"You don't feel any discomfort?"

As he said that, Jiang Lin grabbed Lingyu's wrist and used his spiritual sense to investigate whether there was any problem in her internal organs and other places.

However, after some exploration, he didn't find anything wrong with Lingyu's body at all. The functions of many organs were normal, and there was no disease or damage.

Moreover, Lingyu's demon body origin and demon energy are very normal.

If there is really any difference, it is that in Lingyu's womb, there is a sarcoma that is similar in shape to a stone and emits a little fluorescent light.

And this sarcoma was the root cause of the scattered radiation of the demonic energy on Lingyu's body.

After investigating with Lingjue, Jiang Lin was a little puzzled. Lingyu's transformation into a human being was a complete transformation, and it was also successful.

But why is there such a situation where part of the body is exposed?

Jiang Lin reached into the quilt and felt it, and found that not only did Lingyu have a pair of rabbit ears, but also a rabbit tail grew out of her tail vertebrae.

But other than that, there is no abnormality.

"Xianggong, I don't know what's going on, but I don't feel any discomfort. I see that you are nervous and scared. Do you still mind if I look like a monster?"

"You, when will I know that I treat you as a treasure. It's just that you really have no human form, and you are still my wife, Jiang Lin. I'm afraid because during this time, I felt a sense of threat that I couldn't locate. Just last night, I was awakened by this sense of threat, and took you to conduct a thorough investigation in the meteorite."

Jiang Lin tapped lightly on Lingyu's forehead, and then said that he was awakened from a sound sleep and re-examined the hidden dangers.

Lingyu nodded slightly, only to realize that Jiang Lin's nervousness and fear were because she suspected that her changes might be related to that undetermined sense of threat, and worried that she had been hurt and poisoned.

Based on this situation, Lingyu sensed her whole body again, and finally shook her head.

There was nothing wrong with her at all.

Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Lingyu's confirmation for many times. He also used his spiritual sense to investigate Lingyu's origin and various internal organs, but he did not find anything.

"If you feel uncomfortable, tell your husband immediately."

However, even so, Jiang Lin was still a little worried, so he specifically explained to Lingyu.

At this time, the calamity in Lingyu's body had already transformed. It was no longer in the shape of a stone, but transformed into the embryo of a living being. At the same time, Lingyu's body also produced another breath of life.

The calamity is done.

Chapter [*]: Sadness as a Father (Part [*])

Jiang Lin just missed the opportunity to destroy the calamity, so he couldn't deal with it effectively no matter what.

It wasn't that Jiang Lin was careless. It was just that such a thing was not within his scope of cognition, and there was a reason for his preconceived notions.

First of all, he never thought that under normal circumstances, Lingyu would win the lottery so quickly and be pregnant with his blood.

Although Lingyu was affected by the meteorite radiation, her essence was still a monster, just like Qing'er and Hu Xueji, the two fox monsters.

His two fox wives were fine, how could Jiang Lin have expected that Lingyu would have a special situation by such a coincidence.

Secondly, the reason why Lingyu was able to survive back then was because he devoured the core of the meteorite. Jiang Lin knew this for a long time, and the core was a strangely shaped glowing stone.

Such a preconceived idea made him think that the stone-like sarcoma in Lingyu's body was related to the strange rock, and deduced that the sarcoma should be the core of Lingyu's body condensed after the energy contained in the meteorite was transformed into flesh and blood.

"Don't worry, Lingyu will tell you Xianggong if there is a situation, so that you won't worry about it."

Lingyu smiled sweetly, and then she said: "Actually, I don't know if the body type is special, and there is no precedent to verify it, maybe it's a normal situation. Didn't they have a relationship with you, maybe more than It's me, if the other Yugui big-eared rabbits become demons, they may also be in the same situation."

"hope so."

Jiang Lin nodded, and Lingyu said it was not impossible. Among the information he knew, there was no record of what would happen after the monster was broken.

Lingyu didn't have any other abnormal situation, and she didn't feel any discomfort, which means that this may be a normal change.

"By the way, Xianggong, you said you sensed a threat here, what should we do next? Do we have to leave as soon as possible?"

"I'm about to finish making the puppets and casting the flying sword, and the next steps are very crucial and can't be delayed, otherwise, all the previous efforts may be lost."

Jiang Lin shook his head. Now let him leave here and find a new place to build a kiln. Not only will it waste time, but also the earth puppets and flying swords that are being made will fail.

"In the next few days, I will not sleep, and I will finish the work as soon as possible. I am here, no matter what the threat is, just come. Even if there is an unknown existence, it will be tempted and waited in many ways, and most of them will be afraid. In this case, I'm not afraid of it."

Jiang Lin planned to save all his time, finish making what he needed as soon as possible, and leave this weird meteorite as soon as possible.

"I don't think I have time to cook for you these few days. These fairy fruits are kept here for you to use as food. Although the taste is relatively sour, it is already the slowest type of medicine."

Jiang Lin took out some immortal fruits with slow efficacy and placed them on the stone platform beside the bed.

In the next few days, he didn't have time to spend the whole time in the kitchen to make Lingyu happy.

As for the effect of the medicine, it will cause Lingyu to break through. Jiang Lin is not worried. By then, he should have taken Lingyu out of the Tianyun Dynasty.

Lingyu nodded slightly, then touched the pair of rabbit ears on top of her head, and said worriedly: "Xiang Gong, I don't know when these two rabbit ears will go down, think of a way, it's ugly."


Jiang Lin looked at Lingyu's rabbit ears and smiled.

Ugly is impossible to be ugly, kawaii is very.

Jiang Lin suddenly felt that if Lingyu's change was not vicious, he was really unwilling to let Lingyu change back.

The current Lingyu is a real bunny girl.

This can evoke some special hobbies in him.

Jiang Lin even imagined that he would meet Qinger and Hu Xueji again when he went back, and let them both try to see if they could show their fox ears.

Such a type is very attractive among some big-footed guys who are very fond of two-dimensional elements.

Although Jiang Lin is not a two-dimensional control, he has no resistance to Lingyu who is wearing a pair of rabbit ears now.

Suppressing his irrelevant thoughts, Jiang Lin started to swing his homemade forging hammer when he reached the open space, forging the red-hot ore.

And Lingyu in the stone house reached out from the quilt and stuffed a few fairy fruits into her mouth.

It's really sour, sour.

However, the strange thing is that Lingyu found that she liked eating too much, and she actually liked it.


After eating a lot of fairy fruits, Lingyu felt a nausea and retched.

"How is this going?"

Lingyu covered her mouth, not knowing why she felt vomiting. Although these fruits are relatively sour, they are also real fairy fruits. I don't know how high their medicinal value is, and they definitely won't cause any adverse reactions after eating them. .


After retching again, Lingyu planned to tell Jiang Lin about her situation.

However, at this moment, she suddenly looked at the fairy fruit on the stone platform beside the bed.

During this period of time, I seem to like eating sour things very much, and...and I retched just now.

Thinking of this, the expression on Lingyu's face became dull.

Isn't her situation the symptoms that only appear when a woman is pregnant?

"I... I have Xiang Gong's flesh and blood?"

Lingyu's face was full of joy, and it was only then that she realized why she had been so sleepy all these days.

As for her revealing part of her original form, it is estimated that this is also the reason.

Lingyu was overjoyed, if Jiang Lin hadn't told her that it would take a long time for her child to be born, then she would of course be worried, afraid that Jiang Lin would bring one or more oil bottles.

But since it will take a long time before she can truly become a mother, then there is no need for her to worry.

Lingyu covered her cheeks and began to think about it. Maternal love also appeared in her eyes. What would be a good name for her and Jiang Lin's child in the future, would it be a little white rabbit or a baby.

After wearing clothes, Lingyu was ready to announce the good news to Jiang Lin.

However, she didn't know that what she wanted to report to Jiang Lin was not good news, but bad news.

As soon as she got out of bed, Lingyu felt weak in her limbs and very tired.

As soon as her head was confused, she lay back on her back.

Lingyu fell asleep again. If no one called her this time, she would not be able to wake up.

After she fell on the quilt, the medicinal power formed in Lingyu's body from taking the fairy fruit accumulated in her lower abdomen, and at the same time, her spirit was gradually weakening.

At this time, Jiang Lin, who was swinging the black iron hammer by the forging table, moved his body. He was close to the furnace, and he had a Yang Yan bodyguard himself, but now he felt a little cold for no reason, and his hair stood on end. .

Could it be because the environment here is particularly cold?

Jiang Lin didn't think much about it, and let the Yang flames in his body release, driving away the chill from his body.

It seems that Lingyu can't be allowed to lie down to sleep in the future, she has to lie on her side.Otherwise, the quilt would have to be pushed straight into the cold wind by Lingyu.

Because after living in this meteorite, Jiang Lin has a more obvious sense of the environment. He felt it from the first day he entered here. Therefore, this time he had a different situation, so he didn't pay attention to it. .

Now he needs to hurry up and finish the work he needs to do.

In fact, what happened to Jiang Lin, including the sense of threat he sensed earlier, was all related to Lingyu, or rather, the calamity in Lingyu's body.

Now Jiang Lin's body has sensed the potential danger and has released a warning signal.

However, because he was busy with business, he didn't devote much energy to paying attention to trivial matters.

Chapter [*]: Sadness as a Father (Part [*])

"Lingyu, have you experienced anything unusual?"

After two days and one night, Jiang Lin finally finished making the flying sword he needed and a sufficient amount of earthen dolls. Because of his concentration, he even forgot the time.

When he realized that Lingyu hadn't come out, Jiang Lin immediately rushed into the stone house.

Seeing Lingyu lying on the bed, his face turned pale.

At this time, Lingyu was as slender as a gossamer, and her handsome face was like being painted with a layer of white paint.

What's even more outrageous is that Lingyu's spirit is almost gone.


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