Jiang Lin laughed, he really didn't expect Director Guo to get rid of him, and that was the reason.

"But no matter who the minister of a dynasty supports, it is always a rare talent for governing the world. If you kill all of them, wouldn't you cut off your arm? And I, Jiang Lin, believe that my skills are not weak, and I can be regarded as a talent. Empress Li did not. Thinking of wooing me?"

Jiang Lin continued to chat with Director Guo in a leisurely manner. He wanted to ask Director Guo whether this faction of Mao Zong attacked and killed him, whether it was the Empress Dowager Li.

If there is, of course he has to settle accounts.

"Who cares about breaking the arm, people live in the world, who is not for the world, for themselves? The queen mother is for herself to continue to be in power, and our family is for one person to be below ten thousand people. Other people don't Talent, what does it have to do with our family? As for you, your ancestors and Chengzu are unclear. Maybe your majesty and you both have the same great-grandmother, how can the queen mother tolerate you? Not to mention the queen mother, it's us The family will not allow you to divide power. Our family has already obtained the Queen Mother's consent, and in the future, we will set up an institution that will take precedence over the Zaifu and the general. Let whoever lives, whoever lives, who teaches who dies, who dies. Even the name of our family is known. After thinking about it, the prison house in charge of our family is located in the east of the palace, and this institution is called the East Factory~"

Having said that, Director Guo also twisted his orchid finger and smiled "charmingly".

East factory? ? ?

Jiang Lin suddenly felt that he was struck by lightning. In this Heavenly Meteor Dynasty in the Da Luo Immortal Realm, the East Factory would appear so coincidentally.

Yes, yes, Dongchang is good, Dongchang needs talents like you who shoot yourself in the foot.

After being amazed, Jiang Lin felt that Dongchang and such idiots as Mr. Guo are actually more compatible.

However, he didn't pay any attention to the East or West factories that would appear in the Meteorite Dynasty. Now he already knew that the previous incidents belonged to Empress Dowager Li, and that was enough.

"Okay, I know what I should know. Do you stretch your neck by yourself, or will I kill you?"

Jiang Lin gave Director Guo a kind smile. No matter how stiff the hair around Director Guo was, it would not be too difficult for him to take the head of this neutered dog.

"Haha... It's funny, do you think you can do anything to our family? To tell you the truth, our family is waiting here to take your life."

Director Guo smiled long on his back, and at the same time, the stiff fangs around him grew out, and each made a low-pitched roar.

Chapter [-] Dongchang Needs Talents Like You (Part [-])

After that, Director Guo took a few steps back, and the strange Mao Zong around him also lined up in front of him, forming a trend of stars over the moon.

After making sure that he was safe, this guy said to Jiang Lin again, "You idiot, don't think that if our family doesn't know how to practice cultivation, they will be held in your hands like chickens. I'm not afraid to tell you that these monster corpses, Originally, it was the person who could not control himself in the fox village. He was controlled by the clan with the meteorite in the meteorite, and he was not allowed to drink blood everywhere. But after they came to our house, in the past [-] years, the monsters hundreds of miles around the capital have been captured. Our men caught them and fed them with demon blood. These are much scarier than the ones you encountered before. They are the real trump cards of our family. You think that Benshan Street is in the capital, Don’t our family know? It’s just that our family purposely raises those monsters like pigs. The purpose is to feed these corpses, so as to ensure that our family can live a stable life in the future when they retire in old age. , even if your seven or eight great-grandmothers reappear, our family is not afraid."

I said, Wen Zhongzi has no huge sums of money and no connections, how could it be possible to shelter Benshan Street for so long.

Hearing Director Guo's words, Jiang Lin finally knew that the reason why Benshan Street had been relatively stable was because of the intention of Director Guo to let it go.

In this case, it was also the right thing for him to ask Lingyu to gather the neighbors to plan for the future.

However, after understanding this, Jiang Lin looked at Director Guo with an expression that he couldn't understand the operation of Mizhi.

He wondered if Mr. Guo, the castrated dog, was missing something in his brain because he had been castrated, or if he had become a castrated, his gallbladder disease was much bigger than ordinary people.

This old dog was bold enough to kill him halfway through.

Still looking fearless.

What kind of crazy operation is this?

Just when Jiang Lin was quite confused, Director Guo snorted: "You can make a move, as long as you make a noise and let outsiders see these monster corpses appear with you, you will not be able to wash it out even if you jump into the river. Now. If there are any problems in our family, these monster corpses will be with you forever, and even if you don't use them, your Majesty's army will make you a meat sauce, even if you are not small."

At this moment, Jiang Lin is no longer confused, he has already determined and affirmed that this guy, Director Guo, has a really fucking brain problem.

The battle around this guy is indeed extremely luxurious, but even so, it is not necessarily foolproof, because this old eunuch has no ability at all, and any practitioner can trample him to death.

Without any self-protection ability, just relying on the protection of a group of hairy zombies, they thought it was safe here.

It's ridiculous too.

Don't say that this Director Guo is facing his Jianglin, even if Yan Li comes over, it is not impossible to destroy this thing at all costs.

Moreover, what's even more interesting is that Director Guo actually dared to intimidate him, wanting him to take into account the consequences, and making him worry that others would find him with these weird Mao Zongs and not dare to take action.

Jiang Lin couldn't remember who was the last one who threatened him like this, but one thing was certain, the average height of the grass on the grave should be five feet tall.

"I have to say that Jiang really admires you, Director Guo. No wonder Director Guo wants to set up an East Factory. Your East Factory really needs talents like you."

Jiang Lin applauded Director Guo, not to mention other things, and said that Director Guo's courage (stupid) (stupid) is what the Dongchang organization needs most.

"Yes, the East Factory that our family is about to set up needs talents like our family!"

Director Guo really thought that Jiang Lin was complimenting him.

Then he smoothed out two iron gall-shaped gold and silver balls from his cuffs, and when the two balls collided, twenty or so iron armored hairy stiffs surrounded Jiang Lin in the center.

Just to test the power of the enhanced version of Li Yang Xuanguang.

Jiang Lin looked at Director Guo with the eyes of a clown, and then his whole body began to brew a soft light.

Immediately, one after another nearly turned into substantial laser rays shot out of his body, there are more than fifty.

In an instant, all the iron armored zombies present were hit by these laser rays in the blink of an eye, and their bodies were completely pierced.

The ends of these laser rays are still connected to Jiang Lin's body. At first glance, they look like the thorns of a hedgehog.

It's just that these "thorns" are much longer than those of hedgehogs, about ten feet long.

And Mao Zong, who was guarding Director Guo around Jiang Lin and behind the encirclement, was also strung together by these ray spines.

This is the effect of Jiang Lin's strengthening of Li Yang's profound light. If it was said that his method used to cause harm to evil spirits in the form of exposure to the sun, then these flaming profound lights now have the effect of penetrating.

Not only that, after these rays of the thickness of the wrist penetrate the evil body, they will remain in the wound like an incandescent tube, directly exerting the effect of exposure inside.

Jiang Lin glanced around and nodded in satisfaction.

Now his Li Yang Xuanguang has been optimized and strengthened a lot compared to before, both in form and in damage.

After a drink, the "thorns" growing on Jiang Lin's body flew out of his body, and shot towards the surroundings with the hair on them, and finally nailed them into the palace wall or the ground.

"What's going on? What's going on? Get up, get up, protect our family!"

When Director Guo saw this scene, his eyeballs almost fell out of his eye sockets, and then the old dog barked frantically.

However, those Mao Zongs were all injured by Jiang Lin's Li Yang Xuanguang, and the damage was still ongoing, and they were temporarily unable to move.

"Jiang...Jiang Zhenren."

At this time, Jiang Lin came to Director Guo in a flash, and Director Guo's old face was completely white.

"It's a coincidence to tell you something. There is also an Dongchang in my house, but this kind of Dongchang has long since disappeared in history. So, you neutered dog, just go with it."

Having said that, Jiang Lin's hand knife was cut off, and a dog's head of Director Guo also flew out.

"The East Factory needs talents like you, and you have to turn into the dust of history."

With a snort, Jiang Lin pushed it out with one palm, destroying Director Guo's body.

I have to say, this guy is really a top talent in the eunuch world, how dare he come and kill him.I had been controlling so many stiff hairs before, and my guts were really fat.

The first two thousand one hundred and forty-five chapters is also OK

After killing Director Guo, Jiang Lin took the former's iron gall to control the group of corpses into his hands and pondered it for a while, and then he collected the spiritual power in his body and made his body levitate.

Before coming here, he was indeed going to explain the situation to Xianzong, but now, he let the idiot emperor get out on his own.

This Xianzong actually listened to Director Guo's one-sided words, and directly put a hat on him as a criminal. Even if Director Guo was the first evil, if Xianzong didn't compensate him for Haosheng, he would not be willing.

Jiang Lin didn't take any action, and now the Mao Zongs below are roaring under his control. It won't take long for the palace to be alarmed. At that time, Xianzong will naturally come out.

Jiang Lin expected it well. It didn't take long for the palace to be in turmoil. Not far from the palace, troops rushed towards the gate of the palace where Jiang Lin was.

"Xianzong, what do you mean?"

After another half an hour, Xianzong's jade chariot arrived at the gate of the palace, and Xianzong also came out from it, Jiang Lin looked down at it coldly.

Xianzong glanced at Jiang Lin, and then glanced at the Mao Zongqun who were gathered not far away, and said, "Zhenzhen Jiang, there is a misunderstanding in this, it's just a misunderstanding. According to the guard, Director Guo was here before, and he didn't know anyone else was there. Where? It was Director Guo who persuaded me many times before I issued the order. If you come here, immediately issue an order to recover the decree that was really issued before."

"The neutered dog and the body that I beat are all gone. His old dog and wicked sue first, for fear of the unforeseen incident, but I can understand, but you Xianzong, won't you give me some explanation?"

Jiang Lin smiled coldly. Although he came to the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty, he did have his own purpose, but he promised Xianzong's affairs, the progress and results were not ambiguous. As a result, things were done now, and Xianzong directly gave him to Xianzong. He established himself as a criminal.

When he Jiang Lin is a good-tempered person?

At this time, Jiang Lin released Liu Gongshi's soul, and sent a real fire to it, burning Liu Gongshi to scream.

"Give me a complete explanation of the matter, otherwise, I will train you for thousands of years, and it will be an extravagant hope to make you want to lose your soul."

Jiang Lin also didn't want to completely break up with the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty. After all, he planned to make a profit of the treasury storage here, so he asked Mr. Liu to explain.

It can be regarded as a step down for Xianzong.

"Zhenzhen Jiang spared his life, spared his life, I said, I said everything."

Liu Gongshi didn't care about the stigma of the soul body, so he explained everything about Mr. Guo and him who were embarrassed, murdering the courtiers, and trying to ambush Jiang Lin.

When Liu Gongshi confessed everything, Jiang Lin flicked his finger, and the goods were completely annihilated.

"It's unreasonable, come here, order to exterminate these two people and three clans! Jiang Zhenren, I am confused about this matter, please forgive me, I wonder if the real person can come down and talk? I have something to discuss with you."

After Xianzong issued an order to the eunuch around him to exterminate Liu Gongshi and Guo Zongguan's clan, he bowed deeply to Jiang Lin.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin also fell from mid-air. Xianzong also immediately screened out all the palace maids and eunuchs, and asked the bodyguards to inform the troops who would come after hearing the sound that they did not have to come.

"Zhenzhen Jiang, please help me."

After there was no one around, Xianzong half-knelt in front of Jiang Lin to help him.


Jiang Lin frowned slightly, not knowing what drama Xianzong was singing.

Later, Xianzong talked about what he wanted. What surprised Jiang Lin was that this idiot Xianzong was not stupid at all. This guy already knew that Empress Dowager Li had the will to run the government, and he also learned from the reports of some secret agents. Suspected that Director Guo and Liu Gongshi had different intentions, and even deduced that those monster corpses belonged to them.

But Xianzong didn't have any real evidence. This time Jiang Lin was made a criminal, and he wanted to use Jiang Lin's hand to get rid of Director Guo. If he ordered it himself, the Queen Mother Li would definitely force the palace.

"It turns out that you are all pretending. You are an emperor, and you really have extraordinary skills."

Jiang Lin took another look at Xianzong, but he didn't see that Xianzong was so wealthy.

"Co-authored, this time, Mr. Guo is the first to complain to the villain. Did you use him and me?"

Jiang Lin's face was a little unkind, even if it was an emperor, if he wanted to use him as a chess piece, it would be courting death.

Xianzong's expression froze, and he quickly said: "Jiangren, this incident happened suddenly, and I didn't have time to inform the real person. I would like to ask the real person to forgive me. The real person has requirements. As long as I can give it, everything will be agreed, as a gift to the real person. Compensation. Wealth, power, treasures, and even beautiful concubines, even my sisters, my concubines in the harem, can be taken by real people. If real people dislike it, there are still many beautiful cities in the harem. It is a hundred times better than those concubines who have served in the bed. I have never been involved, but I have been entertaining them, so that they can be used as gifts when they may play a role."

Hearing these words, Jiang Lin gave Xianzong one more look, this emperor, now it seems, is really a person who can be an emperor.

Anything can be used as a bargaining chip, even one's own siblings and women.

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