of this, Lingyu's cheeks blushed. If she and Jiang Lin left the capital later, this lonely man and widow would walk in company. No need to think about what happened.

"Then... where are you taking me? Home?"

Lingyu plucked up the courage to ask. Until now, she still didn't know Jiang Lin's origin and background at all, but she felt that Jiang Lin did not seem to belong to the Tianyun Dynasty.

She wanted to ask side by side, what kind of identity Jiang Lin was going to treat her as.

"Home, my home is in a very distant place, and I can't go back now. I still have a lot of things to do. In fact, I have nothing to do with the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty, nor am I a descendant of the predecessor surnamed Yu hundreds of years ago. It's just that my wife tens of thousands of miles away is her descendant. The real purpose of my coming here is to find that extraterrestrial meteorite, and to find a more suitable identity for the convenience of doing things."

Jiang Lin explained some things to Lingyu, this little rabbit is still worthy of his trust, and later, he may keep Lingyu by his side and let this little rabbit be his wife, so some He also planned to tell Lingyu what he could say.

Chapter two thousand one hundred and forty-one

"It turns out to be the case. No wonder you have so many terrifying injuries on your body. If you have been living in seclusion in an inaccessible place, it is absolutely impossible for you to have so many injuries on your body."

It was only at this time that Lingyu understood why Jiang Lin was reluctant to let Yan Li deal with her injuries when Jiang Lin went through a fierce battle in the palace.

"In the future, there may be more injuries on my body. At the beginning, I experienced a great war and was severely injured. Since then, I have been looking for a solution. This trip to the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty is the most important thing. An important joint. But even if I achieve the expected goal this time, it will only make me a little better, and there may be many dangers on the road in the future. My strength is limited, and the road ahead will be rough. It is inevitable. However, you little bunny don't have to be afraid. As long as I am here, I will protect you. I say this to let you know that I will take a lot of risks. Even if you don't want to. , there is no way, unless you want to be roasted and eaten by me."

Jiang Lin also gave Lingyu a reassurance that as long as he was there, as long as he could move, he would do his best to protect Lingyu.

Now, Jiang Lin has clearly felt Lingyu's heart for him. Lingyu didn't ask Wen Zhongzi before, but worried about him. Just now, he said that it was a sure thing to bring Lingyu to the basics, which also meant that Lingyu had to talk to Ben Shan. The neighbors on the street were separated from the neighbors she regarded as her family, but from just now until now, Lingyu did not show any reluctance, nor did she shirk her unwillingness.

This is already equivalent to using actions to show that he is willing to follow him in the future.

Lingyu nodded slightly, feeling sweet in her heart. For the time being, she didn't want to ask Jiang Lin what identity he would treat her as. Jiang Lin's promises to her were all fulfilled. Arithmetic.

No matter what dangers he encounters, Jiang Lin will protect her, which is enough.

Right now, there is nothing between her and Jiang Lin. When there is substantial progress in the future, she will not be too late to ask.

Looking at Lingyu's complexion, Jiang Lin said, "You should be fine with your actions now, go and discuss with your neighbors what your plans are in the future, I'll go to the palace and explain the matter of Mr. Liu and Mr. Guo. Fan. At the same time, I will also fight for a chance for you to be pardoned. It shouldn't be difficult. After I come back, I will do my best to hide their demonic energy and protect them for as long as possible. No accident, we will be able to set off tomorrow. already."

Lingyu heard the meaning of Jiang Lin's words, as if they had dispersed their entire neighborhood. After leaving the capital, she asked suspiciously, "If all these monsters in our Benshan Street are pardoned, do we still need to leave?"

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