"While I'm here, Xianzong may forgive you, but what about after I leave? Sake red noodles, gold moves the heart, not to mention your identity has been exposed now, the demon blood in your body has the effect of prolonging life, which is comparable to gold It's more precious. Don't expect a few emperors in the world to keep any promises, if they don't go, they will suffer sooner or later."

Jiang Lin told Ling Yuming that all the monsters here had better leave Benshan Street.

If it wasn't for the monsters on Benshan Street being treated as family by Lingyu, he wouldn't be able to find trouble for himself.

Lingyu nodded and felt that what Jiang Lin said was very reasonable, and then she frowned slightly and said to Jiang Lin: "Actually, I have always had a doubt since just now, if Director Guo has so many terrifying corpses , why don't you rebel directly and become an emperor yourself? I'm worried that if you expose the true face of Director Guo, he may completely attack and be detrimental to you."

Lingyu was worried that Jiang Lin's departure would not go well. Director Guo had no idea how many hairy corpses were in his hands. Even if Jiang Lin had only been maimed by Jiang Lin in the past [*] years, how much was left in Director Guo's hands, and there was no one at all. Know.

Even the eunuch Director Guo may be a difficult role in itself, but it has been hidden all the time.

"You also underestimate the luck of the human race. Whoever is the emperor is all due to luck, not whoever has the highest ability, whoever can sit on the dragon chair. How many able-bodied people's achievements are far greater than that of emperors, but they also did not become emperors? If they are practitioners, many of them know that they need to obey the mandate of heaven. This is determined by the destiny, and there is a chance that if the destiny comes back, you will die for no reason. Take the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty as an example, this dynasty also has a background. In the past, many practitioners were supported here, although they are not here now, but once When the country is in danger, there will be people who will take action. Some are for favors, some are for profit, and even if Director Guo has double the power, he may not be able to succeed in rebellion."

Jiang Lin told Lingyu about his knowledge in this regard. Even though the royal family of the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty looked very weak, it was not that simple to change the sky here.

As for whether Director Guo would resist, he didn't take it seriously. This neutered dog had done badly to him several times, and even killed him, so he wouldn't count it out.

Destroying those stubborn hairs can not only accumulate a lot of hostility, but also gain some benefits from Xianzong.

Now he lacks a lot of magic tools, and it is not bad to take advantage of this opportunity to get a vote from the heritage of the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty.

"Don't worry, I won't fall into the hands of a eunuch."

Jiang Lin gave Lingyu a reassuring look, thinking that his trip would be quite smooth, but he did not expect that at this moment, the Xianzong in the imperial study of the imperial palace had begun to order the entire city guards to arrest him, the rebel. Chin committed.

The [*]nd chapter of the imperial commission becomes the imperial prisoner (below)

Although Jiang Lin said so, Lingyu was still a little anxious, but if Jiang Lin didn't explain the matter as soon as possible, that would not be a solution.

When Jiang Lin killed Liu Gongshi, everyone was watching, and the second-in-command of the Imperial City Division also said to ask Xianzong for instructions.

At least on the bright side, Jiang Lin seems to be protecting the monster and the real murderer. If he is misunderstood because of this, the royal family may also take some measures against Jiang Lin.

Lingyu said to Jiang Lin, "If that's the case, then you should go there as soon as possible to clarify the facts. If it's too late, things may change. I'll find Seventh Uncle and the others, and let these neighbors know Wen Zhongzi's real plan."

Jiang Lin nodded, then walked over and put his forehead on Lingyu's forehead.

"This moon knife is my temporary magic weapon. I have passed the control method to you. You can temporarily control it and keep it for your self-defense. I have other methods. If there is any problem with you here , tear this amulet to pieces, and I will rush back as quickly as possible."

After leaving a talisman for Lingyu, Jiang Lin left Benshan Street and went straight to the palace.

Lingyu looked at the moon knife hovering in front of her, pursed her cherry lips, and her face gradually became spring.

Every time Jiang Lin wanted to leave her temporarily, he would leave behind some means. Now it seemed that Jiang Lin had intentionally taken care of her from the very beginning.

She moved her shoulders and felt that her injuries would not hinder her walking, so Lingyu followed Jiang Lin's instructions and went to gather the monsters in Benshan Street.

At the same time, in the imperial study in the palace, Xian Zong was frowning tightly.

Looking at the imperial decree that had been written, the seal in Xianzong's hand was not covered for a long time.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty must make up your mind as soon as possible, that Jiang Lin made it clear that he was with the Silver Fox Demon, and those corpses were raised by him! This fellow may have been plotting from the very beginning, and he was still intimidating. Your Majesty someone rebelled and gained power from His Majesty, but in fact, it was him who wanted to rebel!"

Seeing that Xianzong was hesitant, General Manager Guo continued to alarmist.

In fact, not long after Liu Gongshi died, the other chess pieces he buried in the Imperial City Division had already reported the matter to the prison.

After knowing this, Director Guo suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Under normal circumstances, no matter how privileged Jiang Lin was, he couldn't kill Liu Gongshi when he was "official".

Even if there is friction and contradiction, there will definitely not be a killer.

Therefore, Director Guo suspected that Jiang Lin might have seen all the truth about the murder case in the capital and knew who the power behind those demon corpses was.

That's why he entered the palace overnight, pre-empted, and put all the blame on Jiang Lin.

Anyway, at that time, Gongshi Liu had already created the illusion that those demon corpses belonged to Wen Zhongzi. At most, Gongshi Liu had overstepped his authority a little bit. Jiang Lin killed him in a rage, but left a reason to be able to make a fuss. .

"What are you urging! How can the means of Zhenren Jiang be easy? The entire capital will be shaken by this imperial decree. You son of a bitch, he was introduced to me by you!"

Xianzong was so angry that he grabbed the playing table on the table and threw it on Director Guo's face.

"The servant should die, the servant should die! It's the servant who's old-fashioned, who led the wolf into the room, and the servant should die for sin. Who would have thought that this servant's ancestors and sages could have such a sinful descendant."

Director Guo immediately knelt down and kowtowed again and again, Xianzong suppressed the anger in his heart, covered the seal in his hand, and ordered Director Guo to pass the order, so that the entire capital immediately entered the highest alert state, and all the defensive measures should be taken. on.

As for the imperial gold medal in Jiang Lin's hands, it was naturally voided.

After receiving the imperial decree, Director Guo immediately left the imperial study and quickly conveyed the decree.

At the same time, he also went to the palace gate closest to Benshan Street, where he waited for Jiang Lin.

As soon as the imperial edict was issued, if Jiang Lin found out, he would definitely enter the palace.

He hit the killer directly halfway.

"Master Jiang, where are you going?"

When Jiang Lin was about to reach the palace, Yan Li flew down from mid-air and stopped in front of him.

"Go to the palace, what's the matter? Seeing that you are in a hurry, what happened?"

"Lord Jiang, you better not go to the palace and leave the capital as soon as possible."

"Why? Just because I killed a Liu Gongshi?"

Jiang Lin felt a little inexplicable. Hearing what Yan Li said, it was as if he had caused some serious trouble and had to run away as soon as possible.

"Sir Jiang, my subordinates have been performing official duties with you during this period of time. Naturally, I understand you as a person. Originally, I came to arrest you. You don't know yet, but now you have become a criminal, a powerful guard in the capital. , Long Wuwei, the Imperial Guard, the Imperial City Division, the Investigation Division, and our Ning Ye Division have all received the imperial decree and will do their best to deal with you. This is the imperial decree handed down by General Manager Guo himself, saying that you are the master of the enchanting corpse. The evil has caused many murders in the capital, intending to rebel. Now all the troops in the capital have probably been dispatched. Even some means against the practitioners have to be activated."

Yan Li hurriedly explained the current situation to Jiang Lin. If Jiang Lin didn't leave earlier, he might not be able to leave later.

Although Jiang Lin's strength is very terrifying, it is not that the royal family has no special means to deal with cultivators.

It was also because he was familiar with Jiang Lin that Yan Li left the operation after receiving the order, and came to find and inform Jiang Lin.

"Is that right?"

Jiang Lin squinted his eyes, he really did not think that he, the master of the night patrol, would now become a criminal of the Tianyun Dynasty.

However, after hearing Yan Li said that Xianzong's will was conveyed by Director Guo, Jiang Lin also guessed what was going on.

It's just that he didn't expect that this old neutered dog had such a keen sense of crisis, so he went to Xianzong first to file a complaint.

This Xianzong is also really an idiot.

"I won't leave the capital, then Director Guo and Gongshi Liu were originally a gang, and the weird corpse that attacked us several times was under their command, so when I was in Benshan Street, I directly killed the necessitated corpse. Liu Gongshi, who is dead. The reason why he is there is to kill his mouth, so that all the people who can confront him will be wiped out. Now, I have to find the neutered dog to settle the account. "

Jiang Lin waved his hand, he was given a hat for no reason, and he became a criminal. He couldn't bear this.

"It turned out to be so."

Yan Li suddenly realized why Liu Gongshi brought so many people from the Imperial City Company to Benshan Street tonight, ready to kill.

Thinking about it now, this is a little illogical at all, but if it is confirmed with Jiang Lin's words, then it makes sense.

Yan Li weighed it for a moment, then said, "Lord Jiang, Yan Li will enter the palace with you and explain the truth."

"No, you're useless."

Jiang Lin shook his head, then took a talisman from the ancient mirror in his arms and folded it into the shape of a paper crane, and ordered it to fly out.

When something like this happened, he was worried that there might be danger in Lingyu, so he notified Lingyu with this kind of sound transmission paper crane, so that they could temporarily hide.


Yan Li's face was speechless, he kindly helped, but Jiang Lin was better, thinking he was useless.

Chapter [*] East Factory Needs Talents Like You (Part [*])

"Go and rest, I don't need you yet."

Jiang Lin patted Yan Li on the shoulder, and then continued to walk towards the palace gate.

He still has Liu Gongshi's soul in his hand, so naturally he doesn't need any help from Yan Li.

On the way, Jiang Lin also encountered several groups of guards, but none of these guards had any effect on him.

A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Lin arrived at the gate of the palace.

It happened that Director Guo was blocking in front of the palace gate, and around it, there were many well-armed iron armored soldiers.

Jiang Lin glanced at it and found that the soldiers around Director Guo who were disguised as iron armored troops and even wore black iron masks on their faces were all weird and stiff, and there were more than half a hundred soldiers.

"Boldly committed criminals, dare to break into the palace at night!"

When Director Guo saw Jiang Lin, he pointed at Jiang Lin with a male duck voice.

Really fucking disgusting.

Jiang Lin felt like he wanted to vomit now.

There are two types of people who are the most disgusting in his life, one is a eunuch, the other is a motherfucker, and they are similar to eunuchs.

"This Xianzong decreed that Jiang became a convict, is it all the work of your Director Guo?"

After being disgusted, Jiang Lin looked at Director Guo, ready to ask something before the neutered dog died.

Until now, he didn't understand how Director Guo and Gongshi Liu had the brains to introduce him to Xianzong.

Really is to introduce strange people to check themselves.

Without [*] years of cerebral congestion, it is estimated that such a stupid thing could not have been done.


Director Guo nodded, if he hadn't acted quickly, I'm afraid it would be him who was now the one who had committed the crime.

Jiang Lin folded his arms and said, "I've always wondered, those courtiers openly supported the Xianzong's pro-government. You belong to the Queen Mother's line, so it's not surprising that you want the party to fight against differences. It's because you've done something wrong. , to actually let an outsider who doesn't know the depths to investigate, it really puzzles me. If it wasn't for the second time I encountered those monster corpses, I deliberately only made them crippled, and left them with the power of tracking, I'm afraid I I won't even suspect that it is the corpse corpse sent by you and Liu Gongshi."

After listening to Jiang Lin's words, Director Guo was stunned for a moment. He finally understood how Jiang Lin found out that the monster corpses belonged to him. It turned out that this fellow had paid attention to it early in the morning.

"Now, our family is not afraid to tell you that this is actually a stupid thing Liu Gongshi did. If you don't let an outsider to investigate this matter, it will naturally fall to Ning Yesi. Although Ning Yesi's Yan Li is nothing. He has experience, but he must still know about the affairs of the state, and he is sober and good at reasoning. If he leads the investigation of many murders in the capital, it will definitely be detrimental to our family and the Queen Mother. What our family did not expect is that you This fellow, actually has such a penetrating means, that day, it was found that it was the corpse evil that murdered the courtiers, not the silver fox demon. Therefore, our family can only let you go to the underworld."

Director Guo is not afraid that his words will be heard by outsiders, because there are no outsiders here except him and Jiang Lin.

Even if Jiang Lin wanted to use this as a confession, he could deny it flatly, and he could bite back.

"In other words, are you shooting yourself in the foot? You're a goddamn talent."

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