Perhaps it is difficult to draw a dragon and a tiger.

Jiang Lin didn't care much, he didn't need to worry about the details of the murals.

It wasn't until many years later that Jiang Lin realized what the dissonance he felt at this time was -- fake and shoddy.

To the best of his ability, Jiang Lin let his spiritual sense spread out and began to investigate the meteorite.

At dusk, he came to a clearing among the meteorites and breathed a sigh of relief.

Six or seven hours passed, and he walked almost all over the passages of the meteorite, and used his spiritual sense to constantly investigate.

Fortunately, no other creatures were found in this meteorite, and there was no lurking danger.

"In the beginning, Lingyu, the little rabbit, should have stayed here."

Jiang Lin glanced around the open space, and felt that he should be right. There were still a lot of white rabbit fur on the ground.

Thinking of Lingyu, Jiang Lin smiled softly. In the beginning, he didn't intend to cause any romantic debts, and he didn't have any idea of ​​being emotional about Lingyu, but now it's really fragrant!

He felt that his fragrance had broken his nose, not only the nose, but also the mouth below and the eyes above.

Lingyu's two big headlights dazzled his eyes.

Wei Wei pressed the reverie in his heart, and Jiang Lin started to look for what he needed.

Now that Lingyu has become his wife, no matter how greedy he is in his heart, he can't let Lingyu accompany him on adventures.

Previously, he searched the space of the meteorite to eliminate threats and did not search for any ore. Now he can find it carefully.

Hope to get something.

It was here that Lingyu devoured a half-human tall strange stone, and there may be more around.

While searching, Jiang Lin was also considering whether to inform Zhong Kui about the extraterrestrial meteorite.

Now Zhong Kui should be in control of the Daluo Immortal Realm. This meteorite may be used as a means of invasion by extraterritorial civilizations, and it may be a hidden danger.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Lin felt that there should be no need for it. He deduced that the meteorite might have come to invade, or his brain was hot, and he remembered the plot of the anime Dragon Ball.

If he thinks too much, he sees Zhong Kui at that time, and Zhong Kui holds him to ask him to hand over the immortal treasures he swallowed, wouldn't he lose a lot.

It was also because of Jiang Lin's consideration that he missed a good opportunity, causing an extremely terrifying existence to descend to the Daluo Immortal Realm in the future, and then use this place as a springboard to the Middle-earth world.

Chapter [-] A Prophecy (Part [-])

After Jiang Lin looked around the open space, he felt a little disappointed.

Logically speaking, this place should be the most likely place for certain minerals to appear again, but he not only looked for it with his eyes, but also pressed his palms against the four walls around the open space, and penetrated deeply with his spiritual sense, but he found nothing else.

"With a five percent probability, it's really not easy to touch porcelain."

Jiang Lin murmured, this day, although he was mainly investigating potential dangers, he also took a walk through the mine tunnels and cracks inside this outer meteorite. If there is anything he needs on the bright side. Mine, his corpse should feel something.

But unfortunately, he didn't have any special feelings.

In other words, the work he was searching for later should have a high probability of being out of action.

While Jiang Lin was slightly disappointed, Lingyu, who was full of sleep, woke up in the workshop ten miles away from the meteorite.

"Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin?"

After finding that there was no one by the pillow, Lingyu glanced around again and found no trace of Jiang Lin.

For a while, she was a little flustered, she had already handed over her people to Jiang Lin, and now Jiang Lin is nowhere to be seen.

"Lingyu, you should be awake. I went to the inside of the meteorite to investigate first. I always feel that it is a bit unpredictable and mysterious. Although you have stayed in it before, my physique is special, and I am afraid of going there. I didn't bring you with me because it might trigger something. Besides, you also need a good rest, so just sleep in peace, I will set up a protective barrier around the house to protect your safety, and I will stay by your pillow. The letter transmission talisman. If something happens, just tear it up and I will come back immediately."

At this moment, the paper crane left by Jiang Lin in midair made his voice.

Jiang Lin was worried that if he didn't return in time, Lingyu would not be able to see him after he woke up.

Hearing Jiang Lin's message, Lingyu breathed a sigh of relief. Jiang Lin was not what she thought.

After thinking about it for a while, Lingyu stretched out her hand and tore the messenger by the pillow. In fact, she had nothing to do, she just wanted to see if Jiang Lin was really worried about what would happen to her.

While Lingyu was tearing up the messenger, Jiang Lin, who was about to continue the search, sensed it inside the meteorite.

The other half of the messenger in his sleeve suddenly exploded and fell into pieces.

Jiang Lin was shocked, and immediately let the corpse poison in his bones enter his body and teleported out one after another.

That is to say, after counting a dozen times, Jiang Lin rushed to open the door of the workshop, and when he saw Lingyu still lying on the bed and woke up, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lingyu, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

"No... nothing, I... I'm just worried about you."

Lingyu didn't expect Jiang Lin to return so quickly, and she was embarrassed to say that she had nothing to do at all, so she found a reason.

In fact, she was indeed a little worried about Jiang Lin. Since Jiang Lin did not take her out of caution, it meant that there was still potential danger for Jiang Lin to enter the meteorite.

"Don't worry, I've walked inside the meteorite for a while, and nothing special happened. When I first approached the meteorite, a Tianyun sword I took from the treasury lost control for no reason and flew in. I thought this trip would not go well."

Jiang Lin sat beside the bed and told Lingyu what happened when he just arrived at the meteorite.

"Tianyun sword? Did you take the royal family's Tianyun sword?"

"What, have you heard of it?"

Jiang Lin looked at Lingyu, and after listening to Lingyu's words, he seemed to know the spirit sword.

"I heard Seventh Uncle say that this sword only appeared more than [-] years ago. It was forged from a meteorite's iron ore, and its power cannot be underestimated. According to the various meteorite data I collected before, and The coincidence of time and the fact that you said that Tian Yunjian was attracted by the ore inside the meteorite here, I think that Tianyunjian mostly came from this meteorite."


Jiang Lin raised his brows. Before, he never thought that the Tianyun sword he had obtained might have come from the extraterrestrial meteorite here.

Even though he found out that the material of Tianyun Sword was very similar to the black ore on the stone walls, he did not make any associations.

Hearing Lingyu's words now, Jiang Lin felt that Lingyu's inference should be correct.

"In that case, those black ores are still of great use to me."

Jiang Lin's eyes moved slightly, it would be great if the Tianyun Sword in his hand was of the same origin as those black ores.

Not only can he use those black ore to recast the Tianyun Sword to increase its power, but he can also recreate a batch of flying swords to match it.

Jiang Lin intends to reactivate a sword formation in his hand. When he was in the Sword Kingdom, he borrowed the power of the Sword Kingdom Tianjianxian, Xiejianxian and many other sword cultivators.Later, Wangtianjian escaped, and many swordsmen chased after Wangtianjian's base camp. When he brought Concubine Jiang and Feng Yan back to Wanhualin, he happened to meet Tianjianxian and Xiejianxian who had returned.

At that time, he came to blow himself with one hand, and let Tianjianxian and Xiejianxian send two great gifts, one of which was more useful, the magic dragon sword array diagram presented by Xiejianxian.

This sword formation was used later when he fought Wang Tianxuan to the death.

Now Jiang Lin is going to use the black ore in the outer meteorite to create a new batch of flying swords.

Although he has obtained a lot of magical tools from the treasury of the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty, most of them are single-target attacks, and he is still lacking in the means of letting go in a wide range.

Now, he is about to take a wife into danger, and the more means, the better.

Although maintaining the start and operation of the sword array requires manpower, Jiang Lin does not have it either, but he can use the five battalions to coordinate the law with the sword array.

Even if the power of the Five Battalion Gods to activate and maintain the sword formation in the future is not as powerful as what he used to do, even if he encounters any threats later, it is definitely incomparable to a terrifying existence like Wangtianjian. .

The weakened sword formation was enough to give him a lot of help.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin told Lingyu that he had found a corridor inside the meteorite and saw the outrageous murals there, and told Lingyu some of his conjectures.

The more Lingyu listened, the more she felt a little hairy all over her body. The meteorite actually recorded a mysterious scroll that could create and mass-produce demon corpses, and even some corpses were indescribable.

And this meteorite can also radiate the surrounding, which is similar to the scrolls in those murals.

"I didn't expect that before the meteorite fell, there was a corpse in it. After it fell, it turned the surrounding creatures into corpses. This... This is too terrifying. If the corpse didn't die, it was Not to come out of the meteorite, plotting something?"


Speaking of this, Lingyu suddenly exclaimed and said, "Then I stayed in that meteorite for more than ten years, will it be affected? I... Will I also become the murals in the future? Like a monster?"

Chapter [-] A Prophecy (Part [-])

Before, Lingyu didn't think about this, even if she learned that Wen Zhongzi and those hairy ghouls were affected by meteorites, she didn't think of herself.

Now she heard from Jiang Lin that he found a corridor inside the meteorite, and the stone walls there recorded the civilization outside the territory, and there was a corpse evil at the end of the corridor. This kind of strangeness made her Some cold hairs stand on end.

It was also under this kind of stimulation that she remembered that she had an intersection with this strange meteorite in the past, or an intersection that lasted for more than ten years.

Thinking of this, Lingyu panicked even more.

Logically speaking, she should also be affected by the meteorite.

"Don't scare yourself, that meteorite has mutated power, it should have happened hundreds of years ago, not to mention, even more than [-] years ago, wasn't there a lot of miners mining here? Since you have obtained a lot of meteorite information, if someone changes because of this, it is estimated that it will be recorded and seen by you."

Jiang Lin comforted Lingyu. Although Lingyu's worries were not unreasonable, the truth was the truth. At the very least, in the recent decades, the meteorite should have lost its radiation power, or made life mutate. power is greatly diminished.

Jiang Lin then added: "Although the demonic energy in your body is very strange, it is also a real demonic energy. It has nothing to do with the aura of corpse evil."

"That's true."

Lingyu let out a long sigh of relief, feeling that she was a little overly frightened. A lot of other people were fine, so she wouldn't be the only one who would change.

The miners who mine here have stayed for a few years, and the situation is similar to hers. Isn't it the same?

"If I become like Wen Zhongzi, with hair all over my body, and I want to drink blood, I'll be finished. If I become indescribable, like a complete monster, I might as well die."

Lingyu felt that she really couldn't stand the situation she assumed.

Although Wen Zhongzi can change back into a human body after the mutation, it is because Wen Zhongzi is originally a human, and she is a rabbit demon. It can be changed back again, but this is to change back to the body, not her transformation body.

Either she would face Jiang Lin in the form of a rabbit, or she would follow Jiang Lin in the shape of a hairy, fangs, and inhuman appearance.

How can she accept it?Jiang Lin couldn't accept it either.

Think about it from another position, if she is an ordinary human woman, can a man who can accept her not be human at all?

Definitely can't accept it.

If it was more outrageous, she might turn into a disgusting and ugly monster, just as Jiang Lin described, the grotesque corpses in the murals.

In either case, she felt that she might as well be dead.

"Don't think about it blindly, your body is already covered in hair, you are a little rabbit, and you have no part in drinking blood. Moreover, you have been away from the meteorite for nearly ten years. If there is any abnormality, you should be early in the morning. It showed."

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