The inside of this extraterrestrial meteorite, as Lingyu said, has been excavated and mined. Not long after he entered, he had already passed many crisscrossing mine roads.

Jiang Lin didn't pay attention to the surrounding environment. He accelerated under his feet and grabbed the Tianyun sword in his hand, but the spirit sword was still uneasy.

Jiang Lin gathered his spiritual senses and probed in the direction where Tian Yunjian was about to shoot.

About half an hour later, Jiang Lin reached the end of a mine tunnel. On the stone wall at the end, there was a crack that was only two fingers wide.

Jiang Lin felt a sense of inspiration, and the strange thing was that he couldn't sense anything.

However, the Tianyun Sword in his hand was attracted by something in this direction, so he was out of control.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Lin slashed at the stone wall with the long sword in his hand.


Pieces of rock fell off, and after a while, Jiang Lin discovered that there was a space after the crack, so he gathered the brute force of his body and lined his palms out.

With a sound of "Boom", the gravel collapsed, and at the end of this mine road, another fairly regular corridor appeared.

This surprised Jiang Lin. There was room at the end of the mine, which was not surprising. Even ordinary large stones were not hollow.

But there is a very regular space inside, which is a bit strange.

Jiang Lin paused for a moment, not sensing any crisis, and then walked over.

Before walking far, Jiang Lin saw a lot of dark ores protruding from the stone walls of the corridor.

It was the power emanating from these ores that cut off his spiritual sense.

Jiang Lin raised his brows and walked over to break off a piece of ore. However, to his disappointment, such ore was not the kind Lingyu had eaten before, nor did it have the ability to increase the corpse poison in his body. 's utility.

At this time, the Tianyun Sword in Jiang Lin's hand was like an iron tool encountering a magnet, and the sword body was attached to the ore in his hand.

It was only at this time that Jiang Lin discovered that the ore material here was somewhat similar to the iron material used for casting Tianyun Sword.

Could it be that the ore here can have a beneficial effect on this spirit sword, which caused the Tianyun sword to be out of control?

Jiang Lin couldn't find a reasonable explanation for a while, but he didn't pay attention, so he continued to go deeper to see what else was in this corridor.

His original intention was to look for the inside of the meteorite to see if there were any minerals that were the same as the strange stone Lingyu had swallowed.

After walking another [*] meters, Jiang Lin was even more surprised that there were even murals on the stone walls of this corridor.

And these murals were definitely not painted by the people of the Tianyun Dynasty. The stone walls he chopped and blasted away were not piled up later, and in terms of materials, whether it was with the corridor or with other in the meteorite. Compared to the same category.

In other words, this unknown corridor, including the frescoes above, was originally built by this extraterrestrial meteorite.

"Me, what is this?"

Jiang Lin walked to the murals, took a close look, and immediately took two steps back. The contents of these murals actually made him shudder.

The group of zombies knelt down and worshipped, and the corpses were headed.

What the frescoes show is an extremely grand scene. To be precise, it is like a pilgrimage, more like a sacrifice.

If it was just a group of corpses worshipping, Jiang Lin wasn't so shocked, but there were so many types of corpses in this painting that Jiang Lin was a little amazed.

What he has seen is in it, and what he has not seen is in it.

Like Middle-earth, the most well-known zombies are jumping and straight-armed, vampires similar in appearance to Dracula, mummies in Egyptian pyramids, graded by eye color, they seem to be an alternative zombie in the line of ministers , there are also.

In addition, Jiang Lin also saw zombies that seemed to be of the Western race. It was the kind of thing in the zombie movie he watched before crossing the road. Some of them were even more outrageous. They were completely skeletons. Yes, just like the alien monster, the whole body is indigo blue, and there are arcs flashing all over the body.

"Could this Nima be the terminator in the biochemical mode in CF?"

The corners of Jiang Lin's mouth twitched. Before crossing, he saw his roommate playing online games in college. The boss Terminator inside was very similar to the corpse in this mural.

Next to this indigo alien corpse, there is also a tall and burly humanoid monster. According to the proportion of the mural characters, it is estimated to be four meters high. This monster with shark teeth, Jiang Lin also feels a little familiar, similar to Resident Evil The tyrants in the series are about the same.

In the murals, those corpses that Jiang Lin had seen and those he had never seen were all divided into categories, and they gathered together to worship and kowtow toward the mid-air in front of them.

This amount of information made Jiang Lin somewhat unable to accept it.

What kind of existence can make these completely different types of corpses bow down together?

Even the corpse ancestors like the generals and officials of the drought are only the ancestors of a lineage. It is impossible for all corpse evils to worship regardless of their types.

Jiang Lin continued to move forward, and he saw these various objects of worship or sacrifice by corpses.

is a book.

An open, hovering book.

"What book is this?"

Jiang Lin was a little stunned. He originally thought that the object of the corpses bowing their heads was some extremely terrifying existence, but such an object was actually a scroll.

What book is this?

God book?

Holy book?

Or the Book of Heaven?

Jiang Lin Wei really couldn't understand, no matter what kind of sacred book, holy book or celestial book, it is reasonable for people to worship and sacrifice.

But being worshipped by a group of corpses is a bit odd.

With doubts, Jiang Lin continued to move forward, and what left him speechless was that those corpses in the mural should really bow down to that scroll.

Because according to the content of the murals, these various types of zombies, vampires, zombies and other corpses were all created by that scroll.

Especially mass production.

At this moment, Jiang Lin really felt as if he had seen a miracle. It was outrageous that an extraterrestrial meteorite could turn a living being into a corpse, and a book scroll could create a fucking corpse.

Are corpses created from books?

Chapter [*] Is there really an extraterritorial civilization?

Jiang Lin felt that his head was a little duangduang, but he had never heard of any scroll related to the corpse evil.

In his cognition, there is no such thing at all.

If the contents of this mural are true, it would be too outrageous. If the source of the corpse evil is traced back, doesn’t it mean that corpse-level monsters like the scorpion and the generals may have been created?

Not so outrageous, right?

Because of the murals here, Jiang Lin felt more and more that this extraterrestrial meteorite was not simple. After that, he continued to walk into the depths of the corridor to see if there would be any other discoveries.

At present, he does not have the mentality to find any treasures or rare minerals. As long as he can first confirm that there is no danger in this meteorite, it is enough.

In the next day or two, he needs to carefully rummage this extraterrestrial meteorite inside and out. If he encounters any problem that he cannot solve, it will be a big problem.

After walking [*] to [*] meters, Jiang Lin saw some murals, but they were not very complete, and there was no connection between them. What made him feel very inappropriate was that a huge UFO-like appeared on the murals. In the high-tech aircraft, there are three or five zombies with red pupils in the lower opening of the flying saucer.

Almost like a general.

Jiang Lin didn't know what the incomplete mural was expressing, whether it meant that there were zombies driving UFOs, or that this high-tech aircraft was originally a high-tech product capable of producing zombies.

"Can zombies really get involved with technology?"

Jiang Lin couldn't help but mutter to himself, in fact, he had seen this kind of picture that didn't match the style of the painting before.

Back then, when he was still in Middle-earth, he was invited by Carl, the great American director, to shoot a movie on Skull Island, a prehistoric relic. There, he saw some murals where immortals and UFOs coexisted. He saw the phagocytic cell diagram of cancer there. At that time, he speculated that the former immortals wanted to use the power of technology and medicine to avoid the five declines of heaven and man and achieve the effect of immortality.

And here, there is a picture of the coexistence of flying saucers and zombies, and it may be to show that a high-tech aircraft can create zombies.

The murals behind him have books mass-producing corpses, and here there are zombies that may be created by high-tech products.

It's really weird.

Could it be that technology can really reach such a high level?

Jiang Lin couldn't help but wonder, no matter what immortals study cancer phagocytic cells to avoid the five decays of heaven and man and create immortality, or what flying saucers create zombies, at the root, they all want to go against the sky, their intention is not to be controlled by the heavens, and they want to get rid of their fate. control, do not enter reincarnation.

At the end of the corridor, Jiang Lin found a dead body in the corner. To be more precise, it was a dead zombie.

What's even more bizarre is that this dead zombie seems to have died of old age. The corpse's face has large senile plaques, the wrinkles on his forehead are like ravines, and he has pale hair.

Perhaps it was because this corridor was isolated from the outside world before, so the original appearance of the corpse was maintained. Now that the air circulates here, the corpse has weathered and turned into a pile of dead bones.

Jiang Lin's face gradually became solemn. This falling meteorite was not an ordinary meteorite at all. Before it fell, there should be living things inside.

As for the murals in the corridor, they should have been left behind by the dead body.

Is there really any extraterritorial civilization?

Jiang Lin pinched his chin and thought.

If the murals and corpses in this corridor belonged to the Sand Sea in the Northern Territory and the Daluo Immortal Realm, Jiang Lin would not have such an idea.

After all, in Skull Island in Middle-earth, it is not that he has not seen any prehistoric civilization.

But this meteorite fell from outside the Da Luo Immortal Realm, and it does not belong to the Da Luo Immortal Realm, so he can only speculate.

Although the Da Luo Xianjie is similar to the extraterritorial civilization to the Middle-earth world, the meanings of these two "extraterritorial" are different.

The Daluo Immortal Realm was originally the edge of the Upper Realm, but after the Upper Realm collapsed, this corner of the Earth Realm was caught in the cracks of time and space, creating the current Daluo Immortal Realm.

Therefore, Daluo Immortal World and Middle-earth World are still related in essence.

Jiang Lin felt that if his guess was true, it would be really scary. What kind of civilization can create all kinds of corpse evils, and even creatures with this kind of civilization may all be corpses.

Thinking about this, Jiang Lin felt a little terrified.

Maybe this extraterrestrial meteorite is just like the spaceship of the anime Dragon Ball Lisaiyan who invaded other planets.

Shaking his head, Jiang Lin wondered if his brain was too big.

In fact, Jiang Lin's conjecture was also a little bit of reality.

This extraterrestrial meteorite is not a spaceship for aggression, but came with a special mission, and its other function is to serve as a coordinate for the return.

Putting aside the many conjectures in his heart, Jiang Lin decided to explore other places first. He wanted to find the ore he needed. That's not easy to handle.

If there are some living things hidden in this meteorite, then they belong to the aliens. Jiang Lin doesn't think he has enough confidence to avoid accidents.

Turning back on the original road, Jiang Lin glanced at the murals of corpse sacrifices before passing by.

For some reason, he always felt that there was an inexplicable sense of disharmony in the zombies and vampires that he had seen.

These murals are quite realistic, but it just makes him feel that something is wrong.

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