"What are you laughing at?"

Jiang Lin was a little inexplicable when he heard Lingyu giggling behind him.

Lingyu smiled and said, "It's nothing, I just remembered the last time you turned a fake horse into a big show, 嘚'er~ drive!"


Jiang Lin nodded, and then deliberately controlled his body to sway.

Last time, he chose to put on a big show of a corpse turning into a horse because of special circumstances. Now he carried Lingyu on his back because of his slow speed. In the end, Lingyu laughed at him.

He even drove him like a horse, so don't blame him for his crooked thoughts.

At first, Lingyu didn't feel that anything was wrong. After all, Jiang Lin wanted to jump up and down in a place where there were few places to stay, but when he got to a relatively flat place, Jiang Lin's body was still swaying, so she didn't want to. .

It turned out that Jiang Lin was taking advantage of her again.

In fact, Jiang Lin really had this plan. Last time, he was chased by a group of Mao Zong. Although he was carrying Lingyu on his back, he didn't think about anything else. Now it's different. The soft touch came from the two balls of marshmallows clinging to the back for a while.

"You...you put me down!"

After realizing Jiang Lin's intentions, Lingyu immediately slapped Jiang Lin on the shoulder, preventing Jiang Lin from carrying her back.

After both feet landed on the ground, Lingyu looked at Jiang Lin with a look of resentment. She said earlier that she was trying to hurry, but after carrying her behind her back, she began to take advantage.

Jiang Lin smiled lightly, and then reached out and grabbed Lingyu's soft catkin, and took it into his arms.

"You little rabbit, you always blame me for taking advantage of you. In the future, you don't have to do this."

As he spoke, Jiang Lin kissed Lingyu on the lips before she could be prepared.

Lingyu's mind was almost blank, and she didn't even think about pushing Jiang Lin away.

After a while, Lingyu pushed Jiang Lin away, as if being bullied, and looked at Jiang Lin at a loss.

Jiang Lin withdrew the smile on his face and said softly, "Xiao Lingyu, you will follow me from now on, you will still be the one who is determined. So, don't blame me for taking advantage of you, from now on, it's me. Taking advantage of you, that's what it should be."


After hearing Jiang Lin's words, Lingyu was stunned again.

She never thought that Jiang Lin would say these words to her, asking her to follow Jiang Lin in the future.

After that, Jiang Lin carried Lingyu, who was in a stunned state, on his back again, speeding up the leap.

After Lingyu reacted, she no longer felt any resentment. Jiang Lin had already expressed his attitude towards her just now.

Feeling the violent beating of the heart in her body, Lingyu pursed her lips slightly and put her face on Jiang Lin's shoulder.

Give up, give up, anyway, I already have the heart to repay my gratitude.

After another half a stick of incense, Jiang Lin jumped out from the other exit of the passage.

In front of him was a low-lying area. The most eye-catching thing was that there was an oversized round boulder with a diameter of several miles in an open space in the depression. About ten miles away from the oversized boulder, there was a village.

"Is that the extraterrestrial meteorite you once entered?"

Seeing this extraterrestrial meteorite with his own eyes, Jiang Lin had a different feeling in his heart for some unknown reason.

Where is this meteorite from, and it has the ability to turn living beings into corpses.

If it is said that it can alienate humans or avian beasts and form monsters, it is not surprising. The universe is vast, and extraterrestrial objects have special radiation, which is not difficult to understand.

Not to mention extraterrestrial things, the radiation formed by some special elements can turn normal creatures into monsters.

However, Wen Zhongzi and those Mao Zong had a corpse aura on them.

Even if the type is unknown, it belongs to the corpse evil.

Moreover, before the mutation, they were still living people, one was not infected with corpse poison, the other was not infected with corpse evil, and they did not inhale corpse gas.

That's how it turned into a corpse.

This is very confusing.

In other words, this unremarkable meteorite that came from outside the sky actually possesses the power to create a corpse.

In fact, Jiang Lin had thought about this before, but now that a pair of eyes saw this meteorite, there was a haze in his heart for no reason.

Chapter [*] Miracle of Corpse Creation (Part [*])

"Yes, it is it. If I hadn't escaped into it, I would have lost my life."

Lingyu nodded, she did not expect that she would come back here many years later.

Jiang Lin's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at the sky again, and said, "For the time being, let's go to the village over there to find a place to stay."

Originally, he planned to go to the meteorite as soon as possible to find out whether there was or not the fluorite ore that could augment his body, so he could make the next move after confirming it as soon as possible.

But since the passage behind him came out, not only his own corpse poison, but even the suppressed corpse poison belonging to Wangtianjian showed signs of trouble.

The reason for such a situation should be because of the meteorite more than ten miles below.

This made Jiang Lin feel a little unpredictable. Without any preparation, if he went in rashly, he didn't know what kind of accident would happen.

Therefore, after a little consideration, and the weather is not good, he plans to take shelter first, imagine the possible situation, and then take some precautionary measures to be more secure.

After making a plan in his heart, Jiang Lin didn't let Lingyu get off his back, and continued to carry her on his back to the fox raising village below.

Seeing that Jiang Lin didn't let her down, Lingyu didn't speak, and let Jiang Lin carry her on her back.

After entering Fox Village, Jiang Lin discovered that it was almost deserted. Back then, the whole village was slaughtered, and there should have been battles, resulting in almost none of the buildings here.

Although there are many miners behind, according to Jianglin's speculation, the people who work here should all be prisoners, and naturally there is no need for repairs here.

Even if the houses were complete, Jiang Lin did not intend to settle in these houses. The radiation energy scattered from the meteorite made him very uncomfortable.

When he reached the end of the village, Jiang Lin saw some newly built regulated houses, which should have been where the supervisors lived, but they were basically destroyed. There were still some bones and uniforms that were almost cloth strips around.

"I think, this should be done by that Wen Zhongzi."

Looking at the scratch marks left on the bones and the white hair mixed in the stubble, Jiang Lin speculated that Wen Zhongzi should have returned here to take revenge before meeting Lingyu, killing and destroying the nest, and still in the Lingyu did it when she escaped and was chased by the supervisor.

Otherwise, Lingyu didn't happen to be at a dangerous juncture, and Wen Zhongzi appeared.

Lingyu nodded and said, "It's probably him. I thought I ran into him by chance. When I escaped, everything was fine here."

Jiang Lin looked around and found that the houses here were built with special stones inside and out, which had the effect of shielding radiation. When he got here, with the wall covering, the discomfort in his body was relieved a lot.

Therefore, Jiang Lin walked into a house that was covered with weeds and wildflowers and was relatively lightly damaged.

"Lingyu, clean up this place. We can stay here to avoid the storm."

Jiang Lin put Lingyu down and checked the dilapidated workshop again. He found that there were new straw mats and quilts in the cabinet beside the wall, so he asked Lingyu to tidy it up.

After that, he went to the position by the window, took out the many magical instruments that he had brought in his arms, and put them on the table by the window.

Before entering the interior of the meteorite, he had to bring a few magic tools with him, and he also needed to familiarize himself with the functions of some of the tools.

And Lingyu used the standard knife in the house to go outside and cut some weeds and wrapped it into a broom, cleaned it, and replaced the dirty straw mats and old tapes on the plank with new ones.

"Jiang Lin, I've run out of water in the water tank in the yard. I have to wash this old mattress. I need to find a water source. You can use fire and dry it directly. After washing, put it on the floor and put a ragged mat on it. I'll sleep on the floor. Just fine."

After night fell, Lingyu took a fire and lit the candles in the house, sat down beside the plank to rest, and said hello to Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin turned around and looked at it, and said, "Don't bother, there is thunder outside. Be careful of being drenched in soup. You can just sleep on the bed. The straw mat and quilt are clean."

"Then you're going to sleep on the ground. It's estimated that the previous supervisors here haven't bathed for months. You can't even look at the dark old bedding."

"Who said I was going to sleep on the ground?"

Jiang Lin shrugged, walked over to the bed and sat down, turning his face to look at Lingyu, he said again, "I sleep here too."

Lingyu was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously moved to the end of the bed, away from Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin chuckled and said, "Do you want to sleep... the barbecue grill?"


Ling Yuxiu frowned, co-authoring if she didn't want to, Jiang Lin would grill her half secretly and half spicy.

After pursing her lips, Lingyu moved closer to where Jiang Lin was sitting.

She also knew that it was impossible for Jiang Lin to split her in half for the barbecue, it was just a joke, but it also gave her a reason for herself, which was all forced by Jiang Lin.

In fact, even if Jiang Lin didn't say so, as long as she insisted on her request, she would not disagree. Who made her have someone in her heart long ago.

Jiang Lin reached out and pulled the tie around Lingyu's waist, and Lingyu covered her eyes with her hands in shame.

Regardless of whether he takes Lingyu with him or not, Jiang Lin feels that there is no need to leave Lingyu on the air. This little rabbit has him in his heart. If he takes her, there will be no problem. Yu should have no clue in his heart until now, and he doesn't know what kind of attitude he has.

Therefore, Jiang Lin also planned to determine whether there are other fluorite ore in the meteorite in the next two or three days, so that Lingyu could feel the warmth of her husband's hundredfold care.

Even if he really touches a piece of porcelain and has a [*]% chance of winning, Lingyu doesn't need to have Lingyu by his side, Lingyu can still have a happy memory, and there is also hope in the back.

In a short time, the long-brewing torrential rain outside the house poured down, and the strong wind swept through the house, blowing out the candles in the house.

The wind roared, the rain poured, and the weeds and wildflowers outside the house were drenched in the wind and rain, and all fell into the mud, especially a few beautiful wildflowers, whose branches were broken and their buds scattered.

And this relatively intact workshop was also hit by the wind and rain, the doors swayed, the window lattices detached, and there was a constant creaking.

The wind blew till dawn, and it rained all night.

The next morning, Jiang Lin kissed the sleeping Lingyu on the forehead, then left a messenger talisman beside her pillow, and took a talisman from the ancient mirror beside the pillow and folded it into a paper crane to hover over. in midair.

Next, he had to go inside the meteorite first to see what was going on. He didn't want to take Lingyu with him, so he left the messenger and paper crane, so that Lingyu would wake up and know where he was, and he could rest assured.

Although Lingyu has been inside the meteorite before and stayed there for many years, but now he, the emperor of the corpse with the fate of the corpse emperor, has entered, and there is the source of the alien corpse evil that can be created out of thin air, maybe There may be a rush and something goes wrong.

He took a few instruments from the table by the window, Jiang Lin walked out of the workshop, and set up a protective barrier around him before he went to the place where the meteorite fell from the sky.

As he got closer, Jiang Lin suddenly felt the ancient mirror in his arms move. After he took it out, a Tianyun sword flew out from the mirror and shot towards the opening of the meteorite. .

What's happening here?

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment. The Tianyun sword he moved from the Tianyun Dynasty treasury was intended to be used as a temporary attacking and killing weapon for him in the future. As a result, just before the meteorite, the spirit sword unexpectedly flew out of control automatically. went in.

Chapter [*] Miracle of Corpse Creation (Part [*])

Jiang Lin took out a glazed treasure armor from the ancient mirror and put it on his body to let his spiritual senses go out, and his spirit was highly concentrated, and then he chased in.

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