Jiang Lin naturally didn't know about these, and neither did Seventh Uncle.

Frowning, Jiang Lin listened to Seventh Uncle's knowledge of Qianji Country and Sky City, and kept it in his heart.

Whether the corpse poison of Wangtianjian in the body can be completely removed depends on the next adventure.

After flying nearly [*] miles, Jiang Lin found a town and bought some vegetables, fruits, meat and other ingredients in the town. He also bought a set of cooking utensils. At the same time, he also inquired about the news from the capital. However, no information has come yet.

Now, Xianzong of the Tianyun Dynasty is estimated to have exploded his lungs with anger.

After that, Jiang Lin went to the nearby mountain to find a mountain stream and took a lot of spring water.

Although there are some edible things in the fox raising village, but after all, it is close to the radiation source. Jiang Lin is reluctant to eat the food there, and he is disgusted.

Not long after, Jiang Lin returned to the workshop in Fox Village.

"Master, I'm starving."

After Jiang Lin entered the door, Lingyu blinked and looked at Jiang Lin.

Before, she didn't feel hungry, but after Jiang Lin left, her stomach kept making a fuss, as if she could eat a cow.

"Here's something for you to eat."

Jiang Lin didn't care either. It had been a whole day since he and Lingyu arrived in the area around a hundred miles yesterday, and Lingyu had not eaten anything.

After a stick of incense had passed, Jiang Lin brought a pot of fragrant broth to the bed.

"Don't get up, I'll feed you."

Jiang Lin sat beside the bed, feeding Lingyu the food bit by bit with a spoon, just like his wife taking care of confinement.

"Xianggong, your cultivation level actually has the cooking skills that ordinary people have."

Lingyu looked at Jiang Lin while eating. Since she changed shape, she has basically been repaying her kindness, so her status is like a servant, and no one has ever taken care of her.

But now, for the first time, she was taken care of by the man she loved.

"There are many wives at home, and I love my wife again. This skill is naturally practiced."

Jiang Lin smiled, but after a while, he couldn't smile anymore.

Lingyu seemed to be really starving, and there were quite a few chunks of meat in the pot of soup, all of which were eaten up.

It wasn't over yet, he ran two or three times in a row, but Lingyu ate all the food in the pot.

"You're really hungry."

Jiang Lin looked at Lingyu. Usually, Lingyu's appetite is not large, but today, she ate a lot more than a big man like him.

"I don't know what's wrong. It seems that everything I eat has entered a bottomless pit."

Lingyu was also a little puzzled, she didn't know what was going on with herself, she was almost like a starving ghost.

In fact, Lingyu didn't even think that her stomach was not a bottomless pit, but a fetus inside - a calamity.

Now that the misfortune has just happened, she needs a lot of energy to nourish, which has caused her appetite to increase.

If this calamity grows again, then Lingyu not only wants to eat these cooked meats, but wants to eat other things.

"It is a blessing to be able to eat. After entering the meteorite, I will open up a residence protected by an enchantment. In the later time, except for the necessary work, I will do whatever you want to eat. I went out just now and bought it. Less carrots, take good care of you."

With that said, Jiang Lin threw the bellybands and other clothes beside the bed to Lingyu. Next, he was not going to leave Lingyu alone here and take her into the meteorite.

This time, Lingyu shredded the messenger for nothing, but if something unexpected happened, he wouldn't worry about leaving Lingyu here.

Then he took off the almost transparent glass armor on his body and let Lingyu put it on.

He has a corpse, so naturally he is not very worried about some residual radiation energy in the meteorite, but if Lingyu wanders around with him, it is impossible to guarantee that he will not be affected by the space in the meteorite.

"Come up."

When Lingyu was dressed, Jiang Lin squatted down facing the front door. Lingyu should not be able to get out of bed and walk now.

Lingyu leaned on Jiang Lin's back, and just two steps away from Jiang Lin's back, she felt a slight pain in her abdomen.

Could it be that you ate too much at once?

Lingyu didn't care, but if she paid a little attention and informed Jiang Lin of the situation, she wouldn't give the unfortunate child a chance to grow quickly.

Jiang Lin turned around and took out the ancient mirror, and put away all the pillows on the bed.

After leaving the workshop, Lingyu looked at the mud around her and said, "Yesterday's rain was quite heavy, and the flowers and plants outside were devastated by the wind and rain. I thought we were going to stay here temporarily, I just want to tidy up and decorate.”

"These flowers, aren't they just like you?"

Jiang Lin smiled. When it rained, it wasn't just these flowers and plants that were destroyed.

"Let's go, you have moved half of the treasury of the Tianyun Dynasty, we have to leave this territory as soon as possible."

Lingyu's cheeks flushed, and she lightly tapped Jiang Lin's shoulder.

When he arrived at the open space inside the meteorite, Jiang Lin called out the Moon Wheel Knife and Tian Yun Sword, the long sword and the wheel blade together, and opened a stone house in the stone wall.

It just so happened that he could also use the excavated stones to build a casting platform and a stone kiln for roasting clay puppets in the open space.

The soil puppets that Wuying God will use is the key to activate the gods general method, and he may use it in Sky City next, so what he brings cannot be just ordinary soil puppets, it needs to be able to control the sky.

If there is no special kiln, even if he has a lot of Yang Yan, it is difficult to make it.

As for the materials, Jiang Lin also thought about it, and used those black ores.

The black ore he found in the corridor has the effect of isolating spiritual detection, and the pendant on his neck is Zhanmin, who has the life of six thieves. The Wangchuan river water supplemented by the Lingliu Sheng of Wangchuan, I believe that the quality is absolutely needless to say.

Chapter [*] Omens of Mutation (Part [*])

Although it would take some time to complete these fortifications, Jiang Lin had no choice but to pay for some necessary time costs.

Now, he already knows that the next destination, Qianji Nation, may be a region where yin and yang are out of balance. Therefore, some of his means may be limited at that time. The five battalion gods and the Dragon Shadow Sword Array, which can be used without hands, To have great power.

After opening up a stone house, Jiang Lin dug out six "frames" on the six sides of the stone house, which could allow him to arrange enchantments and magic circles.

When Jiang Lin was busy, Lingyu on his back looked around.

Nearly ten years later, nothing has changed here.

She didn't expect that after so many years, she would come back here again.

At the beginning, she had not yet changed shape, was hunted down, and fled here, relying on eating strange rocks to make a living, she was already wise, she had no hope, and she didn't know when she would be able to escape safely.

But now, when she came back again, it was considered a homecoming.

At this moment, all she has in her heart is endless warmth and sweetness, and she is very happy.

Recalling the various experiences she had with Jiang Lin, Lingyu felt that she should really thank this extraterrestrial meteorite as a bond that brought her and Jiang Lin together.

"Lingyu, I'm still looking to see if there's anything I need here. Although you have it, I'm still not [*] percent sure to protect you when I bring you. If I really can't find it, I can only bring it with me. You're on your way."

After the work of arranging the magic circle and enchantment was completed, Jiang Lin told Lingyu his plan. For him, the best situation was that he would not need Lingyu, and he could place Lingyu in a safe place.

If he couldn't find it anywhere, he had no choice.

In fact, it is not impossible to transfer all the power of the meteorite from Lingyu to the body and then set off. In that case, he does not need to bring Lingyu.

But this kind of thing can't be passed on overnight, and he doesn't have the time to wait for the corpse poison in his body to be completely suppressed.

Not to mention, An Ge is still waiting for him alone in the underground of the Mass Burial Mound.

"Everything is up to you."

Although there was some reluctance in her heart, Lingyu still decided to obey Jiang Lin's choice.Not to mention the road ahead, even in the capital, she dragged Jiang Lin down several times.

In order not to let Jiang Lin lose her head and tail and be robbed, what is it that she suffers from lovesickness.

Jiang Lin nodded slightly. After that, he didn't leave Lingyu in the stone house, and directly carried Lingyu on his back to search through the cracks in the various mine passages of the meteorite.

It is he who let the rabbit demon wife continue to rest, and it is estimated that this little rabbit is not willing.

In the pitch-black meteorite mine, a flame for lighting appeared around Jiang Lin, and he carefully searched and sensed it everywhere.

Three or four hours later, Jiang Lin went to the corridor again, ready to collect all the black ores on the stone walls inside.

It is a pity that there is not a single mineral that can give him a boost.

"Hee hee, Xianggong, you can't find it after searching for so long. It seems that you can't leave me alone."

Lingyu smiled knowingly. She was indeed willing to put Jiang Lin's safety first, but since the external conditions did not allow her, she was equally happy.

Why didn't she want to get along with Jiang Lin in the morning and face each other in the twilight.

"Take you, take you, okay? On the way back, give me a warm bed."

Jiang Lin is no longer obsessed with placing Lingyu down. In the future, he will put Lingyu's safety first.

"Xianggong, is that the mural you said there are a lot of corpses over there? You take me over there to take a look."

"Okay, just don't scare you."

Jiang Lin walked towards the depths of the corridor, Lingyu asked some things about the corpse evil, and he answered them one by one.

Seeing all kinds of corpses on the murals, Lingyu shuddered, thanking herself that she would not become the one in the painting.

There are some kinds of corpse evils above, which are really disgusting in her opinion.

Why didn't the documents submitted by the county governor here record the fact that someone's body changed after the massacre?

Moreover, if the corpse in the workshop was killed by Wen Zhongzi, there should be a high probability that it will turn into a corpse, right?

But why are there so many undead corpses left?

At this time, Lingyu was a little puzzled. According to some explanations Jiang Lin gave her just now, there is a very high probability that a person who has been poisoned by corpse will turn into a corpse.

Back then, when the fox raising village was slaughtered, there must have been fierce battles, and there must have been a lot of people scratched and bitten by the red-eyed fox corpse.

The same goes for those overseers who have turned into bones.

But the truth is somewhat different from what Jiang Lin said.

Lingyu was a little confused, but she didn't plan to ask about these insignificant things.

She didn't know that Wen Zhongzi and his clan were different from Jiang Lin like the corpse evil in these murals.

If Jiang Lin is an authentic corpse evil, then they are all fake.

"Ahh~ Xianggong, I'm sleepy, let's go back."

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