After ignoring the doubts in her heart, Lingyu felt a wave of tiredness hit.

"Okay, you have just become Mrs. Jiang, and you want to sleep when you are full, and then eat when you have enough sleep."

Jiang Lin was a little overwhelmed. Lingyu had just slept for eight or nine hours not long ago. In total, it would take seventeen to eighteen hours, but it didn't take long before she was sleepy again.

"You treat me like a rabbit."

Lingyu kissed Jiang Lin's neck and fell asleep on his back.

Jiang Lin shook his head, returned to the open space where the stone house was located, and placed Lingyu on the stone bed that had already been covered with bedding.

He was not greedy, so he went outside and started to build the casting table and the bellows of the iron smelting furnace needed for the forging of flying swords. He also had to start the construction of the roasting stone kiln.

Anyway, there is a soundproof circle around the stone house, but he is not worried that it will disturb Lingyu.

Jiang Lin planned to leave the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty with Lingyu as soon as Feijian and the god-general Tudou were completed.

While Jiang Lin was busy with her work, Lingyu, who was sleeping, bit her silver teeth lightly and covered her abdomen with both hands. After a while, cold sweat appeared on her clean forehead, as if she had started a nightmare.

Chapter [-] Signs of Mutation (Part [-])

In the dream, Lingyu dreamed of a monster that looked like it had been skinned, and although this monster was not small in size and looked like a toad, it made her feel like her own kind.

Lingyu in the dream naturally didn't know that she was having a nightmare. She only knew that the disgusting monster with four sharp claws in front of her with a long tongue sticking out of her teeth had been trying to approach her and conveyed a message to her. A very hungry thought, even wanting to eat her alive.

At this time, Jiang Lin in the open space didn't know that Lingyu was entangled in nightmares. He piled together the various stones obtained from the construction of the stone house, smelted them with Yang Yan, and made them stick together.

Jiang Lin spent a lot of time smelting black ore and forging flying swords, as well as the stone stove and kiln for firing earthen figures, and then it was really completed in the open space.

After that, Jiang Lin began to get really busy. The sword array diagram presented by Xiejianxian required seven, seven and forty-nine flying swords. Although he did not plan to cast all the matching flying swords to the size of Tianyun sword, he still needed them. It's not a small amount of work.

As for the number of puppets, it also needs to be sufficient. It only takes five puppets to activate the five-battalion god general method, but even if the puppets can be reused, only one set is far from enough.

The next afternoon, Jiang Lin was still sitting cross-legged in the open space, busy with the work at hand, and when he saw Lingyu coming out, he looked like he had no energy, so he asked, "Lingyu, did you disturb you? I didn't sleep well. ?"

Jiang Lin was a little puzzled. He set up a soundproof array around the stone house, so even if there was thunder outside, Lingyu inside should not be able to hear it.

Lingyu sat next to Jiang Lin, leaning on his arms, and said: "Xiang Gong, you didn't disturb me, I had a nightmare, dreaming of a disgusting and ugly monster, and a huge skinned monster. Like a rabbit, with an old tongue. I don't know if that's me, am I really not going to be like those monsters?"

"Silly Lingyu, that's why you're worried and thinking wildly, that's why you dream."

Jiang Lin straightened the hair on Lingyu's temples, feeling a little regretful that when she was in the corridor, she let Lingyu see those quite realistic murals.

Originally, Lingyu was afraid that she might change because she devoured the strange rocks in the meteorite and stayed here for several years, and then she saw some indescribable corpses in the painting with her own eyes, and she had nightmares at night.

Lingyu nodded, but there was still some haze in her heart.

"Xianggong, you haven't rested since yesterday, do you have a lot to do?"

"Yes, in order to remove the stubborn corpse poison from my body, I need to go to the legendary Sky City, but from the information left by the seventh uncle, we still need to go to a place where Yin and Yang are contrary to each other, and the environment there is mostly It's not good for me and I need to be fully prepared."

Jiang Lin's eyebrows were slightly saved, even if he didn't waste much time, it was estimated that it would take seven or eight days.

"Xiang Gong, I will try my best not to hold you back. Oops!"

Speaking of this, Lingyu suddenly screamed and said: "Xiang Gong, I... I suddenly remembered, in case... in case I get pregnant, wouldn't that be more of a drag? If you bring our mother and son with you Or a few mothers and daughters, isn't it more difficult for you?"

Lingyu's mind flashed just now, thinking of another more bizarre dream she had in the past. That day, Yan Li, who had no emotional intelligence, wanted to match her and Jiang Lin, and said something about having a grandson, a grandson giving birth to a child, a son. The words of the children and grandchildren boundless, let her dream at night that she was with Jiang Lin, surrounded by over a hundred little white rabbits.

In addition, she was worried that it would drag Jiang Lin down, so Lingyu naturally thought that she might become a mother in the future.

Her body is Yugui Big-Eared Rabbit. This kind of Big-Eared Rabbit's reproductive ability is quite amazing. It can produce several litters a year.

"You think beautifully. I have a lot of wives in my family, and I haven't even become a father. My life level is different from that of people and even monks. I may search all over the Da Luo Xianjie, but I can't find the second one. I am like me. I don’t need to suck blood for a living, I can live in my senses, and I am immortal. It has nothing to do with me. It doesn’t belong to the heavens, and I’m not bound by the earth. If a creature like me appears, it is already the way of heaven. I can't stand it anymore, and that's why it is extremely difficult for my blood to continue, so don't worry about it."

Jiang Lin smiled and pinched Lingyu's nose. Even if Lingyu's body was special, how could it be so easy to win the lottery.

Under normal circumstances, let alone being a father, it would take more than a hundred years to be a prospective father.

From the prospective father to the true father, the time is even more ridiculously long.

Yin Shiniang in Fengshen Romance has given birth to more than ten Nezhas, and his wife may not have made any movement.

Nezha was born three years and six months ago, and his doll is even more outrageous than that.

Therefore, Jiang Lin didn't even consider the situation Lingyu mentioned.

"So this is ah."

Lingyu breathed a sigh of relief. As Jiang Lin's wife, she naturally wanted Jiang Lin to have a descendant, but now the road ahead is difficult and bumpy, and it is not the right time. what.

Jiang Lin wondered if Lingyu was suffering from post-marriage phobia. Worried about this or that, he told Lingyu about his relationship with Li Yingqi back then. Li Yingqi had been married to him for nearly a hundred years. his blood.

"I used the stones here to make some cups and pans. You wash up, I'll make you some food, and put some treasures to calm your nerves."

After comforting Lingyu, Jiang Lin went to the kitchen beside the stone house to cook some meals.

In the end, this time, he didn't cook enough for Lingyu to eat alone.

Jiang Lin simply took some spirit fruits that were not very effective and let Lingyu take them.

He didn't care why Lingyu became appetizing. It was better to be able to eat than to have no appetite at all.

Lingyu accompanied Jiang Lin for a while, but she seemed rather sleepy, so she went back to the house to sleep peacefully.

Jiang Lin also didn't think much about it. He put some calming herbs in his meal, and it was normal for Lingyu to feel tired.

In the next period of time, Jiang Lin was quite satisfied besides being busy. Although he and Lingyu did not hold a church worship ceremony, they had already lived their honeymoon life.

There was only one thing that made Jiang Lin feel a little bit concerned, that is, he could often feel a faint threat around him.

At first, this situation was uncommon, and Jiang Lin thought it was his own delusion.

After all, this meteorite was almost investigated and explored by him, and there was no crisis dormant at all.

But later, this feeling appeared two or three times a day, which made him feel like a thorn in his back.

Chapter [-] Signs of Mutation (Part [-])

With such an abnormal premonition, Jiang Lin set up a magic circle outside the stone house that could play a monitoring role, leaving a lot of mysterious light mirrors facing the open space. At the same time, he also took the soil puppet he temporarily made One set came out, and the five battalions of gods were used, so that the dolls acted as guards around the stone house, guarding the surrounding situation.

That night, Jiang Lin suddenly woke up from his peaceful sleep.

He felt that threat again.

And this time, it was so strong that it woke him up from his peaceful sleep.

Jiang Lin's eyes were cold, but he wanted to find out exactly what was going on.

Lifting the quilt and getting off the stone bed, Jiang Lin put on his long gown and dodged outside the stone house. His eyes also turned into blood-colored spider webs, scanning the surroundings.

After not noticing anything unusual, he checked the monitoring array and several mysterious light mirrors that he had placed outside.

But the strange thing is that during the time he and Lingyu slept, the open space was absurdly quiet, and there was no movement at all.

Nothing unusual, nothing at all.

Therefore, Jiang Lin couldn't help but wonder if he didn't investigate thoroughly enough and overlooked something when he checked the inside of the meteorite before.

If not, he really can't find any reason to explain his situation.

If it is said that there is some special radiation in the meteorite that affects him, it is impossible.

What he arranged around the stone house was more than one enchantment and one magic circle, all of which were nested within each other.

Even if there is any radiation energy, it cannot break the barrier formed by the enchantment and the magic circle.

No matter what kind of radiation it is, it is always a force field or energy field. It is similar to the magnetic field of mountain terrain. The means he arranged should not be impossible to prevent.

Squinting his eyes slightly, Jiang Lin planned to take another trip in the meteorite, but he was worried that after he left, the five camp gods who stayed here would not be able to protect Lingyu, so he went back to the house and put Lingyu under the quilt. Wrapped in his arms, he took her to investigate the source of the threat.

Lingyu, this little rabbit, can't be shaken when she sleeps, and he doesn't worry about disturbing Lingyu's clear dreams.

After collecting the god general soil puppet, Jiang Lin left the open space and let the four sets of soil puppets he made move in unison, splitting up with him in more than [-] ways.

He did this just to prevent the unknown threat in the meteorite and give him a peek-a-boo.

After that, Jiang Lin ignored the sequelae caused by the overloaded use of his own spiritual sense, and started the magic refining technique, so that his spiritual sense could probe the area [-] meters deep by touching the inner wall of the meteorite.

This second exploration took Jiang Lin nearly ten hours, but he achieved nothing.

In desperation, he could only return to the stone house first.

Now the work at hand is about to be completed, and in two or three days, he will be able to leave here.

During this time, he could only strengthen his vigilance.

Putting Lingyu wrapped in the quilt in his arms back to his original place, Jiang Lin left a letter-handling crane outside the stone house, and then went to sleep with his clothes.

He used a lot of mental thoughts, and now he feels quite tired. When Lingyu wakes up and hears the contents of the letter, he will pay attention to the surrounding situation in detail, and it will be good when he relieves his mental fatigue and wakes up. .

After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Lin felt itchy nose, so he opened his eyes, and what caught his eye was a pair of rabbit ears.

Lingyu was still sleeping, but a pair of bunny ears appeared on top of her head.

Can't maintain change shape?

Jiang Lin was startled, and hurriedly woke Lingyu up.

After Lingyu was woken up, she wiped her sleepy eyes and asked, "Xiang Gong, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong with you? Why can't you maintain your transformation? Have you never woken up? Do you feel any discomfort?"

Jiang Lin suddenly realized that something was wrong. Lingyu had been sleeping for too long during this time.

"Can't maintain transformation?"

Lingyu hurriedly reached out and touched her face, it was smooth and could be broken by blowing a bullet.

"No. Am I okay? I don't feel any discomfort."

Lingyu looked puzzled, she didn't know why Jiang Lin said she couldn't maintain her transformation, and she didn't understand why Jiang Lin became so nervous when she woke up.

Jiang Lin touched the rabbit ears on Lingyu's head and said, "You now have two pairs of ears."

Lingyu's current appearance, except for the two rabbit ears growing out of the two hair spins on the top of her head, her facial features have not changed.


After being reminded by Jiang Lin, Lingyu was also confused. She touched the rabbit ears at the top of her head, and it was true.

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